Golden Tournament Base

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Revision as of 13:25, 17 February 2012 by Lamballs (talk | contribs) (History and Trivia: Champ charm info)

Golden Tournament Base
Base Statistics Base Info
Power: 500 Rank requirement: ??
Power Bonus: 15% Cost: 0
Attraction Bonus: 10% Limited Edition: ??
Luck: 8 Crafted: ??
Cheese Effect: Extremely Fresh Smashable: ??
Larry's Loot Lexicon: ?? Image: External Link
The Golden Tournament Base is a reward that is renowned as a symbol of a seasoned tournament competitor. Only the most dedicated of hunters dare set the goal of obtaining this opulent base.

When armed alongside a Champion Charm, in addition to the charm's +3 luck, this base glows with an extra +4 luck, for a total of 15 luck!

The Golden Tournament Base is earned by competing in hunting tournaments. It receives a bonus of +4 luck when a Champion Charm is armed. Its base stats are strictly better than that of the Spellbook Base, ignoring charm-specific effects, making it an excellent general-use base.

Purchasing Info

The Golden Tournament Base can be purchased for 200 Tournament Tokens from the Tournament Hall Trapsmith. It cannot be bought before the Silver Tournament Base and cannot be refunded.

Related Bases

History and Trivia

  • The Golden Tournament Base was introduced on 12 January 2012 with the opening of the Tournament Hall.
  • When Champion Charms are armed, the design on the sides of the Gold Tournament Base visibly glows, as can be seen here.

Combined Trap Statistics

Shown in the table below are the statistics when combined with the respective Weapons. Click on the sorting box beside a particular attribute to do a quick comparison.

