Folklore Forest Inventory

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These are special items that are used to progress in Foreword Farm, Prologue Pond, Table of Contents, Bountiful Beanstalk, School of Sorcery and Draconic Depths.
They can be accessed from the Heads-Up Display in those locations.

Foreword Farm

Papyrus Seed

These tough little seeds are a valuable resource for the farmers of the Foreword Farm as they are necessary for growing both Mythical Mulch and Parable Papyrus Plants in those fertile fields. Unfortunately for the farmers, these seeds are considered a tasty treat to the Seed Stower mice in the area so they have a tendency to hoard them!



  • Planting
    • Mythical Mulch Plant
    • Magic Mythical Mulch Plant
    • Parable Papyrus Plant
    • Magic Parable Papyrus Plant
    • Twisted Parable Papyrus Plant
    • Magic Twisted Parable Papyrus Plant

Mythical Mulch

This enchanted and entirely organic mixture is a byproduct harvested from Mythical Mulch Plants that have been grown in the fertile fields of the Foreword Farm. Unlike traditional mulches, this unique mixture has absorbed the profound mythical energy inherent in the soil of the Folklore Forest and is therefore a necessary ingredient for growing Parable Papyrus Plants.



  • Planting
    • Parable Papyrus Plant
    • Magic Parable Papyrus Plant
    • Twisted Parable Papyrus Plant
    • Magic Twisted Parable Papyrus Plant

Parable Papyrus

This thick, coarse, paper-like material is harvested from the pith of Parable Papyrus Plants which only grows in the open fields of the Foreword Farm. Unlike traditional papyrus, these sheets are imbued with a unique metaphysical property which only allows them to absorb the bizarre but potent Inspiration Ink that comes from the curious aquatic creatures of the Prologue Pond.

This is one of the key ingredients for crafting the various Draft Derby cheeses in the Table of Contents.



Crop Coin

This aged coin may be worn around the edges but its value is likely even higher now than when it was first minted. These were originally discovered buried beneath the topsoil in the fields of the Foreword Farm and have since become the standard currency for the area. Intrepid farmers can earn these coins by harvesting tall, healthy plants from their fields or by plucking them from the Petulant Pests who are known to collect these coveted coppers.



Prologue Pond

Ingenuity Grub

These brightly-coloured insects are known for their gumption, hypnotic glow, and their uniquely inspirational flavour! They are a favourite of the Grub Gatherer mice who dig them up along the shores of the Prologue Pond. Unbeknownst to them however, these grubs can be made into a special type of cheese that is a very alluring bait when fishing in the shallower parts of the pond.

This is the main ingredient necessary for creating Grubbeen Cheese.



Cleverness Clam

There is more than meets the eye to these shrewd shellfish. They can be found clinging to the aquatic mice in the shallower parts of the Prologue Pond and it is believed that the two have a symbiotic relationship. These clever creatures attach themselves to the Shallow Swimmer mice in order to avoid the deeper regions of the pond where the mice down there see them as more of a snack than a sidekick. Only the intoxicating scent of Brainstorm Chum is strong enough to cause the Shallow Swimmers to shake these clams loose.

This is the main ingredient necessary for creating Clamembert Cheese.



Inspiration Ink

This illuminating substance is produced by the bizarre aquatic creatures that dwell in the deeper parts of the Prologue Pond. Only the intoxicating scent of Brainstorm Chum is strong enough to cause the Deep Divers to discard this curious concoction. It is so potent and influential that it can only be safely applied to the coarse, mystical pages of Parable Papyrus that are grown exclusively in the fields of the Foreword Farm.

This is one of the key ingredients for crafting the various Draft Derby cheeses in the Table of Contents.



Pond Penny

The true origin of these sopping coppers is unknown but many believe that they were tossed into the Prologue Pond long ago in exchange for a wish. Whether these wishes were ever granted or whether the story is even true at all is up for debate but what is not debatable is how valuable these precious pennies have become! The strange aquatic creatures that dwell in the Prologue Pond are known to hoard this coveted currency and it is believed that the deeper they dwell, the more they possess!



Table of Contents

Draft Derby Curd

This tasty nugget is filled from front to back with good ideas that are just waiting to be put down on the page! Combine these scrumptious scraps with Parable Papyrus and Inspiration Ink to create the various tiers of Draft Derby cheese in the Table of Contents.



Gnawbel Prize for Literature

This is the most prestigious literary award in all of Gnawnia and it is the ultimate achievement for any artist who lives by the quill. It is awarded to authors who are capable of writing profound and lengthy books with relatable characters, an unforgettable story, and a powerful, moving message. These solid gold trophies are coveted by the ingenious but infamous Mythweaver who seeks to hoard them all as a way of legitimizing his sinister rewrites.

