From MHWiki
December 2017
- 28: New Year's Celebrations kicked off
- 3 new Specials: Ten 2018 Charms, 2018 Lucky Codex and New Year's Nougat
- 1 new Base: 2018 New Year's Base
- 1 new Charm: 2018 Charm
- 2 new Gift Baskets: 2018 Party Pack and Golem Builder Party Pack
- 12: The Great Winter Hunt 2017 event began.
- 4 new Mice: Snow Golem Jockey, Nice Knitting, Snow Golem Architect and Naughty Nougat
- 1 new Base: Festive Winter Hunt Base
- 5 new Weapons: Christmas Cactus Trap, Christmas Crystalabra Trap, Goldfrost Crossbow Trap, Infinite Winter Horizon Trap and Harrowing Holiday Harpoon Harp
- The Goldfrost Crossbow Trap requires the Goldfrost Honing Crystal and Interdimensional Crossbow Trap Parts for crafting.
- The Infinite Winter Horizon Trap requires the Frozen Galaxy Event Horizon Module and Event Horizon Trap Parts for crafting.
- 1 new Cheese: Pecan Pecorino Cheese
- 6 new Charms: Super Snowball Charm, Extreme Snowball Charm, Ultimate Snowball Charm, Festive Ultimate Lucky Power Charm, Gift Wrapped Charm and Let It Snow Charm
- 1 new Theme: Snow Golem Journal Theme and the three scraps necessary to craft it: Snow Golem Theme Scrap I, Snow Golem Theme Scrap II, and Snow Golem Theme Scrap III
- 3 new Crafting items: Frozen Galaxy Event Horizon Module, Goldfrost Honing Crystal and Interdimensional Crossbow Trap Parts
- 4 new Treasure Chests: 2017 Naughty Treasure Chest, 2017 Nice Treasure Chest, 2017 Rare Naughty Treasure Chest and 2017 Rare Nice Treasure Chest
- 3 new Skins: Blizzard Ballista Trap Skin, Festive Droid Archmagus Trap Skin and Winter Wasteland Dissonance Trap Skin
- 5 new Gift Baskets: Festive Skin Pack 2017, Snow Golem Gift Basket, Snow Golem Supply Box, Stuffed Snow Golem Stocking and Snow Golem Treasure Hunting Kit
- 9 new Specials: Animated Snow, Explosive Christmas Cracker, Festive Summoning Bell, Magical Winter Hunt Holiday Hat, Snow Golem Head, Snow Golem Limb, Snow Golem Torso, Snow Golem Reinforcing Ice Shard and Nugget of Nougat
- 2 new Collectibles: Freshly Baked Snow Collectible and Sharply Dressed Snow Golem Miniature
- 1 new Adventure: Defeat the Naughty Nougat Mouse
November 2017
- 29: The Advent Calendar returns in anticipation of the Great Winter Hunt.
- 14: Moussu Picchu received a small update that included:
- 2 new Scroll Cases: Moussu Picchu Scroll Case and Lightning Scroll Case
- 4 new Treasure Chests: Moussu Picchu Treasure Chest, Rare Moussu Picchu Treasure Chest, Lightning Treasure Chest and Rare Lightning Treasure Chest
- 2 new Themes: Moussu Picchu Journal Theme and Lightning Journal Theme with the 3 scraps necessary to craft it: Moussu Picchu Theme Scrap I, Moussu Picchu Theme Scrap II, Moussu Picchu Theme Scrap III, Lightning Theme Scrap I, Lightning Theme Scrap II and Lightning Theme Scrap III
- 1 new Gift Baskets: Moussu Picchu Treasure Hunting Kit
- 1 new Aura: Lightning Aura
- 1 new Special: Ful'Mina's Gift
- 14: A clover icon was added next to loot items in Hunter's Journals when that loot drop was a direct result of the trap's luck.
- 07: The Mountain received a small update that included HUD improvements, 2 new Crafting Items, 1 new Charm and 3 new Mice. The following mice and items were introduced:
- 3 new Mice: Craggy Ore, Mountain and Slope Swimmer
- 2 new Cheeses: Chedd-Ore Cheese and Abominable Asiago
- 2 new Crafting Items: Faceted Sugar and Iced Curd
- 1 new Charm: Small Power Charm
- The Adventure, Find the Hidden Mountain Pass, was also changed for the update.
