From MHWiki
December 2013
- 30: New Year's and Party Head Mice join the Great Winter Hunt 2013, offering Confetti and new 2014 Charms. Also available are a New Year's Dimensional Chest Trap Skin, 15x 2014 Charms pack and a new convertible, the limited edition 2014 Party Pack.
- 24: The King's Grand Gift Opening Ceremony lets hunters open the gifts collected from their Profile tree and Team stockings during the Great Winter Hunt 2013, as the Advent Calendar reaches its conclusion.
- 18: Elf Encounters and MEGA Tournament: Winter Hunt event Tournaments are added, including a new Festive Champion Kit convertible as a reward. Additionally, the remainder of the Great Winter Hunt 2013 event now includes Monday Snow Days where Snowflake mice are more common and other mice are more likely to drop Ice Coins and Snowball Charms, and Thursday Elf Encounters where Elf mice are more common.
- 13: Glitchpaw Mice were released after some unplanned server downtime to resolve some tournament glitches.
- 12: Bocconcini Battle, Festive Fodder, Snowflight Stockpiling, Snowflake Flurries, and Festive SUPER|hunt+ event Tournaments are introduced, each with special prizes for ranking in the tournament.
- 10: The Great Winter Snowball Fight event begins, with lots of new content. Hunters can travel to the Festive Snow Fort area, where they could obtain 1 new cheese (Snowball Bocconcini), 5 new mice (Snowball Hoarder, Reinbo, Snow Boulder, Snow Sorceress, S.N.O.W. Golem), 2 new traps (Ice Blaster, Glacier Gatler), 4 new charms (Extreme Luck Charm, Snowball Charm, Festive Ultimate Luck Charm, Festive Ultimate Power Charm), 8 new trap skins (Winter Steam Freezer Mk. III Skin, Festive S.L.A.C. II Skin, Festive Snow Sphynx Skin, Festive ACRONYM Skin, Festive Un-Raged RhinoBot Skin, Festive Zugzwang's First Move Skin, Festive Sandtail Sentinel Skin, Festive Phantasmic Oasis Trap Skin), 2 new maps (Nice Treasure List, Naughty Treasure List), 15 new convertibles (Sealed Nice List, Sealed Naughty List, Nice Treasure Chest, Rare Nice Treasure Chest, Naughty Treasure Chest, Rare Naughty Treasure Chest, Passing Parcel, Snowball Mystery Pack, Bucket of Snowball Bocconcini, Fort Builder's Lunchbox, Fort Builder's Construction Kit, Festive Bundle, Super Festive Bundle, Festive Skin Pack, Ultimate Festive Bundle), 7 new collectibles (Passing Parcel, Abrasive Aftershave, Fancy Festive BB Gun, Paint Can on a Rope, Snowball Journal Theme, Triangular Chocolate Bar, Snow Fort Snowglobe), 2 new special items (Cannon Bits, Snow Block), and 1 new crafting item (Ice Blaster Parts). Hunters could use the Snow Blocks to build and upgrade a Snow Fort.
- 06: The Peppermint Mocha Latte collectible is made available through the Facebook fan page.
- 02: The King's Giveaway comes to an end, although the new items for sale at the King's Arms shops are permanent.
- 01: An Advent Calendar is released, offering hunters a chance to claim one Advent Chocolate per day of the Great Winter Hunt.
November 2013
- 25: A King's Giveaway week of events starts with an increased number of Prize Mice and introduction of the Regal Charm and Regal Theme. The King's Arms stores are updated, including new skins: Lion Sphynx of Life Skin and King Chromo Skin.
- 12: Hunters can now smuggle up to 10 Royal Supply Crates, Raider-B-Gone Mouse Repellents, and Fuel Nuggets between train rides at the Gnawnian Express Station.
- 12: The Camp page now allows users to track up to 5 favorite Weapons, Bases, Charms, and Cheese, for faster toggling between frequently used setups. Hunters can also set preferences such as gender and time zone without relying on Facebook settings.
- 07: The Halloween 2013 event ends, with the Vacant Lot replacing the Haunted Terrortories to give hunters a few more days to shop with their Halloween Candies and Cobwebs.
