MHWiki:Manual of Style
The Manual of Style contains the general formatting for the different categories of pages in use at the moment, and lists down the basic structure of an article in that category.
The Mouse pages are as laid out below. This can also be used as the basic structure in creating a new Mouse page. Note that the sections should always be laid out in the order in which they are shown below, which is in the order of importance that most players will consider the information.
The article starts by using the editor's descriptions of the mouse. Does not have its own section header since it is the first set of text on the page. Differs from the in-game description. Normally contains the following:
This information is followed by the Mouse Template.
Hunting StrategyThis section should always be included.
LootUse this section if the loot dropped by the mouse varies by location. The loot can be listed after a single indented bullet point or each loot item can be listed with it's own indented bullet point. Loot should be listed alphabetically in either case. Mice found in only a single location or that drop the same loot in all locations will not need this section.
Loot from Library assignments can be listed using this section and the following format:
History and TriviaThis section is optional, since not all mice have any associated history or trivia. The two terms are consolidated into one section as they are typically associated in MouseHunt. Items should be listed chronologically with the oldest information first. An example of trivia might be The Burglar Mouse was -really- named after a particularly nasty forum scammer. An example of history would be The Birthday Mouse was introduced to commemorate MouseHunt's first anniversary on 7 March 2009. These two examples are both part of MouseHunt and their respective mouse's history, as well as the trivia about it. Additional examples of items to include:
ImagesThis section is optional. If a mouse has more than 1 image, such as the Dwarf, this section should be included, along with the list of the different images the mouse has taken over time. Additionally, include a time-elapsed drawing video if available, such as in the Harpy article.
The various locations are as laid out below. This can also be used as the basic structure in creating a new Location page. Note that the sections should always be laid out in the order in which they are shown below, which is in the order of importance that most players will consider the information.
OverviewThis section should always be included. It contains these basic elements:
Gameplay MechanicsThis section is optional.
Heads-Up DisplayThis section is optional. It should be included if there is a HUD on camp page when hunting in the location. MiceThis section should always be included. It should list:
If there are multiple stages within the location, and each has its own cheese preferences and loot then breaking this section into multiple sub-section is encouraged.
Hunting StrategyThis section should always be included. Hunting Tips by LarryThis section should always be included as a subsection under Hunting Strategy. Simply copy Larry's words from the Camp Page and and match the in-game format and links if there is any. Adventure BookThis section should always be included.
Location-Specific EffectsThis section is optional. It should be included if any Weapon, Base, Charm has a special effect that is only triggered within this location (or a group of locations including this one). Example: Fort Rox ShopsThis section should always be included. It should list all the shops in the location. Example: Fort Rox
History and TriviaThis section should always be included. It should list:
Links and ImagesThis section should always be included. It should have:
Finally, the navbox needs to be updated and added to the bottom of the page using "{{location}}". The navbox template will automatically insert the Locations category, so the only text that needs to be added is {{location}}. |
Guidelines for adding new Weapons to the game, and the style to use for individual weapon pages, can be found here: MHWiki:Manual of Style - Weapons.
The Skin pages are as laid out below. This can also be used as the basic structure in creating a new Skin page. Note that the sections should always be laid out in the order in which they are shown below, which is in the order of importance that most players will consider the information.
WeaponArticle starts with the Skin Template, followed by the Weapon section to mention which Weapon the skin modifies, and a brief editor's description of the skin. Typical entries can be something like, The Extremely Enraged Rhinobot Skin can be used on the Enraged RhinoBot. The trap's stats (power, power bonus, attraction bonus, etc.) do not change at all. Related SkinsThis section is optional. It should be included when more than one skin can be applied to the same weapon. History and TriviaThis section should always be included, with a minimum entry of the date the skin was introduced into the game.
Guidelines for adding new Bases to the game, and the style to use for individual base pages, can be found here: MHWiki:Manual of Style - Bases.
Guidelines for adding new Charms to the game, and the style to use for individual charms pages, can be found here: MHWiki:Manual of Style - Charms.
Guidelines for adding new Cheese to the game, and the style to use for individual charms pages, can be found here: MHWiki:Manual of Style - Cheese.
Guidelines for adding new Maps to the game, and the style to use for individual charms pages, can be found here: MHWiki:Manual of Style - Maps.
General Formatting
The general formatting section provides basic guidelines for the following aspects of the MH Wiki:
The dates in MH Wiki should be in the following format:
- 5 March 2009
This is to keep in line with the format used by the Developers.
In-Game Spelling
In general, all in-game text quoted on the wiki is an exact copy, spelling mistakes included, if any. Editors should avoid correcting any spelling or grammar mistakes, such as when posting in the MHWiki:Current events page. (sic) must also be avoided as it is condescending and makes the Developers look bad. Some exceptions to this is when it involves a critical element of gameplay, such as the description of Attraction Bonus as Accuracy Bonus. If you spot any mistakes, inform the Developers on the Tech Support forums.
- How many links is too many?
- In general, linking to another page should be done once per article. Exceptions are when each section is self contained, such as in the Mouse pages, such as the Monster Mouse page, where links already in the infobox are repeated in the main write up. The main idea is to provide accessible links without overdoing it.
- What to look out for when linking
- When linking articles, make sure to link to the actual name as much as possible, rather than linking to a centralized article. For example, when linking to Combat cheese, which currently resides in the centralized article Crafted cheese, you would use the link [[Combat]]. Avoid using the link [[Crafted cheese|Combat]]. This is to prevent broken links if the section name is changed. In this way, only the redirect in [[Combat]] needs to be updated.
- Mouse page links
- When linking to a mouse page, it is acceptable to use either the short or long name depending on your needs. For example, you can link to either [[Bat]] or [[Bat Mouse]], since Bat is a redirect to Bat Mouse. There is no need to use [[Bat Mouse|Bat]], which adds unnecessary bulk to the page. However, do be cautious when using ambiguous links like [[Gold]] which may not link to the intended page.
- Linking other pages/external websites
- Always provide a link description in order to aid ease of navigation. For example, linking to the Cheese Effect page from the Stale Cheese article, it can be written as:
- Cheese Effect – Information on how cheese goes stale.
- As can be seen from the example, it explains the link in a quick summary. This is much more informative than just tossing in a link itself. Additionally, please use the en-dash '–' ('–') rather than the standard minus '-' sign for consistency in the wiki.
In general, when there's a long list of items in a table or sub-category, the list should be alphabetized from A to Z. If it's mixed format with numbers, that should come before the alphabets. Using some of the weapons for example:
- 500 Pound Spiked Crusher
- Ambrosial Portal
- High Tension Spring
- Mouse Mary O'Nette
The exception to this is when the article intends to preserve the natural order. For example, the natural order of locations in Gnawnia would be:
- Town of Gnawnia
- Meadow
- Harbour
- Mountain
Large numbers should always have a comma ',' at the thousands and millions mark and so on, for example:
- 250
- 6,000
- 1,200,000
Editor's Corner | |
Attention Articles: | Pending Tasks • Completed Tasks • Images Needed Missing Image (auto) • Missing ID (auto) |
Manual of Style: | Mice • Location • Weapon • Base • Charm • Skin • General |
Data Links: | New Mice • New Loot • New Locations • New Cheese |
How-To: | Editing • Categorization • Tables • Tag Reference |