Gnawnian Express Station

From MHWiki
Gnawnian Express Station
Region: Varmint Valley
Minimum Rank: Lord/Lady
Travel Requirement: Calm Clearing Map Piece
Required Power Type: Law
Number of Mice: 31
Shops: Cheese Shoppe
Charm Shoppe
General Store
Lose Gold: No
Lose Points: No
Lose Cheese: No
Release Date: 26 September 2013
The railroad's come to town! Board the Gnawnian Express and get set for high adventure in the Old West! Guard the supplies and protect the train to ensure its safe arrival on its perilous journey across Gnawnia!


The Gnawnian Express Station is a location in the Varmint Valley region requiring a minimum rank of Lord/Lady and the Whisker Woods Clearing Map Piece to enter. Mice are unable to steal a Hunter's supplies in the Gnawnian Express Station.

Law weapons are required to capture the mice found in this location.

In the Gnawnian Express Station, Hunters can board trains and defend them as they travel through 3 stages: Supply Depot, Raider River, and Daredevil Canyon. When not aboard a train, Hunters are in the Train Station.

Each stage of the train requires a different strategy and has weapons and charms that provide special effects. Mice in each section vary and provide specific loot drops required for obtaining the weapons that provide special effects in the Gnawnian Express Station. Each phase of the train has the same duration, equal to 1/3 of the total Trip Time.

Hunters can earn points by completing certain tasks during each phase of the train. Rewards given to Hunters are dependant upon the points earned by Hunters and their team and by the collective points earned by all teams aboard a train.

The Gnawnian Express Station requires more interaction from Hunters than many other locations. Each phase has specific weapons and charms necessary to take full advantage of the area, requiring Hunters to actively manage these items while aboard a train. Acquiring Royal Supply Crates, Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent, and Fuel Nuggets as loot does not aid the team's score unless Hunters choose to submit them through the HUD.

Because trains use the same scheduling mechanic as Tournaments, Hunters must form (or join) a team (though they do not need to add any team members) to board trains. Hunters may not be in a Tournament at the same time they are aboard a train. Hunters may only schedule 1 train at a time. This also means that Hunters are limited to scheduling no more than 1 train and 2 Tournaments at any time.

Heads-Up Display

The HUD in the Gnawnian Express Station changes based on the Hunter's status aboard a train.

Train Station

While in the Gnawnian Express Station but not aboard a train, Hunters can review available train departures and manage scheduled train rides.

Gnawnian Express -- Train Departures
Departs In
Trip Time
Team Members
Train Name
[X] Hours


  • Refresh: Allows Hunters to refresh the list of available trains.
  • Departs In: Trains leave on a regular basis (hourly) and the schedule shows departures for the next 24 hours.
  • Name: The name of the train that Hunters can board.
  • Trip Time: The length of the trip. Trains generally run on 9 hour, 16 hour, and 36 hour trips. Longer trips are occasionally scheduled.
  • Team Members: The number of members from the Hunter's Hunting Team that are signed up to board the train. Only 5 members from a Hunting Team may join each train.
  • Passengers: The total number of Hunters signed up to board the train. Each train is limited to carrying 500 Hunters.
  • Action: Hunters can board or leave a train and invite Hunting Team members and friends to board the same train.

If you attempt to board a train and you are not a member of a Team, a popup will appear asking if you want to join an open Hunting Team.

Team Name
Members on Train
Team Name
Team Motto (if applicable)
Team Description (if applicable)
Join Team and Board Train
  • Team Name: The name of all open Teams currently signed up on this train. Closed teams are not listed.
  • Members: Number of members on the Team. There is a maximum of 12 members possible on a Team (depending on whether the Team has expanded or not), although some Teams will have as few as 5 possible members. If the team is full, you will not have the option to join.
  • Members on Train: The number of members from the Team that are signed up to board the train. Only 5 members from a Team may join each train.
  • Action: If there are less than 5 members from the Team on the train and the Team also has an open slot available to join, you may click here to simultaneously join the team and board the train.

