Great Winter Hunt 2024

From MHWiki
Great Winter Hunt 2024
Region: Great Winter Taiga
Minimum Rank: Recruit
Travel Requirement: None
Number of Mice: 63
Opening Date: 10 December 2024
New Year's Content: 30 December 2024
Shutdown phase start: 7 January 2025
Closing Date 14 January 2025


The 2024 Great Winter Hunt event takes place in Great Winter Taiga region, with 3 hunting locations: Cinnamon Hill, Golem Workshop, and Ice Fortress.
This region requires the rank of Recruit to access.

During this event, the Hunter aims to ultimately defeat Frost King.
That requires smashing the Shield in Ice Fortress with Hailstone earned from sending Snow Golems.

Mice in all 3 locations can drop a variety of loot to help the Hunter sending more and upgraded Golems to earn loot throughout the Kingdom.

Gameplay Mechanics

Snow Golem

A Snow Golem requires 1 Snow Golem Head, 1 Snow Golem Torso and 4 Snow Golem Limb to construct.
They can be sent to any non-event Location within the Kingdom, provided that the Hunter has the relevant Map Piece and Rank to access the location.
Snow Golems take 25 hunts by default before returning; this can be sped up with the usage of Festive Jingle Bell.
Upon their return, Snow Golems will award the Hunter with:

Golem Level

The Hunter can use Reinforced Ice Shard to level up their Golems.
Higher level golems award more loot.

Snow Golem Level Reinforced Ice Shard
Reinforced Ice Shard
Unlocked Bonus Items
1 N/A 1 1
2 1 1 2 5 Snowball Charm
3 3 2 3
4 5 2 4 4 Throwable Snowball
5 10 3 5
6 15 3 6 3 SUPER|brie+
7 25 4 7
8 40 4 8 2 Festive Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
9 65 5 9
10 100 5 10 1 Floating Reindeer Crate
11 150 5 11
12 210 5 12
13 285 5 13
14 375 5 14
15 500 5 15
16 650 5 16
17 800 5 17
18 940 5 18
19 1,075 5 19
20 1,200 5 20
21 1,325 5 21
22 1,450 5 22
23 1,590 5 23
24 1,725 5 24
25 1,875 5 25
26 2,025 5 26
27 2,200 5 27
28 2,350 5 28
29 2,525 5 29
30 2,700 5 30
n 3 × n × n 5 n

Golem Rewards

Note: The table below does not include bonus rewards associated with various golem levels as well as the Lucky Golden Shield.

