Lunar New Year 2022
Lunar New Year 2022 | |
Number of Event Mice: | 16 |
Starting Date: | 31 January 2022 |
Ending Date: | 15 February 2022 |
During the Lunar New Year 2022 event, Hunters should head to designated stockpile locations throughout the Kingdom first to claim a Tiger Lunar Lantern from the HUD.
Then, Hunters can hunt normally in the same stockpile locations to obtain Dumpling Cheese as loot from regular mice. Dumpling Cheese (or Nian Gao'da Cheese) can then be armed to attract Lunar New Year Mice that drop Lunar Lantern Candles (or Red Lunar Lantern Candles if Nian Gao'da Cheese is armed).
Finally, Hunters can light Lunar Lantern Candles and Red Lunar Lantern Candles throughout the Kingdom to obtain various bonuses and gain extra rewards depending on the number of candles lit.
Hunters can track their progress within the event through the Heads-Up Display.
It can be divided into several segments:
- Top Left:
- An indicator that shows whether the Hunter is in a stockpile location:
- If the Hunter is in one, the display reads Lunar Stockpile Found
- If the Hunter is not in one, the display reads No Lunar Stockpile
- Regardless, hovering the mouse over the display reveals a text bubble:
- Gather Dumpling Cheese at Lunar Stockpiles from regular mice. Use it to attract and defeat the Costumed Mice!
- Dumpling Cheese - Quick arm/disarm
- When armed in a non-stockpile location, the following warning appears in the centre display:
- No Lunar New Year mice here!
- You should select another bait or travel to a Stockpile Location.
- Click "More Info" in the top-right!
- Hovering the mouse over the Dumpling Cheese reveals a text bubble:
- Dumpling Cheese attracts Lunar New Year and Costumed Mice at Stockpile Locations!
- An indicator that shows whether the Hunter is in a stockpile location:
- Bottom Left:
- Lunar Lantern Candles - Quick arm/disarm and buy
- When Lunar Lantern Candles are armed, a sign labelled Double Drops lights up in colour (it is uncoloured when not armed)
- Hovering the mouse over the Lunar Lantern Candles reveals a text bubble:
- When you have the Tiger Lunar Lantern, you can use Lunar Lantern Candles to DOUBLE most loot drops!
- Lunar Lantern Candles - Quick arm/disarm and buy
- Centre:
- A Claim Lantern button if the lantern has not been claimed
- Snapshot of the display showing how far your lantern has lifted into the air after the lantern has been looted, including bonus items as follows:
- +1 luck every 10 feet up to 500 feet.
- 3 Nian Gao'da Cheese every 30 feet up to 480 feet.
- Chrome School of Tiger Sharks Skin at 90 feet.
- SUPER|brie+ Supply Pack at 180 feet
- Year of the Tiger Journal Theme at 240 feet.
- 10 Ultimate Lucky Power Charms at 360 feet.
- 10 Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charms at 420 feet.
- 50 SUPER|brie+, 3 Ultimate Charms, and 10 Red Lunar Lantern Candles at 500 feet.
- Trackers at the bottom showing: how many candles has the Hunter lit, the height of the Tiger Lunar Lantern and the current luck boost the Hunter has when lighting candles
- Hovering the mouse over the trackers reveals a text bubble:
- Every hunt with a lit candle raises the Lantern one foot. For every ten feet you'll earn a +1 Luck Bonus while the lantern is lit! The higher you go, the better the goodies.
- Top Right:
- Clicking More Info will open a window with the following:
- An overview of the event:
- Hunt with Dumpling Cheese to attract Event Mice at stockpile locations to earn candles for the Tiger Lantern!
- As you burn Lunar Lantern Candles, your Tiger Lantern will lift into the air and gain extra rewards!
- An explanation of the loot doubling and tripling effects as well as restrictions:
- Double or even TRIPLE your loot!
- The Tiger Lunar Lantern will boost the loot a captured mouse is carrying! However, there are a few things it can't quite figure out how to duplicate.
- It will not duplicate:
- Dumpling Cheese
- Nian Gao'da Cheese
- Red or White Lunar Lantern Candles
- Map Pieces
- Treasure Map Clues
- A mouse's gold or points
- Items added by bases, charms, auras or other special effects
- Certain items with quantity restrictions
- Library Research Assignment Items
- Itself
- Hunters.
- Attempting to duplicate any of these items could break the laws of space-time itself! The King frowns upon that sort of thing.
- Additionally, the Lunar Lantern will not accelerate progress for Bristle Woods Rift Chambers or other areas where mouse loot affects progress.