October 2017
- 17: The Halloween 2017 Event, Creepy Carl's Cursed Cruise, begins with the invasion of Ghostships throughout the Kingdom. The following mice and items were introduced:
- 4 new Mice: Spectral Swashbuckler Mouse, Scorned Pirate Mouse, Ghost Pirate Queen Mouse, and Captain Cannonball
- 2 new Cheeses: Ghastly Galleon Gouda and Lockbox Limburger Cheese
- 1 new Limited Edition Weapon: Haunted Shipwreck Trap
- 2 new Skins: Ghostship Lollipop Trap Skin and Haunted Dragonslime Ballista Trap Skin
- 1 new Theme: Ghostship Journal Theme
- 2 new Items: Cursed Gold and Ethereal Cannonball
- 1 new Scroll Case: Sealed Terrifying Halloween Scroll Case
- 3 new Gift Baskets: 2017 Halloween Skin Pack, Spooky Supply Kit 2017 and Ghastly Gift Basket
- 1 new Adventure: Capture Captain Cannonball
- 1 new Aura: Spooky Aura
September 2017
- 06: The Moussu Picchu location is opened. The following mice and items were added:
- 24 new mice, the Moussu Picchu Inhabitants:
- 3 Fungal Feeder: Nightshade Flower Girl, Nightshade Maiden, and Spore Salesman
- 5 Potion Brewer: Breeze Borrower, Cloud Collector, Homeopathic Apothecary, Rainwater Purifier, and Windy Farmer
- 5 Wind Wanderer: Charming Chimer, Cycloness, Fluttering Flutist, Wind Watcher, and Wind Warrior
- 5 Rain Roamer: Monsoon Maker, Rain Collector, Rain Summoner, Rain Wallower, and Rainmancer
- 6 Storm Dragon: Dragoon Mouse, Ful'Mina, The Mountain Queen, Thunder Strike, Thundering Watcher, ⚡Thunderlord⚡, and Violet Stormchild
- 3 new cheeses: Rainy Cheese, Windy Cheese, and Dragonvine Cheese
- 2 new potions: Rainy Potion and Windy Potion
- 2 new weapons: Dragonvine Ballista Trap and Storm Wrought Ballista Trap
- 1 new trap skin: Frosted Dragonvine Ballista Trap Skin
- 6 new items: Arcanevine, Shadowvine, Fire Bowl Fuel, Dragon Scale, Ful'Mina's Tooth, and Dragonvine Ballista Parts
- 2 new kits: Moussu Picchu Gift Basket and Moussu Picchu Supply Kit
- 1 new adventure: Capture Ful'Mina, the Mountain Queen
August 2017
- 29: In preparation for the release of a new hunting location, Moussu Picchu, the following items were introduced:
- 29: Rank system was updated. Ranges were adjusted and Hunters may have been increased in rank.
- 15: Fiery Warpath received an update that included HUD improvements. The following mouse and items were introduced:
- 1 new mouse: Artillery Commander
- 8 new Specials:
- 1 new Scroll Case: Warpath Scroll Case
- 1 new Gift Basket: Warpath Treasure Hunting Kit
- 2 new Currencies: Warpath Portal Core and Warpath Portal Console
- 2 new Resources: Artillery Strike Launch Box and Warpath Portal Projector
- 2 new Treasure Chests: Warpath Treasure Chest and Rare Warpath Treasure Chest
- 15: Season 5 of the Relic Hunter Treasure Hunting began. The following item was introduced:
- 1 new Base: Ancient Booster Base
July 2017
- 25: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe opened for one week, introducing several new items.
