School of Sorcery

From MHWiki
(Redirected from Final Exam)
School of Sorcery
Region: Folklore Forest
Rank requirement: Viceroy
Map piece: Tale of the Sorcerer's Apprentice
Required Power Type: Arcane, Shadow
Required Cheese: Standard Cheese
Apprentice Ambert
Master Mimolette
Number of Mice: 28
Shops: Cheese Shoppe
Charm Shoppe
General Store
Release Date: 23 April 2024
Prepare to hit the books and study hard so that you can graduate from a lowly Apprentice to a powerful Master Sorcerer!


School of Sorcery is a hunting location in the Folklore Forest region.

Hunters require a minimum Rank of Viceroy and the Tale of the Sorcerer's Apprentice to access.

Hunters enroll in Courses to earn credits called Arcane Sunstone, Shadow Moonstone and Sorcerer's Sapphire by catching the Masters in their respective courses. Arcane Sunstone and Shadow Moonstone are used to primarily unlock the Final Exam as well as purchase Master Magus Wand, while Sorcerer's Sapphire are used to purchase various rewards in the shops. In each course, the Hunters' Spell Force is determined by the cheese and consumables used. As the Hunter progresses to higher levels of their enrolled course, the quantity of the loot drop increases till the course is completed.

Gameplay Mechanics


There are primarily 3 different courses Hunters can enroll in:

Cost and Duration

The Arcane Arts and Shadow Sciences courses last for 60 hunts, and the Final Exams last for 120 hunts.
The cost for an Arcane Arts or a Shadow Sciences course is 30,000 gold per enrollment, while the cost for a Final Exam is 300 Arcane Sunstone and 300 Shadow Moonstone.
Hunters are able to drop out of their enrolled course anytime they wish to, keeping all loot earned during the duration of the course.
Enrollment costs are not refunded if the Hunter decides to drop out of the course.

When the Hunter enrolls in a course, a window pops up showing the courses' details and an automatic bait setting where the Hunter is able to choose whether to arm the Standard Cheese or disarm the bait after finishing the course.
Afterwards, a second window pops up summarizing the course enrollment, its cost and the chosen bait setting.
After the Hunter successfully enrolls into the course, the HUD changes to an image of a magical wand battle between a droid and a Master Sorcerer.

Loot and Course Level

Loots dropped from mice start from their respective starting level, with both Arcane Arts and Shadow Sciences course starting from level 1 and Final Exam starting from level 10.
During the course, whenever the Hunter defeats the Master Sorcerer, the course level advances by 1, thus increasing the loot dropped by 1. Using Condensed Creativity doubles this loot.

Spell Force

Upon the enrollment of any course, Hunters start with a total of 0 spell force.
During each course, the total spell force can be increased through successful catches, or be reduced through failure to catch or failure to attract a mouse.
Spell force gained on each successful catch is mainly calculated by the type of cheese used. Condensed Creativity and Master Magus Wand multiplies this spell force by 2 separately, resulting in a x4 multiplier on the spell force with the use of both consumables.
Arming Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base or Dragon's Breath Opal Refractor Base during the course also increases the spell force by 1. This increase in spell force is additive to the cheese used, and thus Condensed Creativity's and Master Magus Wand's spell force multiplier are applied after the increase.

Reduction in spell force is equivalent to the current course level that the Hunter is in.
Spell force will not be below 0.

The following cheeses provide different amounts of spell force

Cheese used Spell force gained with
no Condensed Creativity
and Master Magus Wand
Spell force gained with
using Condensed Creativity
or Master Magus Wand
Spell force gained with
using both Condensed Creativity
and Master Magus Wand
Standard Cheese 2 4 8
Empowered Brie Cheese
or Empowered SUPER|brie+
3 6 12
Apprentice Ambert 9 18 36
Master Mimolette 27 54 108

Master Encounter

Once the spell force reaches the total spell force needed for the current course, Hunters will engage the Master Sorcerer.
When the Master Sorcerer is defeated, the Hunter progresses to the next course level in preparation to face against the next Master Sorcerer.
Excess spell force will be brought over to the next course level.
Master Sorcerers also drop twice the amount of Arcane Sunstone, Shadow Moonstone, or Sorcerer's Sapphire in their respective course, on top of the loot dropped by cheese type on the current course level.