Region Location Area Loot Magical Hat Rewards Magical Scarf Rewards
Gnawnia Meadow 20 Brie Cheese
1,250 Gold
40 Swiss Cheese
10 SUPER|brie+ 15 SUPER|brie+
Town of Gnawnia 20 Brie Cheese
2,250 Gold
40 Swiss Cheese
10 SUPER|brie+ 15 SUPER|brie+
Windmill 3,250 Gold
20 Packet of Flour
20 Grilled Cheese 300 Grilled Cheese
Harbour 20 Brie Cheese
3,500 Gold
40 Swiss Cheese
10 SUPER|brie+ 15 SUPER|brie+
Mountain 3 Abominable Asiago Cheese
15 Chedd-Ore Cheese
25 Extreme Power Charm
3 Faceted Sugar
3 Iced Curd
10 Abominable Asiago Cheese
10 SUPER|brie+
50 Abominable Asiago Cheese
Valour King's Arms 5 Extreme Regal Charm
3 King's Credit
5 Regal Charm
1 Royal Loot Crate
5 Super Regal Charm
20 Extreme Regal Charm
10 King's Credit
1 Royal Loot Crate
10 Royal Loot Crate
Tournament Hall 25 Champion Charm
1 MEGA Tournament Token
5 Runny Cheese
3 Tournament Token
3 MEGA Tournament Token
5 Tournament Token
100 Tournament Token
King's Gauntlet 10 Gauntlet Potion Tier 2
10 Gauntlet Potion Tier 3
5 Gauntlet Potion Tier 4
5 Gauntlet Potion Tier 5
2 Gauntlet Potion Tier 6
1 Gauntlet Potion Tier 7
3 Gauntlet Potion Tier 7
1 Gauntlet Potion Tier 8
3 Gauntlet Potion Tier 8
Whisker Woods Calm Clearing 1 Cherry Potion 2 Cherry Potion 50 Cherry Potion
Great Gnarled Tree 1 Gnarled Potion 10 Gnarled Potion 50 Gnarled Potion
Lagoon 2 Gnarled Potion
2 Greater Wicked Gnarly Potion
5 Scrap Metal
2 Wicked Gnarly Potion
50 Scrap Metal
10 Wicked Gnarly Potion
30 Greater Wicked Gnarly Potion
Burroughs Laboratory 2 Greater Radioactive Blue Potion
3 Radioactive Blue Potion
5 Radioactive Sludge
3 Scientist's Charm
15 Greater Radioactive Blue Potion
15 SUPER|brie+
100 Greater Radioactive Blue Potion
Town of Digby 5 Living Shard
5 Mining Charm
5 Radioactive Sludge
20 Limelight Cheese 250 Limelight Cheese
Mousoleum 10 Cemetery Slat
3 Crimson Curd
3 Radioactive Blue Potion
30 Cemetery Slat
6 Crimson Curd
1,000 Cemetery Slat
300 Crimson Curd
Bazaar 1 Gilded Cheese
50,000 Gold
10 Gilded Cheese 100 Gilded Cheese
Toxic Spill 1 Canister Ring
5 Pollutinum
10 Radioactive Blue Potion
25 Radioactive Curd
10 Radioactive Sludge
10 Scrap Metal
10 Soap Charm
10 Magical Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese
15 Pollutinum
200 Pollutinum
Furoma Training Grounds 3 Maki Cheese
6 Token of the Cheese Belt
6 Token of the Cheese Claw
6 Token of the Cheese Fang
10 Maki Cheese 15 Maki Cheese
Dojo 3 Master Belt Shard
3 Master Claw Shard
3 Master Fang Shard
3 Token of the Cheese Belt
3 Token of the Cheese Claw
3 Token of the Cheese Fang
15 Token of the Cheese Belt
15 Token of the Cheese Claw
15 Token of the Cheese Fang
120 Token of the Cheese Belt
120 Token of the Cheese Claw
120 Token of the Cheese Fang
Meditation Room 2 Master Belt Shard
2 Master Claw Shard
2 Master Fang Shard
1 Rumble Cheese
10 Master Belt Shard
10 Master Claw Shard
10 Master Fang Shard
90 Master Belt Shard
90 Master Claw Shard
90 Master Fang Shard
Pinnacle Chamber 1 Master Belt Shard
1 Master Claw Shard
1 Master Fang Shard
1 Rumble Cheese
10 Rumble Cheese 30 Rumble Cheese
Bristle Woods Catacombs 5 Ancient Potion
5 Antiskele Charm
10 Crescent Cheese
5 Moon Cheese
