
From MHWiki
Revision as of 19:58, 23 April 2012 by YiKai (talk | contribs) (whisker woods tourney)
This article is about the competitive gameplay feature. For other uses, see Tournament (disambiguation).

Tournaments are mice-catching competitions. In order to join a tournament, hunters have to join or create a Hunting Team, then click Tournaments option from the Teams drop-down menu on the game navigation. This will display a list of active and upcoming tournaments, allowing hunters to browse tournaments and view information about a specific tournament, including the number of teams involved, how the scoring works, and within which locations the tournament takes place. A Join button located at the right of each row of tournament. Do note that unlike the old tournaments, hunters have to enter the tournament themselves as their captain cannot enter for the entire team.

Upon joining a tournament, a heads-up display (HUD) will appear near the top of the game informing hunters how long until the tournament starts, how many fellow team members have joined the same tournament, how many active team members are in the same tournament, and some controls to invite teammates and friends to compete together. A small circular icon on the right of the HUD would have a blue question mark within when the hunter is at a location that can earn tournament points, otherwise it would be a yellow exclamation mark.

Upon the tournament starting, the HUD will change to indicate the amount of time remaining along with your team's current points and rank. Should hunters need a reminder of the scoring rules, they can click the name of the tournament on the HUD to view the tournament details.

While in an active tournament, sounding the Tourney Horn will send teammates in the same tournament on hunts if they are ready to hunt, and vice versa, only those in your Hunting Team will bring you along for a hunt. Each team member could be in a different location but as long as they are ready to hunt, they will be brought along on a hunt when a teammate sounds the horn. Team members do not have to be friends with each other to be brought along on hunts during tournaments. Trap checks still occur during an active tournament, but they do not count toward earning tournament points nor add to the multiplier. As soon as the tournament is over, normal horn hunts resume as usual.

Team members can see the Team Journal, which records the last four private events of each team member, whether or not the team is currently involved in a tournament. This allows a team to track if all hunters were brought along for a hunt, even if they missed a mouse, and also see when a team member has received a King's Reward.

General Rules

  • Individual members can only be in one tournament at a time, although teams can participate in different tournaments at the same time
  • Hunters cannot join a tournament that has started.
  • Only a certain amount of team members can join a tournament.
  • Hunters who leave a tournament early cannot claim prizes.
  • Spend Tournament Tokens at the Tournament Shop in Valour.

Types of Tournaments


Tournament points are scored for catching mice specific to the tournament.


During an Endurance tournament the entire team shares a multiplier bar. The multiplier starts at 1x, and cannot exceed 10x or fall below 1x. When anyone in the team catches mouse, its tournament point value will be multiplied by your current team's multiplier.


Currently in development, boost tournaments are for passive hunters who don't sound their horns often. Hunters have a boost button to press when they log in, which would boost the multiplier to the maximum of 20. The multiplier is used up during trap checks and as the hunter hunts more frequently.  


Depending on the tournament, its duration ranges from 3 hours to 3 days (72 hours). The duration affects the number of Tournament Tokens rewarded if the team is in the top 50% and above. See the Rewards section for more information.

Barring a few rare exceptions, tournaments usually start and end on the hour in GMT/UTC time.

Number of members

The default maximum number of players is 4 per team. 3 and 5 player tournaments exist as well, this is reflected on the title of tournament.

The exceptions are Valentine's Solo and Valentine's Couples, which are 1 and 2 player tournaments respectively, available during Valentines Day event 2012. An player tournament was available on 21 April 2012.

List of Tournaments

Normal Tournaments

Bazaar Burglary

The Bazaar is infamous for being overrun with Burglar mice. Hunt down Burglars and score big in this Tournament!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Bazaar to get points.

Mouse Points
Bionic 1
Dwarf 1
Granite 1
Mutated Grey 1
Mutated White 1
Steel 1
Black Widow 15
Crown Collector 15
Nibbler 15
Burglar 25
Master Burglar 50

Catacombs Competitors

Test your bravery by exploring the depths of the Catacombs.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Catacombs to get points.

Mouse Points
Bat 1
Ghost 1
Giant Snail 1
Mummy 1
Zombie 1
Keeper 5
Keeper's Assistant 5
Ooze 5
Spider 5
Scavenger 10
Terror Knight 10
Golem 30
Vampire 30

Derr Tribal Hunting

Capture mice from the Derr Tribe and score big!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Derr Dunes or Cape Clawed to get points.

Mouse Points
Healer 1
Trailblazer 1
Wordsmith 1
Grunt 10
Spellbinder 10
Mintaka 15
Renegade 15
Seer 15
Derr Chieftain 20
Gladiator 20
Guardian 20
Aged 30
Black Widow 50

Desert Market Mice

Search the Muridae Market!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Muridae Market to get points.

