Fort Rox

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Revision as of 13:08, 11 January 2018 by Mark Bodiella (talk | contribs) (Cheese Preference and Loot: added Silver Bolt as loot from Heart of the Meteor)
Fort Rox
Region: Varmint Valley
Minimum Rank: Baron/Baroness
Travel Requirement: Fort Rox Battle Summons
Recommended Power Types: Arcane
Recommended Cheese: Crescent Cheese
Moon Cheese
Sunrise Cheese
Number of Mice: 25
Shops: Cartographer
Charm Shoppe
Cheese Shoppe
General Store
Lose Gold: Yes
Lose Points: Yes
Lose Cheese: Yes
Release Date: 3 November 2016
A strange meteor has landed near Claw Show City, leaving a huge impact crater near the Gnawnian Express rails! This mysterious meteor brings with it a mysterious new breed of mice and their presence threatens the lives of the citizens of Varmint Valley. Around the crater, an encampment of hunters has surrounded these dangerous mice and are setting up a fort to hold them back!


Fort Rox is a location in the Varmint Valley region requiring a minimum rank of Baron or Baroness to enter. It also requires the purchase of the Fort Rox Battle Summons from the Claw Shot City Cartographer.

Hunting During the Day
During the Day Hunters will encounter mice that are primarily weak to Law weapons and attracted to Standard Cheese and SUPER|brie+. These mice drop Meteorite Pieces used for building the Basic Wall and for repairing any damage to the Wall done during the Night. Hunters can make upgrades to their Fort during the Day using materials gathered during the Night.

Hunting at Night
Hunters must build a Basic Wall before they can defended the Fort by hunting during the Night. Mice found during the Night are weak only to Arcane and Shadow weapons and have a preference for Crescent Cheese or Moon Cheese, though Standard Cheese and SUPER|brie+ may be used to lesser effect.

The Night is divided into 6 phases: Twilight, Midnight, Pitch, Utter Darkness, First Light, and Dawn. The goal for Hunters is to survive the first 5 stages of Night and reach Dawn, where the Monster of the Meteor may be encountered. Mice encountered at Night will damage the Hunter's Wall and when its Health reaches 0, the Hunter will be moved back to Day.

Materials found during the Night may be used during the Day to upgrade the defensive features of the Hunter's Fort.

Hunting in the Heart of the Meteor
Hunters must acquire the Fort Rox Portal Projector and enter the Dawn phase of Night to be able to access the Heart of the Meteor.

Sunrise Cheese is required to attract the Heart of the Meteor mouse, the only resident of the Heart of the Meteor.

Entering the Heart of the Meteor consumes the Fort Rox Portal Projector and capturing the Heart of the Meteor mouse returns Hunters to the Dawn phase of Night.


The HUD shows the Hunter's Fort and the various defensive features. When Hunters first enter Fort Rox the various defensive features are shown as dotted outlines which are replaced with images of the features as they are built and upgraded.

Defensive features can only be upgraded during the Day. The Upgrade interface may be opened by clicking on a defensive feature or by clicking on the Upgrade button found at the bottom center of the HUD.

The HUD tracks the following items:

Selecting Defend Fort will allow Hunters to enter the Night. During Night, the current phase of the night and the number of hunts remaining until Dawn are shown at the top of the HUD.. When Dawn is reached, the anger level of the mice and the damage modifier are shown at the top of the HUD.

Hunters can choose to retreat while hunting at night and any remaining wall health will be preserved. The option to retreat is not available during Dawn.

Upgrading the Fort

Using the HUD, Hunters are able to open the Upgrade interface and construct five different defensive features to help them defeat the mice found during the Night. The upgrade interface tracks the Hunter's inventory of Meteorite Pieces, Howlite, Bloodstone, Tower Mana, and Dawn Dust.

Each of the defensive features can be upgraded to provide greater benefits and effects. Upgrades for the individual defensive features must be made in order.

The effects of each upgrade combine with those of previous upgrades, except for the Wall and Moat.

Example: It is not necessary to complete any Wall upgrades to make a Moat upgrade, but it is necessary to make the Small Moat upgrade before the Big Moat upgrade can be made.

