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Region: Gnawnia
Minimum Rank: Initiate
Travel Requirement: None
Number of Mice: 23
Shops: Cheese Shoppe
General Store
Lose Gold: Yes
Lose Points: Yes
Lose Cheese: Yes
Release Date: 10 April 2008
Full of fresh air and plenty of sunshine, the Harbour seems to attract the types of mice who boast of sea salt in their veins.


The Harbour is a location in the Gnawnia region requiring a minimum rank of Initiate to enter.
The Harbour is the first area Hunters will access where mice can steal gold, points, or extra cheese and where they can visit a Cartographer and purchase a Treasure Map.

Hunters accessing the Harbour for the first time will only have access to Physical weapons, but the mice here have a weakness to all Power Types, except the Pirate Mouse, Barmy Gunner, Bilged Boatswain, Cabin Boy, Corrupt Commodore, and Dashing Buccaneer which have a weakness only to Hydro, Physical and Tactical weapons.

Hunters must capture a Pirate Mouse to obtain a pirate bounty. When Hunters begin the search for the mice listed on the crew manifest provided by the Pirate Mouse, the Pirate Crew mice are added to the mouse population of the Harbour. Capturing all 3 mice listed on the crew manifest will reward the player with booty from the pirate bounty. Hunters must claim 5 Pirate Bounties which each reward A Map Scrap used to complete the Calm Clearing Map Piece.

Pirate Bounties

The Harbour HUD tracks the Hunter's open Pirate Bounty and progress on claiming the Calm Clearing Map Piece.

  • When Hunters first enter the Harbour, the HUD shows the following message:
Pirate ships are besieging the Harbour!
Catch a Pirate Mouse to reveal the crew manifest and recover stolen Map Scraps!
It also includes an image of a blank map in five pieces.
The Pirate Mouse sang like a canary!
He gave you clues on how to find his pirate crew…
Begin Search
Selecting Begin Search will reveal the ship crew manifest showing the 3 Pirate Crew mice that must be captured to complete the bounty. All 5 Pirate Crew mice will be added to the mouse population and can be attracted until the final mouse on the manifest is caught. The 5 mice are then removed from the mouse population and will not return until Hunters begin another bounty. The Pirate Mouse will continue to appear in the mouse population, but will not provide a new bounty until any open bounties are claimed.
  • An open bounty shows the following on the HUD:
Defeat the crew of [Ship Name]!
3 of these 5 mice will appear on the bounty:
A chest and Claim Booty that is greyed out until all 3 mice are captured.
  • Capturing a mouse on the bounty will check it off on the HUD and creates a journal entry:
I caught a member of the pirate crew!
It looks like this one was the ship's [crew position]. I found some clues about where they're hiding their ill-gotten loot!
  • Catching the last crew member creates a journal entry:
I caught a member of the pirate crew!
It looks like this one was the ship's [crew position].
This was the last member of the crew - time to loot their ship's pirate booty!
  • Capturing the final mouse will highlight the Claim Booty button on the HUD. Claiming the bounty opens a pop-up showing its contents and creates a journal entry:
I captured the crew of [Ship Name], and plundered the ship's Pirate Booty!
I looted:
[List of bounty loot]
With the crew defeated, the King's Coast Guard quickly scuttled the rogue vessel, sending it to the bottom of the ocean.
There are always more pirate crews to hunt!
  • The first 5 bounties claimed will reward A Map Scrap that fills in the incomplete map in the HUD.
Each bounty will also reward:
  • Once all 5 map scraps have been recovered, the Assemble Map button is highlighted and Hunters can then assemble the Calm Clearing Map Piece and gain access to the Calm Clearing location.
Because this method for obtaining the Calm Clearing Map Piece replaced an older method, Hunters who already own the Calm Clearing Map Piece will see a mouse-over on the HUD that reads:
Greetings, experienced Hunter!
While you've already found the path to the Calm Clearing, there are still pirates holding treasure nearby!


Almost all mice in this area are from the Indigenous Mice group and are weak to all Power Types.
The Pirate Mouse and Pirate Crew mice are part of the Aquatic Order and Hydro traps are very effective against them. Physical and Tactical traps are of normal effectiveness. All other Power Types are ineffective.

Pirate Mouse and Pirate Crew mice

Hunters must capture a Pirate Mouse in order to obtain a crew manifest that allows them to complete a Pirate Bounty. Opening a Pirate Bounty adds 5 Pirate Crew mice to the mouse population.
Pirate Crew mice are very plentiful while Pirate Bounties are active, but cannot be encountered without an open, uncompleted bounty.
Completing a bounty removes the Pirate Crew mice from the mouse population and claiming it will allow the Pirate Mouse to provide a new bounty.

