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< Template:Mice
Revision as of 07:40, 10 September 2024 by TheCube (talk | contribs) (added DD and SoSo mice, updated preferred cheese)
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Note to editors: Please refer to Template:Mice/Row for instructions on how to edit this template.

Preferred Cheese
Mouse Sub-Group
P Pack Mouse Elub Shore 6,000 908 Standard Cheese The Elub Tribe
Page Mouse King's Gauntlet 325 210 Gauntlet Cheese Tier 3 Gauntlet Gladiators Tier 3: Melee
Paladin Mouse King's Gauntlet 25,200 2,500 Gauntlet Cheese Tier 6 Gauntlet Gladiators Tier 6: Noble
Paladin Weapon Master Mouse Zokor 350,000 100,000 Glowing Gruyere Cheese
Standard Cheese
Citizens of Zokor Fealty Sworn Soldier
Pan Slammer Mouse Spring Egg Hunt 7,200 1,000 See current Spring Egg Hunt location Event Mice Spring Egg Hunt
Para Para Dancer Mouse MouseHunt Birthday 5,000 3,000 See current MouseHunt Birthday location Event Mice Birthday
Paragon of Arcane Floating Islands 2,000,000 100,000 Cloud Cheesecake
Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake
Standard Cheese
Floating Islanders Sky Paragon
Paragon of Dragons Floating Islands 2,000,000 100,000 Cloud Cheesecake
Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake
Standard Cheese
Floating Islanders Sky Paragon
Paragon of Forgotten Floating Islands 2,000,000 100,000 Cloud Cheesecake
Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake
Standard Cheese
Floating Islanders Sky Paragon
Paragon of Shadow Floating Islands 2,000,000 100,000 Cloud Cheesecake
Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake
Standard Cheese
Floating Islanders Sky Paragon
Paragon of Strength Floating Islands 2,000,000 100,000 Cloud Cheesecake
Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake
Standard Cheese
Floating Islanders Sky Paragon
Paragon of Tactics Floating Islands 2,000,000 100,000 Cloud Cheesecake
Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake
Standard Cheese
Floating Islanders Sky Paragon
Paragon of the Lawless Floating Islands 2,000,000 100,000 Cloud Cheesecake
Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake
Standard Cheese
Floating Islanders Sky Paragon
Paragon of Water Floating Islands 2,000,000 100,000 Cloud Cheesecake
Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake
Standard Cheese
Floating Islanders Sky Paragon
Parlour Player Mouse Claw Shot City
Gnawnian Express Station
5,500 4,500 Standard Cheese Wild Bunch Crew
Party Head Mouse Great Winter Hunt
Lunar New Year
9,000 2,000 See current Great Winter Hunt or Lunar New Year location Event Mice New Year
Passenger Mouse Gnawnian Express Station 4,000 6,000 Standard Cheese Train Robbers Passenger
Pathfinder Mouse Cape Clawed
Nerg Plains
990 660 Gumbo
Standard Cheese
The Nerg Tribe
Peaceful Prisoner Mouse Bountiful Beanstalk 35,000 5,000 Standard Cheese Beanstalkers Dungeon Dwellers
Pearl Diver Mouse Sunken City 32,042 19,500 Standard Cheese Deep Sea Dwellers Treasure Troop
Pearl Mouse Sunken City 40,000 20,000 Standard Cheese Deep Sea Dwellers Treasure Troop
Pebble Mouse Mountain 200 600 Empowered SUPER|brie+
Mountain Mice
Peevish Piccoloist Mouse Bountiful Beanstalk 90,000 13,000 Beanster Cheese Beanstalkers Ballroom Blitzers
Peggy the Plunderer Floating Islands 400,000 65,000 Sky Pirate Swiss Cheese Floating Islanders Sky Pirate
Penguin Mouse Seasonal Garden 4,500 550 Standard Cheese Seasonal Soldiers Winter
Pernicious Prince Mouse Bountiful Beanstalk 360,000 75,000 Royal Beanster Cheese Beanstalkers Ruthless Royals
Perpetual Detention Mouse School of Sorcery 30,000 6,000 Standard Cheese Sorcery Apprentices Arcane Academics
Pestilentia the Putrid Draconic Depths 92,500 20,000 Poisonous Provolone Dragons of the Depths Poison Dragons
Phalanx Mouse King's Gauntlet 430 1,000 Gauntlet Cheese Tier 3 Gauntlet Gladiators Tier 3: Melee
Phase Zombie Burroughs Rift 34,000 4,400 String Cheese
Undead String Emmental
Rift Walkers Burroughs Rift
Photographer Mouse Gnawnian Express Station 5,000 7,000 Standard Cheese Train Robbers Passenger
