Hunter's Hammer

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Some items can be smashed to reveal new components!

This Crafting tab option can be used to smash certain items for use in crafting other items. The in-game Hunter's Hammer Crafting page lists items that can be smashed or dismantled, along with the quantity of each item owned. It includes a search box for quickly finding an item to smash, as well as categories of smashable items. Upon selecting an item, a window pops up to show the hunter what will result from the smash, as well as a chance to select the quantity before hitting the Smash button.

If the item being smashed is currently in use as a Weapon or Base, the hunter is given an error message: "Sorry, you cannot smash your currently-equipped trap. Please switch to a new trap, and then smash this one."

Many smashed items can be reassembled, but sometimes the reassembly requires extra ingredients (for example, Curds and Whey for SUPER|brie+). However, there are some items where smashing is a one-way conversion (for example, High Tension Spring).

Smashing a Library Assignment will allow you to select a new assignment, although you will be unable to start a new assignment for the next hour.

Items produced by smashing

The following items are known to be produced with the Hunter's Utility Hammer. Some smashed items have more than one source, in which case it is up to the hunter which source item to smash.

Smashed Item Source Category
A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. Parts Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery Trap Parts
Aleth Essence 0003 (3) Ber Essence Equipment
Aleth Essence 0009 (9) Cynd Essence Equipment
Aleth Essence 0027 (27) Dol Essence Equipment
Aleth Essence 0081 (81) Est Essence Equipment
Aleth Essence 0243 (243) Fel Essence Equipment
Aleth Essence 0729 (729) Gur Essence Equipment
Aleth Essence 2187 (2,187) Hix Essence Equipment
Aleth Essence 6561 (6,561) Icuri Essence Equipment
Ambush Trap Parts Ambush Trap Parts
Barnacle Fishy Fromage Sunken City
Bland Queso Mild Queso Queso Canyon
Bland Queso 0010 (10) Medium Queso Queso Canyon
Bland Queso 0100 (100) Hot Queso Queso Canyon
Bland Queso 1000 (1,000) Flamin' Queso Queso Canyon
Blue Winter Hunt Gift Box Green Winter Hunt Gift Box Baskets & Kits
Brain Extractor Parts Brain Extractor Trap Parts
Chess Pieces Zugzwang's Last Move Trap Parts
Chrome Nanite Coating Chrome Nannybot Trap Parts
Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista Parts Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista Trap Moussu Picchu
Trap Parts
Circlet of Pursuing Trap Parts Circlet of Pursuing Trap Trap Parts
Clock Parts Clockapult of Time Trap Parts
Cobweb Mousataur Skull Currency
Crushed Crush Valentine's
Damaged Coral Fragment Fishy Fromage Sunken City
Dark Chocolate Charm 05 (5) Eggscavator Charge Charm Spring Egg Hunt
Dark Chocolate Charm 20 (20) Eggstra Charm Spring Egg Hunt
DeathBot Parts Mouse DeathBot Trap Parts
Digby DrillBot Parts Digby DrillBot Trap Parts
Dragonvine Ballista Parts Dragonvine Ballista Trap Trap Parts
Endless Labyrinth Trap Parts Endless Labyrinth Trap Trap Parts
Enerchi (100) Rift Blossom Branch Miscellaneous
Est Essence Phantasmic Oasis Trap Blueprints Trap Parts
Event Horizon Trap Parts New Horizon Trap New Year
Trap Parts
Fel Essence Clockwork Portal Trap Blueprints
Phantasmic Oasis Trap Blueprints
Trap Parts
Festive Jingle Bell (25) Festive Summoning Bell Resources
Fire Salt Dragon Ember Equipment
Flamin' Spice Leaf Flamin' Queso Queso Canyon
Ful'mina's Charged Toothlet (15) Ful'Mina's Tooth Equipment
Gingerbread Cheese (15) Plank of Gingerbread Trap Parts
Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese Let It Snow Charm Great Winter Hunt
Gold (1) Cursed Gold Currency
Gold (220) Rice Paper General
Vintage Items
Gold (2,000) Bead of Slumber Equipment
Vintage Items
Gold (7,750) Droid Parts Equipment
Vintage Items
Gold (460,000) Metamorphic Rock Equipment
Vintage Items
Gold (500,000) Umbral Capacitor Equipment
Vintage Items
Gold (1,000,000) Phantasmic Essence Equipment
Vintage Items
Gold (2,500,000) Arcane Crystal Equipment