Arcane Arts

In an Arcane Arts course, mice caught with Standard Cheese will drop Apprentice Alchemic Amber for crafting Apprentice Ambert, mice caught with Apprentice Ambert will drop Master Magus Mimetite for crafting Master Mimolette, and mice caught with Master Mimolette will drop Arcane Sunstone.
The Master Sorcerer in Arcane Arts courses, Arcane Master Sorcerer, will drop Arcane Sunstone on top of the unique loot that will be dropped from the cheese used during the Master Encounter.

Shadow Sciences

In a Shadow Sciences course, mice caught with Standard Cheese will drop Apprentice Alchemic Amber for crafting Apprentice Ambert, mice caught with Apprentice Ambert will drop Master Magus Mimetite for crafting Master Mimolette, and mice caught with Master Mimolette will drop Shadow Moonstone.
The Master Sorcerer in Shadow Sciences courses, Shadow Master Sorcerer, will drop Shadow Moonstone on top of the unique loot that will be dropped from the cheese used during the Master Encounter.

Final Exam

In a Final Exam, the duration of the course is twice as long at 120 hunts, and Hunters will have to change their trap power type every 30 hunts.
The Final Exam starts off randomly with either Arcane or Shadow power type, whilst informing the Hunter of the amount of hunts left before the power type is swapped.

In a Final Exam, mice caught with Standard Cheese will drop Apprentice Alchemic Amber for crafting Apprentice Ambert, mice caught with Apprentice Ambert will drop Master Magus Mimetite for crafting Master Mimolette, and mice caught with Master Mimolette will drop Sorcerer's Sapphire.
The Master Sorcerer in Final Exams, Mythical Master Sorcerer, will drop Sorcerer's Sapphire on top of the unique loot that will be dropped from the cheese used during the Master Encounter.
In addition, Mythical Master Sorcerer also drops a fixed 3 Master Magus Wand on each successful catch.

Heads-Up Display

The HUD always shows the following Items:

The HUD also always provides the following information:

  • While not enrolled:
    • A banner with the title School of Sorcery
    • 3 different course selections with its respective enrolment cost
    • A button labeled Enrol that will be lit up if the Hunter is able to afford the course enrolment cost
  • While enrolled in an Arcane Arts Course:
    • A button labeled DROP OUT that allows Hunters to drop out of the enrolled course
    • A banner with the title Arcane Arts and a 3-digit number, with the 1st digit being 1 + amount of Final Exams the Hunter has completed, and the 2nd and 3rd digit being the course level, starting from 01.
    • Hunts remaining in the current course
    • The Hunter's spell force below the droid
    • The Hunter's current total spell force against the total spell force need to encounter the Master Sorcerer
    • The current spell force pushback below the Master Sorcerer
    • An Arcane power type icon with the message "Arcane armed" if the Hunter is using an Arcane trap or with the message "Arcane recommended" with an exclamation mark in a circle if the Hunter is not using an Arcane trap
      • When hovered over the exclamation mark, a small bubble will appear with the message, "Your current Trap Power Type is less effective"
    • A small image display of the type of loot dropped and its quantity on a successful catch
  • While enrolled in a Shadow Sciences Course:
    • A button to drop out of the course labeled DROP OUT
    • A banner with the title Shadow Sciences and a 3-digit number, with the 1st digit being 1 + amount of Final Exams the Hunter has completed, and the 2nd and 3rd digit being the course level, starting from 01.
    • Hunts remaining in the current course
    • The Hunter's spell force below the droid
    • The Hunter's current total spell force against the total spell force need to encounter the Master Sorcerer
    • The current spell force pushback below the Master Sorcerer
    • A Shadow power type icon with the message "Shadow armed" if the Hunter is using a Shadow trap or with the message "Shadow recommended" with an exclamation mark in a circle if the Hunter is not using a Shadow trap
      • When hovered over the exclamation mark, a small bubble will appear with the message, "Your current Trap Power Type is less effective"
    • A small image display of the type of loot dropped and its quantity on a successful catch
  • While enrolled in a Final Exam:
    • A button to drop out of the course labeled DROP OUT
    • A banner with the title Final Exam and a 3-digit number, with the 1st digit being 1 + amount of Final Exams the Hunter has completed, and the 2nd and 3rd digit being the course level, starting from 10.
    • Hunts remaining in the current course
    • Hunts left before the power type changes from Shadow to Arcane or from Arcane to Shadow
    • The Hunter's spell force below the droid
    • The Hunter's current total spell force against the total spell force need to encounter the Master Sorcerer
    • The current spell force pushback below the Master Sorcerer
    • A combined half-and-half Arcane and Shadow power type icon with the message "Shadow armed" or "Arcane armed" if the Hunter is using the power type trap required or with the message "Shadow recommended" or "Arcane recommended" with an exclamation mark in a circle if the Hunter is not using the power type trap required
      • When hovered over the exclamation mark, a small bubble will appear with the message, "Your current Trap Power Type is less effective"
    • A small image display of the type of loot dropped and its quantity on a successful catch
  • An option to arm their choice of Standard Cheese or disarm their cheese after a course or exam is completed
  • An option to view the Hunter's school transcript
    • When clicked to view, a window with the title School Transcript will appear
    • The school transcript shows:
      • The course name
      • Total number of each respective course completed
      • The highest course level reached by the Hunter of each course