Fort defensive features (except the Mage Tower) have no effect during the Day.

Upgrades may only be made during the Day.


Bigger and better walls have higher maximum health. If your wall falls, you'll have to retreat and repair it before returning to defend your fort.

Upgrades must be made in order and the effects of each upgrade combine with those of previous upgrades.

The Basic Wall is required before Hunters can defend the Fort at night.

Mice during Night can damage the Hunter's Wall and Meteorite Pieces are required to repair the damage. Damage to the Wall may only be repaired during the Day.

  • Upgrade #1: Basic Wall
Maximum Health: 50
Cost: 50 Meteorite Pieces and 30,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #2: Howlite Wall
Maximum Health: 100
Cost: 15 Howlite and 45,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #3: Blood Bastion
Maximum Health: 200
Cost: 40 Howlite. 20 Bloodstone, and 98,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #4: Moonbeam Fortress
Maximum Health: 350
Cost: 150 Howlite, 75 Bloodstone, and 128,000 gold.


The Ballista will boost your effectiveness against Weremice, most commonly found during Twilight and Midnight.

Upgrades must be made in order and the effects of each upgrade combine with those of previous upgrades.

  • Upgrade #1: Basic Ballista
Decreases the power of Fort Rox Weremice by 50%.
Cost: 1 Howlite and 30,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #2: Silver Ballista
Provides a chance to instantly capture Fort Rox Weremice.
Cost: 25 Howlite and 45,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #3: Sunsilver Ballista
Instantly defeats the Nightmancer Mouse.
Cost: 100 Howlite, 20 Bloodstone, and 98,000 gold.


The Cannon will boost your effectiveness against Cosmic Critters, most commonly found during Utter Darkness and First Light.

Upgrades must be made in order and the effects of each upgrade combine with those of previous upgrades.

  • Upgrade #1: Small Cannon
Decreases the power of Fort Rox Cosmic Critters by 50%.
Cost: 20 Howlite, 5 Bloodstone, and 30,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #2: Power Cannon
Provides a chance to instantly capture Fort Rox Cosmic Critters.
Cost: 30 Howlite, 15 Bloodstone, and 45,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #3: Energy Cannon
Instantly defeats the Nightfire Mouse.
Cost: 50 Howlite, 60 Bloodstone, and 98,000 gold.


The Moat reduces the amount of damage your wall takes during the night.

Upgrades must be made in order and the effects of each upgrade combine with those of previous upgrades.

  • Upgrade #1: Small Moat
Reduces damage your wall receives by 1.
Cost: 10 Howlite and 30,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #2: Big Moat
Reduces damage your wall receives by 2.
Cost: 35 Howlite, 2 Bloodstone, and 45,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #3: Silver Moat
Reduces damage your wall receives by 3.
Cost: 100 Howlite, 50 Bloodstone, and 98,000 gold.

Mage Tower

The Mage Tower can be enchanted with special abilities. While active, it'll use 1 Tower Mana per hunt and apply all unlocked abilities.

The Mage Tower may be used during both Day and Night, though its effects provide the most benefit during the Night. Tower Mana is required to use the Mage Tower.

Upgrades must be made in order and the effects of each upgrade combine with those of previous upgrades.

  • Upgrade #1: Spotlight Enchantment
Doubles loot drops when Meteorite Piece, Howlite, or Bloodstone is found while the Mage Tower is active.
Cost: 5,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #2: Power Enchantment
Adds a chance to instantly capture any mouse while the Mage Tower is active.
Cost: 15 Tower Mana, 1 Howlite, and 40,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #3: Healing Enchantment
Heals your wall by 1 health after every hunt while the Mage Tower is active.
Cost: 30 Tower Mana, 10 Howlite, 1 Bloodstone, and 50,000 gold.
  • Upgrade #4: Sunsphere Enchantment
Reduces hunts until dawn by 2 after every hunt while the Mage Tower is active.
Cost: 50 Tower Mana, 10 Bloodstone, 1 Dawn Dust, and 90,000 gold.