Mouse Points
Pie Thief 1
Snake Charmer 1
Desert Architect 5
Falling Carpet 8
Spice Merchant 8
Glass Blower 10
Limestone Miner 10
Lumberjack 10
Market Guard 12
Market Thief 12
Blacksmith 15
Mage Weaver 15
Desert Nomad 30

Elub Tribal Hunting

Capture mice from the Elub Tribe and score big!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Elub Shore or Cape Clawed to get points.

Mouse Points
Alchemist 1
Scout 1
Taleweaver 1
Mystic 10
Pack 10
Alnitak 15
Soothsayer 15
Vanquisher 15
Champion 20
Elub Chieftain 20
Protector 20
Elder 30
Black Widow 50

Forgotten Tournament

Hunt The Forgotten mice and explore the evil plans of the Acolyte...
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Giant Snail 1
Ooze 1
Spider 1
Keeper 5
Keeper's Assistant 5
Scavenger 5
Golem 10
Gorgon 10
Spectre 10
Gargoyle 15
Sorcerer 15
Terror Knight 15
Lich 25
Realm Ripper 25
Wight 25
Acolyte 100
Reaper 100

Furoma Master Hunt

Hunt your way through the Dojo, Meditation Room and Pinnacle Chamber!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Diamond 1
Gold Mouse 1
Kung Fu 15
Ninja 15
Samurai 15
Dojo Sensei 20
Master of the Dojo 20
Student of the Cheese Belt 20
Student of the Cheese Claw 20
Student of the Cheese Fang 20
Master of the Cheese Belt 25
Master of the Cheese Claw 25
Master of the Cheese Fang 25
Dumpling Chef 50
Worker 50
Assassin 100

High Seas Hunting

Enjoy the scent of sea salt and fresh air while hunting mouse aboard the S.S. Huntingdon.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in S.S. Huntington II to get points.

Mouse Points
Briegull 1
Pinchy 1
Swabbie 1
Buccaneer 5
Shipwrecked 5
Siren 5
Bottled 15
Captain 15
Cook 15
Leviathan 25
Mermouse 25
Squeaken 25
Shelder 300

Indigenous Mouse Hunting

A handful of Indigenous Mice are worth Tournament Points, can you find which ones and come out on top?
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Grey 1
Lightning Rod 1
Scruffy 1
Spotted 1
White 1
Bionic 5
Fog 5
Granite 5
Pugilist 5
Spud 5
Steel 5
Mutated Grey 8
Mutated White 8
Zombie 8
Diamond 10
Flying 10
Frozen 10
Gold Mouse 10
Magic 10
Silvertail 10
Farmhand 15
Pebble 15
Tiny 15
Crown Collector 30
Nibbler 30
Pirate 30
Black Widow 50
Mole 50
Monster 50

Laboratory Potion Hunting

Looking for a little competition while collecting Radioactive Blue Potions? Steel, Granite and Bionic in the Laboratory are worth a bundle of points in this tournament! Remember hunter: as an aspiring scientist all your hunting must take place in the Burroughs Laboratory.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Laboratory to get points.

Mouse Points
Mutated Grey 1
Mutated White 1
Zombie 1
Black Widow 5
Burglar 5
Monster 5
Bionic 20
Granite 20
Steel 20

Library Brawl

Compete in the Crystal Library and help defend it from the invading mice!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Crystal Library to get points.

Mouse Points
Explorator 1
Pocketwatch 1
Bookborn 5
Flutterby 5
Tome Sprite 5
Effervescent 10
Infiltrator 10
Walker 10
Scribe 15
Steam Grip 15
Zurreal the Eternal 25
Aether 100

Lich Look Out

Can your team capture the Liches and come out on the top of this tournament's scoreboard?
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Balack's Cove to get points.

Mouse Points
Brimstone 1
Davy Jones 1
Twisted Fiend 1
Enslaved Spirit 5
Riptide 5
Tidal Fisher 5
Derr Lich 25
Elub Lich 25
Nerg Lich 25
Balack the Banished 100

Mousoleum Mastery

Stock up on Radioactive Blue Cheese and hunt the spooky mice that lurk in the Mousoleum.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Mousoleum to get points.

Mouse Points
Mutated Grey 1
Mutated White 1
Bat 5
Ghost 5
Zombie 5
Lycan 8
Giant Snail 10
Mummy 10
Ravenous Zombie 10
Monster 50
Vampire 50
Black Widow 100

Nerg Tribal Hunting

Capture mice from the Nerg Tribe and score big!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Nerg Plains or Cape Clawed to get points.

