Runic Base

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Revision as of 00:06, 9 February 2012 by Hyperchao (talk | contribs) (Purchasing Info: fix)

Runic Base
Base Statistics Base Info
Power: 200 Rank requirement: ??
Power Bonus: 12% Cost: 580,785
Attraction Bonus: 10% Limited Edition: ??
Luck: 5 Crafted: ??
Cheese Effect: No Effect Smashable: ??
Larry's Loot Lexicon: ?? Image: External Link
Forged by "The Forgotten", this ancient tablet was once used as a crafting station to enchant Runes. While in Bristle Woods, the engravings etched on this base begin to glow and dance along the tablet, calling out for what was once born from its surface, attracting mice carrying an abundance of Runes.

The Runic Base is a Limited Edition base. When used in Bristle Woods, it increases the chance of Runes being dropped as loot, as well as adding a small chance of receiving an extra Rune.

Purchasing Info

The Runic Base was available for purchase for 580,785 gold from Ronza's Traveling Shoppe during Ronza's January 2011 visit. It refunded for 116,000 gold at the same location. It can no longer be obtained.

History and Trivia

  • The Runic Base became available for sale on 12 January 2011


  • The Runic Base "glows" while a hunter is in Bristle Woods, showing its rune-boosting ability is active.

Combined Trap Statistics

Shown in the table below are the statistics when combined with the respective Weapons. Click on the sorting box beside a particular attribute to do a quick comparison.