Hunters can arm and craft the various cheeses by hovering over the corresponding HUD components and picking which recipe they prefer to craft.


All mice found in School of Sorcery are part of Sorcery Apprentices group.

Arcane and Shadow power types work against these mice.

Mice when not enrolled

All mice found when the Hunter is not enrolled belong to the Monitor of the Halls sub-group.

Mouse Points Gold Standard Cheese Loot
Hall Monitor 20,000 5,000 X

Arcane Arts Mice

Mice found in Arcane Arts are part of Arcane Academics sub-group with the exception of Arcane Master Sorcerer, which is part of Master Sorcerers sub-group.

All of them drop loot with the amount tied to the course level and cheese used.

Mouse Points Gold Standard Cheese Apprentice Ambert Master Mimolette Loot
Perpetual Detention 30,000 6,000 X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Broomstick Bungler 40,000 6,750 X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Misfortune Teller 50,000 7,500 X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Condensed Creativity
Arcana Overachiever 65,000 8,500 X Master Magus Mimetite
Invisible Fashionista 75,000 9,000 X Master Magus Mimetite
Enchanted Chess Club Champion 85,000 10,000 X Master Magus Mimetite
Condensed Creativity
Illustrious Illusionist 92,000 12,000 X Arcane Sunstone
Featherlight 100,000 14,000 X Arcane Sunstone
Constructively Critical Artist 110,000 16,000 X Arcane Sunstone
Arcane Master Sorcerer
Requires Master Encounter
150,000 20,000 X X X Arcane Sunstone
Condensed Creativity

Shadow Sciences Mice

Mice found in Shadow Sciences are part of Shadow Scholars sub-group with the exception of Shadow Master Sorcerer, which is part of Master Sorcerers sub-group.

All of them drop loot with the amount tied to the Course Level and cheese used.

Mouse Points Gold Standard Cheese Apprentice Ambert Master Mimolette Loot
Mixing Mishap 30,000 6,000 X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Uncoordinated Cauldron Carrier 40,000 6,750 X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Bookworm 50,000 7,500 X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Condensed Creativity
Classroom Keener 65,000 8,500 X Master Magus Mimetite
Audacious Alchemist 75,000 9,000 X Master Magus Mimetite
Prestigious Prestidigitator 85,000 10,000 X Master Magus Mimetite
Condensed Creativity
Classroom Disrupter 92,000 12,000 X Shadow Moonstone
Teleporting Truant 100,000 14,000 X Shadow Moonstone
Magical Multitasker 110,000 16,000 X Shadow Moonstone
Shadow Master Sorcerer
Requires Master Encounter
150,000 20,000 X X X Condensed Creativity
Shadow Moonstone

Final Exam Mice

Mice found in the Final Exam are part of either the Arcane Academics or Shadow Scholars sub-group with the exception of Mythical Master Sorcerer, which is part of Master Sorcerers sub-group.