Mouse Points
Caretaker 1
Narrator 1
Pathfinder 1
Beast Tamer 10
Finder 10
Alnilam 15
Conjurer 15
Conqueror 15
Defender 20
Nerg Chieftain 20
Slayer 20
Grandfather 30
Black Widow 50

Subterranean Showdown

Visit the Town of Digby and compete to prove yourself as the best research team! Limelight Cheese is sure to come in handy when seeking high point value mice!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Town of Digby to get points.

Mouse Points
Bionic 1
Granite 1
Steel 1
Core Sample 3
Industrious Digger 3
Rock Muncher 3
Demolitions 5
Miner 5
Stone Cutter 5
Itty-Bitty Burroughs 10
Lambent Crystal 10
Subterranean 10
Big Bad Burroughs 75
Mole 75
Nugget 75

Tribal Isle Grand Tournament

Push the limits of your tribal hunting knowledge by competing in this grand tournament! Hunt mice from the safe shores of Cape Clawed all the way up to the summit of Dracano to earn Tournament Points!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Davy Jones 1
Pathfinder 1
Scout 1
Twisted Fiend 1
Whelpling 1
Wordsmith 1
Brimstone 5
Draconic Warden 5
Tidal Fisher 5
Derr Lich 10
Elub Lich 10
Finder 10
Grunt 10
Nerg Lich 10
Pack 10
Conqueror 15
Renegade 15
Vanquisher 15
Derr Chieftain 20
Elub Chieftain 20
Nerg Chieftain 20
Chitinous 30
Fetid Swamp 30
Jurassic 30
Magma Carrier 30
Primal 30
Stonework Warrior 30
Dragon 50
Balack the Banished 100

Warpath Marching

March your team through the dangerous Sandtail Desert Warpath!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Fiery Warpath to get points.

Mouse Points
Crimson Ranger 1
Crimson Titan 1
Crimson Watch 1
Desert Archer 1
Desert Soldier 1
Flame Archer 1
Flame Warrior 1
Sentinel 1
Vanguard 1
Sand Cavalry 2
Sandwing Cavalry 2
Inferno Mage 3
Magmarage 3
Flame Ordnance 4
Theurgy Warden 5
Warmonger 5
Gargantuamouse 10

Whisking through the Woods

The ancient growth and deep magic of Whisker Woods beckon to many a hunter, but which will prove its master?
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Calm Clearing, Great Gnarled Tree or Lagoon to get points.

Mouse Points
Water Nymph 1
Bear 2
Chameleon 2
Eagle Owl 2
Elven Princess 2
Shaman 2
Treant 2
Cyclops 5
Goblin 5
Centaur 8
Curious Chemist 8
Fairy 8
Nomad 8
Tiger 8
Troll 8
Foxy 15
Hydra 15
Wicked Witch of Whisker Woods 15
Harpy 20
Silth 20
Cherry 25
Black Widow 50

Zugzwang's Tournament

Hunt in the Seasonal Garden and Zugzwang's tower searching for mice!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Seasonal Garden or Zugzwang's Tower to get points.

Mouse Points
Derpicorn 1
Firefly 1
Hot Head 1
Hydrophobe 1
Monarch 1
Over-Prepared 1
Penguin 1
Pumpkin Head 1
Scarecrow 1
Tanglefoot 1
Whirleygig 1
Mystic Knight 3
Technic Knight 3
Harvest Harrier 10
Icicle 10
Puddlemancer 10
Stinger 10
Mystic Bishop 15
Technic Bishop 15
Bruticle 20
Firebreather 20
Frostbite 20
Fall Familiar 25
Spring Familiar 25
Harvester 30
Summer Mage 30
Vinetail 30
Winter Mage 30
Mystic Rook 50
Technic Rook 50
Mystic Queen 60
Technic Queen 60
Mystic King 70
Technic King 70
Chess Master 100

Event Tournaments

Birthday Bash

What's a birthday without a tournament? Catch all the birthday mice and score the most points!

Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Birthday Party Celebration to get points.