October 2013
- 23: Zombie SUPER|hunt+ tournament is released; top-ranking hunters could earn SUPER|brie+ and Haunted Ultimate Luck Charms, as well as other event items on top of existing rewards.
- 19: Halloween Haunting tournaments are re-released, along with several new tournaments with different point mixes: High Stakes Hunting, Zombies, Zombies, Zombies!, and Bad Moon Rising. Hunters who participate in these tournaments can receive Spooky Charms, Brain Charms, Ghoulgonzola Cheese, Candy Corn Cheese, Halloween Candies and Cobweb on top of the existing rewards.
- 17: The Haunted Terrortories reopens for the annual Halloween Event; with lots of new things: 4 new mice (Mutated Brown, Gluttonous Zombie, Sugar Rush, Titanic Brain-Taker); 2 new traps (Brain Extractor, Maniacal Brain Extractor); 2 new bases (Eerie Base, Eerier Base); 2 new charms (Brain Charm, Haunted Ultimate Luck Charm); 4 new skins (Ghostly Spiked Crusher Skin, Spooky Mary O'Nette Skin, Scary S.L.A.C. II Skin, Haunted Arcanum Trap Skin); 4 new collectibles (Completed Undead Halloween Theme, Totally Scary Cape, Sugar Rush Plushie, Pumpkin Spice Latte); 5 new crafting items (Undead Theme Scrap I, Undead Theme Scrap II, Undead Theme Scrap III, Brain Bits, Brain Extractor Parts); 3 new convertibles (Spooky Skin Pack, Ultimate Spooky Supply Bundle, Haunted Treasure Hunting Kit); a new special item (Brain Extractor Piece); new treasure maps (Undead Halloween Scroll Case, Undead Halloween Treasure Map, Undead Halloween Treasure Chest, Rare Undead Halloween Treasure Chest); and new library assignments (Catalog Haunted Mice, Advanced Terrortories Research).
- 11: Glitchpaw mice are released after some unplanned difficulties with the servers; this is the first time a Glitchpaw could be caught at Claw Shot City.
- 08: Tier 2 Thief mice in the King's Gauntlet gained a weakness to Law traps; and a Cheese Shoppe was established at the Gnawnian Express Station.
- 07: A Super Snoozer rank is added to Gnawnian Express Station trains, for hunters who scored zero points, in order to avoid hunters gaining a community reward with no effort at all.
September 2013
- 26: The Gnawnian Express Station location opened up in Varmint Valley, along with the release of new mice (25 mice in the new Train Robbers group), a new base (Claw Shot Base), new weapons (Supply Grabber, Bandit Deflector, and Engine Doubler), new charms (Supply Schedule, Roof Rack, Door Guard, Greasy Glob, Dusty Coal, Black Powder, and Magmatic Crystal), new crafting items (Iron Pellet, Copper Bead, and Tin Scrap), new collectibles (Train Badge and Minuscule Photo Album), and new donation kits (Lucky Loot Bag, Supply Depot Train Pack, Raider River Train Pack, Daredevil Canyon Train Pack, Heavy Train Trunk, and Entire Train Car).
- 19: The population of mice in Gnawnia shifted slightly. For example, Pirate mice no longer appear in the Meadow, and Black Widow mice no longer appear in both the Meadow and the Town of Gnawnia. Flying mice and Speedy mice gained a mild taste for Brie and Gouda, and the choice of Cheese now has a more pronounced effect on which mice are likely to visit a trap. Similarly, in the Town of Gnawnia, the Longtail mouse can now be attracted using most types of cheese. That said, the Flying, Speedy and Longtail mice still seem to enjoy the magical scent of SUPER|brie+ the most. Generally, it seems that lower-grade bait attracts less powerful breeds in the Meadow and Town of Gnawnia, while higher-grade bait such as Brie, Gouda, and SUPER|brie+ attract more powerful and rewarding breeds of mice. Finally, the Mole Mouse no longer drops Ancient Relics.