- Inventory of Dumpling Cheese, Lunar Lantern Candle, Nian Gao'da Cheese, Red Lunar Lantern Candle, Tiger Lunar Lantern, and Tiger Jade Base
- Full display showing how far your lantern has lifted into the air
- Lunar Stockpile locations and quick-travel buttons, with the following description:
- Lunar Stockpiles have popped up all over Gnawnia!
- Hunt in these areas below to find Dumpling Cheese, then equip it to attract Lunar New Year mice!
- Nian Gao'da Cheese - Quick arm/disarm and buy
- Hovering the mouse over the Nian Gao'da Cheese reveals a text bubble:
- Nian Gao'da Cheese attracts a special stockpile mouse that drops Red Lunar Candles!
- Clicking More Info will open a window with the following:
- Bottom Right:
- Red Lunar Lantern Candles - Quick arm/disarm and buy
- When Red Lunar Lantern Candles are armed, a sign labelled Triple Treat lights up in colour (it is uncoloured when not armed)
- Hovering the mouse over the Red Lunar Lantern Candles reveals a text bubble:
- When you have the Tiger Lunar Lantern, you can use Red Lunar Lantern Candles to TRIPLE most loot drops!
- Red Lunar Lantern Candles - Quick arm/disarm and buy
Stockpiles of Dumpling Cheese
Stockpiles of Dumpling Cheese can be found in 12 locations within the Kingdom.
Hunt with the cheeses that attract the mice normally found in these locations to obtain Dumpling Cheese as loot.
Hunting with either Dumpling Cheese or Nian Gao'da Cheese in stockpile locations is the only way to attract the Lunar New Year Mice.
Dumpling Cheese and Nian Gao'da Cheese will not attract mice outside of the stockpile locations.
- Recruit and above
- Master and above
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Laboratory:
- Bionic
- Black Widow – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Burglar
- Clumsy Chemist
- Monster – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Mutated Brown
- Mutated Grey
- Mutated White
- Sludge Scientist
- Squeaker Bot
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Great Gnarled Tree:
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Laboratory:
- Grandmaster and above
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Dojo:
- Archer
- Assassin – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Hapless
- Kung Fu
- Monk
- Ninja
- Samurai
- Student of the Cheese Belt
- Student of the Cheese Claw
- Student of the Cheese Fang
- Worker – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Dojo:
- Legendary and above
- Lord/Lady and above
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Claw Shot City:
- Lasso Cowgirl
- Prospector
- Pyrite – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Ruffian
- Saloon Gal
- Shopkeeper
- Tumbleweed
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Claw Shot City:
- Baron/Baroness and above
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Muridae Market:
- Desert Architect – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Desert Nomad
- Falling Carpet
- Glass Blower
- Limestone Miner
- Lumberjack
- Market Guard
- Pie Thief
- Snake Charmer
- Spice Merchant
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Muridae Market:
- Count/Countess and above
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Gnawnia Rift:
- Agitated Gentle Giant
- Cyborg
- Dream Drifter – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Excitable Electric
- Micro – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Mighty Mole
- Raw Diamond
- Shard Centurion
- Spiritual Steel
- Wealth
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Queso River:
- Croquet Crusher
- Pump Raider
- Queso Extractor
- Sleepy Merchant – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Tiny Saboteur
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Gnawnia Rift:
- Duke/Duchess and above
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Fungal Cavern:
- Crag Elder
- Crystalline Slasher
- Dirt Thing
- Floating Spore
- Funglore
- Lumahead
- Mush
- Mushroom Sprite
- Nightshade Masquerade – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Quillback
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Fungal Cavern:
- Grand Duke/Grand Duchess and above
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Moussu Picchu:
- Breeze Borrower
- Cloud Collector
- Homeopathic Apothecary – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Nightshade Flower Girl
- Nightshade Maiden – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Rainwater Purifier
- Spore Salesman
- Windy Farmer
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Moussu Picchu:
- Archduke/Archduchess and above
- Floating Islands (Launchpad only)
- Non-Lunar New Year Mice attracted in Floating Islands:
- Cloud Miner – Nian Gao'da Cheese only
- Launchpad Labourer
- Sky Greaser
- Skydiver
Lunar Lantern and Candles
After claiming the Tiger Lunar Lantern from the event HUD one of the stockpile locations, the Hunter can light either Lunar Lantern Candles or Red Lunar Lantern Candles to obtain the bonuses stated below.
The Tiger Lunar Lantern will provide the bonuses only when it is lit.
Regardless of the type of candle used and the outcome of the hunt, 1 candle will be consumed with each hunt.
Luck Bonus
- Each Lunar Lantern Candle burned will raise the lantern height by 1 foot.
- Each Red Lunar Lantern Candle burned will raise the height by 2 feet.
