Sphynx Wrath

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Revision as of 20:30, 12 February 2013 by Hyperchao (talk | contribs) (Combined Trap Statistics: +Snake Jade Base)
Sphynx Wrath
Power Type: Tactical
Weapon Statistics Weapon Info
Power: 6,100 Rank requirement: ??
Power Bonus: 10% Cost: 1,628,000
Attraction Bonus: 10% Limited Edition: ??
Luck: 25 Crafted: ??
Cheese Effect: Very Fresh Smashable: ??
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: External Link
The intention of this trap was to pay homage to a mythical creature known only for it's unparalleled mouse hunting prowess. Outfitted with a slew of clever traps it came as quite the surprise when the trapsmith who designed this tool of destruction found it utterly destroyed by it's own means, the statue untouched. It is believed the simple traps were insult enough to the spirit of this creature that they simply destroyed themselves in it's presence.

The Sphynx Wrath is a Tactical weapon available to hunters who have reached the rank of Baron/Baroness and above. It has the highest Power of all tactical weapons in the game, as well as the highest Luck of all non-Limited Edition tactical weapons.

Purchasing Info

The Sphynx Wrath is not sold by any Trapsmith, thus it is non-refundable. It can only be crafted given the proper ingredients.


Formula: Sphynx Wrath
Description Qty Cost (Each)
Sphynx Crystal 1 Loot / Marketplace
Sphynx Wrath Blueprints 1 900,000
Gold Leaf 28 26,000
Flameshard 200 Loot / Marketplace
Total 1,628,000

The total cost of crafting only includes direct vendor costs. Variable costs in acquiring the ingredients are not included.


History and Trivia

The first Sphynx Wrath was crafted on 26 March 2011.

Combined Trap Statistics

Shown in the table below are the statistics when combined with the respective Bases. Click on the sorting box beside a particular attribute to do a quick comparison.

Base Power Power Bonus Attraction Bonus Luck Cheese Effect
Aqua Base 6,964 10% 10% 33 54Very Fresh
Bacon Base 6,931 10% 25% 25 63Ultimately Fresh
Bamboozler Base 7,560 20% 15% 25 60Insanely Fresh
Birthday Cake Base 7,593 21% 15% 25 54Very Fresh
Bronze Tournament Base 7,360 15% 13% 30 57Extremely Fresh
Candy Cane Base 7,041 10% 10% 33 57Extremely Fresh
Carrot Birthday Cake Base 7,217 15% 15% 28 57Extremely Fresh
Cheesecake Base 7,091 13% 30% 25 54Very Fresh
Chocolate Birthday Cake Base 7,405 18% 15% 26 54Very Fresh
Deep Freeze Base 6,749 10% 10% 25 72Über Fresh
Dehydration Base 6,958 10% 15% 29 66Über Fresh
Dragon Jade Base 7,680 20% 10% 35 54Very Fresh
Explosive Base 7,360 15% 15% 25 51Fresh
Fan Base 7,656 22% 10% 27 60Insanely Fresh
Firecracker Base 7,360 15% 15% 29 51Fresh
Gingerbread Base 7,464 18% 10% 29 66Über Fresh
Golden Tournament Base 8,250 25% 20% 33 63Ultimately Fresh
Hearthstone Base 6,931 10% 20% 27 60Insanely Fresh
Jade Base 7,680 20% 10% 29 63Ultimately Fresh
Magma Base 7,552 18% 15% 35 42Very Stale
Magnet Base 7,620 20% 10% 30 57Extremely Fresh
Molten Shrapnel Base 7,808 22% 15% 33 45Stale
Monolith Base 7,808 22% 10% 25 54Very Fresh
Papyrus Base 7,151 10% 10% 35 57Extremely Fresh
Polar Base 7,560 20% 10% 29 66Über Fresh
Remote Detonator Base 7,680 20% 20% 29 51Fresh
Rift Base 7,747 22% 10% 36 57Extremely Fresh
Runic Base 7,686 22% 20% 30 54Very Fresh
Seasonal Base 7,041 10% 18% 31 54Very Fresh
Silver Tournament Base 7,800 20% 15% 32 60Insanely Fresh
Snake Jade Base 7,680 20% 20% 35 54Very Fresh
Soiled Base 7,930 22% 15% 31 60Insanely Fresh
Spellbook Base 8,184 24% 15% 32 57Extremely Fresh
Spiked Base 7,808 22% 10% 28 48No Effect
Stone Base 7,500 20% 10% 25 57Extremely Fresh
Tiki Base 8,064 28% 15% 25 60Insanely Fresh
Tribal Base 8,032 28% 12% 25 57Extremely Fresh
Wooden Base 6,749 10% 10% 25 60Insanely Fresh
Wooden Base with Target 6,793 10% 30% 25 54Very Fresh