Mouse Points
Buckethead 10
Pintail 10
Sleepwalker 10
Terrible Twos 10
Birthday 20
Dinosuit 25

Calling all Calligraphers

Catch the crafty Calligrapher for big tournament prizes. Be sure to use the right bait, though, as he's only attracted to the delicate scent of SUPER|brie+!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Year of the Dragon Festival to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Diamond 1
Dumpling Chef 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Gold Mouse 1
Grey 1
Student of the Cheese Belt 1
Student of the Cheese Claw 1
Student of the Cheese Fang 1
White 1
New Years 5
Party Head 5
Present 5
Red Envelope 5
Costumed Dragon 10
Costumed Rabbit 10
Costumed Tiger 10
Calligraphy 100

Costume Competition

Catch the mice dressed in costumes for this Year of the Dragon Festival, and score big points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Year of the Dragon Festival to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Diamond 1
Dumpling Chef 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Gold Mouse 1
Grey 1
Student of the Cheese Belt 1
Student of the Cheese Claw 1
Student of the Cheese Fang 1
White 1
Calligraphy 10
Party Head 10
Red Envelope 10
New Years 15
Present 15
Costumed Dragon 25
Costumed Rabbit 25
Costumed Tiger 25

Dragon Deception

Be sure to come prepared! You'll require valuable and volatile Dragon Breath Charms to take home the prize in this tournament!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Year of the Dragon Festival to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Diamond 1
Dumpling Chef 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Gold Mouse 1
Grey 1
Student of the Cheese Belt 1
Student of the Cheese Claw 1
Student of the Cheese Fang 1
White 1
New Years 2
Party Head 2
Present 2
Red Envelope 2
Calligraphy 5
Costumed Tiger 5
Costumed Rabbit 10
Costumed Dragon 100

Elf Extravaganza

Elf Mice are some one of the most elusive festive breeds! Working as a team, hunt down these hard to find rodents to score tournament points!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Bear 1
Christmas Tree 1
Dwarf 1
Gladiator 1
Present 1
Toy 1
Candy Cane 2
Nutcracker 2
Stocking 2
Destructoy 10
Snowflake 10
Toy Tinkerer 10
Elf 100

Festive Dress-up

A few mice from across the Kingdom are dressed in custome this Great Winter Hunt. Can you spot which ones are playing dress up? Catch these festively dressed mice to score tournament points!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Bear 1
Dwarf 1
White 1
Gargoyle 2
Gladiator 2
Hydra 2
Stealth 3
Steel 3
Treant 3
Lambent Crystal 4
Vinetail 4
Zombie 4
Centaur 5
Diamond 5
Gold Mouse 5
Harpy 6
Monster 6
Troll 6
Abominable Snow 8
Worker 8

Festive Fiasco

The Mad Elf Mouse has sent his force of Festive Mice across the entire Kingdom! Track down these festive rodents and prove to the entire Kingdom that your team is the best!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 1
Missile Toe 1
Ornament 1
Present 1
Toy 1
Wreath Thief 1
Candy Cane 2
Mouse of Winter Future 2
Mouse of Winter Past 2
Mouse of Winter Present 2
Nutcracker 2
Stocking 2
Slay Ride 3
Snow Fort 3
Squeaker Claws 3
Destructoy 5
Snow Scavenger 5
Toy Tinkerer 5
Elf 10
Scrooge 10
Snowflake 10

Festive Lich Look Out

The Grumpy Lich Mice in Balack's Cove are so used to a dark and wet atmosphere that they never hesitate to dampen the holiday spirits around them. Can your team capture the bah-humbug Liches and come out on the top of this tournament's scoreboard?

See: Lich Look Out

Fixin' the Glitchpaw

Glitchpaws love to wreck havoc on hunter's traps. Have your team exact revenge by hunting them into oblivion!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Cowardly 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Lightning Rod 1
Scruffy 1
Spotted 1
Bionic 3
Granite 3
Steel 3
Flying 5
Frozen 5
Magic 5
Crown Collector 10
Nibbler 10
Pirate 10
Black Widow 25
Mole 25
Monster 25
Glitchpaw 75

Happy New Year Tournament

What better way to celebrate the new year than with a hunting competition! Gather your team and sound your Tourney Horn and party while you hunt down New Years Mice!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 1
Present 1
Toy 1
Bear 3
Dwarf 3
Gladiator 3
Candy Cane 5
Missile Toe 5
Nutcracker 5
Ornament 5
Stocking 5
Wreath Thief 5
Destructoy 25
Snowflake 25
Toy Tinkerer 25
New Years 100
Party Head 100

Red Envelope Roundup

Red Envelopes contain lucky amounts of gold, and Red Envelope Mice are worth a lucky number of points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Year of the Dragon Festival to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Diamond 1
Dumpling Chef 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Gold Mouse 1
Grey 1
Student of the Cheese Belt 1
Student of the Cheese Claw 1
Student of the Cheese Fang 1
White 1
Calligraphy 10
Costumed Dragon 10
Costumed Rabbit 10
Costumed Tiger 10
New Years 10
Party Head 10
Present 10
Red Envelope 22

Snow Fortress Showdown

Only the bravest and most capable of Toy Makers dare to enter the Snow Fortress of the Mad Elf Mouse! Prove your team is the most courageous by hunting mice within the fortress to score tournament points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Snow Fortress to get points.

