From MHWiki
December 2011
- 31: The first 2012 Big Boom Trap is purchased from the Festive Comet Trapsmith.
- 30: Party Head Mice and Firecracker Charms are released. New Years Mice are re-released.
- 28: Tournaments are re-released after undergoing a major overhaul.
- 21: The first Mad Elf Mouse is caught; the first Nutcracker Nuisance Trap is crafted.
- 20: Snow Fortress location is released, along with Mad Elf Mice.
- 19: Gift Opening Ceremony starts, allowing hunters to open gift under their profile trees and in team stockings.
- 18: The Toy Drive Goal is achieved.
- 14: Toy Tinkerer mouse is released.
- 13: Champion Charm is released at the Tournament Hall Charm Shoppe.
- 13: Winter Screw Charm, Winter Spring Charm and Winter Wood Charm are released.
- 13: Snow Scavenger, a new mouse, is released.
- 09: Toy Stockpile can be found as loot when using Festive Feta cheese.
- 07: Champion's Chests can finally be cracked opened; Veteran Tournament Tokens can be smashed using the Hunter's Hammer.
- 07: The Scoreboard receives a new look.
- 07: Feta Gift Basket and Winter Survival Kit are released, together with Festive Gift Basket, Jumbo Festive Gift Basket and Massive Festive Gift Basket.
- 07: Festive Feta cheese and Winter Charm are released. Candy Cane Base, Gingerbread Base and Gingerbread House Surprise are re-released. Three new skins are released, namely Festive Box Trap Skin, Digby DecroBot Skin and Winter Oasis Trap Skin.
- 07: The Destructoy and Snowflake mice are released.
- 07: Great Winter Hunt 2011 starts with the re-release of Festive Comet location, where a massive comet obliterates Calamity Carl's Toy Factory.
November 2011
- 14: Daily Rewards and Loyalty Chests are introduced.
- 08: The Haunted Shoppes at the Vacant Lot close.
- 07: +5 Bonus Luck Weekend ends.
- 04: +5 Bonus Luck Weekend starts. Lucky Hunting Kit is re-released.
- 03: The Halloween at the Haunted Terrortories event ends.
October 2011
- 28: The Hunting Team feature is released along with an Event-based Bonus Team Hunt.
- 25: Cobwebs can be found while Trick-or-Treating to a friend that has not played in a while.
- 23: A new recipe, Soul Catcher Reconstruction, is released.
- 21: The Soul Harvester is crafted for the first time.
- 19: 3 new collectibles, Friendly Knight Mask, Sock Ghost Plushie and Tiny Cauldron, are released.
- 19: A new trap, Soul Catcher is released.
- 19: 3 trap skins, Costumed Ambush Skin, Zugzwang's Night-Mare Skin and Count Sentinel Skin, are released.
- 19: New items can be bought at the shops in Haunted Terrortories, which includes Spooky Charm, Dreaded Charm, Cackle Charm and Wooden Crate of Splintered Wood.
- 19: Zombot Unipire, Grave Robber, Hollowhead, Gourdborg, Trick and Treat are re-released in the Haunted Terrortories, along with 3 new mice, namely Cobweb Mouse, Pumpkin Hoarder and Mousevina von Vermin which drops Cobweb, Halloween Candy and Soulstone respectively.
- 19: The Haunted Terrortories opens with the start of the Halloween at the Haunted Terrortories event.
- 03: The second Tribal Bonus Loot Weekend ends.
September 2011
- 30: The second Tribal Bonus Loot Weekend begins as Tribal mice drop larger quantities of Seashells, Savoury Vegetables, Delicious Stones and Fire Salt as loot.
- 29: Derr, Elub, and Nerg Power Charms are re-released via Donations, in preparation for the second Tribal Bonus Loot Weekend.
- 23: The Fluffy DeathBot Skin and the Grungy DeathBot Skin are removed from Donation.
- 23: The original skins are renamed as blueprints.
- 23: The trap skin system is overhauled, allowing hunters to change trap skins easily. Extremely Enraged RhinoBot Skin, Larry's First Move Skin and Jet-Black ACRONYM Skin are released.
- 23: Weekly Points, Weekly Gold, Weekly Catches categories are added to the scoreboard page.