Day Hunting

Mice found during the Day are primarily weak to Law weapons, though Shadow and Arcane weapons can be used to lesser effect. Standard Cheeses and SUPER|brie+ are preferred by mice during the Day, but Crescent Cheese and Moon Cheese will attract mice at a lower rate. Mice found during the Day drop Meteorite Pieces and Tower Mana.

The Hunter's Fort defenses can only be upgraded during the Day. The Ballista, Cannon, Wall, and Moat defenses have no effect while Hunting during the Day.

  • Wall
During the Day Hunters will attract mice that drop Meteorite Pieces used to build the Basic Wall and to repair any damage the wall receives while hunting during the Night.
Hunters must build a Basic Wall before they can hunt during the Night.
  • Mage Tower
The Mage Tower can be activated during the Day to take advantage of the Spotlight Enchantment which will provide double Meteorite Piece drops, and the Power Enchantment which provides a chance to instantly capture any mouse.
The Healing Enchantment and Sunsphere Enchantment have no effect when hunting during the Day.
Tower Mana is consumed on every hunt while the Mage Tower is active.

Mice -- Day

The mice found during the Day in Fort Rox are primarily weak to Law weapons. Arcane and Shadow weapons are less effective.

Cheese Preference and Loot

Standard Cheese will attract all mice found during the Day.
SUPER|brie+ will improve the attraction rate of the Mining Materials Manager.
Crescent Cheese and Moon Cheese will attract mice during the Day, but at a lower rate than Standard Cheese and SUPER|brie+.



Power Type Weakness
Hardworking Hauler 9,000 900 Law Arcane
Meteorite Pieces
Meteorite Miner 20,000 1,800 Law Arcane
Meteorite Pieces
Meteorite Mover 10,000 500 Law Arcane
Meteorite Pieces
Meteorite Snacker 25,000 2,500 Law Arcane
Meteorite Pieces
Mining Materials Manager 30,000 3,000 Law Arcane
Fool's Gold
Meteorite Pieces
Tower Mana
Mischievous Meteorite Miner 16,000 1,500 Law Arcane
Meteorite Pieces

Night Hunting

"This is my fort, I have to defend it."
"I've done what I can to ready my fort and I am now ready to fight."
"I await nightfall to face the hordes of Meteorite Miners and stand against them for as long as I can!"

Mice found during Night are weak only to Arcane and Shadow weapons. Crescent Cheese and Moon Cheese are preferred by mice at Night, but Standard Cheese and SUPER|brie+ will attract mice at a lower rate. Mice found during the Night drop Meteorite Pieces, Tower Mana, Howlite, Bloodstone, and Dawn Dust. These items are primarily used to upgrade the Hunter's Fort defenses. The Hunter's Fort defenses can only be upgraded during the Day.

To hunt during the Night, select Defend Fort at the upper left of the HUD which will open the following pop-up:

"Are you prepared to defend your fort?"
"Once night falls, an unending horde of terrors will descend."
"Defend your fort and survive as long as you can!"
"Spend [X] Meteorite Piece(s) to repair to full health?"
This message is shown only when a Hunter attempts to enter night with a damaged wall. Checking the box in front of this message will spend the Meteorite Pieces necessary to bring the wall to full health.
"I need more time"
"I'm ready to defend!"

Phases of the Night

Hunters defend their Fort by hunting during the night and reaching Dawn. As hunters progress through the night, their wall will take damage. When the wall's health is reduced to zero, Hunters will be moved back to Day. The goal is to reach Dawn with enough wall health left to successfully hunt the Dawn Destroyers.

Each phase of the night has a specific length and every hunt made will cause the Hunter to progress toward Dawn. The total length of the 5 phases of Night is 130 hunts. Failing to capture a Nightmancer Mouse will extend the length of the night by 3 hunts. An active Mage Tower with the Sunsphere Enchantment will reduce the hunts until Dawn by 2 after every hunt.