All of them drop loot with the amount tied to the Course Level and cheese used.

Mouse Points Gold Exam Power Type Standard Cheese Apprentice Ambert Master Mimolette Loot
Perpetual Detention 30,000 6,000 Arcane X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Broomstick Bungler 40,000 6,750 Arcane X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Misfortune Teller 50,000 7,500 Arcane X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Condensed Creativity
Sleep Starved Scholar 60,000 10,000 Arcane X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Condensed Creativity
Arcana Overachiever 65,000 8,500 Arcane X Master Magus Mimetite
Invisible Fashionista 75,000 9,000 Arcane X Master Magus Mimetite
Enchanted Chess Club Champion 85,000 10,000 Arcane X Master Magus Mimetite
Condensed Creativity
Class Clown 90,000 20,000 Arcane X Master Magus Mimetite
Condensed Creativity
Illustrious Illusionist 92,000 12,000 Arcane X Sorcerer's Sapphire
Featherlight 100,000 14,000 Arcane X Sorcerer's Sapphire
Constructively Critical Artist 110,000 16,000 Arcane X Sorcerer's Sapphire
Tyrannical Thaumaturge 120,000 30,000 Arcane X Sorcerer's Sapphire
Mixing Mishap 30,000 6,000 Shadow X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Uncoordinated Cauldron Carrier 40,000 6,750 Shadow X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Bookworm 50,000 7,500 Shadow X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Condensed Creativity
Cheat Sheet Conjurer 60,000 10,000 Shadow X Apprentice Alchemic Amber
Condensed Creativity
Classroom Keener 65,000 8,500 Shadow X Master Magus Mimetite
Audacious Alchemist 75,000 9,000 Shadow X Master Magus Mimetite
Prestigious Prestidigitator 85,000 10,000 Shadow X Master Magus Mimetite
Condensed Creativity
Celestial Summoner 90,000 20,000 Shadow X Master Magus Mimetite
Condensed Creativity
Classroom Disrupter 92,000 12,000 Shadow X Sorcerer's Sapphire
Teleporting Truant 100,000 14,000 Shadow X Sorcerer's Sapphire
Magical Multitasker 110,000 16,000 Shadow X Sorcerer's Sapphire
Data Devourer 120,000 30,000 Shadow X Sorcerer's Sapphire
Mythical Master Sorcerer
Requires Master Encounter
300,000 80,000 Arcane or Shadow X X X Ancient Relic
Condensed Creativity
Master Magus Wand
Sorcerer's Sapphire

Hunting Strategy

Hunting Tips by Larry

Welcome to orientation day, hunter!

I'm glad to see that the King's scholars have successfully written you into another classic Gnawnian folktale because once again, the Folklore Forest needs your help!

This enchanted institution has been commandeered by that dastardly Mythweaver who has written himself in as the new headmaster and Master Sorcerer. Since beginning his tenure, he has taken it upon himself to train a new legion of his murine followers in the dark arts of Arcane and Shadow magic. He plans to turn them all from lowly apprentices into great Master Sorcerers like himself!

The King needs you to enroll in these courses and ace them by building up your Spell Force, advancing through the course levels, and earning the coveted Arcane Sunstones and Shadow Moonstones.

Once you've earned enough of them, you can unlock the Final Exam where you'll have the chance to test your skills against the Mythical Master Sorcerer himself!

Study hard, hunter, I look forward to seeing your report card!

Adventure Book

The Hunter can complete the Become a Master Sorcerer adventure in School of Sorcery.

Location-Specific Effects




These are the shops found in School of Sorcery.