Weapon Power Power Type Power Bonus Attraction Bonus Luck Cheese Effect
2010 Blastoff Trap 3,556 Tactical 27% 10% 30 42Very Stale
2012 Big Boom Trap 3,429 Tactical 27% 30% 30 39Extremely Stale
500 Pound Spiked Crusher 549 Physical 22% 10% 6 48No Effect
Ambrosial Portal 1,373 Shadow 12% 15% 5 51Fresh
Ambush 3,744 Tactical 17% 10% 17 51Fresh
Ancient Box Trap 5,490 Forgotten 22% 10% 9 48No Effect
Ancient Spear Gun 4,446 Hydro 17% 20% 17 51Fresh
Arcane Blast Trap 4,320 Arcane 20% 10% 25 60Insanely Fresh
Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery 4,960 Arcane 24% 10% 23 36Insanely Stale
Birthday Candle Kaboom 3,692 Physical 42% 30% 19 42Very Stale
Blackstone Pass Trap 4,064 Tactical 27% 10% 17 54Very Fresh
Bottomless Grave 1,905 Shadow 12% 10% 10 48No Effect
Cackle Lantern Trap 2,808 Shadow 17% 20% 17 39Extremely Stale
Christmas Cracker Trap 4,064 Physical 27% 15% 29 54Very Fresh
Chrome DeathBot 3,960 Physical 32% 25% 35 42Very Stale
Chrome DrillBot 5,412 Physical 32% 10% 31 36Insanely Stale
Chrome Nannybot 1,638 Shadow 17% 15% 11 51Fresh
Chrome RhinoBot 7,564 Physical 22% 10% 32 33Ultimately Stale
Chrome Tacky Glue Trap 303 Physical 12% 40% 25 45Stale
Clockapult of Time 3,020 Shadow 22% 15% 15 57Extremely Fresh
Digby DrillBot 4,420 Physical 30% 10% 10 48No Effect
Dimensional Chest Trap 6,480 Tactical 20% 20% 26 57Extremely Fresh
Double Diamond Adventure 4,144 Hydro 12% 15% 23 60Insanely Fresh
Enraged RhinoBot 7,442 Physical 22% 10% 25 36Insanely Stale
Explosive Toboggan Ride 3,654 Hydro 26% 13% 21 57Extremely Fresh
Giant Speaker 3,569 Tactical 17% 15% 27 48No Effect
Gingerbread House Surprise 2,928 Tactical 22% 20% 13 66Über Fresh
Gorgon Trap 2,574 Shadow 17% 15% 12 42Very Stale
Harpoon Gun 3,808 Hydro 19% 10% 5 45Stale
Heat Bath 4,914 Hydro 17% 10% 19 45Stale
High Tension Spring 322 Physical 17% 30% 7 48No Effect
HitGrab Horsey 856 Physical 14% 10% 25 54Very Fresh
HitGrab Rainbow Rockin' Horse 1,654 Physical 14% 20% 30 66Über Fresh
HitGrab Rockin' Horse 1,654 Physical 14% 20% 30 48No Effect
Horrific Venus Mouse Trap 4,464 Tactical 24% 11% 21 48No Effect
Ice Maiden 6,696 Draconic 24% 10% 13 48No Effect
Kraken Chaos 4,033 Hydro 12% 10% 23 42Very Stale
Mouse DeathBot 3,302 Physical 27% 20% 7 45Stale
Mouse Mary O'Nette 505 Physical 12% 16% 10 51Fresh
Mouse Rocketine 1,003 Physical 18% 10% 5 39Extremely Stale
Mouse Trebuchet 913 Physical 14% 14% 6 54Very Fresh
Mutated Venus Mouse Trap 3,175 Tactical 27% 10% 13 36Insanely Stale
Mystic Pawn Pincher 305 Tactical 17% 30% 5 51Fresh
Nannybot 849 Parental 17% 10% 10 48No Effect
Net Cannon 3,585 Hydro 12% 13% 10 45Stale
Nutcracker Nuisance Trap 4,160 Arcane 30% 25% 21 60Insanely Fresh
NVMRC Forcefield Trap 3,162 Physical 24% 20% 17 48No Effect
Oasis Water Node Trap 6,696 Hydro 24% 20% 25 48No Effect
Obelisk of Incineration 2,867 Arcane 22% 10% 6 36Insanely Stale
Obelisk of Slumber 2,577 Arcane 12% 20% 5 57Extremely Fresh
Obvious Ambush Trap 4,064 Tactical 27% 10% 17 42Very Stale
Onyx Mallet 4,960 Physical 24% 10% 11 45Stale
PartyBot 3,874 Physical 27% 25% 30 45Stale
Pneumatic Tube Trap 3,300 Physical 32% 15% 23 48No Effect
Pumpkin Pummeler 1,580 Shadow 17% 20% 10 51Fresh
Reaper's Perch 4,270 Shadow 22% 15% 21 45Stale
Rewers Riposte 3,937 Tactical 27% 15% 30 51Fresh
RhinoBot 5,769 Physical 12% 10% 13 42Very Stale
Sandstorm MonstroBot 10,824 Physical 32% 15% 32 48No Effect
Sandtail Sentinel 9,030 Physical 29% 20% 30 48No Effect
Shrink Ray Trap 1,404 Physical 17% 12% 13 51Fresh
Sinister Portal 1,434 Shadow 17% 10% 5 45Stale
Snow Barrage 2,178 Tactical 32% 30% 33 54Very Fresh
Snowglobe Trap 3,162 Physical 24% 20% 21 48No Effect
Soul Catcher 1,989 Shadow 17% 15% 10 48No Effect
Soul Harvester 2,808 Shadow 17% 15% 17 48No Effect
Sphynx Wrath 7,686 Tactical 22% 20% 30 54Very Fresh
Swiss Army Mouse Trap 1,597 Physical 14% 12% 15 48No Effect
Tacky Glue Trap 303 Physical 12% 50% 7 45Stale
Technic Pawn Pincher 305 Tactical 17% 30% 5 45Stale
Thorned Venus Mouse Trap 4,212 Tactical 17% 12% 19 54Very Fresh
Venus Mouse Trap 2,352 Tactical 12% 15% 10 57Extremely Fresh
Warpath Thrasher 5,734 Physical 22% 15% 11 45Stale
Zugzwang's First Move 4,903 Tactical 27% 10% 22 54Very Fresh
Zugzwang's Last Move 3,048 Tactical 27% 10% 12 51Fresh
Zurreal's Folly 4,132 Tactical 32% 25% 17 33Ultimately Stale