5 Radioactive Blue Potion
10 Stale Cheese
1 Undead Emmental Potion
10 Moon Cheese
10 Undead Emmental Potion
35 Undead Emmental Potion
Forbidden Grove 5 Ancient Potion
1 Realm Ripper Charm
3 Rune
1 Runic Potion
10 Stale Cheese
20 Ancient Potion
3 Realm Ripper Charm
100 Ancient Potion
Acolyte Realm 2 Ancient Potion
5 Rune
1 Runic Potion
10 Stale Cheese
25 Rune
10 Runic Potion
100 Rune
Tribal Isles Cape Clawed 15 Delicious Stone
15 Savoury Vegetables
15 Seashell
60 Delicious Stone
60 Savoury Vegetables
60 Seashell
400 Delicious Stone
400 Savoury Vegetables
400 Seashell
Elub Shore 10 Blue Pepper Seed
10 Elub Power Charm
10 Seashell
30 Seashell 300 Seashell
Nerg Plains 10 Nerg Power Charm
10 Savoury Vegetables
10 Yellow Pepper Seed
30 Savoury Vegetables 300 Savoury Vegetables
Derr Dunes 10 Delicious Stone
10 Derr Power Charm
10 Red Pepper Seed
30 Delicious Stone 300 Delicious Stone
Jungle of Dread 5 Creamy Havarti Cheese
5 Crunchy Havarti Cheese
5 Dreaded Charm
10 Fire Salt
5 Magical Havarti Cheese
5 Pungent Havarti Cheese
5 Spicy Havarti Cheese
5 Sweet Havarti Cheese
15 Creamy Havarti Cheese
15 Crunchy Havarti Cheese
15 Magical Havarti Cheese
15 Pungent Havarti Cheese
15 Spicy Havarti Cheese
15 Sweet Havarti Cheese
200 Fire Salt
Dracano 1 Dragonbane Charm
3 Fire Salt
3 Inferno Pepper
5 Dragonbane Charm 50 Super Dragonbane Charm
Balack's Cove 5 Bottled-Up Rage
10 Empowered Anchor Charm
5 Pinch of Annoyance
5 Raisins of Wrath
10 Scrap Metal
10 Vanilla Bean
10 Vanilla Stilton Cheese
5 Vengeful Vanilla Stilton Cheese
10 Vengeful Vanilla Stilton Cheese 100 Vengeful Vanilla Stilton Cheese
Varmint Valley Claw Shot City 10 Cactus Charm
5 Fool's Gold
10 Prospector's Charm
1 Rare Map Dust
1 Sheriff's Badge Charm
10 Super Cactus Charm
30 Fool's Gold
1 Rare Map Dust
1 Sheriff's Badge Charm
1 Rare Map Dust
Gnawnian Express Station 5 Black Powder Charm
5 Copper Bead
10 Door Guard Charm
10 Dusty Coal Charm
10 Greasy Glob Charm
5 Iron Pellet
10 Roof Rack Charm
10 Supply Schedule Charm
5 Tin Scrap
5 Black Powder Charm
5 Magmatic Crystal Charm
30 Magmatic Crystal Charm
Fort Rox 1 Animatronic Bird
10 Crescent Cheese
25 Meteorite Piece
5 Moon Cheese
1 Silver Bolt
3 Tower Mana
1 Animatronic Bird
1 Fort Rox Portal Console
1 Fort Rox Portal Core
1 Silver Bolt
15 Tower Mana
1 Fort Rox Portal Console
1 Fort Rox Portal Core
150 Tower Mana
Queso Canyon Queso River 500 Bland Queso
5 Queso Pump Charm
1 Unstable Ember Gadget
3,000 Bland Queso
1 Unstable Ember Gadget
100,000 Bland Queso
Prickly Plains 1 Ember Root
5 Flamin' Spice Leaf
5 Hot Spice Leaf
10 Medium Spice Leaf
10 Mild Spice Leaf
10 Ember Root
10 Flamin' Spice Leaf
30 Ember Root
Cantera Quarry 1 Ember Stone
3 Magic Essence
2 Ultimate Power Charm
2 Wild Tonic
10 Ember Stone
15 Ultimate Power Charm
10 Wild Tonic
30 Ember Stone
Queso Geyser 1,750 Bland Queso
10 Cork Bark
3 Dragonbane Charm
3 Extreme Dragonbane Charm
5 Flamin' Spice Leaf
10 Hot Spice Leaf
20 Medium Spice Leaf
35 Mild Spice Leaf
10 Queso Pump Charm
10 Solidified Amber Queso
3 Super Dragonbane Charm
3,000 Bland Queso
10 Ember Root
10 Ember Stone
15 Extreme Dragonbane Charm
1 Geyser Smolder Stone
1 Kalor'ignis Rib