Weapon Power Power Type Power Bonus Attraction Bonus Luck Cheese Effect
2010 Blastoff Trap 4,030 Tactical 30% 10% 33 51Fresh
2012 Big Boom Trap 3,900 Tactical 30% 30% 33 48No Effect
500 Pound Spiked Crusher 938 Physical 25% 10% 9 57Extremely Fresh
Ambrosial Portal 1,754 Shadow 15% 15% 8 60Insanely Fresh
Ambush 4,200 Tactical 20% 10% 20 60Insanely Fresh
Ancient Box Trap 6,000 Forgotten 25% 10% 12 57Extremely Fresh
Ancient Spear Gun 4,920 Hydro 20% 20% 20 60Insanely Fresh
Arcane Blast Trap 4,797 Arcane 23% 10% 28 69Über Fresh
Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery 5,461 Arcane 27% 10% 26 45Stale
Birthday Candle Kaboom 4,205 Physical 45% 30% 22 51Fresh
Blackstone Pass Trap 4,550 Tactical 30% 10% 20 63Ultimately Fresh
Bottomless Grave 2,300 Shadow 15% 10% 13 57Extremely Fresh
Cackle Lantern Trap 3,240 Shadow 20% 20% 20 48No Effect
Christmas Cracker Trap 4,550 Physical 30% 15% 32 63Ultimately Fresh
Chrome DeathBot 4,455 Physical 35% 25% 38 51Fresh
Chrome DrillBot 5,940 Physical 35% 10% 34 45Stale
Chrome Nannybot 2,040 Shadow 20% 15% 14 60Insanely Fresh
Chrome RhinoBot 8,125 Physical 25% 10% 35 42Very Stale
Chrome Tacky Glue Trap 656 Physical 15% 40% 28 54Very Fresh
Clockapult of Time 3,469 Shadow 25% 15% 18 66Über Fresh
Digby DrillBot 4,921 Physical 33% 10% 13 57Extremely Fresh
Dimensional Chest Trap 7,011 Tactical 23% 20% 29 66Über Fresh
Double Diamond Adventure 4,600 Hydro 15% 15% 26 69Über Fresh
Enraged RhinoBot 8,000 Physical 25% 10% 28 45Stale
Explosive Toboggan Ride 4,128 Hydro 29% 13% 24 66Über Fresh
Giant Speaker 4,020 Tactical 20% 15% 30 57Extremely Fresh
Gingerbread House Surprise 3,375 Tactical 25% 20% 16 75Über Fresh
Gorgon Trap 3,000 Shadow 20% 15% 15 51Fresh
Harpoon Gun 4,270 Hydro 22% 10% 8 54Very Fresh
Heat Bath 5,400 Hydro 20% 10% 22 54Very Fresh
High Tension Spring 690 Physical 20% 30% 10 57Extremely Fresh
HitGrab Horsey 1,229 Physical 17% 10% 28 63Ultimately Fresh
HitGrab Rainbow Rockin' Horse 2,048 Physical 17% 20% 33 75Über Fresh
HitGrab Rockin' Horse 2,048 Physical 17% 20% 33 57Extremely Fresh
Horrific Venus Mouse Trap 4,953 Tactical 27% 11% 24 57Extremely Fresh
Ice Maiden 7,239 Draconic 27% 10% 16 57Extremely Fresh
Kraken Chaos 4,485 Hydro 15% 10% 26 51Fresh
Mouse DeathBot 3,770 Physical 30% 20% 10 54Very Fresh
Mouse Mary O'Nette 863 Physical 15% 16% 13 60Insanely Fresh
Mouse Rocketine 1,392 Physical 21% 10% 8 48No Effect
Mouse Trebuchet 1,287 Physical 17% 14% 9 63Ultimately Fresh
Mutated Venus Mouse Trap 3,640 Tactical 30% 10% 16 45Stale
Mystic Pawn Pincher 672 Tactical 20% 30% 8 60Insanely Fresh
Nannybot 1,230 Parental 20% 10% 13 57Extremely Fresh
Net Cannon 4,025 Hydro 15% 13% 13 54Very Fresh
Nutcracker Nuisance Trap 4,655 Arcane 33% 25% 24 69Über Fresh
NVMRC Forcefield Trap 3,620 Physical 27% 20% 20 57Extremely Fresh
Oasis Water Node Trap 7,239 Hydro 27% 20% 28 57Extremely Fresh
Obelisk of Incineration 3,313 Arcane 25% 10% 9 45Stale
Obelisk of Slumber 2,990 Arcane 15% 20% 8 66Über Fresh
Obvious Ambush Trap 4,550 Tactical 30% 10% 20 51Fresh
Onyx Mallet 5,461 Physical 27% 10% 14 54Very Fresh
PartyBot 4,355 Physical 30% 25% 33 54Very Fresh
Pneumatic Tube Trap 3,781 Physical 35% 15% 26 57Extremely Fresh
Pumpkin Pummeler 1,980 Shadow 20% 20% 13 60Insanely Fresh
Reaper's Perch 4,750 Shadow 25% 15% 24 54Very Fresh
Rewers Riposte 4,420 Tactical 30% 15% 33 60Insanely Fresh
RhinoBot 6,268 Physical 15% 10% 16 51Fresh
Sandstorm MonstroBot 11,475 Physical 35% 15% 35 57Extremely Fresh
Sandtail Sentinel 9,636 Physical 32% 20% 33 57Extremely Fresh
Shrink Ray Trap 1,800 Physical 20% 12% 16 60Insanely Fresh
Sinister Portal 1,830 Shadow 20% 10% 8 54Very Fresh
Snow Barrage 2,633 Tactical 35% 30% 36 63Ultimately Fresh
Snowglobe Trap 3,620 Physical 27% 20% 24 57Extremely Fresh
Soul Catcher 2,400 Shadow 20% 15% 13 57Extremely Fresh
Soul Harvester 3,240 Shadow 20% 15% 20 57Extremely Fresh
Sphynx Wrath 8,250 Tactical 25% 20% 33 63Ultimately Fresh
Swiss Army Mouse Trap 1,989 Physical 17% 12% 18 57Extremely Fresh
Tacky Glue Trap 656 Physical 15% 50% 10 54Very Fresh
Technic Pawn Pincher 672 Tactical 20% 30% 8 54Very Fresh
Thorned Venus Mouse Trap 4,680 Tactical 20% 12% 22 63Ultimately Fresh
Venus Mouse Trap 2,760 Tactical 15% 15% 13 66Über Fresh
Warpath Thrasher 6,250 Physical 25% 15% 14 54Very Fresh
Zugzwang's First Move 5,408 Tactical 30% 10% 25 63Ultimately Fresh
Zugzwang's Last Move 3,510 Tactical 30% 10% 15 60Insanely Fresh
Zurreal's Folly 4,631 Tactical 35% 25% 20 42Very Stale