Aboard a Train

The HUD while aboard a train has two sections. The upper section shows information about the train and its progress and is visible regardless of the train stage or the Hunter's current location in the Kingdom. Information shown on the lower section varies based on the current stage of the train.

Upper HUD Section

Now At:
[Train Stage]
Time Left:
Train Points
Passenger: 50%
Engineer: 75%
Conductor: 90%
Tycoon: 100%
  • Now At: Current location of the train.
  • Time Left: Time remaining for current stage.
  • Progress: Progress toward the combined points goal for the train. A blue progress bar fills as teams earn points. Flags mark the 50%, 75%, 90% and 100% progress marks, which determine the rewards earned by Hunters.
  • Train Points: Hovering over this section reveals the points earned by all Hunters for each stage, [X], and the total number of points required to reach Tycoon status, [Y]:
Total points for [Train Name]:
Supply Depot: [X]
Raider River: [X]
Daredevil Canyon: [X]
Train goal: [Y]

Supply Depot HUD Section
"Catch mice carrying Royal Supply Crates and load them onto the train!"
"For even more supplies, equip Supply Schedule Charms and hunt for Warehouse Manager mice to a trigger a Supply Rush, releasing Supply Hoarder mice!"

This HUD section shows the following information:

  • The Hunter's inventory of Supply Schedule Charms. Theses charms can be armed/disarmed through the HUD.
  • The Hunter's inventory of Royal Supply Crates. Hunters can load Royal Supply Crates through the HUD, earning points toward the team and train goals.
  • The amount of points the Hunter's Team has earned.

Raider River HUD Section
"Defeat the waves of raiders!"
"Earn Train Points for catch raiding mice and bonus points for defeating a wave! Raider waves are endless, so try to push back as many as you can!"
"Some mice drop Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent, which helps scare mice away faster!"

This HUD section shows the following information:

  • The Hunter's inventory of Roof Rack Charms. Theses charms can be armed/disarmed through the HUD. Use when Raider mice are attacking the roof of the train.
  • The Hunter's inventory of Door Guard Charms. Theses charms can be armed/disarmed through the HUD. Use when Raider mice are attacking the doors of the train.
  • The Hunter's inventory of Greasy Glob Charms. Theses charms can be armed/disarmed through the HUD. Use when Raider mice are attacking the wheels of the train.
  • The section of the train being attacked (roof, door, or wheels) is highlighted. The section being attacked determines which charms Hunters should arm.
  • The number of Raiders left in a wave. A wave is defeated by earning 10 points.
  • The number of waves defeated. Each defeated wave earns the Hunter's team a bonus of 10 additional points.
  • The Hunter's inventory of Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent. Hunters can use their supply of Repellent from the HUD.
  • The amount of points the Hunter's Team has earned.

Daredevil Canyon HUD Section
"Use Fuel Nuggets to speed up the train!"
"The bridge is out! The train will safely clear the gap, but better build up some speed to be certain!"
"Collect Fuel Nuggets and toss them into the train engine to build up speed. The more nuggets you toss in at once, the bigger the speed boost and points will be!"
"There is no speed limit! The only limit is your mind.

This HUD section shows the following information:

Hunting Outside Gnawnian Express Station

While hunting in areas other than the Gnawnian Express Station, Hunters who have boarded a train will see the upper portion of the HUD and will be able to track the current stage and progress of the train.

Hunters are also presented with the following warning in the lower section of the HUD:

You're away from the train!
Come back as soon as you can to help support your fellow hunters!


All mice in the Gnawnian Express Station are from the Wild Bunch and Train Robbers groups and are weak only to Law weapons.
Hunters must board a train in order to attract all the mice found in the Gnawnian Express Station.
The mice encountered here will change depending upon the stage of the train.
Certain mice require specific charms to be attracted.

Cheese and Charm Preferences and Loot

Standard Cheese and SUPER|brie+ will attract all mice in Gnawnian Express Station.