1 Magic Nest Dust
1 Queso Thermal Spring
15 Super Dragonbane Charm
1 Thermal Chisel
15 Wild Tonic
100,000 Bland Queso
30 Ember Root
30 Ember Stone
30 Extreme Dragonbane Charm
1 Kalor'ignis Rib
30 Super Dragonbane Charm
30 Ultimate Dragonbane Charm
Rodentia S.S. Huntington IV 25 Brie Cheese
1 Galleon Gouda
15,000 Gold
5 Galleon Gouda 50 Galleon Gouda
Slushy Shoreline 1 Frosty Metal
1 Heating Oil
10 Softserve Charm
20 War Scrap
1 Wire Spool
35 War Scrap 500 War Scrap
Iceberg 1 Bottled Cold Fusion
1 Drilling Dorblu Cheese
1 Frosty Metal
1 Heating Oil
10 Sticky Charm
1 Ultimate Luck Charm
5 War Scrap
10 Wax Charm
1 Wire Spool
5 Bottled Cold Fusion
2 Drill Charge
2 Drilling Dorblu Cheese
10 Ultimate Luck Charm
8 Drill Charge
Seasonal Garden 5 Amplifier Charm 20 Amplifier Charm 600 Amplifier Charm
Zugzwang's Tower 5 Amplifier Charm
2 Checkmate Cheese
3 Rook Crumble Charm
5 Checkmate Cheese 30 Checkmate Cheese
Crystal Library 2 Divine Orb
5 Flawed Orb
3 Flawless Orb
5 Library Points
5 Simple Orb
10 Wealth Charm
2 Fusion Fondue
50 Library Points
1 Red Tome of Wisdom
1 Silver Tome of Wisdom
50 Fusion Fondue
Sunken City 10 Barnacle
10 Damaged Coral Fragment
1 Empowered Anchor Charm
10 Mouse Scale
10 Oxygen Canister
5 Sand Dollar
10 Scrap Metal
1 Ultimate Anchor Charm
1 Water Jet Charm
1 Predatory Processor
15 Sand Dollar
1 Ultimate Anchor Charm
10 Water Jet Charm
1 Predatory Processor
Sandtail Desert Fiery Warpath 1 Desert Horseshoe
15 Flameshard
1 Heatproof Mage Cloth
1 Super Warpath Archer Charm
1 Super Warpath Scout Charm
1 Super Warpath Warrior Charm
1 Warpath Commander's Charm
50 Flameshard
1 Warpath Portal Console
1 Warpath Portal Core
1 Artillery Strike Launch Box
1 Sandblasted Metal
1 Warpath Portal Console
1 Warpath Portal Core
Muridae Market 10 Artisan Charm
10 Coconut Timber
15 Flameshard
10 Limestone Brick
5 Molten Glass
10 Shard of Glass
25 Artisan Charm 300 Flameshard
Living Garden 5 Ber Essence
5 Cynd Essence
15 Dewthief Petal
5 Dol Essence
15 Dreamfluff Herbs
15 Duskshade Petal
8 Graveblossom Petal
5 Lunaria Petal
5 Plumepearl Herbs
1 Est Essence
1 Fel Essence
1 Gur Essence
1 Hix Essence
1 Icuri Essence
30 Lunaria Petal
30 Plumepearl Herbs
1 Icuri Essence
60 Lunaria Petal
60 Plumepearl Herbs
Lost City 5 Ber Essence
5 Cynd Essence
15 Dewthief Petal
5 Dol Essence
15 Dreamfluff Herbs
8 Graveblossom Petal
5 Plumepearl Herbs
1 Est Essence
1 Fel Essence
1 Gur Essence
1 Hix Essence
1 Icuri Essence
30 Plumepearl Herbs
60 Plumepearl Herbs
Sand Dunes 5 Ber Essence
5 Cynd Essence
15 Dewthief Petal
5 Dol Essence
15 Duskshade Petal
8 Graveblossom Petal
5 Lunaria Petal
1 Est Essence
1 Fel Essence
1 Gur Essence
1 Hix Essence
1 Icuri Essence
30 Lunaria Petal
60 Lunaria Petal
Hollow Heights Fungal Cavern 15 Cavern Fungus
1 Diamond
2 Gemstone
30 Mineral
10 Nightshade
5 Diamond
10 Gemstone
100 Diamond
Labyrinth 10 Cavern Fungus
3 Lantern Oil
8 Nightshade
10 Nightshade Farming Charm
1 Shuffler's Cube
10 Lantern Oil 100 Lantern Oil
Zokor 10 Cavern Fungus
1 Infused Plate
8 Nightshade
5 Plate of Fealty
1 Powercore Hammer
1 Really, Really Shiny Precious Gold
1 Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
