From MHWiki
December 2009
- 30: New Year's mice are released in Ronza's Traveling Shoppe.
- 30: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe sells the 2010 Blastoff Trap and the Firecracker Base.
- 28: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe sells the Chrome DrillBot.
- 23: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe sells Splintered Wood, the Candy Cane Base and the Snowglobe Trap.
- 23: Ronza returns to Gnawnia.
- 23: Larry allows players to exchange the 12 loot items from the 12 Days 'til Christmas event for the Christmas Cracker Trap or 10 SUPER|brie+ each.
- 23: Christmas Tree, Gargoyle, Scrooge, and Toy mice start dropping Twelve Liters of Egg Nog as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 22: MouseHunt featured on Toronto news.
- 22: Swiss, Brie, Mistletoe, Mouse Macaroon, and Sleigh Bell are no longer sold in the Festive Gift Shoppe.
- 22: Reindeer Slippers, Yule Log, Festive Restraining Order, Toy Ronza Ship, and Gold Brick are now for sale in the Festive Gift Shoppe.
- 22: Christmas Tree and Frozen mice start dropping Eleven Coloured Lights as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 22: Frozen, Toy, and Frosty Snow mice are released.
- 21: Hydra and Candy Cane mice start dropping Ten Candy Canes as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 20: Centaur and Present mice start dropping Nine Reindeer Antlers as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 19: Elf and Dwarf mice start dropping Eight Elf Shoes as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 19: Elf mice are released again.
- 18: Present and Bear mice start dropping Seven Gingerbread Mice as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 17: Nutcracker and Abominable Snow mice start dropping Six Snow Balls as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 16: Treant and Ornament mice start dropping Five Ornaments as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 15: Mouse Macaroon, Itchy Sweater, Petrified Fruitcake, Sleigh Bell, Wreath and Slap Cat are now for sale in the Festive Gift Shoppe.
- 15: Gouda, Christmas Coal and Posing Mouse Action Figure are no longer sold in the Festive Gift Shoppe.
- 15: Stocking and Troll mice start dropping Four Festive Stockings as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 14: Christmas Tree and Abominable Snow mice start dropping Three Santa Hats as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 13: Dwarf and Present mice start dropping Two Festive Mitts as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 12: White and Candy Cane mice start dropping One Droid Action Figure as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 12: 12 Days 'til Christmas.
- 12: Christmas Tree mice start dropping Gingerbread Base Blueprints in the Festive Comet.
- 09: Santa Bear introduced as one of the items that can be unwrapped from Slightly Smaller Gifts.
- 09: Ornament mice start dropping Gingerbread Base Blueprints as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 08: Worker mice start dropping Gingerbread House Plans as loot in the Festive Comet.
- 08: The Gifts Tab was introduced.
- 03: Festive Gift Shoppe opens, selling Brie, Swiss, Gouda, Christmas Coal, Greeting Card, Icing Sugar, Mistletoe, Plank of Gingerbread, Posing Mouse Action Figure, Slightly Smaller Gift and Candies.
- 03: The Great Winter Hunt '09 begins.
- 03: Candy Cane, Christmas Tree, Nutcracker, Ornament, Present, Scrooge, and Stocking Mice are released.
- 03: Festive Comet crashes into Gnawnia.
November 2009
- 30: A "Monday Mystery Mouse" is released and Master of the Dojo mice drop SUPER|brie+ for one day.
- 16: A "Monday Mystery Mouse" is released and Abominable Snow mice drop SUPER|brie+ for one day.
- 03: Ronza departs.
- 03: The King begins construction of two new structures south of Gnawnia Castle.
October 2009
- 28: Hollowhead mice are re-released.
- 21: MouseHunt hits 50,000+ users online.
- 20: White mice in Ronza's Traveling Shoppe are found to drop Teddy Bears as loot.
- 20: Mice in Ronza's Traveling Shoppe are found to drop Rockforth cheese as loot.
- 20: Giant Speaker, HitGrab Rockin' Horse, Kraken Chaos, Magma Base, and Rainbow Mohawk Wig of Awesomeness available for sale in Ronza's Traveling Shoppe.
