From MHWiki
December 2019
- 27: New Year's Celebrations kicked off
- 3 new Specials: 2020 Lucky Codex and Festive Firework Shorts
- 1 new Base: 2020 New Year's Base
- 1 new Charms: 2020 Charm and Rift 2020 Charm
- 10: The Great Winter Hunt 2019 event began.
- 1 new Mouse: Shorts-All-Year
- 2 new Bases: Desert Heater Base and Treasure Seeker Base
- 2 new Weapons: Father Winter's Timepiece Trap and Rift Glacier Gatler
- 4 new Charms: Rift Snowball Charm, Rift Super Snowball Charm, Rift Extreme Snowball Charm and Rift Ultimate Snowball Charm
- 5 new Specials: Festive Ornamental Shorts, Festive Snow Shorts, Festive Toy Shorts, Festive Sport Shorts, Plain Shorts and Repurposed Heat Exchanger Coils
- 2 new Treasure Chests: 2019 Naughty Treasure Chest and 2019 Rare Naughty Treasure Chest
- 1 new Collectible: Snowy Journal Theme
- 3 new Trap Skins: Chrome Santa Sphynx Trap Skin, Winter Mysteriously unYielding Null-Onyx Rampart of Cascading Amperes Trap Skin and Winter Queso Fount Trap Skin
- 1 new Gift Basket: XL Winter Supply Kit
- 1 new Adventure: Defeat the Shorts-All-Year Mouse
- 3: Changes have been made to the claim limit of the Tournament Prizes.
November 2019
- 27: The Advent Calendar returns in anticipation of the Great Winter Hunt.
- 6: Halloween 2019 ended with the arrival of Season 7 of the Relic Hunter Treasure Maps and rewards for these maps were adjusted to include more charms and fewer orbs, among other adjustments:
- 2 new Limited Edition Base: Electromagnetic Meteorite Base and Vegetation Base
- 1 new Special: Gilded Coin
- 2 new Trap Skins: Gilded Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista Trap Skin and Gilded Ember Prison Core Trap Skin
October 2019
- 28: The Valour Rift Balance Patch is applied with the addition of 1 new item in the Valour Rift General Store
- 1 new Special: Unstable Rift Core
- 22: The Halloween 2019 Event, Spooky Schnooner's Revenge, begins with the invasion of a Grand Ghostship and the following items were introduced:
- 1 new Base: Hallowed Ground Base
- 1 new Weapon: Cemetery Gate Grappler
- 1 new Charm: Rift Spooky Charm
- 1 new Special: Spooky Ship Parts
- 1 new Collectibles: Happy Halloween Journal Theme
- 1 new Gift Basket: Spooky Reward Box
- 2 new Trap Skins: Pearly Gate Grappler Trap Skin and Terrifying Terrorsplit Squash Trap Skin
- 1 new Adventure: Bring Down the Grand Ghostship
- 8: The Valour Rift is opened and the following mice and items were added:
- 26 new Mice in the Rift Stalkers group:
- 26 Valour Rift: One-Mouse Band, Champion Danseuse, Withered Remains, Arch Champion Necromancer, Shade of the Eclipse, Timid Explorer, Elixir Maker, The Total Eclipse, Unwavering Adventurer, Lumi-lancer, Berzerker, Mouse of Elements, Magic Champion, Martial, Praetorian Champion, Bulwark of Ascent, Cursed Crusader, Fallen Champion Footman, Soldier of the Shade, Possessed Armaments, Prestigious Adventurer, Puppetto, Puppet Champion, Terrified Adventurer, Cutpurse and Champion Thief
- 1 new Base: Prestige Base
- 1 new Weapon: Celestial Dissonance Trap
- 1 new Bait: Gauntlet String Cheese
- 2 new Charms: Rift Extreme Power Charm and Rift Super Power Charm
- 17 new Specials: 2-Pack of Gauntlet String Cheese, Codex of Valour: Bard Page, Codex of Valour: Dusty Page, Codex of Valour: Eclipse Page, Codex of Valour: Magic Page, Codex of Valour: Melee Page, Codex of Valour: Noble Page, Codex of Valour: Puppetry Page, Codex of Valour: Thievery Page, Codex of Valour, Gauntlet Elixir, Tower Sigil, Tower Secrets, Champion's Fire, Fragment of the Eclipse, Tattered Celestial Skin Pattern and Core of the Eclipse
- 1 new Collectible: The Gilded Steps
- 3 new Gift Baskets: Valour Rift Gift Basket, Valour Rift Large Supply Kit and Valour Rift Supply Kit
- 2 new Trap Skins: Lunar Celestial Dissonance Skin and Solar Celestial Dissonance Skin
- 1 new Adventure: End the Total Eclipse
- 3: Due to infrastructure issues, all Scoreboards except Points, Gold, Catches, Library Points, Map Clues Collected and Scavenger Hunt Hints Collected are temporarily taken down. All Hunting Teams are now be able to add the maximum number of hunters without first earning trophies or badges.