Stages of the Train
Angry Train Staff 3,500 2,500 Passenger X X X X
Automorat 6,000 8,000 Automice X Copper Bead
Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent
Bartender 4,750 5,000 Crew X X X X
Black Powder Thief
Black Powder Charm
9,000 8,000 Fueler X Ancient Relic
Fuel Nugget
Magmatic Crystal Charm
Tin Scrap
Cannonball 5,000 7,500 Automice X Copper Bead
Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent
Coal Shoveller
Dusty Coal Charm
6,000 3,500 Crew X Black Powder Charm
Fuel Nugget
Tin Scrap
Crate Camo 5,000 7,000 Depot Worker X Iron Pellet
Royal Supply Crate
Cute Crate Carrier 4,000 6,000 Depot Worker X Iron Pellet
Royal Supply Crate
Dangerous Duo
Roof Rack Charm or
Door Guard Charm or
Greasy Glob Charm
11,000 14,000 Raider X Copper Bead
Farrier 5,000 7,000 Crew X X X X
Fuel 5,000 4,000 Fueler X Fuel Nugget
Tin Scrap
Hookshot 8,000 9,000 Automice X Copper Bead
Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent
Magmatic Crystal Thief
Magmatic Crystal Charm
13,000 11,000 Fueler X Ancient Relic
Fuel Nugget
Tin Scrap
Magmatic Golem
Magmatic Crystal Charm
18,000 17,000 Fueler X Ancient Relic
Fuel Nugget
Tin Scrap
Mouse With No Name 8,500 11,500 Raider X Copper Bead
Mysterious Traveller 4,250 5,000 Passenger X X X X
Parlour Player 5,500 4,500 Crew X X X X
Passenger 4,000 6,000 Passenger X X X X
Photographer 5,000 7,000 Passenger X X X X Minuscule Photo Album
Sharpshooter 15,000 16,000 Raider X Copper Bead
Steel Horse Rider 9,000 12,000 Raider X Copper Bead
Stoutgear 7,000 8,500 Automice X Copper Bead
Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent
Stowaway 4,000 2,000 Passenger X X X X Fool's Gold
Stuffy Banker 8,000 11,500 Crew X X X X
Supply Hoarder
Supply Rush
8,000 12,000 Depot Worker X Iron Pellet
Royal Supply Crate
Tonic Salesman 3,000 8,750 Crew X X X X
Train Conductor 6,000 3,500 Passenger X X X X
Train Engineer 8,000 4,500 Fueler X Dusty Coal Charm
Fuel Nugget
Tin Scrap
Travelling Barber 5,500 3,000 Passenger X X X X
Upper Class Lady 4,500 8,000 Crew X X X X
Warehouse Manager
Supply Schedule Charm
7,500 14,000 Depot Worker X Iron Pellet
Royal Supply Crate

Mice with Special Requirements

Hunting Strategy

The Gnawnian Express Station with four distinct stages. Hunters must board a train in order to encounter most of the mice found in this location. While aboard the train, Hunters will travel through 3 stages, with each stage providing unique challenges. The fourth stage is the Train Station, where Hunters are located in the Gnawnian Express Station when not aboard a train.

Because the Gnawnian Express Station trains use the Tournament scheduling system to function, Hunters will need to join or create a Hunting Team if they wish to board a train. It is not required to have additional team members to join a train. Unlike Tournaments, hunting on a train in the Gnawnian Express Station does not use the tournament horn, so hunting occurs just as it would normally. This means that Hunters can take non-team members on hunts and may be taken on hunts by friends.

Trains run according to a schedule, and each train has its own name, duration and maximum capacity. A Hunting Team can have up to 5 members aboard a single train. There is a limit of 100 teams participating on a train, so it is possible for trains to reach the team cap of 100 without reaching the passenger cap of 500.

The community Points goal is determined at the rate of 2 points per hour per registered hunter (so a train holding 75 hunters for 24 hours has a target of 3600 points). Once the community goal is set, then each team goal is determined by the number of teams registered.
Example: If the community goal is 3600 and there are 50 teams registered, then each team is responsible for 72 points towards the community goal, regardless of how many Hunters from the team riding the train.

A train journey has three phases and each requires a unique hunting strategy, and has a different mix of mice. Each phase will take 1/3 of the total Trip Time.

