Relic Hunter Mouse

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Revision as of 03:14, 22 July 2015 by Ericb (talk | contribs) (Locations: Dojo clue)

The Relic Hunter Mouse is a breed of mouse found in various regions of the kingdom. However, it is only available in one location at a time. The available location changes randomly every 24 hours, at midnight GMT.

It is known to drop Relic Hunter Scroll Case as loot, but only if hunters have less than 20 of it in their inventory.

Relic Hunter Mouse
Mouse Group: Indigenous Mice
Mouse Statistics
Points: 650 Gold: 935
Location & Attraction Info
Required Power Types: All types Other Requirements:
Cheese: Cherry Cheese
Gilded Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
Standard Cheese
White Cheddar Cheese
Locations: Randomly changes every 24 hours.
See Locations below for locations.
Loot: Relic Hunter Scroll Case
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: Image Link
From the mountains of Gnawnia to Zugzwang's famous Gardens, the Relic Hunter Mouse leaves no trap unturned in the search for elusive Ancient Relics. Sure, they can be found in the possession of some of the most dangerous mice around, but, well... That's dangerous! It's far safer - relatively - to try to check out the relics that hunters have accrued. And besides, free cheese!

This mouse is so dedicated to the study of Ancient Relics that they'll never approach your trap until you have at least one, and will approach more often if you have more. Further, the Relic Hunter Mouse will only be searching in one location at a time, so you'll have to search if you expect to find any!
Mouse ID#: 401


Every 24 hours the Relic Hunter Mouse randomly moves to one of the following locations. Viewing the Treasure Map popup under the Invites and Scroll Cases tab offers a hint to the Relic Hunter's current location:

Region Location The Relic Hunter has been spotted...
Gnawnia Meadow
Town of Gnawnia Hiding within the hustle and bustle in the city of the crown.
Windmill Observing the churning and grinding of the new harvest.
Slushy Shoreline Walking along the coldest waters in Gnawnia.
Valour King's Arms Where royal strength rewards hunting prowess.
Tournament Hall Amongst the triumphant trumpets of master hunters of old.
King's Gauntlet
Whisker Woods Calm Clearing
Great Gnarled Tree Tracing the deep patterns of bark growing on ancient towers.
Lagoon Waist-deep in a shallow, sparkling pond.
Burroughs Laboratory Performing bizarre experiments and chemical reactions.
Town of Digby Exploring the deep and winding caverns near a technologically-advanced underground city.
Bazaar Searching for the best deals in the Burroughs.
Furoma Training Grounds Standing among the ranks of new students out in the field.
Dojo Practicing an ancient art with fledgling warriors.
Tribal Isles Cape Clawed Watching the peaceful gathering of tribal mice.
Derr Dunes Ankle deep in rocky, tropical sand.
Elub Shore
Nerg Plains Investigating a well-seasoned Gumbo Cheese.
Varmint Valley Claw Shot City Keeping an eye on the long-arm of the law.
Rodentia S.S. Huntington III
Seasonal Garden Watching the sky and wondering what the weather will bring.
Crystal Library Leafing through ancient tomes of knowledge.
Sandtail Desert Fiery Warpath Marching through the Sandtail Desert.
Muridae Market

Preferred Cheese

The Relic Hunter Mouse has been found to be attracted to Standard Cheese and SUPER|brie+. It can also be attracted with Cherry Cheese, Gilded Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, and White Cheddar Cheese. It is not attracted to all other cheese.

Hunting Strategy

All power types are of normal effectiveness against the Relic Hunter Mouse. Catching a Relic Hunter Mouse in the Fiery Warpath will not break a streak.

The Relic Hunter Mouse can only be attracted if a Hunter has at least one Ancient Relic in their inventory, and attractions tend to be more frequent when the hunter has more relics. Upon catching the Relic Hunter Mouse, one Ancient Relic is typically consumed, and the following message is displayed in the Hunter's Journal:

I caught an elusive Relic Hunter Mouse in [Location]! The mouse stole an Ancient Relic while it was in my trap, but dropped a Relic Hunter Scroll Case while scampering off!
I can go to my Special inventory to open it.
Make sure to tell your friends to check [Location] during the next [hours, minutes, seconds] to catch one!

However, if a Hunter has reached the maximum number (20) of Relic Hunter Scroll Cases in their inventory, the following message is displayed in their Hunter's Journal:

I caught an elusive Relic Hunter Mouse in the [Location]!
I already have the maximum allowed Relic Hunter Scroll Cases, so the mouse left my supply of Ancient Relics alone and scampered off.
I should tell my friends to check the [Location] during the next [hours, minutes, seconds] to catch one!

The cap on scroll cases allows hunters to pursue the Relic Hunter during Tournaments without consuming too many Ancient Relics that are being saved up for location-specific maps.

Failure to catch a Relic Hunter Mouse results in the following message in the Hunter's Journal:

Aw! I failed to catch an elusive Relic Hunter Mouse!
I should tell my friends to check the [Location] during the next [hours, minutes, seconds] to catch one!

History and Trivia


External Links