
From MHWiki

The Valour is a region released on 8 June 2010.
It is located in the south of Gnawnia.

There are three known locations in this region:

Have King's Credits to spend? Visit the many shoppes at the King's Arm to exchange your King's Credits for hunting equipment and loot!
Rank requirement: Apprentice
The King's Tournament Hall is where the best of the best come to train and compete amongst the very best. The Tournament Hall has the equipment to support every tournament or competition imaginable. The hall is not limited to just hunting! It is equipped to support all forms of competition, which includes sports, and sporting mice alike!
The best laid training plans of mice and hunter often go awry, except in the Tournament Hall! Mice and hunter alike train here to become their very best, and the mice here get excited to test their abilities against the hunters best traps.
The Tournament Hall contains various shoppes where you can exchange Tournament Tokens for hunting equipment and loot.
Rank requirement: Apprentice
This many-storied tower is the King’s personal challenge to MouseHunters everywhere: anyone who can reach the top is among the kingdom’s elite. The King’s Gauntlet works on a tier system, with Hunters advancing to the next floor by hunting with cheese that they collect on the current floor. The Gauntlet is meant as a challenge for hunters of all skill levels, but in order to ascend to the very top, a Hero’s rank will come in handy.
Rank requirement: Hero
Map piece: King's Gauntlet Floorplan

History and Trivia

This construction site will soon be the King's Tournament Hall, a special shoppe where hunters can exchange Tournament Tokens for unique hunting loot and equipement!

To move to a new hunting location within the game, click on the TRAVEL button. The map will show all your unlocked locations, as well as any special considerations of note in a specific location. It will also show the minimum rank required to hunt in that location.

Gnawnia:  • Meadow   • Town of Gnawnia   • Windmill   • Harbour
 • Mountain
Valour:  • King's Arms   • Tournament Hall   • King's Gauntlet
Whisker Woods:  • Calm Clearing   • Great Gnarled Tree   • Lagoon
Burroughs:  • Laboratory   • Mousoleum   • Town of Digby   • Bazaar   • Toxic Spill
Furoma:  • Training Grounds   • Dojo   • Meditation Room   • Pinnacle Chamber
Bristle Woods:  • Catacombs   • Forbidden Grove   • Acolyte Realm
Tribal Isles:  • Cape Clawed   • Elub Shore   • Nerg Plains   • Derr Dunes
 • Jungle of Dread   • Dracano   • Balack's Cove
Varmint Valley:  • Claw Shot City   • Gnawnian Express Station   • Fort Rox
Queso Canyon:  • Queso River   • Prickly Plains   • Cantera Quarry   • Queso Geyser
Rodentia:  • S.S. Huntington IV   • Seasonal Garden   • Zugzwang's Tower   • Crystal Library
 • Slushy Shoreline   • Iceberg   • Sunken City
Sandtail Desert:  • Fiery Warpath   • Muridae Market   • Living Garden   • Twisted Garden
 • Lost City   • Cursed City   • Sand Dunes   • Sand Crypts
Hollow Heights:  • Fungal Cavern   • Labyrinth   • Zokor   • Moussu Picchu   • Floating Islands
Folklore Forest:  • Foreword Farm   • Prologue Pond   • Table of Contents   • Bountiful Beanstalk
 • School of Sorcery
Rift Plane:  • Gnawnia Rift   • Burroughs Rift   • Whisker Woods Rift   • Furoma Rift
 • Bristle Woods Rift • Valour Rift
Events:  • Great Winter Hunt: Great Winter Taiga
 • Cinnamon Hill   • Golem Workshop   • Ice Fortress
 • Halloween: Gloomy Greenwood
 • MouseHunt Birthday: The SUPER|brie+ Factory
 • Ronza: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe
 • Historic uses: King's Party Zone   • Festive Comet
Others:  • King's Stockade   • Vacant Lot