Train Station

Hunters are located here when not aboard a train. The HUD can be used to board a train. Hunters can only schedule up to 1 train ride at a time, this also means that Hunters are limited to scheduling no more than 1 train and 2 Tournaments at any time.

Once a train leaves the station, the first leg of its journey is through the Supply Depot.

Supply Depot

When the Supply Depot stage begins, the following message will appear in the Hunter's Journal:

The journey begins!
The Train has embarked on its epic journey along the Gnawnian Express Railway! We must work together as MouseHunters to protect it until it reaches its destination!
First stop is the Supply Depot to gather supplies for the train that are to be delivered to parts of Gnawnia!
If I smuggled any items with me from the last train, I will be able to use them now!

While the train is located in the Supply Depot Hunters must catch mice carrying Royal Supply Crates which can be loaded onto the train to earn points. Each crate loaded is worth 1 Train Point.
Loading these crates onto the train will display the following message on the Hunter's Journal:

I wish I had a forklift!
I loaded X Royal Supply Crates onto the train, earning X Train Points!

Mice in the Supply Depot may also drop Iron Pellets as loot.

Supply Rush:
Equiping Supply Schedule Charms will attract the Warehouse Manager mice. Capturing a Warehouse Manager will trigger a Supply Rush that releases Supply Hoarder mice. Supply Hoarder mice drop larger quantities of Royal Supply Crates.
Once a Supply Rush begins, each Hunter on the team will be able to attract the Supply Hoarder Mouse for the next 5 hunts. The Supply Hoarder is not a guaranteed attraction or catch. During a Supply Rush, Warehouse Manager cannot be attracted even if Supply Schedule Charm is armed.

Upon capturing the Warehouse Manager, the following message is displayed in the Hunter's Journal:

Caught a big one!
Hunter caught a Warehouse Manager Mouse! Supply Hoarder mice will be scrambling out in the open for 5 turns! Supply Hoarder mice carry up to twice as many supplies as the Warehouse Manager Mouse, so I should catch them while I can!

When the Supply Rush ends, the following message appears in the Hunter's Journal:

Time's up!
The Supply Hoarder mice have crawled back into hiding. My team and I should try to catch another Warehouse Manager Mouse to flush them out again!

Up to 10 Royal Supply Crates not loaded onto the train at the end of this stage can be smuggled onto the next train, as long as the hunter rides this train to completion; any crates beyond 10 that were not loaded will be lost.

Raider River

When the Raider River stage begins, the following message will appear in the Hunter's Journal:

The train picks up some speed and starts to chug along!
Laden down with supplies, the Train is a tempting target for raiding mice! A wave of 10 Raiders are swarming the train, trying to smash their way inside! My team and I should equip the right charm to attract and capture these raiders!
There is an endless number of waves and defeating a wave will earn my team and the train extra points. We should try to defeat as many waves as possible!
The mice are also launching automated attacks during our hourly trap checks. Special robotic mice will always take the place of normal mice during trap checks, but they can also be encountered during normal hunts. They drop special mouse repellent that can aid us in depleting the raiding mice waves faster!

This line appears only if Hunters have unloaded Royal Supply Crates in their inventory:

I was able to smuggle X Royal Supply Crates with me.

While the train is located in the Raider River Hunters must defeat waves of Raider mice. Each Raider mouse that is captured is worth 1 Train Point and the Dangerous Duo, when captured, is worth 2 Train Points. Automice drop Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent which, when sounded, reduces the current wave of Raiders by 1 and contributes 1 Train Point to the Hunter's team points.

Using Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent creates an entry in the Hunter's Journal:

The piercing blast of the Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent scared away X Raiders, earning X Train Points!

Upon collecting 10 points to defeat a wave, the team will be awarded an extra 10 Train Points, and the following message will be displayed:

My team broke through the wave!
Our victory earned the train an additional 10 Train Points! But there's no time to celebrate, as another wave of 10 Raiders is already clambering onto the train!

Mice in the Raider River may also drop Copper Beads as loot.

During a Hunter's Trap Check only Automice can be attracted. However, for all other hunts in the Raider River', there is no restriction on which mice can be attracted.