- 13-16: A Lucky Zombie Invasion Weekend event began in honor of Friday the 13th, including +5 Luck, and the ability to donate for a new Zombie Kit containing Undead Emmental. The Lucky Mouse also made an appearance.
- 13: Mobile users can begin collecting bounties on six mice in the Town of Gnawnia.
- 04: Glitchpaw mice are temporarily available after some unplanned server downtime.
August 2013
- 30: Iceberg and Slushy Shoreline Double Drop Week begins: War Scrap and Bottled Cold Fusion loot drops are doubled, and Stack of War Scraps are possible as rare loot.
- 22: Planned server maintenance resulted in several hours offline.
- 02: The second Curious Chemistry Weekend event occurs, where Curious Chemist mice drop Greater Wicked Gnarly Potions and double Wicked Gnarly Potions.
July 2013
- 24: New crates can be bought at the Claw Shot City General Store for Fool's Gold, which includes Balack's Claw Crate, Furoma Claw Crate, Iceberg Claw Crate, Tribal Claw Crate, and Zugzwang's Claw Crate.
- 21: Cactus Charms are added for sale in the Claw Shot City Charm Shoppe, as well as a Most Wanted Theme Collectible in the General Store or for a Donation.
- 19: Single-player Tournaments are made available throughout the weekend.
- 17: The Gouda Lovers Charm Pack is made available to players that like the Facebook game page.
- 12-17: Another Bonus Luck Weekend event is held, with a +5 Luck bonus, and availability of the Lucky Mouse.
- 11: Varmint Valley Bounty Hunt Tournaments are released.
- 08: Corrupt Cartel Wanted Poster was made available, finally opening up the last remaining Wild Bunch mouse.
- 05: Travelling Terror Wanted Poster was made available, opening up 1 more Wild Bunch mouse.
- 03: Dirt Dealers Wanted Poster was made available, opening up 2 more Wild Bunch mice.
- 01: Scamping Scammers Wanted Poster was made available, opening up 2 more Wild Bunch mice.
June 2013
- 27: Thieves Gang Wanted Poster was made available, opening up 3 more Wild Bunch mice.
- 25: Claw Shot City was released as a new hunting location in Varmint Valley region. The following mice and items were introduced:
- 21 new Mice: Wild Bunch
- At this point, only Thugs Gang Wanted Poster was available, leaving only 12 of the 21 new mice actually available to catch.
- 2 new Weapons:S.L.A.C. and S.L.A.C. II
- 1 new Charm: Sheriff's Badge Charm
- 4 new Specials:
- 1 new Scroll Case: Sealed Wanted Poster
- 1 new Currency: Fool's Gold
- 2 new Treasure Chests: Bounty Reward and Rare Bounty Reward
- 21 new Mice: Wild Bunch
May 2013
- 29: The Mouse Hot Tub weapon is introduced in the Town of Gnawnia Trapsmith.
- 20–24: Most tournaments during this period awarded double Tournament Tokens.
- 17: Several new tournaments are released, including some in the Living Garden areas. Teams can now contain up to 12 members, and a hunter can pre-register for up to 3 non-conflicting tournaments.
- 10: Treasure Hunter tournaments are introduced.
- 06: Relic Hunter mice starts to drop Living Garden Scroll Case as loot. Each scroll case contains a Living Garden Treasure Map which can be completed to obtain a Living Garden Treasure Chest.
April 2013
- 28: Minor gameplay improvements were announced, such as being able to open a Special item from the Larry's Loot Lexicon popup in the main camp page, the Relic Hunter mouse raising Tower Amplifier, and categorizing most of the Event Mice into subgroups.
- 22: The Spring Egg Hunt 2013 ends, with hunters having collected 16,400,215 Eggs during the event.
- 22: The Eggscavator Charge Charm became smashable with the Hunter's Hammer, to produce 5 Dark Chocolate Charms.
- 19: All hunters were given a full charge of 20 on their Eggscavator every four hours over the weekend, as a form of thanks from the developers for the patience shown through the previous week's unplanned downtime.
- 11: Glitchpaw Mice are released through the remainder of the Spring Egg Hunt 2013.