September 2019
- 26: Glitchpaw mice were released due to unplanned server downtime.
- 25: In preparation for the release of a new area, Valour Rift, Rift Walkers and Rift Stalkers began to drop Rift Distortions, provided that Hunters have purchased a Rift Chronometer from Bristle Woods Rift Cartographer.
- 2 new Specials: Rift Chronometer and Rift Distortion.
- 1 new Map Piece: Valour Rift Map Piece
August 2019
- 23: 3 days of MEGA tournaments start.
- 22: The Bonus Luck Event starts, to run for 2 weeks. It grants all hunters +5 Luck throughout the Kingdom. The Lucky Mouse is released.
July 2019
- 23: Big Jaq's Spice Shack Event (2019) began, to run for 2 weeks.
- 21: Glitchpaw mice were released due to unplanned server downtime.
June 2019
- 25: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe opened for two weeks, introducing several new items.
- 2 new Bases: Aurora Base and Living Grove Base
- 1 new Weapon: Moonbeam Barrier Trap
- 3 new Charms: Extreme Queso Pump Charm, Stalemate Charm and Super Wax Charm
- 1 new Crafting item: Living Grove Mould
- 2 new Trap Skins: Glittering Geyserite Trap Skin and Royal Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista Trap Skin
- 1 new Scroll Case: Chrome Slayer Scroll Case
- 10 new Treasure Chests: Arduous Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest, Easy Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest, Elaborate Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest, Hard Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest, Medium Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest, Rare Arduous Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest, Rare Easy Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest, Rare Elaborate Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest, Rare Hard Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest and Rare Medium Chrome Slayer Treasure Chest
- 18: News of Ronza making her way to the Kingdom. Unusual Turbulence on her ship caused Chrome Bit to start dropping from Mice over all the Kingdom.
- 2 new Specials: Chrome Bit and Chrome Kit Voucher
- 1 new Crafting item: Soiled Base Parts
May 2019
- 28: The Marketplace is updated to address feedback from players and a new format of news system is implemented.
- 22: The Queso Geyser received a small update that included:
- 2 new Scroll Cases: Queso Geyser Scroll Case and Queso Canyon Grand Tour Scroll Case
- 4 new Treasure Chests: Queso Geyser Treasure Chest, Queso Canyon Grand Tour Treasure Chest, Rare Queso Geyser Treasure Chest and Rare Queso Canyon Grand Tour Treasure Chest
- 1 new Gift Basket: Queso Canyon Grand Tour Treasure Hunting Kit
April 2019
- 30: The Spring Egg Hunt 2019 ended with the release of Queso Geyser. The following mice and items were added:
- 21 new mice in the Queso Canyoneers group:
- 7 Cork Collectors: Fuzzy Drake, Rambunctious Rain Rumbler, Horned Cork Hoarder, Burly Bruiser, Cork Defender, Corky, the Collector and Corkataur
- 9 Geyser Hunters: Stormsurge, the Vile Tempest, Bruticus, the Blazing, Ignatia, Cinderstorm, Bearded Elder, Smoldersnap, Mild Spicekin, Sizzle Pup and Kalor'ignis of the Geyser
- 5 Pressure Builders: Pyrehyde, Vaporior, Warming Wyvern, Steam Sailor and Emberstone Scaled
- 5 new Specials: Solidified Amber Queso, Queso Thermal Spring, Magic Nest Dust, Geyser Smolder Stone and Thermal Chisel
- 4 new Weapons: Dragon Slayer Cannon, Queso Fount Trap, Smoldering Stone Sentinel Trap and Gouging Geyserite Trap
- 8 new Crafting items: Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista Parts, Cork Bark, Dragon Slayer Cannon Chassis, Imbued Dragon Slayer Cannon Chassis, Kalor'ignis Rib, Geyserite, Congealed Rubber and Tungsten
- 3 new Gift Baskets: Queso Geyser Gift Basket, Queso Geyser Starter Pack and Queso Geyser Supply Kit
- 1 new Adventure: Slay The Geyser Dragon
- 23: In preparation for the release of a new area, Queso Geyser, mice throughout the Kingdom except Prize Mice and Relic Hunter began dropping Dragonshard Eggs.
- 1 new Egg: Dragonshard Egg
- 1 new Charm: Extreme Dragonbane Charm
- 2 new Specials: Dragonshard and Sparkling Dragonshard Nest
- 1 new Map Piece: Fully-Functional Queso Geyser Replica Clay Model
- 9: The Spring Egg Hunt 2019 began. Hunters could acquire Marshmallow Monterey by hunting in specific areas of the Kingdom containing Stockpiles of the cheese. Arming Marshmallow Monterey in those same areas attracted the Spring Egg Hunt Event Mice. Mice throughout the Kingdom began dropping Eggs as loot.