Roof Rack Charms, Door Guard Charms, and Greasy Glob Charms increases the chance of attracting a Raider mouse and are required to attract the Dangerous Duo which are worth 2 Train Points instead of 1.
Raider mice attack only 1 part of the train at a time and the portion of the train being attacked changes every hour, on the hour. Hunters should arm the appropriate charm to combat the current attack.

Actions worth more points than mice remaining in the current wave are not wasted (catching a Dangerous Duo or using multiple Repellent in one click); the next wave begins with the appropriate number of mice already defeated.

Up to 10 unused Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellents can be smuggled onto the next train, as long as the hunter rides this train to completion; any repellent beyond 10 that were not used will be lost.

Daredevil Canyon

When the Daredevil Canyon stage begins, the following message will appear in the Hunter's Journal:

The train leaves the last of the raiders behind!
But it looks like those bitter mice have smashed down the Daredevil Canyon bridge! The Train should clear the gap just fine, but let's build up as much speed as possible to guarantee our landing.
The faster we go, the greater our reward!

This line appears only if Hunters have unused Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellents in their inventory:

I was able to smuggle X Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellent with me.

While the train is located in the Daredevil Canyon Hunters must collect Fuel Nuggets from mice and stoke the train's engine.
Stoking the engine should be done in batches of 20 Fuel Nuggets for maximum effect. Individual submissions do not stack.
Example: Submitting 2 batches of 10 Fuel Nuggets each will earn the Hunter 10 points for each batch, or 20 points in total. Submitting one batch of 20 Fuel Nuggets will earn Hunters 35 points.
Any Fuel Nuggets in excess of 20 will be saved and not consumed when the engine is stoked.
Example: If a Hunter has a batch of 23 Fuel Nuggets and stokes the engine, they gain 35 Train Points (the max allowed) and the 3 excess Fuel Nuggets are not used to stoke the engine, but to begin a new batch.

Fuel Nuggets
Batch Size
Train Points
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 12
12 14
13 16
14 18
15 20
16 22
17 24
18 26
19 28
20 35

Each time the engine is stoked, a message is left in the journal:

Thanks to my furnace stoking, I have increased the train speed by X gnawts per hour, earning X Train Points!

Mice in Daredevil Canyon may also drop Tin Scraps as loot.

Hunters must use charms if they wish to attract certain mice in Daredevil Canyon. The mice attracted to these charms will drop larger quantities of Fuel Nuggets as loot.

Up to 10 Fuel Nuggets not used for stoking the engine can be smuggled onto the next train, as long as the hunter rides this train to completion; any nuggets beyond 10 that were not used will be lost.

Completing a Train Ride and Collecting Rewards

At the end of the train ride, the following message is left in the Hunter's Journal:

The train launches through the air!
Launching itself off the end of the tracks at X gnawts per hour the Train soared through the air majestically. At the peak of our jump, the hunters onboard the train released the payload of supplies, making it rain onto the kingdom below. The King's Royal Supply Gatherers will be out in force to collect them soon.
During my brief weightlessness, I reflected upon what odds and hardships we fought against and am proud of my fellow hunters for successfully protecting and helping deliver the needed supplies!
The train safely crash-landed in the cushioned train yard below. I have disembarked and should now claim my reward!
A big cheer to the hunters of the Train!

This line appears only if Hunters have unused Fuel Nuggets in their inventory:

I was able to smuggle X Fuel Nuggets with me.

Once Hunters claim their prize, this message is left in the Hunter's Journal:

I helped the train [Train Name] safely reach its destination on the Gnawnian Express!
My team reached the rank of X, scoring X Train Points toward the team goal of X.
The train as a whole reached the rank of X, scoring X Train Points toward the train goal of X.
In total, I claimed the following as a reward for protecting the train:
X Iron Pellets,
X Copper Beads,
X Tin Scraps,
X Train Badges,
X Fool's Gold,
X Gold,
X Points.