1 Sacred Script
5 Scholar Scroll
5 Tech Power Core
1 Ultimate Luck Charm
1 Ultimate Power Charm
10 Unstable Charm
1 Unstable Crystal
1 Enigmatic Core
1 Essence of Destruction
1 Infused Plate
1 Powercore Hammer
1 Really, Really Shiny Precious Gold
15 Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
1 Sacred Script
1 Temporal Shadow Plate
1 Ultimate Charm
20 Ultimate Luck Charm
20 Ultimate Power Charm
1 Enigmatic Core
1 Essence of Destruction
1 Temporal Shadow Plate
1 Ultimate Charm
100 Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
Moussu Picchu 6 Arcanevine
15 Cavern Fungus
10 Dragon Scale
3 Dragonbane Charm
3 Extreme Dragonbane Charm
5 Ful'mina's Charged Toothlet
30 Mineral
8 Nightshade
5 Rainy Potion
6 Shadowvine
3 Super Dragonbane Charm
5 Windy Potion
30 Dragon Scale
10 Extreme Dragonbane Charm
15 Fire Bowl Fuel
1 Ful'Mina's Tooth
1 Ful'Mina's Tooth
Floating Islands 1 Adorned Empyrean Jewel
2 Bottled Wind
50 Cloud Curd
15 Corsair's Curd
1 Cyclone Stone
1 Ember Charm
100 Empyrean Seal
1 High Altitude Treasure Trove
1 Low Altitude Treasure Trove
2 Magic Essence
2 Rainbow Charm
25 Sky Glass
25 Sky Ore
1 Storm Cell
5 Ultimate Ancient Charm
3 Ultimate Luck Charm
2 Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
3 Ultimate Power Charm
1 Adorned Empyrean Jewel
25 Bottled Wind
1 Compressed Jet Stream
50 Corsair's Curd
1 Ember Charm
1,000 Empyrean Seal
2 High Altitude Treasure Trove
50 Rainbow Charm
10 Storm Cell
25 Ultimate Luck Charm
15 Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
25 Ultimate Power Charm
1 Compressed Jet Stream
1 Empyrean Treasure Trove
Folklore Forest Foreword Farm 10 Crop Coin
4 Extreme Spore Charm
2 Magic Essence
5 Mythical Mulch
15 Papyrus Seed
65 Parable Papyrus
4 Spore Charm
4 Super Spore Charm
4 Ultimate Spore Charm
10 Condensed Creativity
1,000 Parable Papyrus
10 Rainbow Spore Charm
20 Ultimate Spore Charm
5,000 Parable Papyrus
Prologue Pond 15 Cleverness Clam
4 Extreme Spore Charm
15 Ingenuity Grub
65 Inspiration Ink
2 Magic Essence
15 Pond Penny
4 Spore Charm
4 Super Spore Charm
4 Ultimate Spore Charm
10 Condensed Creativity
1,000 Inspiration Ink
10 Rainbow Spore Charm
20 Ultimate Spore Charm
5,000 Inspiration Ink
Table of Contents 1 Condensed Creativity
50 Draft Derby Curd
4 Extreme Spore Charm
2 Magic Essence
4 Spore Charm
4 Super Spore Charm
4 Ultimate Spore Charm
1 Unstable Manuscript
10 Condensed Creativity
1,200 Draft Derby Curd
20 Magic Essence
10 Rainbow Spore Charm
20 Ultimate Spore Charm
50 Rainbow Spore Charm
1 Unstable Magnum Opus
Bountiful Beanstalk 1 Condensed Creativity
1 Fabled Fertilizer
24 Golden Harp String
24 Lavish Lapis Bean
24 Magic Bean
24 Royal Ruby Bean
10 Condensed Creativity
10 Fabled Fertilizer
1 Giant's Golden Key
1 Golden Goose
1 Golden Goose Feather
256 Golden Harp String
256 Lavish Lapis Bean
256 Magic Bean
256 Royal Ruby Bean
25 Fabled Fertilizer
1 Giant's Golden Key
1 Golden Goose
1 Golden Goose Feather
2,048 Golden Harp String
2,048 Lavish Lapis Bean
2,048 Magic Bean
2,048 Royal Ruby Bean
School of Sorcery 12 Apprentice Alchemic Amber
20 Arcane Sunstone
1 Condensed Creativity
5 Extreme Spore Charm