The phases, in order, are:

  • Twilight - 35 hunts long
Weremice are abundant
Shadow weapons are recommended
  • Midnight - 25 hunts long
Weremice are still the most abundant mice, but Cosmic Critters begin to appear.
Shadow weapons are still recommended
  • Pitch - 10 hunts long
Weremice and Cosmic Critters are found in equal measure
Arcane and Shadow weapons are both effective
  • Utter Darkness - 25 hunts long
Cosmic Critters are now the most abundant mice, but Weremice may still appear.
Arcane weapons are recommended
  • First Light - 35 hunts long
Cosmic Critters are abundant
Arcane weapons are recommended

Completing First Light generates a journal entry:

"I've made it to dawn. Now the real fight begins."
"I must face off with the Monster of the Meteor in order to keep Varmint Valley safe!"
  • Dawn - No set length.
Hunters may hunt here until their wall is reduced to zero health.
The Dawn Guardian and Monster of the Meteor are found here
Arcane weapons are recommended
The Battering Ram Mouse will be encountered here when hunting with Standard Cheese or SUPER|brie+
  • Heart of the Meteor - No set length.
Hunters must enter Dawn and posses a Fort Rox Portal Projector to enter this phase.
The Heart of the Meteor is the only mouse found in this phase.
Sunrise Cheese is required to attract the Heart of the Meteor mouse.
Arcane weapons are recommended.
Capturing the Heart of the Meteor will return the Hunter to the Dawn phase.
Fort defenses have no effect and Tower Mana cannot be armed. Wall health is not affected in this phase.

Wall Health and Damage

The Basic Wall is required before Hunters may defend the Fort at night. When the Wall is reduced to zero health, Hunters will be moved back to Day and the Wall will need to be repaired using Meteorite Pieces before Hunters can hunt during the Night again.

Wall Health

The Wall's health determines how long Hunters will be able to survive during the night. It is not possible to partially repair a wall, but Hunters may enter night with a partially damaged wall that is not at full health.

  • Basic Wall - Maximum Health: 50
  • Howlite Wall - Maximum Health: 100
  • Blood Bastion - Maximum Health: 200
  • Moonbeam Fortress - Maximum Health: 350

Wall Damage

Mice encountered during the Night will damage the Hunter's Wall under certain circumstances.

  • Failure to Catch (FTC) = 3 damage
  • Red Box FTC = 5 damage
  • Failure to Attract (FTA) = 5 damage
  • Nightfire Mouse, FTC = 10 damage
  • Battering Ram Mouse, any encounter = 15 damage

Wall Damage -- Dawn

When Hunters reach Dawn each catch of a Monster of the Meteor will multiply the damage effects to the wall by an additional 100%. Any FTC of a Monster of the Meteor or Dawn Guardian will result in greater damage to the Hunter's wall. Damage from encountering a Battering Ram Mouse is not multiplied.

Shielding Charms can be used to prevent mice from stealing gold, points, or cheese and causing a red box FTC. The amount of damage this prevents can be significant when the damage multiplier is high.




Red Box

0 Irritated 100% 3 5
1 Annoyed 200% 6 10
2 Vexed 300% 9 15
3 Irate 400% 12 20
4 Cross 500% 15 25
5 Angry 600% 18 30
6 Maddened 700% 21 35
7 Ranting 800% 24 40
8 Raving 900% 27 45
9 Raging 1000% 30 50
10 Fuming 1100% 33 55
11 Livid 1200% 36 60
12 Infuriated 1300% 39 65
13 Seething 1400% 42 70
14 Frenzied 1500% 45 75
15 Cheesed Off 1600% 48 80
16+ Cheesed Off Damage multiplier continues to increase by 100%
with each Monster of the Meteor catch
and damage increases accordingly


These defenses can be built and upgraded to obtain special hunting bonuses and effects during Night. None of these defenses are required for defending the fort at night, but they improve the Hunter's chances to reach Dawn. These defenses are not damaged while hunting and will not need to be repaired after hunting during the night.

Building and upgrading of defenses can only be done during the Day.


The Ballista will boost your effectiveness against Weremice, most commonly found during Twilight and Midnight.

The effects of each upgrade combine with the effects of earlier upgrades.

  • Basic Ballista - Decreases the power of Fort Rox Weremice by 50%.
  • Silver Ballista - Provides a chance to instantly capture Fort Rox Weremice.
  • Sunsilver Ballista - Instantly defeats the Nightmancer Mouse.