- 20: Ronza returns to Gnawnia.
- 19: The Birthday Cake Base, HitGrab Horsey, Polar Base, and PartyBot are given the Limited Edition Shield.
September 2009
- 29: Draconic Warden, Dragon, and Whelpling mice are released.
- 29: The Ice Maiden weapon is released.
- 29: Mysterious Boxes can now be opened.
- 29: The Dracano location is released in the Tribal Isles.
- 24: The High Tension Spring becomes smashable.
- 24: The Draconic Power Type is added to the help tab under Trapsmith.
- 02: The Nibbler mice were added to Cape Clawed.
August 2009
- 27: Crunchy, Gumbo, and Shell crafting formulas expanded to include the option to add Magic Essence, resulting in 20 pieces of the cheese.
- 27: Power and Luck of the RhinoBot are slightly boosted.
- 27: The Tribal Base is released for sale in the Cape Clawed Trapsmith.
- 14: The iTunes mouse is re-released as the Rockstar mouse.
- 12: The first Ancient Box Trap is crafted.
- 11: Chitinous, Fetid Swamp, Giant Snail, Jurassic, Magma Carrier, Primal, Sorcerer, Stonework Warrior, and Terror Knight mice are released.
- 11: The Ancient Torn Blueprint Piece is released for sale in the Cape Clawed General Store.
- 11: The Clockapult of Time weapon is released for sale in the Cape Clawed Trapsmith.
- 11: The Jungle of Dread location is released in the Tribal Isles.
- 10: Elub, Nerg, and Derr Chieftain Mice begin dropping Ancient Frayed, Ripped, and Mangled Blueprint Pieces, respectively.
- 05: Hunter's Profile updated to include "Mice Caught" and "Rare Breeds Caught" statistics. The "Mouse Tally" is also reorganized into generic difficulty, from most power to least.
- 03: First hunter achieves Baron rank on the Scoreboard.
July 2009
- 28: Glitchpaw mice are released in the wake of some downtime caused by overloaded catch statistics, and start to drop SUPER|brie+ as loot.
- 26: First hunter achieves Baroness rank on the Scoreboard.
- 23: The first Elub Chieftain mouse is caught.
- 22: The first Aged, Champion, Defender, Derr Chieftain, Elder, Gladiator, Grandfather, Guardian, Nerg Chieftain, Protector and Slayer mice are caught.
- 21: Alchemist, Alnilam, Alnitak, Beast Tamer, Caretaker, Conjurer, Conqueror, Finder, Grunt, Healer, Mintaka, Mystic, Narrator, Pack, Pathfinder, Renegade, Scout, Seer, Soothsayer, Spellbinder, Taleweaver, Trailblazer, Vanquisher, and Wordsmith mice are released.
- 21: Tribal Isles region is released, introducing the locations Cape Clawed, Derr Dunes, Elub Shore, and Nerg Plains.
- 21: Captain mice start dropping Telescopes as loot.
- 21: Shipwrecked mice start dropping Sextants as loot.
- 21: "Hunting tips by Larry" are introduced into the game.
- 21: Venus Mouse Trap, Harpoon Gun, Net Cannon, and Digby DrillBot can now be smashed.
- 20: Bottled mice start dropping Compasses as loot.
- 17: Gouda is introduced as a King's Reward.
June 2009
- 23: Bottled, Cook and Swabbie mice are released in the S.S. Huntington II.
- 22: Champion's Chests and Veteran Tournament Tokens (then called Tournament Tokens) are now awarded to the Top 3 and Top 100 teams respectively, in each Tournament.
- 08: Ship Blueprints are released for sale in the Catacombs General Store.
- 04: Briegull, Buccaneer, Captain, Leviathan, Mermaid, Pinchy, Salt Water Snapper, Shelder, Shipwrecked, Siren and Squeaken mice are released in S.S. Huntington II.
- 04: A new region, Rodentia, is released along with a single location, the S.S. Huntington II.
- 04: Hydra mice are released in the Lagoon, dropping Scrap Metal and Ship Blueprints.
May 2009
- 19–20: May Giveaway.
- 13: The Hunting Party feature is released and first tournament is started.