The base awards are determined by what percentage of points the team achieved towards the team goal, as follows:

Reward item Duration Goal achieved
Sleeper (1%) Passenger (50%) Engineer (75%) Conductor (90%) Tycoon (100%)
Iron Pellet 9 hours 1 2 2 2 3
16 hours 1 2 3 3 4
36 hours 1 5 6 6 9
72 hours 2 9 11 12 18
Copper Bead 9 hours 1 2 2 2 3
16 hours 1 2 3 3 4
36 hours 1 5 6 6 9
72 hours 2 9 11 12 18
Tin Scrap 9 hours 1 2 2 2 3
16 hours 1 2 3 3 4
36 hours 1 5 6 6 9
72 hours 2 9 11 12 18
Train Badge 9 hours 1 4 5 5 7
16 hours 1 6 8 8 12
36 hours 2 14 17 18 27
72 hours 4 27 33 36 54
Fool's Gold 9 hours 2 8 10 10 14
16 hours 2 12 16 16 24
36 hours 4 28 34 36 54
72 hours 8 54 66 72 108
Gold 9 hours 1,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 7,000
16 hours 1,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 12,000
36 hours 2,000 14,000 17,000 18,000 27,000
72 hours 4,000 27,000 33,000 36,000 54,000
Points 9 hours 4,000 16,000 20,000 20,000 28,000
16 hours 4,000 24,000 32,000 32,000 48,000
36 hours 8,000 56,000 68,000 72,000 108,000
72 hours 16,000 108,000 132,000 144,000 216,000

Additionally, a community bonus of up to 30% is added to the Iron Pellet, Copper Bead, and Tin Scrap crafting item rewards, with the result being rounded up to the next whole number.
The maximum community bonus is 1 of each crafting item for a 9-hour train, 2 for a 16-hour train, 3 for a 36-hour train and 6 for a 72-hour train(possible via either team at Tycoon and community at Engineer or better, or by team at Engineer or better and community at Tycoon).
A team that scores under 1% of the team goal is designated Super Snoozer and will not get any reward (even the community bonus is 0). At least 1% of the team goal is required to reach Sleeper level.

Location-Specific Effects


Supply Depot

Raider River

Daredevil Canyon


Supply Depot

Raider River

Daredevil Canyon

Adventure Book

Hunters can Ride the Gnawnian Express by collecting crafting items and completing a train ride, earning a Train Badge.

Library Assignments


Gnawnian Express Station mice are worth points during some Tournaments.
NOTE: Hunters may not board a train while participating in a tournament or participate in a tournament while aboard a train, since both activities use the Tournament game mechanic to function.

Treasure Maps

Many mice in the Gnawnian Express Station are often found on Wanted Posters and Relic Hunter Treasure Maps.

Hunting Tips by Larry

YEEHAW! All aboard the Gnawnian Express!

The construction of the first trans-Gnawnian railroad is complete! Hunters are coming from all around to board the Gnawnian Express and journey across the land!

The King has tasked MouseHunters with the duty of securing a train filled with supplies bound for different parts of Gnawnia, ensuring its safe arrival!

Our goal as a collective group of several hunting teams is to collect supplies in the Supply Depot, defend the train from raiding mice when passing through Raider River, and then make the jump across the downed bridge over Daredevil Canyon! Each stage will run for one-third of the total train's trip time.

The trains will be challenging at first, but hunters are rewarded for their efforts, so the better you do, the more you receive! The main goal is to work together with other hunters and any aid we provide is welcomed!

It's one big effort and teams will work together with other teams aboard their train to complete the journey successfully, so just do your best and enjoy the ride!

Train Names

Train names are chosen randomly, with the first word from this list:

First Name
Blind Brittle Bronze Charred Coal Copper Dawn Desert Dusk Dusty English Fast
Fiery Fiesty Funky Garden Gnawnian Gold Grand Great Iron Mean Mountain Pony
Quirky Royal Scorched Silver Soaring Speedy Steel Super Tiny Turbo Twilight Valley

and the second word from this list:

Second Name
Ace Albatross Bullet Cascade Cavalier Continental Dancer Deluxe Diamond Eagle Evangeline Emperor
Express Guardian Golem Hawk Heart Hudson Intercity Jack King Landracer Lightning Limited
Line Monarch Queen Sparrow Storm Thunder Zephyr


These are the shops found in Gnawnian Express Station.