2 Magic Essence
30 Master Magus Mimetite
20 Shadow Moonstone
5 Spore Charm
5 Super Spore Charm
5 Ultimate Spore Charm
10 Condensed Creativity
20 Magic Essence
5 Master Magus Wand
30 Master Mimolette Cheese
10 Rainbow Spore Charm
1 Thousandth Draft Derby Cheese
20 Ultimate Spore Charm
30 Condensed Creativity
30 Magic Essence
10 Master Magus Wand
60 Master Mimolette Cheese
50 Rainbow Spore Charm
1 Thousandth Draft Derby Cheese
Draconic Depths 1 Condensed Creativity
30 Dragon Ember
1 Dragon Ember Potion
3 Dragonbane Charm
100 Dragonhide Sliver
3 Extreme Dragonbane Charm
5 Extreme Spore Charm
25 Fire Grub
1 Ful'mina's Charged Toothlet
25 Ice Grub
2 Magic Essence
25 Poison Grub
5 Rainbow Spore Charm
5 Spore Charm
3 Super Dragonbane Charm
5 Super Spore Charm
5 Ultimate Spore Charm
10 Condensed Creativity
500 Dragon Ember
3 Dragon Ember Potion
1 Dragon's Skull
1,000 Dragonhide Sliver
1 Elemental Emmental Cheese
250 Fire Grub
250 Ice Grub
25 Magic Essence
1 Mythical Dragon Heart
250 Poison Grub
15 Condensed Creativity
1,000 Dragon Ember
5 Dragon Ember Potion
1 Dragon's Skull
2,500 Dragonhide Sliver
5 Elemental Emmental Cheese
500 Fire Grub
500 Ice Grub
50 Magic Essence
1 Mythical Dragon Heart
500 Poison Grub
Rift Plane Gnawnia Rift 1 Bag of Living Essences
50 Ionized Salt
3 Magic Seed
30 Rift Curd
3 Rift Dust
3 Riftgrass
1 Riftiago Potion
3 Bag of Living Essences
10 Magic Seed
10 Magical String Cheese
10 Rift Dust
10 Riftgrass
50 Bag of Living Essences
75 Resonator Cheese
Burroughs Rift 5 Calcified Rift Mist
15 Mist Canister
1 Polluted Parmesan Potion
20 Rift Vacuum Charm
1 Terre Ricotta Potion
15 Magical String Cheese
10 Polluted Parmesan Potion
50 Polluted Parmesan Potion
Whisker Woods Rift 5 Calcified Rift Mist
1 Creamy Gnarled Sap
1 Crumbly Rift Salts
2 Rift Cherries
2 Rift-torn Roots
2 Sap-filled Thorns
1 Tasty Spider Mould
1 Taunting Charm
1 Widow's Web
1 Creamy Gnarled Sap
1 Crumbly Rift Salts
1 Tasty Spider Mould
1 Taunting Charm
1 Widow's Web
3 Taunting Charm
Furoma Rift 15 Calcified Rift Mist
10 Chi Belt Heirloom
5 Chi Belt Token
10 Chi Claw Heirloom
5 Chi Claw Token
10 Chi Fang Heirloom
5 Chi Fang Token
20 Enerchi
1 Null Onyx Stone
10 Chi Belt Heirloom
10 Chi Claw Heirloom
10 Chi Fang Heirloom
200 Enerchi
10 Null Onyx Stone
10 Rift Rumble Cheese
3,600 Enerchi
50 Null Onyx Stone
Bristle Woods Rift 1 Clockwork Cog
1 Portal Scrambler
3 Quantum Quartz
10 Rift Antiskele Charm
1 Rift Ultimate Luck Charm
1 Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
1 Rift Ultimate Power Charm
1 Timesplit Charm
10 Tiny Sprocket
2 Clockwork Cog
15 Quantum Quartz
15 Rift Ultimate Luck Charm
10 Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
15 Rift Ultimate Power Charm
2 Timesplit Charm
1 Timesplit Rune
1 Timesplit Rune
Valour Rift 5 Champion's Fire
10 Gauntlet Elixir
5 Rift Extreme Power Charm
5 Rift Power Charm
5 Rift Super Power Charm
5 Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
5 Rift Ultimate Power Charm
50 Champion's Fire
50 Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
50 Rift Ultimate Power Charm
100 Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charm