August 2011
- 25: The first Zurreal the Eternal mouse is caught and the Zurreal's Folly and Reaper's Perch weapons are crafted for the first time.
- 23: Spanish and German versions of the game are released.
- 23: The Zurreal Trap Research is made available and Zurreal the Eternal, the twelfth mouse of Zurreal's Breed, is released.
- 23: Some Library Assignment tasks are altered based on player feedback.
- 14–23: Glitchpaw mice are re-released after six hours of unscheduled maintenance on Sunday 14 August.
- 12: Crown Collector Mouse is released.
- 09: Hunters can share Luck Charms with their friends when completing a Library Assignment.
- 09: The Crystal Library, a location in the Rodentia region, is released. A new mouse group, Zurreal's Breed is formed with the following mice: Explorator, Pocketwatch, Bookborn, Tome Sprite, Flutterby, Infiltrator, Effervescent, Walker, Steam Grip, Scribe, Aether, and an unknown twelfth mouse.
- 01: The Tribal Bonus Loot Weekend ends.
July 2011
- 29: The Tribal Bonus Loot Weekend begins as Tribal mice drop larger quantities of Seashells, Savoury Vegetables, Delicious Stones and Fire Salt as loot.
- 28: Derr, Elub, and Nerg Power Charms are released via Donations, in preparation for the Tribal Bonus Loot Weekend.
- 08–13: The second Zombie Invasion Weekend takes place and Grave Robber mice are released.
- 05: Chinese, Indonesian and Turkish versions of the game are released.
- 05: Crafting Rumble using Master's Seal yields three pieces instead of one.
- 05: Hunters can share Power Charms when earning a Bronze, Silver or Gold Crown, and Attraction Charms on learning a new recipe.
June 2011
- 27–30: Sale on all SUPER|brie+ purchases, with prices reduced by 15%, in acknowledgement of changes to payment processes to be implemented on the Facebook Platform on 1 July 2011.
- 25: First hunter achieves Grand Dutchess rank on the Scoreboard.
- 21–27: "Newcomer Appreciation Week": the Festive Gift Shoppe reopens to sell Novice Starter Kits.
- 17–20: "+5 Bonus Luck Weekend", giving all hunters an extra +5 luck.
- 13: "Monday Mystery Mice" are released and the Harpy, Sorcerer and Desert Nomad mice drop SUPER|brie+ for one day.
- 07: Papyrus Base becomes available for purchase.
- 03: First hunter achieves Grand Duke rank on the Scoreboard.
- 02: The Dimensional Chest Trap and Sandtail Sentinel weapons are released at the Muridae Market Trapsmith
- 02: The Muridae Market location becomes available in Sandtail Desert. A new mouse group, Muridae Market Mice is formed with the following mice: Blacksmith, Desert Architect, Desert Nomad, Falling Carpet, Glass Blower, Limestone Miner, Lumberjack, Mage Weaver, Market Guard, Market Thief, Pie Thief, Snake Charmer, and Spice Merchant.
May 2011
- 27: The Zombie Invasion Weekend begins as the Zombot Unipire mouse is re-released and the Zombie Kit is available as a new event Donation option.
- 26: Undead Emmental Potions are introduced in the Mousoleum and Catacombs.
- 20–23: Greater Wicked Gnarly Potions are introduced during Curious Chemisty Weekend.
- 10: The Spring Egg Hunt 2011 event comes to an end.
April 2011
- 19: Bonus Eggs are released throughout the Kingdom for hunters with the Rocket Rabbit Mallet.
- 19: The Antique Golden Egg started dropping from mice for players that had collected the other 9 eggs, allowing them to hunt in the Chocolate Factory.
- 19: The Antique Scalloped Pink Egg started dropping from mice across the kingdom.
- 18: The Antique Wavy Purple Egg started dropping from mice across the kingdom.
- 17: The Antique Stripy Red Egg started dropping from mice across the kingdom.
- 16: The Antique Blue Argyle Egg started dropping from mice across the kingdom.
- 14: The Antique Green Plaid Egg started dropping from mice across the kingdom.
- 14: The Antique Sharing Egg, Antique Friendly Egg, and Antique Caring Egg became available on Hunters Profiles and as loot.