Pie Thief Mouse Muridae Market 8,250 900 Standard Cheese Muridae Market Mice
Pinchy Mouse Cape Clawed
Elub Shore
S.S. Huntington IV
325 400 Shell
Standard Cheese
Aquatic Order
Pinkielina Table of Contents 22,500 7,250 First Draft Derby Cheese Storytellers Folklore Characters
Pintail Mouse MouseHunt Birthday 1,700 2,000 See current MouseHunt Birthday location Event Mice Birthday
Pirate Anchor Mouse Sunken City 34,200 2,700 Standard Cheese Deep Sea Dwellers Barnacled Bunch
Pirate Mouse Harbour
S.S. Huntington IV
350 2,750 Galleon Gouda
Standard Cheese
Dock Dwellers
Plague Hag Mouse Toxic Spill 46,000 3,000 Magical Rancid Radioactive Blue
Rancid Radioactive Blue
The Polluted
Plotting Page Mouse Bountiful Beanstalk 50,000 7,250 Standard Cheese Beanstalkers Ruthless Royals
Plutonium Tentacle Mouse Burroughs Rift 260,000 50,000 Polluted Parmesan Rift Walkers Burroughs Rift
Pneumatic Dirt Displacement Mouse Burroughs Rift 35,000 4,500 Terre Ricotta Rift Walkers Burroughs Rift
Pocketwatch Mouse Crystal Library 6,400 900 Standard Cheese Zurreal's Breed
Polar Bear Mouse Iceberg
Slushy Shoreline
6,760 1,865 Drilling Dorblu
Standard Cheese
Icewing's Invasion Bergling
Pompous Perch Mouse Prologue Pond 42,000 8,000 Grubbeen Cheese Prologue Pond Prowlers Shallow Swimmers
Portable Generator Mouse Burroughs Rift 26,500 8,500 Magical String Rift Walkers Burroughs Rift
Portal Paladin Bristle Woods Rift 32,000 3,000 Ancient String Cheese
Runic String Cheese
String Cheese
Rift Stalkers Bristle Woods Rift
Portal Plunderer Bristle Woods Rift 50,000 9,000 Ancient String Cheese
Runic String Cheese
String Cheese
Rift Stalkers Bristle Woods Rift
Portal Pursuer Bristle Woods Rift 28,000 2,500 Ancient String Cheese
String Cheese
Runic String Cheese
Rift Stalkers Bristle Woods Rift
Possessed Armaments Mouse Valour Rift 110,000 5,000 Gauntlet String Cheese
String Cheese
Rift Stalkers Valour Rift
Praetorian Champion Mouse Valour Rift 100,000 6,000 Gauntlet String Cheese
String Cheese
Rift Stalkers Valour Rift
Present Mouse MouseHunt Birthday
Lunar New Year
Great Winter Hunt
860 1,000 See current
MouseHunt Birthday,
Lunar New Year or Great Winter Hunt location
Event Mice Birthday
Prestigious Adventurer Mouse Valour Rift 125,000 5,000 Gauntlet String Cheese
String Cheese
Rift Stalkers Valour Rift
Prestigious Prestidigitator Mouse School of Sorcery 85,000 10,000 Apprentice Ambert Sorcery Apprentices Shadow Scholars
Primal Mouse Jungle of Dread 16,450 5,800 Sweet Havarti The Dreaded Horde
Princess and the Olive Table of Contents 20,000 8,800 First Draft Derby Cheese Storytellers Folklore Characters
Princess Fist Iceberg 23,125 3,550 Standard Cheese Icewing's Invasion Icewing's Generals
Prospector Mouse Claw Shot City 6,500 3,500 Standard Cheese Wild Bunch Misc.
Protector Mouse Elub Shore 12,545 3,360 Shell The Elub Tribe
Prototype Mouse Burroughs Rift 32,000 4,000 String Cheese Rift Walkers Burroughs Rift
Puddlemancer Mouse Seasonal Garden 10,480 3,360 Standard Cheese Seasonal Soldiers Spring
Puffer Mouse Sunken City 11,600 1,250 Standard Cheese Deep Sea Dwellers Finned Fiend
Pugilist Mouse Harbour
King's Arms
Tournament Hall
Town of Gnawnia
700 600 Gilded
Standard Cheese
Indigenous Mice Misc.
Pump Raider Queso River 15,000 1,000 Standard Cheese Queso Canyoneers River Riders
Pumpkin Head Mouse Seasonal Garden 4,500 960 Standard Cheese Seasonal Soldiers Fall
Pumpkin Hoarder Mouse Halloween 1,800 1,000 See current Halloween location Event Mice Halloween
Puppet Champion Mouse Valour Rift 100,000 6,000 Gauntlet String Cheese
String Cheese
Rift Stalkers Valour Rift
Puppet Master Mouse King's Gauntlet 200 210 Standard Cheese Gauntlet Gladiators Tier 1: Puppet
Puppetto Mouse Valour Rift 46,550 1,000 Gauntlet String Cheese
String Cheese
Rift Stalkers Valour Rift
Pygmy Wrangler Mouse Jungle of Dread 6,500 1,250 Standard Cheese
Vanilla Stilton
Vengeful Vanilla Stilton
The Dreaded Horde
Pyrehyde Mouse Queso Geyser 40,000 7,000 Flamin' Queso Queso Canyoneers Pressure Builder
Pyrite Mouse Claw Shot City 20,000 5,000 Standard Cheese Wild Bunch Misc.