Reward Track

The number of Snow Golem claimed is tracked. Each milestone reached unlocks certain rewards. The rewards must be manually claimed.

Milestone Cumulative Snow Golem Marginal Snow Golem RewardNote
1 1 1 15 Pecan Pecorino Cheese
1 Magical Holiday Hat
2 3 2 20 Compressed Cinnamon
15 Throwable Snowball
3 6 3 20 Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese
1 Magical Holiday Hat
4 10 4 5 Magical Holiday Hat
15 Throwable Snowball
5 15 5 30 Festive Jingle Bell
1 Magical Holiday Hat
6 25 10 1 Storm Condenser Base
15 Throwable Snowball
7 35 10 1 Snowball Showdown Dust
1 Magical Holiday Hat
8 50 15 1 Steam AugerBot 3000
15 Throwable Snowball
9 70 20 3 Magical Holiday Scarf
1 Magical Holiday Hat
10 90 20 1 Golem Gift Box
50 Festive Jingle Bell
Additionally, the Hunter receives 5 Festive Spirit at every cumulative milestone reached.

Animated Snow Storm

During the event, there are 3 days when the Snow Storm mechanic is in effect:

The storm days are:

  • 17 December 2024 (Tuesday)
  • 18 December 2024 (Wednesday)
  • 19 December 2024 (Thursday)

Stuck Snowball Sunday

During the event, there are 4 Stuck Snowball Sundays.
Stuck Snowball Mice drop Throwable Snowballs or Super Snowball Charms: More catches means more loot!

The Stuck Snowball Sundays are:

  • 15 December 2024
  • 22 December 2024
  • 29 December 2024
  • 5 January 2025

Winter Aura

Obtaining the Aura

The Hunter can earn the Winter Aura by claiming Golem rewards. The Aura duration gained depends on whether the Golem wears a Magical Holiday Hat or not:

The Winter Aura's duration time stacks, so the Aura's time will be extended each time the Hunter claims an additional Golem.

The Aura cannot be extended beyond 20 March 2025.

Aura Effects

Snowball Showdown

During this event, Snowball Showdown can be played.
The rewards include both winter supplies to enjoy the event and hunting equipment to use.
See here for the details of this year's content.

Advent Calendar

During the month of December, the Hunter can claim various rewards from the Calendar.
See here for the details of this year's content.

Hunting Strategy

Adventure Book

Defeat the Frost King

The Frost King has constructed a large and terrifying fortress of ice in the Great Winter Taiga and must be stopped!

Gather Pecan Pecorino and Golem parts

Send a Snow Golem on a Looting Mission

  • Build a Snow Golem from 1 Head, 1 Torso, and 4 Limbs
  • Claim a reward from a Snow Golem

Harvest Compressed Cinnamon from Cinnamon Hill

Location: Cinnamon Hill

Build Golem Parts in the Golem Workshop

  • Build any golem part
Location: Golem Workshop

Smash the Ice Fortress Shield

Location: Ice Fortress
  • Smash the Ice Fortress Shield
Location: Ice Fortress
  • Catch Frost King
Location: Ice Fortress

This adventure takes place in:


Premium Shop

During the event, many event-related items were available in the Premium Shop.
1 month of Lucky Golden Shield is awarded upon completing each purchase unless stated otherwise.

Bundle Deals

Name Content Shield Duration Limit Price Image
Golem Body Builder Bundle 1 Snow Golem Head
1 Snow Golem Torso
4 Snow Golem Limb
15 Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese
15 Festive Spirit
1 Magical Holiday Hat
1 month 1 $0.99 Image
Animated Snow Starter Bundle 115 Animated Snow
350 Throwable Snowball
3 Snowball Showdown Dust
100 Snowball Charm
1 month 3 $9.99 Image
Golem Gang Bundle 3 Snow Golem Head
3 Snow Golem Torso
12 Snow Golem Limb
25 Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese
25 Festive Spirit
3 Magical Holiday Hat
75 Festive Jingle Bell
1 month 3 $9.99 Image
Winter Taiga Trap Skin Bundle 1 Snowball Showdown Dust
1 Chrome Holiday Candle Cannon Trap Skin
1 Legendary Snowboarder Trap Skin
1 Dragonsnare Sleigh Launcher Trap Skin
1 Infinite Dark Nutcrackers Trap Skin
1 Icy Fount Trap Skin
50 Throwable Snowballs
2 months 1 $14.99 N/A

Baskets and Kits

Content and Lucky Golden Shield is awarded at the time of opening the basket/kit.