- 14: The Gift Egg and Scrambles the Hunting Seer were released as new gifts.
- 14: The Chocolate Factory was released, together with the Hare Razer, Eggsplosive Scientist, Egg Painter and Coco Commander mice, Marshmallow Monterey cheese and Dark Chocolate Charms, but was inaccessible to players.
- 14: The Spring Egg Hunt 2011 event started.
March 2011
- 31: The Sandstorm MonstroBot weapon is crafted for the first time.
- 26: The first Warmonger mouse is caught and the Oasis Water Node Trap and Sphynx Wrath weapons are crafted for the first time.
- 24: The Birthday Party finishes and the Festive Gift Shoppe closes as MouseHunt's 3rd Birthday Celebration comes to an end.
- 23: The Icy RhinoBot becomes possible to smash for a limited period of two weeks, to facilitate the crafting of the new Enraged RhinoBot.
- 22: The following new mice are released forming a new Mouse Group, The Marching Flame: Vanguard, Desert Archer, Sentinel, Inferno Mage, Desert Soldier, Flame Archer, Sand Cavalry, Magmarage, Crimson Watch, Flame Warrior, Crimson Ranger, Sandwing Cavalry, Crimson Titan, Flame Ordnance, Caravan Guard, Crimson Commander, Theurgy Warden, Warmonger, and Gargantuamouse.
- 22: The Seasonal Garden mice start dropping the Sandtail Call to Arms.
- 22: A new region, Sandtail Desert, and location, Fiery Warpath, are released and the Warpath Kit is available as a new Donation option.
- 18: All mice that drop Scrap Metal drop twice as much for the weekend.
- 11: "The Hope mouse is hard at work raising awareness about those affected by the recent earthquakes and tsunami" appears on the ticker.
- 04: The Festive Gift Shoppe reopens selling the Spring Toy, Birthday Bear and Silly Birthday Hat, and the Cheesecake Base and Birthday Candle Kaboom become available to buy at the Trapsmith.
- 04: The Buckethead mouse, Pintail mouse and Sleepwalker mouse are released at the Birthday Party location, and Nanny Charms and Cupcake Colby Potions are introduced.
- 04: MouseHunt's 3rd Birthday Celebration starts, Birthday mice are re-released and are found to drop 2011 Birthday Gift as loot and the Birthday Gift Basket is available as a new event Donation option.
February 2011
- 22: The Heart of the Rabbit event ended.
- 10: The Costumed Rabbit and Juliyes mice are released, and Romeno, Cupid, Red Envelope, Costumed Tiger, and Romeo mice are re-released in the Town of Gnawnia and Training Grounds.
- 10: The Heart of the Rabbit event starts, the Festive Gift Shoppe reopens and the Valentine Charm and Lucky Rabbit Charm are introduced. The Heart of Rabbit Gift Basket is also available as a new event Donation option.
January 2011
- 25: Charmbits and Orbs are introduced along with seven newly discovered Charms; Rotten Charm, Super Rotten Charm, Prospector's Charm, Antiskele Charm, Scientist's Charm, Empowered Anchor Charm and Dragonbane Charm.
- 25: Charm Pack #1 is released as Moustachio shares his secret to crafting Charms.
- 19: Ronza departs.
- 14: Glitchpaws reappear in all locations for a limited time.
- 12: The Shrink Ray Trap becomes available at the King's Cart.
- 12: Moustachio the Charmer is first introduced, opening a new shop in the Mountains, called the Charm Shoppe.
- 12: Rockstar mice are released in Ronza's Traveling Shoppe and begin to drop Attraction Charm, Luck Charm and Power Charm as loot.
- 12: The 2010 Ronza Voucher can be exchanged with the Crate of Ultimate Luck Charms, which contains 20 Ultimate Luck Charms.
- 12: A new trap component, Charms, is released.
- 12: Ronza returns to Gnawnia, selling the Pneumatic Tube Trap, Rewers Riposte, Arcane Blast Trap, Bacon Base, Seasonal Base, Runic Base and Tiki Base Blueprints.
- 06: The Festive Comet melts and the Festive Gift Shoppe closes as The Great Winter Hunt 2010 ends.