Cheese Preference and Loot

Standard Cheese attracts most mice in the Harbour.
White Cheddar Cheese will reduce the mouse population by repelling the Brown, Grey, and White mice.
SUPER|brie+ will attract all mice in the Harbour.



Barmy Gunner
Pirate Crew
350 200 X X X Marble Cheese
Satchel of Gold (250 gold)
Flawed Orb
Bilged Boatswain
Pirate Crew
350 250 X X X Marble Cheese
Satchel of Gold (250 gold)
Simple Orb
Bionic 300 550 X X X Brie Potion
Black Widow
Extremely rare
480 10 X Ancient Relic
Brown 115 150 X X
Only attracted to Brie Cheese out of the Standard Cheeses
1,420 1,250 X X Brie Cheese
Flawless Orb
Gilded Cheese
Cabin Boy
Pirate Crew
270 100 X X X Marble Cheese
Satchel of Gold (250 gold)
Simple Orb
Corrupt Commodore
Pirate Crew
400 600 X X X Flawed Orb
Satchel of Gold (250 gold)
Swiss Cheese
Dashing Buccaneer
Pirate Crew
375 250 X X X Marble Cheese
Satchel of Gold (250 gold)
Simple Orb
Diamond 1,200 800 X X X Simple Orb
Dwarf 225 450 X X X
Fog 800 800 X
Gold 600 1,500 X X X Simple Orb
Granite 285 525 X X X
Grey 90 125 X X
Magic 2,000 2,250 X
Provides Pirate Bounties that give access to the Pirate Crew mice
350 2,750 X X X Satchel of Gold (250)
Pugilist 700 600 X X X
Scruffy 250 400 X X X Flawed Orb
Silvertail 1,200 1,800 X Simple Orb
Spotted 175 175 X X
Steel 270 500 X X X Scrap Metal
White 70 100 X X

Mice with Special Requirements

Hunting Strategy

Mice in the Harbour are attracted to Standard Cheeses. All but six mice are weak to all Power Types, except the Pirate Mouse, Barmy Gunner, Bilged Boatswain, Cabin Boy, Corrupt Commodore, and Dashing Buccaneer which have a weakness only to Hydro, Physical and Tactical weapons.

Hunters who reach the Rank of Journeyman will be able to travel to the Mountain and the Calm Clearing. Hunters will need to collect 5 A Map Scraps from Pirate Bounties to obtain the Calm Clearing Map Piece which allows travel to the Calm Clearing.

Adventure Book

Hunters can Discover the Harbour's Secrets by capturing a Pirate Mouse, earning bounties by defeating Pirate Crews, and assembling a Calm Clearing Map Piece.

Library Assignments


Harbour mice are worth points during some Tournaments.

Treasure Maps

Many mice in the Harbour are often found on Gnawnia Treasure Maps and Relic Hunter Treasure Maps.

Hunting tips by Larry

Welcome to the Harbour, MouseHunter! I just love that cool breeze that comes in off the ocean, don’t you?

The mice in this area are a little bit cheekier than those found in Town of Gnawnia or the Meadow. They may just steal some of your points or gold if you fail to catch them.

If you need to upgrade your trap or purchase more cheese, check out the many shops featured in the Harbour! If you’re in the market for a new trap, may I recommend a Rocketine trap or Mouse Trebuchet?

Be on the lookout for the dangerous pirate crews that are raiding the Harbour! Pirate mice are rumored to be carrying Map Scraps that could lead you to a new area. Capture a Pirate Mouse to reveal and capture their crew manifest and recover the Map Scraps, and then combine them to add a new hunting location to your map!

When you reach the next title of Journeyman/Journeywoman, you'll be able to move to another hunting ground. View your map to see what locations you have discovered.

Happy hunting!


These are the shoppes found in Harbour.