Item Content Shield Duration Price
Throwable Snowball Booster Pack 15 SUPER|brie+
5 Throwable Snowball
1 month $0.99
Winter Taiga Gift Basket 25 Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese
20 Festive Spirit
1 Magical Holiday Hat
10 Festive Jingle Bell
1 month $3.99
Winter Taiga Small Supply Kit 350 Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese
100 Festive Spirit
3 Magical Holiday Hat
25 Festive Jingle Bell
2 months $19.99
Winter Taiga Large Supply Kit 1,000 Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese
250 Festive Spirit
12 Magical Holiday Hat
75 Festive Jingle Bell
100 Throwable Snowball
1 Snowball Showdown Dust
4 months $49.99


Item Price
15 Pecan Pecorino Cheese $0.99
100 Pecan Pecorino Cheese $4.99
500 Pecan Pecorino Cheese $9.99
1,000 Pecan Pecorino Cheese $17.99
15 Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese $1.99
100 Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese $8.99
500 Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese $15.99


Item Price
25 Festive Spirit $4.99
100 Festive Spirit $9.99
1 Magical Holiday Hat $2.49
3 Magical Holiday Hat $4.99
25 Festive Jingle Bell $0.99
150 Festive Jingle Bell $4.99
50 Throwable Snowball $3.99
1 Snowball Showdown Dust $0.99


Item Price
Chrome Holiday Candle Cannon Trap Skin $5.99
Legendary Snowboarder Trap Skin $5.99
Dragonsnare Sleigh Launcher Trap Skin $5.99
Icy Fount Trap Skin $5.99
Infinite Dark Nutcrackers Trap Skin $5.99
Chrome School of Aquatic Ornaments Trap Skin $5.99
Legendary Snowy KingBot Trap Skin $5.99
Infinite Holiday Magic Windows Trap Skin $5.99
Chrome Ice Angel of Freezing Trap Skin $5.99
Hibernating Snow Boulder Trap Skin $5.99
New Year's Dimensional Chest Trap Skin $3
New Year's Party Portal Trap Skin $3
New Year's S.L.A.C. II Trap Skin $3
New Year's Chrome Sphynx Wrath Trap Skin $5
New Year's Endless Labyrinth Trap Skin $3
New Year's Discothèque of Seeking Trap Skin $2.99
Scarlet Sparkling Bubbleh Trap Skin $3
H.E.A.R.T.H. S.T.I.N.G.E.R. Trap Skin $4.99
Candle of the Mind's Eye Trap Skin $3.99
Chrome Gingerbread Thought Obliterator Trap Skin $4.99
Glacial Geyserite Trap Skin $3.99
Angel of Apprehension Trap Skin $4.99
Snowball Sentinel Trap Skin $2.99
Snowball Slayer Cannon $4.99
Icy Chrome School of Sharks Trap Skin $4.99
Winter Queso Fount Trap Skin $3
Chrome Santa Sphynx Trap Skin $5
Winter Mysteriously unYielding Null-Onyx Rampart of Cascading Amperes Trap Skin $5
Festive Judge Trap Skin $3
Point-settia Ballista Trap Skin $3
Eternal Frost Ember Prison Core Trap Skin $3
Kris Chromo Trap Skin $5
Festive Chrome Winter Wreath Trap Skin $5
Crystal Ice Tower Skin $3
Festive Sandtail Sentinel Skin $4
Winter Oasis Trap Skin $5
Festive Phantasmic Oasis Trap Skin $5
Festive Zugzwang's First Move Skin $1.5
Winter Helper's Perch $3
Winter Steam Freezer Mk. III Skin $3
Festive S.L.A.C. II Skin $5
Festive Un-Raged RhinoBot Skin $1.5
Festive Box Trap Skin $3
Festive ACRONYM Skin $3
Sinister Winter Wreath Portal $2
Digby DecroBot Skin $3
School of Secret Santa Sharks Trap Skin $5
Infinite Winter Wreath Trap Skin $5
Grand Wreath Arcanum Trap Skin $3
Candy Cane Crossbow Trap Skin $5
Festive Temporal Turbine Trap Skin $5
Droid Arch Santa Trap Skin $5
Festive Droid Archmagus Trap Skin $5
Blizzard Ballista Trap Skin $5
Winter Wasteland Dissonance Trap Skin $5
Festive Fête Manipulator Trap Skin $3
Chrome Celestial Christmas Tree Trap Skin $5

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