- Every 10 feet of the lantern height will add +1 luck.
- The maximum height is 500 feet, hence the maximum possible luck bonus is +50.
Loot Doubling and Tripling Bonus
- Loot is doubled when Lunar Lantern Candles are in use.
- The Hunter's Journal will show the following message:
- By the light of the Tiger Lunar Lantern, I also earned the following bonus loot:
- ...
- Loot is tripled when Red Lunar Lantern Candles are in use.
- The Hunter's Journal will show the following message:
- By the power of the Red Candles and the light of the Tiger Lunar Lantern, I also earned the following bonus loot:
- ...
- Almost any item that appears as mouse loot in the journal entry after the message below will be multiplied, subject to the restrictions stated above.
- The mouse also dropped the following loot:
- If an item's quantity limit is reached as a result of the candle's boost, the indicator (Max Quantity Reached) will appear beside the item and the Hunter will not receive any loot beyond the quantity limit.
Lunar New Year Mice
These are the Lunar New Year event mice that may be encountered in stockpile locations during the Lunar New Year 2022 event.
Dumpling Cheese or Nian Gao'da Cheese is required to attract event mice in stockpile locations.
Nian Gao'da Cheese is required to attract the Lunar Red Candle Maker in stockpile locations.
Mouse | Points | Gold | Loot |
Calligraphy | 2,888 | 888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Dog | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Dragon | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Horse | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Monkey | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Ox | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Pig | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Rabbit | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Rat | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Rooster | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Sheep | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Snake | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Costumed Tiger | 2,888 | 6,888 | Lunar Lantern Candle Satchel of Gold (10,000 gold) |
Dumpling Chef | 2,866 | 3,000 | Lunar Lantern Candle |
Lunar Red Candle Maker Requires Nian Gao'da Cheese |
2,888 | 2,222 | Red Lunar Lantern Candle |
Red Envelope | 888 | 888 | Lunar Lantern Candle Red Pocket Envelope |
The shoppes in stockpile locations have added the certain items to their inventory for the duration of the event.
Item | Cost | Refund |
Sealed Lantern Lighter Scroll Case | 1 Ancient Relic | N/A |
General Store
Item | Cost | Refund |
Year of the Tiger Airship Balloon | 25,000 Gold 10 Lunar Lantern Candles |
N/A |
Year of the Tiger Airship Hull | 25,000 Gold 10 Lunar Lantern Candles |
N/A |
Year of the Tiger Airship Sail | 25,000 Gold 10 Lunar Lantern Candles |
N/A |
Year of the Ox Airship Balloon | 25,000 Gold 10 Lunar Lantern Candles |
N/A |
Year of the Ox Airship Hull | 25,000 Gold 10 Lunar Lantern Candles |
N/A |
Year of the Ox Airship Sail | 25,000 Gold 10 Lunar Lantern Candles |
N/A |
Year of the Ox Journal Theme | 50,000 Gold 25 Lunar Lantern Candles |
N/A |
Year of the Rat Journal Theme | 25,000 Gold 25 Lunar Lantern Candles |
N/A |
Year of the Pig Journal Theme | 25,000 Gold 25 Lunar Lantern Candles |
N/A |
Item | Cost | Refund | Requirement |
Jade Base | 80,000 Gold | 14,000 Gold | Journeyman title to equip |
Doggy Droid Trap Skin | 15 Lunar Lantern Candles | N/A | N/A |
Floating Pig Fortress Trap Skin | 20 Lunar Lantern Candles | N/A | N/A |
Slippery Rat Slide Trap Skin | 25 Lunar Lantern Candles | N/A | N/A |
Chrome Monstrous OxBot Skin | 30 Lunar Lantern Candles | N/A | N/A |
Celebrate Lunar New Year 2022
Celebrate the 2022 Lunar New Year by lighting your Tiger Lunar Lantern and earning the Tiger Jade Base!
Claim the Tiger Lunar Lantern
- Obtain the Tiger Lunar Lantern by claiming it at a stockpile location!
- Location: Lunar Stockpiles
Collect and Light Lunar Lantern Candles
- Gather Dumpling Cheese by capturing regular mice in a Lunar Stockpile!
- Location: Lunar Stockpiles
- Collect and light 10 Lunar Lantern Candles or Red Lunar Lantern Candles
This adventure takes place in:
- Town of Gnawnia
- Laboratory
- Great Gnarled Tree
- Dojo
- S.S. Huntington IV
- Claw Shot City
- Muridae Market
- Gnawnia Rift
- Fungal Cavern
- Moussu Picchu
- Queso River
- Floating Islands
- 25,000 Gold
- 50,000 Points
- 50 King's Credit
- 1 Tiger Jade Base