- 12 new Eggs: 19K Golden Egg, Barricade Egg, Crimson Egg, Eggsweeper Egg, Experimental Egg, Explorer's Egg, Lightning Storm Egg, Nachore Egg, Over 9,000 Egg, Queso Pump Egg, Spiced Egg and Wild Tonic Egg
- Eggsweeper Egg: Note: Depending on the type of board played and the rank of the hunter, there are 9 different Eggsweeper Eggs but the Eggscavator will only show a generic egg. Large Eggsweeper Egg (Tier 1), Large Eggsweeper Egg (Tier 2), Large Eggsweeper Egg (Tier 3), Large Eggsweeper Egg (Tier 4), Magical Eggsweeper Egg, Small Eggsweeper Egg (Tier 1), Small Eggsweeper Egg (Tier 2), Small Eggsweeper Egg (Tier 3) and Small Eggsweeper Egg (Tier 4).
- 2 new Specials: Eggsweeper Shovel and Magical Eggsweeper Fertilizer
- 3 new Trap Skins: Spring Chrome Eggtastic Ballista Trap Skin, Spring M.Y.N.O.R.C.A. Trap Skin and Cottontail Sentinel Trap Skin
- 3 new Gift Baskets: Eggfinder Supply Kit, Eggsweeper Starter Pack and Spring Hunt Gift Basket
- 2: The SUPER|brie+ Factory 2019 shops closed.
March 2019
- 26: The SUPER|brie+ Factory 2019 closed. The shops remained open for another week. The old trap selector on browser is removed.
- 19: The St. Patrick's Day Lucky Weekend comes to an end and the Lucky Mouse goes back into hiding.
- 15: The St. Patrick's Day Lucky Weekend starts. Lucky Mouse is released in The SUPER|brie+ Factory 2019. It also provides +5 Luck throughout the Kingdom.
- 5: The SUPER|brie+ Factory 2019 opened to celebrate MouseHunt's Eleventh Birthday.
- 3 new Mice: Cheesy Party, Factory Technician and Vincent, The Magnificent
- 1 new Base: Birthday Banana Cake Base
- 2 new Weapons: Surprise Party Trap and Wacky Inflatable Party People Trap
- 1 new Cheese: Coggy Colby Cheese
- 1 new Charm: Factory Repair Charm
- 8 new Specials: Circuit Breaker Fuse, Golden Punch Ticket, Mixing Rod, Pressurized Pump Pipe, Quality Cog, Birthday Crate of Ultimate Luck Charms, Birthday Crate of Ultimate Lucky Power Charms, and Birthday Crate of Ultimate Power Charms
- 1 new Theme: SUPER|brie+ Factory Journal Theme
- 1 new Scroll Case: Gilded Birthday Scroll Case
- 4 new Treasure Chests: 2019 Birthday Treasure Chest, 2019 Gilded Birthday Treasure Chest, 2019 Rare Birthday Treasure Chest and 2019 Rare Gilded Birthday Treasure Chest
- 2 new Trap Skins: Infinite Birthday Party Trap Skin and Cake Pop Core Trap Skin
- 2 new Gift Baskets: 2019 Birthday Gift Basket and 2019 Birthday Supply Kit
- 1 new Adventure: Protect the SUPER|brie+ Factory
February 2019
- 26: The browser Marketplace is given an overhaul to provide Hunters the ability to buy and sell partial orders. The Exchange in the MouseHunt mobile app for iOS and Android has been combined with the browser Marketplace. A few changes to the game were made along with the Marketplace updates:
- Players can now safely leave Zugzwang's Tower without resetting progress. Seasonal Garden is “locked” if progress in tower has been made and must manually “retreat” in order to charge amp bar again.
- Ectoplasmic Essence drop rate was increased to 100% for Zurreal Trap Research Assignment due to the previous changes to the Mousoleum mechanics and the Ghost mice encounter rate
- Friends can be marked as “Favourite” for treasure maps
- Mice caught by luck now indicate this in the journal entry as a “Lucky Catch”
- 15: The Valentine's Day Mice stopped being encountered as the event comes to a close.
- 13: Valentine's Day Mice can be encountered in the 12 Lunar New Year 2019 stockpile locations throughout the Kingdom.
- 1 new skin: Couple of Orcas Trap Skin
- 5: The Lunar New Year 2019 event begins. Hunters collect cheese from stockpile locations to attract the event mice in those locations. Event mice drop candles which, when lit, provide luck and loot bonuses throughout the Kingdom.
- 1 new Mice: Costumed Pig
- 1 new Base: Pig Jade Base
- 1 new Special Pig Lunar Lantern
- 3 new Skins: Chrome Truffle Finder 500™ Trap Skin and Floating Pig Fortress Trap Skin
- 1 new Theme: Year of the Pig Journal Theme
- 1 new Collectible: Pig Mask Collectible
- 3 new Gift Baskets: Year of the Pig Gift Basket, Year of the Pig Large Supply Kit, Year of the Pig Supply Kit
- 1 new Adventure: Celebrate Lunar New Year 2019
January 2019
- 22: The Frozen Vacant Lot closes
- 15: The Great Winter Hunt 2018 event ends. The Frozen Vacant Lot with open Shoppes remains until 22 January.