- 10: After several hours of unplanned downtime, all hunters were given a full charge of 20 on their Eggscavator, regardless of how many Eggscavator Charge Charms they had used before the downtime. All hunters were also granted a Rare Arduous Treasure Chest, ending any Treasure Map they were currently hunting. The event was extended by a few days, with all hunters granted bonus +5 Luck through the remainder of the event.
March 2013
- 25: The Spring Gift Basket, The Marshmallow Gift Basket and the Egg Hunting Kit are made available through Donation.
- 25: The Chocolate Overload Mouse, Egg Scrambler Mouse, Hardboiled Mouse and the Eggscavator Charge Charm are released. The Sinister Egg Painter, Coco Commander, Egg Painter, Eggsplosive Scientist, Eggscavator and the Hare Razer mice are re-released. The Eggstra Charm and the Dark Chocolate Charm are also re-released.
- 25: The Spring Egg Hunt 2013 begins, giving hunters access to the Chocolate Factory, twenty new Bonus Eggs, and three new Charge Eggs. The Eggscavator is made available for purchase for hunters that did not obtain it in 2012.
- 20: Glitchpaw mice were released after a nine hour downtime for a planned server upgrade.
- 19: The Bonus Luck Weekend draws to a close.
- 18: Ronza departs, and hunters in her Traveling Shoppe were transported to the Meadow.
- 15: A Lucky Liker Charm Pack is released, containing a new Shamrock Charm. Hunters can claim one by liking MouseHunt on Facebook.
- 15: A Bonus Luck Weekend begins, with +5 Luck for all hunters, and increased attraction of Leprechaun and Lucky mice.
- 15: The Fifth Birthday Bash tournament is made available for the remainder of the event.
- 07: MouseHunt's Fifth Birthday Event begins, with Ronza arriving and selling several new Weapons and Charms. Super FighterBot MegaSupreme and five new Force Fighter mice are introduced, along with the reappearance of mice from previous birthday events.
- 04: The Docked Cruise Ship closed, and hunters remaining there were escorted to the Meadow.
February 2013
- 25: In the Notification Inbox, it is possible to Accept and Send to return the same Gift of the Day back to another hunter.
- 25: The Year of the Snake Festival ends, although the shops remain open at the Docked Cruise Ship for hunters to spend their remaining Cruise Bux.
- 15–18: The Glitchpaw Mouse was re-introduced after some unexpected game downtime.
- 13: MouseHunt for Android Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich is released.
- 13: A new Snakey Struggle tournament is made available.
- 12: A new Party Cracker convertible becomes the Gift of the Day, and can be opened to obtain the Torn Party Crown collectible.
- 11: New Snake Mask and Explosion Earmuffs collectibles can be given to friends via Gifting and the Paid Gift Shoppe.
- 11: The S.A.M. F.E.D. DN-5 weapon, Snake Jade Base, and Chocolate Covered Reaper's Perch Skin are introduced, and Valentine Charms are made available for purchase.
- 11: The Totally Not Bitter and Costumed Snake mice are introduced, and several mice in the Event Mice group are given subgroups.
- 11: A new event location, Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise, hosts the Chinese New Year/Valentine's Event for 2013. Players use Valentine, Firecracker, Nitropop, Dragonbreath, and Snakebite Charms to collect Cruise Bux, 8 Souvenirs, and a Captain's Hat.
January 2013
- 24: The Hunting Log Summary is reintroduced after being removed since the Longtail update.
- 14: The Shattered Carmine, Dark Magi, and King Scarab mice are introduced, along with new recipes for the Rift Base, Living Garden Theme, Shattering Charm, and Ultimate Charm. Shops in the Living Garden area begin selling Aromatic Oil and Rift Base Blueprints.
- 14: The Fear, Darkness, and Mist Curses Minigame is altered so that three hunts without a Corrupt mouse can only occur after all three curses are lifted, rather than after each curse individually.
- 11: Another Bonus Luck Weekend begins.
- 07: The Festive Lot closed, and any hunters remaining in the event area are moved to the Meadow.
- 02: The Great Winter Hunt 2012 ends, and the MegaBuy Mart converts to the Festive Lot for a few more days to make purchases with Ice Coins.