April 2009
- 25: King's Stockade location was discovered.
- 25: SUPER|brie+ trades for 2600 gold per piece, one week after the price cap is removed.
- 22: Lucky Golden Shield becomes available, and Luck now affects loot drops.
- 22: Goblin, Harpy, Troll, and Water Nymph mice are released.
- 22: Fairy mice in the Great Gnarled Tree start dropping the Map of the Lagoon, giving access to the Lagoon.
- 20: MouseHunt hits 40,000+ users online at 5:30PM (GMT).
- 18: The price cap on SUPER|brie+ of 1000 gold is removed.
- 10: Gnarled Cheese Curd Potions introduced as loot drops by Centaur mice in the Great Gnarled Tree.
- 09: Gnarled Cheese Curd Potions introduced as loot drops by Bear and Frog mice in the Great Gnarled Tree.
- 09: Centaur, Fairy, Nomad, Tiger, and Wicked Witch of Whisker Woods mice are released in the Great Gnarled Tree.
- 09: The Venus Mouse Trap weapon is released.
- 09: Cyclops mice in the Calm Clearing start dropping the Great Gnarled Tree Map Piece, giving access to the Great Gnarled Tree.
- 01: Glitchpaw mice are released.
March 2009
- 31: Bear, Chameleon, Cyclops, Eagle Owl, Elven Princess, Foxy, Frog, Moosker, Shaman, Sylvan, Treant, and Wiggler mice are released.
- 31: Granite mice in the Harbour start dropping the Whisker Woods Clearing Map Piece, giving access to the Calm Clearing.
- 24: Mysterious Boxes introduced as loot drops by Acolyte mice.
- 19: Ancient Cheese Curd Potions introduced as loot drops by Keeper and Scavenger mice.
- 09–13: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe appears, selling Swiss cheese, Splintered Wood, Party Hats, the Birthday Cake Base, the Polar Base, and the HitGrab Horsey.
- 07–09: MouseHunt's Birthday Giveaway.
- 07: Birthday Gifts and Fancy Birthday Gifts can now be unwrapped, introducing Party Hats, the Birthday Cake Base, and the HitGrab Horsey.
- 07: SUPER|brie+ trades for 1000 gold per piece, and the developers put a price cap on how much SB+ can sold/traded for at 1000.
- 06: Acolyte, Keeper's Assistant, Lich, Skeleton, and Wight mice are released.
- 04: Acolyte Realm and Forbidden Grove locations are released. Gargoyle, Gate Guardian, Gorgon, Reaper, and Spectre mice are released.
- 04: Birthday mice are released, dropping Birthday Gifts and Fancy Birthday Gifts.
February 2009
- 19: The Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery weapon is released.
- 16: MouseHunt hits 30,000+ users online at 4:30 PM (GMT).
- 14–16: Valentine's Giveaway.
- 10: Cupid mice are released.
- 10: First hunter achieves Lord rank on the Scoreboard.
- 10: The Obelisk of Incineration weapon is released.
- 10: The Hunter's Hammer becomes available for use.
- 04: Corrupted Radioactive Blue Potions introduced as loot drops in the Catacombs.
- 04: The Hunter's Hammer appears within the Crafting section but is unavailable for use.
- 04: Golem, Keeper, Ooze, Scavenger, and Spider mice are released.
- 04: The first Tattered Mousoleum Map pieces are repaired by the Cartographer, revealing the new Catacombs location.
- 03: MouseHunt hits 100,000 daily active users.
- 03: The Obelisk of Slumber weapon first appears in the Trapsmith tab. It is revealed a day later at the Catacombs Trapsmith.
- 02: First hunter achieves Lady rank on the Scoreboard.
January 2009
- 30: Cartographer finishes research on repairing the Tattered Mousoleum Map.
- 29: The Arcane Power Type is added to the help tab under Trapsmith.
- 22: SUPER|brie+ trades for 800 gold per piece.
- 21: Back Cover of the Torn Pages of Plankrun's Journal first found as loot.
- 14: Nibbler mice are released.
- 07: Torn Pages of Plankrun's Journal first released as loot.
- 05: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe departs.
- 01: New Year's Giveaway ends.