Cheese Shoppe

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Cheddar Cheese 10 gold None 10 gold
Marble Cheese 50 gold None 50 gold
Swiss Cheese 100 gold None 100 gold
Brie Cheese 200 gold None 200 gold


Item Cost Requirement Refund
Wooden Base with Target 850 gold None 155 gold
Stone Base 4,250 gold None 765 gold
Explosive Base 18,000 gold None 3,240 gold
Dehydration Base 24,000 gold None 4,320 gold
Item Power Type Cost Requirement Refund
Mouse Trebuchet Physical 11,000 gold None 1,980 gold
Mouse Rocketine Physical 22,400 gold None 4,035 gold
Swiss Army Mouse Trap Physical 55,000 gold None 9,900 gold
Mouse DeathBot Physical 150,000 gold None 27,000 gold
NVMRC Forcefield Trap Physical 180,000 gold None 32,400 gold

General Store

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Salt 6 gold None 2 gold
Curds and Whey 12 gold None 3 gold


Item Cost Requirement Refund
Gnawnia Scroll Case 2 Ancient Relic None N/A
Icebreaker License 145,000 gold None N/A

Pirate Ship Names and Crew Positions

The pirate ships encountered in the Harbour have a wide variety of names and their crews fill many positions aboard their ships.

Ship Names

These names appear in the HUD, journal entries, and pop-ups when a bounty is active. Ship names have no relation to the Pirate Crew mice that will be found on a bounty.

This is an incomplete list.

Ship Names
Angry Tavern Armoured Cereal Box Barnacle Baron Bottle Betsy Bottled Fury C# Shanty
Depth Charge Lutefisk Looter Mutiny Inc. Rancid Milk Ripcurl Scallywagon
Scurvy Doghouse Sea Cow Skullduggerous Scullery Soggy Tiger Tipsy Clipper Upturned Casket
Wet Blanket Yaaarrgonaut

Crew Positions

These names appear in the journal entry when a mouse on an active bounty is captured. They are not associated with specific mice.

This is an incomplete list.

"It looks like this one was the ship's..."
2nd Choice Mate Able Seamouse Anchor Ballast Barnacle Wrangler Boatswain Bosun Cannonball Juggler
Cutlass Greaser Dead Weight Disciplinarian Dolphin Whisperer First Mate Floater Gunnery Sergeant Iceberg Caller
Manicurist Midshipmouse Powder Monkey Salt Blogger Scribbler Soggy Henchmouse Stowaway Swabbie
Unable Seamouse Wannabe Captain Weevil Herder

History and Trivia

Be on the lookout for a particularly crafty Granite mouse that has been rumored to be carrying a torn piece of the map. Should you find this mouse and obtain the map piece, it will be added to your map, adding a new hunting location!


Gnawnia:  • Meadow   • Town of Gnawnia   • Windmill   • Harbour   • Mountain
Valour:  • King's Arms   • Tournament Hall   • King's Gauntlet
Whisker Woods:  • Calm Clearing   • Great Gnarled Tree   • Lagoon
Burroughs:  • Laboratory   • Mousoleum   • Town of Digby   • Bazaar   • Toxic Spill
Furoma:  • Training Grounds   • Dojo   • Meditation Room   • Pinnacle Chamber
Bristle Woods:  • Catacombs   • Forbidden Grove   • Acolyte Realm
Tribal Isles:  • Cape Clawed   • Elub Shore   • Nerg Plains   • Derr Dunes
 • Jungle of Dread   • Dracano   • Balack's Cove
Varmint Valley:  • Claw Shot City   • Gnawnian Express Station   • Fort Rox
Queso Canyon:  • Queso River   • Prickly Plains   • Cantera Quarry   • Queso Geyser
Rodentia:  • S.S. Huntington IV   • Seasonal Garden   • Zugzwang's Tower   • Crystal Library
 • Slushy Shoreline   • Iceberg   • Sunken City
Sandtail Desert:  • Fiery Warpath   • Muridae Market   • Living Garden   • Twisted Garden
 • Lost City   • Cursed City   • Sand Dunes   • Sand Crypts
Hollow Heights:  • Fungal Cavern   • Labyrinth   • Zokor   • Moussu Picchu   • Floating Islands
Folklore Forest:  • Foreword Farm   • Prologue Pond   • Table of Contents   • Bountiful Beanstalk
 • School of Sorcery   • Draconic Depths
Rift Plane:  • Gnawnia Rift   • Burroughs Rift   • Whisker Woods Rift   • Furoma Rift
 • Bristle Woods Rift • Valour Rift
Events:  • Great Winter Hunt: Great Winter Taiga
 • Cinnamon Hill   • Golem Workshop   • Ice Fortress
 • Halloween: Gloomy Greenwood
 • MouseHunt Birthday: The SUPER|brie+ Factory
 • Ronza: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe
 • Historic uses: King's Party Zone   • Festive Comet
Others:  • King's Stockade   • Vacant Lot