The Cannon will boost your effectiveness against Cosmic Critters, most commonly found during Utter Darkness and First Light.

The effects of each upgrade combine with the effects of earlier upgrades.

  • Small Cannon - Decreases the power of Fort Rox Cosmic Critters by 50%.
  • Power Cannon - Provides a chance to instantly capture Fort Rox Cosmic Critters.
  • Energy Cannon - Instantly defeats the Nightfire Mouse.


The Moat reduces the amount of damage your wall takes during the night.

Each upgrade replaces the previous upgrade's effect.

  • Small Moat - Reduces damage your wall receives by 1.
  • Big Moat - Reduces damage your wall receives by 2.
  • Silver Moat - Reduces damage your wall receives by 3.

Mage Tower

The Mage Tower can be enchanted with special abilities. While active, it'll use 1 Tower Mana per hunt and apply all unlocked abilities.

The Mage Tower may be used during both Day and Night, though its effects provide the most benefit during the Night. Tower Mana is required to use the Mage Tower.

The effects of each upgrade combine with the effects of earlier upgrades.

  • Spotlight Enchantment - Doubles loot drops when Meteorite Piece, Howlite, or Bloodstone is found while the Mage Tower is active.
  • Power Enchantment - Adds a chance to instantly capture any mouse while the Mage Tower is active.
  • Healing Enchantment - Heals your wall by 1 health after every hunt while the Mage Tower is active.
  • Sunsphere Enchantment - Reduces hunts until dawn by 2 after every hunt while the Mage Tower is active.


Hunters may choose to retreat from the Night during all phases except Dawn. Any remaining wall health will be preserved, but progress through the night will be lost.

Selecting Retreat from the HUD opens the following pop-up:

"Are you sure you want to retreat?"
"You will lose all progress you have made through the night. Your wall will retain any remaining health."

Mice -- Night

The mice found during the Night in Fort Rox are weak only to Arcane and Shadow weapons. Law weapons are ineffective.

Cosmic Critters

These mice are primarily weak to Arcane weapons and are found during Midnight, Pitch, Utter Darkness, and First Light.

Upgrades made to the Cannon will improve the catch rate of these mice.


These mice are primarily weak to Shadow weapons and are found during Twilight, Midnight, Pitch, and Utter Darkness.

Upgrades made to the Ballista will inprove the catch rate of these mice.

Dawn Destroyers

The Dawn Guardian and Monster of the Meteor are found only during Dawn.

Battering Ram, Nightfire, and Nightmancer Mice

This mouse will cause 15 damage to the health of the Hunters's wall on every encounter.
This mouse will avoid traps baited with Crescent Cheese or Moon Cheese.
  • The Nightfire Mouse is primarily weak to Arcane weapons and can be found during Pitch, Utter Darkness, and First Light.
Failing to catch this mouse will cause 10 damage to the wall.
The Energy Cannon upgrade will instantly capture this mouse when it is encountered.
  • The Nightmancer Mouse is primarily weak to Shadow weapons and can be found during Twilight, Midnight, Pitch, and Utter Darkness.
Failing to catch this mouse will extend the night by 3 hunts.
The Sunsilver Ballista upgrade will instantly capture this mouse when it is encountered.

Cheese Preference and Loot

Crescent Cheese and Moon Cheese will attract all mice found during the Night, except the Battering Ram Mouse.
Standard Cheese or SUPER|brie+ is required to attract the Battering Ram Mouse.
SUPER|brie+ will attract mice at a lower rate than Crescent Cheese and Moon Cheese.
Standard Cheese attracts mice at a much lower rate than other baits. Cosmic Critters and Dawn Destroyers are very rarely attracted with Standard Cheeses.