Cheese Shoppe

Item Cost Requirement Refund
2-Pack of Apprentice Ambert Cheese 6,000 Gold
3 Apprentice Alchemic Amber
None N/A
3-Pack of Apprentice Ambert Cheese 3 Apprentice Alchemic Amber
1 Magic Essence
None N/A
2-Pack of Master Mimolette Cheese 12,000 Gold
30 Master Magus Mimetite
None N/A
3-Pack of Master Mimolette Cheese 30 Master Magus Mimetite
1 Magic Essence
None N/A
Gouda Cheese 600 gold None 600 gold
Brie Cheese 200 gold None 200 gold
Swiss Cheese 100 gold None 100 gold


Item Cost Requirement Refund
Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base 21,000,000 gold
9,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
1 Royal Ruby Refractor Base
1 Become a Master Sorcerer

Charm Shoppe

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Rainbow Spore Charm 5,000 Gold
2 Ultimate Spore Charm
2 Rainbow Charm
None N/A
Super Lucky Power Charm 2,500 gold None 750 gold
Extreme Power Charm 1,500 gold None 450 gold
Extreme Luck Charm 4,500 gold None 1,350 gold
Extreme Lucky Power Charm 12,000 gold None 3,600 gold
Charmbit 25 gold None 20 gold

General Store

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Master Magus Wand 20 Arcane Sunstone
20 Shadow Moonstone
3 Magic Essence
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A
Prolific Printing Paper 40,000 gold
80 Sorcerer's Sapphire
None N/A
Folklore Motif-Index: Arcane Luck 3,000,000 Gold
3,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A
Folklore Motif-Index: Arcane Power 3,000,000 Gold
3,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A
Folklore Motif-Index: Shadow Luck 3,000,000 Gold
3,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A
Folklore Motif-Index: Shadow Power 3,000,000 Gold
3,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A
Folklore Motif-Index: Forgotten Luck 3,000,000 Gold
3,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A
Folklore Motif-Index: Forgotten Power 3,000,000 Gold
3,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A
School of Sorcery Journal Theme 3,000,000 gold
9,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A


Item Cost Requirement Refund
Tale of the First Dragons 1,000,000 gold
1,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A
School of Sorcery Scroll Case 3 Ancient Relic None N/A
M1000 Team Research Expedition Scroll Case 5,000 Sorcerer's Sapphire
100 Ancient Relic
1 Become a Master Sorcerer N/A

History and Trivia

  • 23 April 2024: School of Sorcery was released as a new hunting location in Folklore Forest region.

Links and Images

Gnawnia:  • Meadow   • Town of Gnawnia   • Windmill   • Harbour   • Mountain
Valour:  • King's Arms   • Tournament Hall   • King's Gauntlet
Whisker Woods:  • Calm Clearing   • Great Gnarled Tree   • Lagoon
Burroughs:  • Laboratory   • Mousoleum   • Town of Digby   • Bazaar   • Toxic Spill
Furoma:  • Training Grounds   • Dojo   • Meditation Room   • Pinnacle Chamber
Bristle Woods:  • Catacombs   • Forbidden Grove   • Acolyte Realm
Tribal Isles:  • Cape Clawed   • Elub Shore   • Nerg Plains   • Derr Dunes
 • Jungle of Dread   • Dracano   • Balack's Cove
Varmint Valley:  • Claw Shot City   • Gnawnian Express Station   • Fort Rox
Queso Canyon:  • Queso River   • Prickly Plains   • Cantera Quarry   • Queso Geyser
Rodentia:  • S.S. Huntington IV   • Seasonal Garden   • Zugzwang's Tower   • Crystal Library
 • Slushy Shoreline   • Iceberg   • Sunken City
Sandtail Desert:  • Fiery Warpath   • Muridae Market   • Living Garden   • Twisted Garden
 • Lost City   • Cursed City   • Sand Dunes   • Sand Crypts
Hollow Heights:  • Fungal Cavern   • Labyrinth   • Zokor   • Moussu Picchu   • Floating Islands
Folklore Forest:  • Foreword Farm   • Prologue Pond   • Table of Contents   • Bountiful Beanstalk
 • School of Sorcery   • Draconic Depths
Rift Plane:  • Gnawnia Rift   • Burroughs Rift   • Whisker Woods Rift   • Furoma Rift
 • Bristle Woods Rift • Valour Rift
Events:  • Great Winter Hunt: Great Winter Taiga
 • Cinnamon Hill   • Golem Workshop   • Ice Fortress
 • Halloween: Gloomy Greenwood
 • MouseHunt Birthday: The SUPER|brie+ Factory
 • Ronza: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe
 • Historic uses: King's Party Zone   • Festive Comet
Others:  • King's Stockade   • Vacant Lot