Earn these esteemed accolades by writing the longest books in the Table of Contents.



Bountiful Beanstalk

Fabled Fertilizer

These mysterious glowing pellets are enchanted with an old and powerful magic that is believed to originate from a legendary age that has long since been forgotten. The fertile magic contained in this burlap sack is far too potent for any normal plant but sprinkle some onto the mighty Bountiful Beanstalk and it will grow new vines that reach up beyond the clouds!

Use this Fabled Fertilizer in the Bountiful Beanstalk to grow vines that will take you into the various floors of the Castle in the Clouds.



Magic Bean

What these extraordinary beans lack in flavour, they make up for in magic! They grow naturally on the Bountiful Beanstalk where they are plucked by the strange mice who call that stalk their home. There is an old folktale that claims that the original Magic Beans that were used to plant the Bountiful Beanstalk were purchased for the price of a single cow. It is perhaps slightly ironic that now these beans are most famously associated with making cheese.

Use these wondrous beans to craft Beanster Cheese.



Lavish Lapis Bean

These beans are said to be made of pure Lapis Lazuli and as such are a very valuable yet common commodity in the Dungeon Floor of the Castle in the Clouds. The prisoners and guards alike have been known to hoard and stash these dazzling delights all throughout that dark and dreary place.

Use these gorgeous gems to craft Lavish Beanster Cheese.



Royal Ruby Bean

These exceptionally valuable beans are often referred to as the Crown Jewel of the Castle in the Clouds. Some believe that they are grown from tiny ruby seeds that are planted directly into the clouds outside of the castle. This is absurd of course but no one has a better explanation as of yet. Regardless of their origin, they are all the rage amongst the socialites and musicians that frequent the castle's Ballroom Floor.

Use these exquisite gems to craft Royal Beanster Cheese.



Golden Harp String

These miraculous little instruments are some of the Mythical Giant King's most prized possessions because of their remarkable ability to play complex magical melodies despite only having a single string! Plucking these golden strings has the extraordinary ability to increase or decrease the amount of noise in the castle based on how they're played. Play them loudly to wake the Giants up or play them softly to put them back to sleep! These marvelous strings are so delicate that they snap instantly after being played only once.

Each Golden Harp String will increase the noise meter by one when played loudly or decrease the noise meter by one when played softly and will be consumed after use.



Golden Goose Egg

The rare and beautiful Golden Goose has a habit of laying these valuable, solid gold eggs throughout the Castle in the Clouds above the Bountiful Beanstalk. The Mythical Giant King has hoarded so many of them that he's dedicated all of the rooms in the Great Hall to storing these tiny treasures.

Use these Golden Goose Eggs to purchase the coveted Golden Goose from the Bountiful Beanstalk General Store.



Golden Goose

The most coveted of all the Mythical Giant King's possessions is the magnificent Golden Goose of legend. This extraordinarily rare bird is covered in magical golden feathers and lays extremely valuable golden eggs. However, beyond its beauty, its feathers, and its eggs, it is rumoured that the true value of this marvelous creature is the ancient wisdom that it possesses. The Golden Goose knows the secrets of powerful, long-forgotten mouse hunting technology and in the right hands, can aid in the construction of amazing things.



Giant's Golden Key

The Giants use these massive golden keys to bypass the lesser rooms in the Castle in the Clouds above the Bountiful Beanstalk when they're looking to walkabout and revel in their extensive wealth. This is one of their most closely guarded possessions so any hunter skilled enough to take it from them will find it to be a very handsome reward!

By using this key before entering any floor in the castle, all the standard quality rooms will vanish and only super quality rooms and above will appear for the duration of that run.



Golden Goose Feather

The elusive Golden Goose has a tendency to shed her exquisite feathers from time to time and the Giants always make sure to collect them. These beautiful golden treasures are so valuable that they will inspire the castle dwellers to drop even more loot when caught and they become doubly valuable when wielded by those who possess a Golden Quill!

By using this feather before entering any floor in the castle, you will receive an additional x2 Loot Multiplier for the duration of that run. If you've unlocked the Golden Quill upgrade in the Table of Contents then you'll receive a x4 Loot Multiplier instead!



School of Sorcery

Apprentice Alchemic Amber

This mystical mineral is exclusive to the Folklore Forest region and is believed to be the primary source of magical energy used by the apprentice sorcerers at the School of Sorcery.

Use these minerals to craft Apprentice Ambert Cheese.