Utter Darkness
First Light
Power Type Weakness
Alpha Weremouse 29,000 3,000 Weremice Shadow Arcane X X X X Howlite
Meteorite Pieces
Arcane Summoner 45,000 7,000 Cosmic Critter Arcane Shadow X X X X Bloodstone
Divine Orb
Flawless Orb
Meteorite Pieces
Simple Orb
Battering Ram
Avoids Crescent Cheese and Moon Cheese
900 100 Special Arcane
Cursed Taskmaster 40,000 8,000 Cosmic Critter Arcane Shadow X X X Bloodstone
Dawn Guardian 50,000 10,000 Dawn Destroyer Arcane Shadow X Dawn Dust
Hypnotized Gunslinger 55,000 9,000 Cosmic Critter Arcane Shadow X X X X Bloodstone
Fool's Gold
Meteorite Golem 30,000 3,500 Cosmic Critter Arcane Shadow X X X X Bloodstone
Meteorite Pieces
Meteorite Mystic 35,000 4,500 Cosmic Critter Arcane Shadow X X X Bloodstone
Meteorite Pieces
Mischievous Wereminer 25,000 2,000 Weremice Shadow Arcane X X X X Howlite
Meteorite Pieces
Monster of the Meteor 90,000 28,000 Dawn Destroyer Arcane Shadow X Ancient Relic
Animatronic Bird
Dawn Dust
Divine Orb
Flawless Orb
Meteorite Pieces
Silver Bolt
Simple Orb
Super Cactus Charm
Ultimate Charm
Ultimate Luck Charm
Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
Ultimate Power Charm
Night Shift Materials Manager 25,000 2,000 Weremice Shadow Arcane X X X X Fool's Gold
Meteorite Pieces
Tower Mana
Night Watcher 30,000 3,000 Cosmic Critter Arcane Shadow X X X X Bloodstone
Nightfire 12,000 900 Special Arcane Shadow X X X
Nightmancer 9,000 900 Special Shadow Arcane X X X X
Reveling Lycanthrope 18,000 1,500 Weremice Shadow Arcane X X X X
Wealthy Werewarrior
Prefers Crescent Cheese and Moon Cheese
36,000 5,000 Weremice Shadow Arcane X X X Bloodstone
Flawless Orb
Fool's Gold
Meteorite Piece
Simple Orb
Werehauler 19,000 1,500 Weremice Shadow Arcane X X X X Howlite
Meteorite Piece
Wereminer 28,000 2,900 Weremice Shadow Arcane X X X X Howlite
Meteorite Pieces

Heart of the Meteor Hunting

The Heart of the Meteor mouse is primarily weak to Arcane weapons, though Shadow weapons can be used to lesser effect. Sunrise Cheese is required to attract the Heart of the Meteor.

The Hunter's Fort defenses have no effect in the Heart of the Meteor. Tower Mana cannot be armed while hunting in this phase.

To access the Heart of the Meteor, Hunters must acquire 100 Dawn Dust, 1 Fort Rox Portal Core, and 1 Fort Rox Portal Console in order to purchase the Fort Rox Portal Projector. The Fort Rox Portal Projector will allow Hunters to enter the Heart of the Meteor during the Dawn phase of Night. It is consumed in the process, replaced with a Ruined Portal Projector collectible.

Fort Rox Portal Cores and Fort Rox Portal Consoles are found as rewards in Fort Rox Treasure Chests and Rare Fort Rox Treasure Chests. They can be traded on the Marketplace.

The Heart of the Meteor mouse's power will be depleted with each attraction, to the point where it is a guaranteed catch on the 10th attraction. Capturing the Heart of the Meteor will return Hunters to the Dawn phase of Night.

To reenter the Heart of the Meteor Hunters will need to purchase another Fort Rox Portal Projector. Hunters may enter the Heart of the Meteor multiple times without affecting their Wall health or progress in the Dawn phase.

Mice -- Heart of the Meteor

The only mouse found in the Heart of the Meteor is the Heart of the Meteor.

Cheese Preference and Loot

Sunrise Cheese is required to attract the Heart of the Meteor.



Power Type Weakness
Heart of the Meteor 500,000 1,000,000 Arcane Shadow Ancient Relic
Animatronic Bird
Extreme Ancient Charm
Meteoric Core Fragments
Silver Bolt
Super Ancient Charm
Super Cactus Charm
Ultimate Ancient Charm

Hunting Strategy

Hunting tips by Larry

Hello there, hunter!