Cheese Shoppe

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Swiss Cheese 100 gold None 100 gold
Brie Cheese 200 gold None 200 gold
Gouda Cheese 600 gold None 600 gold


Item Power Type Cost Requirement Refund
Engine Doubler Law 150,000 gold
10 Iron Pellet
20 Copper Bead
30 Tin Scrap
None N/A
Bandit Deflector Law 150,000 gold
15 Iron Pellet
30 Copper Bead
15 Tin Scrap
None N/A
Supply Grabber Law 150,000 gold
30 Iron Pellet
20 Copper Bead
10 Tin Scrap
None N/A
S.L.A.C. Law 150,000 gold None 75,000 gold
S.L.A.C. II Law 275,000 gold
50 Fool's Gold
None N/A

Charm Shoppe

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Charmbit 25 gold None 20 gold
Supply Schedule Charm 1 Fool's Gold None N/A
Roof Rack Charm 1 Fool's Gold None N/A
Door Guard Charm 1 Fool's Gold None N/A
Greasy Glob Charm 1 Fool's Gold None N/A
Dusty Coal Charm 1 Fool's Gold None N/A
Power Charm 150 gold None 45 gold
Luck Charm 300 gold None 90 gold
Lucky Power Charm 900 gold None 270 gold
Super Power Charm 500 gold None 150 gold
Super Luck Charm 750 gold None 225 gold
Super Lucky Power Charm 2,500 gold None 750 gold

General Store

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Curds and Whey 12 gold None 3 gold
Ionized Salt 450 gold None 150 gold

History and Trivia

  • 26 September 2013: Gnawnian Express Station was opened.
  • 10 January 2018: Train times changed from 6,12 and 24 hours to 9,16 and 36 hours.


Gnawnia:  • Meadow   • Town of Gnawnia   • Windmill   • Harbour   • Mountain
Valour:  • King's Arms   • Tournament Hall   • King's Gauntlet
Whisker Woods:  • Calm Clearing   • Great Gnarled Tree   • Lagoon
Burroughs:  • Laboratory   • Mousoleum   • Town of Digby   • Bazaar   • Toxic Spill
Furoma:  • Training Grounds   • Dojo   • Meditation Room   • Pinnacle Chamber
Bristle Woods:  • Catacombs   • Forbidden Grove   • Acolyte Realm
Tribal Isles:  • Cape Clawed   • Elub Shore   • Nerg Plains   • Derr Dunes
 • Jungle of Dread   • Dracano   • Balack's Cove
Varmint Valley:  • Claw Shot City   • Gnawnian Express Station   • Fort Rox
Queso Canyon:  • Queso River   • Prickly Plains   • Cantera Quarry   • Queso Geyser
Rodentia:  • S.S. Huntington IV   • Seasonal Garden   • Zugzwang's Tower   • Crystal Library
 • Slushy Shoreline   • Iceberg   • Sunken City
Sandtail Desert:  • Fiery Warpath   • Muridae Market   • Living Garden   • Twisted Garden
 • Lost City   • Cursed City   • Sand Dunes   • Sand Crypts
Hollow Heights:  • Fungal Cavern   • Labyrinth   • Zokor   • Moussu Picchu   • Floating Islands
Folklore Forest:  • Foreword Farm   • Prologue Pond   • Table of Contents   • Bountiful Beanstalk
 • School of Sorcery   • Draconic Depths
Rift Plane:  • Gnawnia Rift   • Burroughs Rift   • Whisker Woods Rift   • Furoma Rift
 • Bristle Woods Rift • Valour Rift
Events:  • Great Winter Hunt: Great Winter Taiga
 • Cinnamon Hill   • Golem Workshop   • Ice Fortress
 • Halloween: Gloomy Greenwood
 • MouseHunt Birthday: The SUPER|brie+ Factory
 • Ronza: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe
 • Historic uses: King's Party Zone   • Festive Comet
Others:  • King's Stockade   • Vacant Lot