- 1 new Base: Ultimate Iceberg Base
- 3 new Weapons: Chrome Grand Arcanum Trap, Chrome Temporal Turbine, and Rocket Propelled Gavel Trap
- 5 new Charms: Nightlight Charm, Rift Charm, Rift Airship Charm, Super Enerchi Charm, and Ultimate Wealth Charm
- 5 new Skins: Dissonance Dirigible Trap Skin, Gilded Interdimensional Crossbow Trap Skin, Glacier Ice Maiden Trap Skin, Overgrown S.L.A.C. II Skin, Summer M.Y.N.O.R.C.A. Trap Skin
- 5 new crafting items: Chrome Theme Scrap I, Chrome Theme Scrap II, Chrome Theme Scrap III, Chrome Temporal Turbine Upgrade Kit, Temporal Turbine Trap Parts
- 12 new Convertibles: Chrome Scroll Case, Easy Chrome Treasure Chest, Rare Easy Chrome Treasure Chest, Medium Chrome Treasure Chest, Rare Medium Chrome Treasure Chest, Hard Chrome Treasure Chest, Rare Hard Chrome Treasure Chest, Elaborate Chrome Treasure Chest, Rare Elaborate Chrome Treasure Chest, Arduous Chrome Treasure Chest, Rare Arduous Chrome Treasure Chest
- 1 new Gift Basket: 2017 Ronza's Rift Supply Ship
- 1 new Theme: Chrome Journal Theme
- 1 new Aura: Chrome Aura
- 18: The Toxic Spill is made a permanent a location. Access to the area continues to vary by spill level and Hunter rank, but the levels are know on a regular timer. The mechanism for refining Crude Pollutinum into Pollutinum has also changed. Several new items were introduced:
- 1 new cheese: Magical Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese
- 2 new Gift Baskets: Magical Cleanup Kit and Sudsy Gift Basket
- 1 new skin: Polluted Chrome Monstrobot Trap Skin which requires the new Polluted Chrome Monstrobot Skin Pattern
- 5: The Bristle Woods Rift received several updates and introduced several new items.
- 2 new Charms: Rift Extreme Luck Charm and Rift Wealth Charm
- 2 new Scroll Cases: Rift Stalker Scroll Case and Bristle Woods Rift Scroll Case
- 4 new Treasure Chests: Bristle Woods Rift Treasure Chest, Rare Bristle Woods Rift Treasure Chest, Rift Stalker Treasure Chest, and Rare Rift Stalker Treasure Chest
- 1 new Gift Basket: Bristle Woods Rift Treasure Hunting Kit
- 1 new Theme: Bristle Woods Rift Journal Theme and the three scraps necessary to craft it: Bristle Woods Rift Journal Theme Scrap I, Bristle Woods Rift Journal Theme Scrap II, and Bristle Woods Rift Journal Theme Scrap III
May 2017
- 31: The Glitchpaw Mouse was released due to issues arising from the opening of the Bristle Woods Rift.
- 31: The Bristle Woods Rift opened and the following mice and items were introduced:
- 20 new mice: Absolute Acolyte, Carrion Medium, Chamber Cleaver, Chronomaster, Clockwork Timespinner, Dread Knight, Epoch Golem, Harbinger of Death, Portal Paladin, Portal Plunderer, Portal Pursuer, Record Keeper, Record Keeper's Assistant, Sentient Slime, Shackled Servant, Skeletal Champion, Timeless Lich, Timelost Thaumaturge, Timeslither Pythoness, and Vigilant Ward
- 4 new reward boxes: Mysterious Rift Box, Mysterious Bronze Rift Box, Mysterious Silver Rift Box, and Mysterious Gold Rift Box
- 9 new special items: Ancient Hourglass, Clockwork Cog, Portal Rekindling Key, Portal Scrambler, Quantum Quartz, Riftstalker Codex, Time Sand, Timesplit Rune, Tiny Sprocket
- 1 new base: Clockwork Base
- 1 new trap: Timesplit Dissonance Weapon
- 2 new cheeses: Ancient String Cheese and Runic String Cheese
- 2 new potions: Ancient String Cheese Potion and Runic String Cheese Potion
- 4 new charms: Realm Ripper Charm, Rift Luck Charm, Rift Super Luck Charm, and Timesplit Charm
- 1 new adventure: Capture the Absolute Acolyte
- 2 new gift baskets: Bristle Woods Rift Gift Basket and Bristle Woods Rift Supply Kit
- 17: An invasion of Zombie Mice occurred. The following items were introduced:
- 1 new mouse: Tomb Exhumer
- 1 new potion: Undead String Emmental Potion
- 1 new cheese: Undead String Emmental
- 1 new charm: Rift Antiskele Charm
- 2 new crafting items: Tomb Stones and Undead M.Y.N.O.R.C.A. Skin Pattern
- 1 new skin: Undead Mysteriously unYielding Null-Onyx Rampart of Cascading Amperes Skin
April 2017
- 19: A Grand Duke/Duchess Toxic Spill began.
- 11: The Spring Egg Hunt 2017 began. Hunters could acquire Marshmallow Monterey by hunting in specific areas of the Kingdom containing Stockpiles of the cheese. Arming Marshmallow Monterey in those same areas attracted the Spring Egg Hunt Event Mice. Mice throughout the Kingdom began dropping Eggs as loot.