Master Magus Mimetite

This mysterious, masterful mineral possesses immense magical energy that the sophomore sorcerers at the School of Sorcery are learning to harness. When its energy is properly focussed, it can be used to create a cheese powerful enough to distract the senior sorcery students from their studies.

Use these minerals to craft Master Mimolette Cheese.



Arcane Sunstone

These bright, miraculous gemstones are awarded to the top Arcane Arts students at the School of Sorcery in recognition of their exceptional commitment to learning. The students who earn these have proven that they are ready for the final step in their journey to becoming a master sorcerer: the Final Exam!

Use these gemstones to unlock the Final Exam at the School of Sorcery.



Shadow Moonstone

These dark, mysterious gemstones are awarded to the top Shadow Sciences students at the School of Sorcery in recognition of their exceptional commitment to learning. The students who earn these have proven that they are ready for the final step in their journey to becoming a master sorcerer: the Final Exam!

Use these gemstones to unlock the Final Exam at the School of Sorcery.



Master Magus Wand

This exquisite, mystical wand was conjured by the Mythical Master Sorcerer using the extraordinary power of his imagination and it is believed to be the true source of murine magic that imbues all of the mice studying at the School of Sorcery.

The extreme magical energy contained within this wand will DOUBLE your Spell Force when used! However, its power is so intense that the wand will instantly shatter after a single use.



Sorcerer's Sapphire

These extraordinary gemstones are the source of the unimaginably powerful magical energies that the Mythical Master Sorcerer uses to drive his diabolical dreams of domination at the School of Sorcery. He only bestows them upon his top students during their Final Exam as they prepare to ascend to masters. In the right hands, the power of these mystical gems could be harnessed to create miraculous things!



Draconic Depths

Dragon Ember

This nugget of molten rock glows with the Dragon Mouse's enchanted flames. It burns bright enough to pierce any darkness, but in order to use it as a guide, its handler must first find some way to contain its searing heat.

It is rumoured that these glowing embers originate from a place far deeper and darker than the bowels of Dracano.


  • Mouse loot
  • Burning Replicart™ loot in Draconic Depths after a cavern run


  • Rerolling crucible type
  • Reinforcing caverns

Dragonhide Sliver

This sharp silver sliver, shed from the hide of a great dragon, may seem unremarkable at first glance but even the tiniest piece contains at least a modicum of its dragon's might. When enough of these tiny slivers are combined together, they are capable of unleashing tremendous power that, when properly harnessed, can be used against the very dragons from whence they came.



Dragon Ember Potion

This steamy, volatile solvent has the miraculous ability to instantly dissolve a wide array of substances into crispy, coveted Dragon Embers!

Handle with care!



Dragon's Breath Opal

This exceptionally beautiful gemstone is coveted by all dragons in the Draconic Depths but is hoarded exclusively by the Elemental Dragons. Some believe that it is these breathtaking opals that imbue the Elemental Dragons with their unimaginable power, allowing them to rule over all other dragons. If the power of these ostentatious ornaments could be contained and harnessed, there is no telling what wonders could be created with them.



Mythical Dragon Heart

This mysterious and mesmerizing obsidian stone houses a power within that is equal parts terrifying, tantalizing, and tyrannical. It is believed to contain the true essence of a dragon, the very definition of sinister strength and sovereignty. It is with this mythical mineral that the Mythweaver gained the power to transform himself into a living, breathing dragon and to dominate all of dragonkind as their new ruler.

What wonders could this coveted curiosity create in the right hands?



Dragon's Eye

It is believed that staring into this extremely rare and mesmerizingly powerful Dragon's Eye can reveal the hidden secrets behind the true origin of dragons. Those who dare to peer into this mysterious glassy globe may find something sinister peering back at them. For deep within this eerie iris lies the beginning of a dark and treacherous path from which few return and those who do are forever changed, marked by the majestic but malevolent might of dragons!

Bring this astonishing oddity to the Cartographer at the Draconic Depths and use it to purchase an Origin of Dragons Scroll Case but prepare yourself for a most dangerous and daunting task!



Fire Grub

These fiery critters call the Flame Caverns of the Draconic Depths their home and they are considered a torrid treat by the Fire Dragons who share that hearth.

Use these sizzling worms to craft Fiery Fontina cheese.



Ice Grub

These chilly critters call the Ice Lairs of the Draconic Depths their home and they are considered a frosty feast by the Ice Dragons who dwell alongside them.

Use these frigid worms to craft Icy Isabirra cheese.



Poison Grub

These noxious critters call the Toxic Tunnels of the Draconic Depths their home and they are considered fetid fare by the Poison Dragons who lurk there as well.

Use these putrid worms to craft Poisonous Provolone cheese.



History and Trivia

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