Mouse Points
Dwarf 1
White 1
Hydra 2
Troll 2
Candy Cane 3
Christmas Tree 3
Present 3
Missile Toe 5
Ornament 5
Slay Ride 5
Snow Fort 5
Toy 5
Wreath Thief 5
Nutcracker 6
Stocking 6
Mouse of Winter Future 8
Mouse of Winter Past 8
Mouse of Winter Present 8
Destructoy 10
Elf 10
Scrooge 10
Snow Scavenger 10
Snowflake 10
Toy Tinkerer 10
Mad Elf 12

Spring Hunt Spectacular

Hunt down the spring mice in the Chocolate Factory to earn big points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Chocolate Factory to get points.

Mouse Points
Bionic 1
Diamond 1
Gold Mouse 1
Granite 1
Pirate 1
Zombie 1
Bat 2
Ghost 2
Giant Snail 2
Mummy 2
Ravenous Zombie 2
Coco Commander 10
Egg Painter 10
Eggsplosive Scientist 10
Sinister Egg 10
Eggscavator 25
Hare Razer 25

Chocolate Factory

Valentine's Couples

Two hearts beat as one. Two teammates, working together. Two mice, worth more than any others combined!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Town of Gnawnia, Laboratory, Calm Clearing, S.S. Huntington II or Muridae Market to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupid 5
Forever Alone 5
Romeno 5
Juliyes 20
Romeo 20

Valentine's Solo

Sometimes you just want to be alone. So be alone together in this tournament and catch the Forever Alone Mouse for big points! There will be 5 of the same tournaments running simultaneously, so you do not have to leave your current team, just join one that your other team mates are not in!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Town of Gnawnia, Laboratory, Calm Clearing, S.S. Huntington II or Muridae Market to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupid 10
Juliyes 10
Romeno 10
Romeo 10
Forever Alone 50

Valentine's Third Wheel

Sure, Romeo and Juliyes are a happy couple. But imagine how much fun would they have with Romeno tagging along! Grab Romeno as many times as you can!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Town of Gnawnia, Laboratory, Calm Clearing, S.S. Huntington II or Muridae Market to get points.

Mouse Points
Juliyes 5
Romeo 5
Cupid 10
Forever Alone 10
Romeno 30


By competing in tournaments, hunters can earn collectible trophies and badges, as well as tournament tokens that can be spent at the Tournament Hall. All hunters participating in a tournament upon it completing should receive a notification informing them of their team position as well as rewards. Alternatively, hunters can also claim the prize by clicking on the Team History tab on the team profile page which would indicate the tournament(s) they have yet to claim the prize.

All reward items are only given to hunters who took part in the tournament and stayed until it ends. If a hunter leaves before the tournament ends, no reward can be earned. In addition the hunter must remain in their same team when claiming their reward.

The number of teams that entered the tournament, the length of the tournament, and your team's rank upon the tournament's completion determine what reward you receive. All tournament ties are calculated at the end of the tournament.

Position Reward item Tournament Tokens
Per hour* 3 hours 4 hours 6 hours 8 hours 12 hours 18 hours 24 hours 48 hours 72 hours
1st Place Gold Tournament Trophy 1.5 5 6 9 12 18 27 36 72 108
2nd Place Silver Tournament Trophy 1 3 4 6 8 12 18 24 48 72
3rd Place Bronze Tournament Trophy 0.5 2 2 3 4 6 9 12 24 36
Challenger (Top 10%) Tournament Challenger Badge 0.45 2 2 3 4 6 9 11 22 33
Competitor (Top 25%) Tournament Competitor Badge 0.375 2 2 3 3 5 7 9 18 27
Participant (Top 50%) Tournament Participant Badge 0.25 1 1 2 2 3 5 6 12 18
Bottom 50% None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

* After multiplying by the number of hours, non-integer values are rounded up to the nearest integer.

Additionally, the team as a whole (regardless of whether individual players join or leave) earns progress towards unlocking additional slots for the Hunting Team. It takes ten hunts at the Competitor level (top 25%) to expand a team to eight members.

History and Trivia

  • Tournaments were initially released on 13 May 2009, but were discontinued on 8 June 2010. After more than a year, it was finally re-released on 28 December 2011.
  • The Team Journal was re-released on 28 March 2012, along with the introduction of the Tournament Challenger Badge to recognize a top-10% finish.


See also

External Links