- 1 new mouse was introduced: Eggsquisite Entertainer
- 18 new Eggs were introduced: Acolyte Egg, Ascended Elder Egg, Croissant Egg, Crystal Behemoth Egg, Dawn Egg, Day Egg, Deep, Deep, Deep Egg, Enerchi Egg, Grand Master of the Dojo Egg, Monster of the Meteor Egg, Mutant Mongrel Egg, Night Egg, Pirate Crew Egg, Riptide Egg, Shattered Egg, Shelder Egg, Tiny Egg, and Warmonger Egg.
- 11: The Harbour was updated with a new HUD, a new mechanic for obtaining the Calm Clearing Map Piece, and Pirate Crews.
- 5 new Pirate Crew mice were added: Barmy Gunner, Bilged Boatswain, Cabin Boy, Corrupt Commodore, and Dashing Buccaneer.
- A Map Scrap is added. 5 are needed to obtain the Calm Clearing Map Piece. Hunters who already have the Calm Clearing Map Piece will not need to acquire it again.
- 5: The Glitchpaw Mouse was released. Unexpected downtime arose after a major update to MouseHunt's code.
March 2017
- 15: The Fort Rox area was updated with a new zone in Dawn called the Heart of the Meteor
- New mouse - Heart of the Meteor
- New cheese - Sunrise Cheese
- New weapon - Meteor Prison Core Trap
- Requires - Meteoric Core Fragments to purchase
- New Equipment - Fort Rox Portal Projector
- Requires Fort Rox Portal Core and Fort Rox Portal Console to purchase
- New Scroll Case - Fort Rox Scroll Case
- Map rewards Fort Rox Treasure Chest or Rare Fort Rox Treasure Chest
- New collectible - Ruined Portal Projector
- New gift basket - Fort Rox Treasure Hunting Kit
- 15: The MouseHunt's Ninth Birthday event ends. The Vacant Lot with open Shops remains.
- 1: The Birthday Party Zone opened to celebrate MouseHunt's Ninth Birthday!
- 1 new mouse was released: Sprinkly Sweet Cupcake Cook Mouse
- 1 new trap: Sprinkly Cupcake Surprise Trap
- 1 new base: Sprinkly Sweet Cupcake Birthday Base
- A new charm: Sprinkly Sweet Cupcake Charm
- A new theme: MouseHunt Sprinkly Sweet Cupcake Journal Theme
- A new theme collectible: MouseHunt Sprinkly Sweet Cupcake Theme Collectible
- A new birthday gift: 2017 Birthday Gift
- 1 new skin: Sprinkly Sorcerer Trap Skin
- 3 new gift baskets: Sprinkly Sprinkling Kit, Sprinkly Sweet Gift Basket and Sprinkly Sweet Combo Kit
- A new adventure: Supply the 9th Birthday Party with Cupcakes
- The maps contained in Sealed Birthday Scroll Cases reward 2017 Birthday Treasure Chests and 2017 Rare Birthday Treasure Chests
February 2017
- 21: An Archduke/Archduchess Toxic Spill occurred.
- 13: The Valentine's Day 2017 event began. Valentine's Day Mice can be encountered in 12 locations throughout the Kingdom.
- 1 new Charm: Lucky Valentine Charm
- 1 new Skin: Crystal Heart M.Y.N.O.R.C.A. Skin
January 2017
- 26: The Year of the Rooster Lunar New Year event begins. Hunters collect cheese from stockpile locations to attract the event mice in those locations. Event mice drop candles which, when lit, provide luck and loot bonuses throughout the Kingdom.
- 1 new cheese: Dumpling Cheese
- 1 new mouse: Costumed Rooster Mouse
- 1 new base: Rooster Jade Base
- 1 new skin: Rooster Archmagus Trap Skin
- 6 new items: Year of the Rooster Gift Basket, Year of the Rooster Supply Kit, Rooster Lunar Lantern, Lunar Lantern Candle, Rooster Mask, and Scented Fiery Rooster Candle
- 11: Deployed Festive New Year's Fireworks were added to the Great Winter Hunt 2016 General Store where they could be purchased at the cost of 1 Festive New Year's Fireworks and 1,000 gold.
- 10: The Great Winter Hunt 2016 event ends. The Vacant Lot with open Shops remains until 17 January.