Vintage Items
Green Winter Hunt Gift Box Red Winter Hunt Gift Box Baskets & Kits
Gur Essence Grand Arcanum Trap Blueprints Trap Parts
High Tension Spring Parts High Tension Spring Trap Parts
Hobby Horse Parts HitGrab Horsey
HitGrab Rainbow Rockin' Horse
Trap Parts
Hot Spice Leaf Hot Queso Queso Canyon
Ice Blaster Parts Ice Blaster Great Winter Hunt
Trap Parts
Icuri Essence Clockwork Portal Trap Blueprints
Grand Arcanum Trap Blueprints
Phantasmic Oasis Trap Blueprints
Trap Parts
Insidious Incense Gloomy Charm Halloween
Infused Plate Minotaur Key Equipment
Interdimensional Crossbow Trap Parts Interdimensional Crossbow Trap Parts
Intergalactic Positioning Chips New Horizon Trap New Year
Trap Parts
Launcher Parts Harpoon Gun
Net Cannon
Trap Parts
Magic Essence Magical String Cheese
Empowered SUPER|brie+
Basic Bait
Magic Essence Maki Furoma
Magic Essence Maki String Cheese Furoma Rift
Magic Essence Magical Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese Toxic Spill
Medium Spice Leaf Medium Queso Queso Canyon
Mild Spice Leaf Mild Queso Queso Canyon
Mouse Scale Fishy Fromage Sunken City
Nannybot Parts Chrome Nannybot
Trap Parts
Nothing Library Assignment Scrolls, Posters, Assignments
Oasis Water Node Trap Parts Oasis Water Node Trap Trap Parts
Obelisk Parts Obelisk of Slumber
Obelisk of Incineration
Trap Parts
Orange Winter Hunt Gift Box Golden Winter Hunt Gift Box Baskets & Kits
Pecan Pecorino Cheese Winter Charm Great Winter Hunt
Phantasmic Oasis Trap Parts Phantasmic Oasis Trap Trap Parts
Polluted Base Parts Polluted Base Polluted Set
Powercore Hammer Minotaur Key Equipment
Purple Winter Hunt Gift Box Orange Winter Hunt Gift Box Baskets & Kits
Radioactive Curd Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese Toxic Spill
Radioactive Curd Radioactive Blue Cheese Laboratory
Rainbow Mohawk Wig of Awesomeness HitGrab Rainbow Rockin' Horse Trap Parts
Red Winter Hunt Gift Box Purple Winter Hunt Gift Box Baskets & Kits
RhinoBot Parts RhinoBot Trap Parts
Rift Circuit Chips (3) Rift Circuitry Currency
Sacred Script Minotaur Key Equipment
Sandstorm MonstroBot Parts Sandstorm MonstroBot Trap Parts
School of Sharks Trap Parts School of Sharks Trap Parts
Scrap Metal Canister Ring Sunken City
Scum Scrubber Parts Scum Scrubber Miscellaneous
Shattered Rift Crystal Crystal Tower Trap Parts
Smashed Pumpkin Pumpkin Pummeler Trap Parts
Smashed Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Miscellaneous
Solidified Amber Queso 0150 (150) Queso Thermal Spring Currency
Solidified Amber Queso 0300 (300) Thermal Chisel Currency
Solidified Amber Queso 1000 (1000) Geyser Smolder Stone Currency
Soul Catcher Parts Soul Catcher Trap Parts
Sphynx Wrath Parts Sphynx Wrath Trap Parts
Spooky Charm Ethereal Cannonball Resources
Steam Laser Mk. I Parts Steam Laser Mk. I Trap Parts
Steam Laser Mk. II Parts Steam Laser Mk. II (Broken!) Trap Parts
SUPER|brie+ (30) Magical Holiday Hat Resources
Super Spooky Charm Ghostfire Cannonball Resources
Superstar Nanny Glasses Chrome Nannybot Trap Parts
Thorned Venus Mouse Trap Husk Thorned Venus Mouse Trap Trap Parts
Thought Obliterator Parts Thought Obliterator Trap Trap Parts
Time Out Upgrade Chrome Nannybot Trap Parts
Toboggan Ride Parts Explosive Toboggan Ride Great Winter Hunt
Trap Parts
Tournament Token (2) Veteran Tournament Token Currency
Tribal Timber (3) Tribal Base Trap Parts
Ultimate Snowball Charm Magical Holiday Scarf Resources
Venus Mouse Trap Husk Venus Mouse Trap
Mutated Venus Mouse Trap
Trap Parts
War Scrap (3) Frosty Metal
Heating Oil
Wire Spool

Additionally, in 2011 with the introduction of the Enraged RhinoBot, it was temporarily possible to obtain RhinoBot Parts and Icy RhinoBot Skin from smashing an Icy RhinoBot.


Move along, nothing to see here!

In the special case of a Library Assignment, using the Hunter's Hammer produces Nothing.

History and Trivia

  • On 3 Nov 2016, the Hunter's Hammer page was reorganized to list categories, with the introduction of the Fort Rox area. Prior to that date, the description of the Hunter's Hammer was Use your Hunter's Hammer to smash various items into smaller parts!