Welcome to Fort Rox, recently under siege thanks to the commotion caused by the fallen meteor, the citizens here need your help to fight off the mice that have begun to overrun the area.

During the day, things are a lot calmer and the mice will listen to reason, making them vulnerable to Law traps. You will also be able to use this time to build up your resources and defenses in preparation for the attack. You will need to build the Basic Wall before you will be ready to defend your fort.

The day might feel like a walk in the park, however, don't get too comfortable. At night, things start to get a little... "hairier"...

You are gonna have to do your best to hold off the assault on Varmint Valley throughout the night. The night lasts 130 hunts. As you hunt through the night, different types of mice will begin to appear. Make sure you pay attention to the time of night and adjust your trap setup accordingly.

Mice will damage your wall if you fail to capture them and some even if you do capture them! If your wall gets destroyed, you will be forced to retreat until day, where you can rebuild and try again.

Survive the night and make it to dawn where the toughest mice lie in wait!

Adventure Book

Hunters can Defend Fort Rox from the Monster of the Meteor while hunting in Fort Rox

Treasure Maps

Many mice in Fort Rox are often found on Fort Rox Treasure Maps.

Fort Rox Treasure Chests are the source of Fort Rox Portal Cores and Fort Rox Portal Consoles, which are required for purchasing the Fort Rox Portal Projector.
The Fort Rox Portal Projector is required to access the Heart of the Meteor and is consumed in the process.


These are the shops that can be found in Fort Rox.


Fort Rox Scroll Case 5
Ancient Relics
N/A None
Fort Rox Portal Projector 100 Dawn Dust

1 Fort Rox Portal Core

1 Fort Rox Portal Console
N/A None

Charm Shoppe

Per Piece
Per Piece
Charmbit 25 20
Attraction Charm 300 90
Luck Charm 400 120
Power Charm 200 60

Cheese Shoppe

Per Piece
Per Piece
Swiss 100 100
Brie 200 200
Gouda 600 600
Crescent 36 gold
3 Meteorite Pieces
Moon 36 gold
1 Meteorite Piece
2 Magic Essence
Sunrise 25 Dawn Dust N/A

General Store

Per Piece
Per Piece
Curds and Whey 12 3 N/A
Animatronic Bird 500 Dawn Dust N/A N/A
Silver Bolt 50 Dawn Dust N/A N/A
Two Meteorite Pieces 1 Howlite N/A N/A
Three Meteorite Pieces 1 Howlite N/A 1 Train Badge
Tower Mana 1 Howlite
2 Bloodstone
Two Tower Mana 3 Bloodstone N/A 3 Train Badge



Droid Archmagus Trap Arcane 4,700,000
1 Animatronic Bird
50 Howlite
50 Bloodstone
N/A 50,000,000
Interdimensional Crossbow Trap Shadow 5,360,000
10 Silver Bolt
100 Howlite
25 Bloodstone
N/A 50,000,000
Meteor Prison Core Trap Law 1,200,000
1 Meteoric Core Fragments
60 Howlite
10 Bloodstone

History and Trivia

  • 3 November 2016: Fort Rox was released as the third location in Varmint Valley.
  • 15 March 2017: The Heart of the Meteor content is added to Fort Rox.


Gnawnia:  • Meadow   • Town of Gnawnia   • Windmill   • Harbour   • Mountain
Valour:  • King's Arms   • Tournament Hall   • King's Gauntlet
Whisker Woods:  • Calm Clearing   • Great Gnarled Tree   • Lagoon
Burroughs:  • Laboratory   • Mousoleum   • Town of Digby   • Bazaar   • Toxic Spill
Furoma:  • Training Grounds   • Dojo   • Meditation Room   • Pinnacle Chamber
Bristle Woods:  • Catacombs   • Forbidden Grove   • Acolyte Realm
Tribal Isles:  • Cape Clawed   • Elub Shore   • Nerg Plains   • Derr Dunes
 • Jungle of Dread   • Dracano   • Balack's Cove
Varmint Valley:  • Claw Shot City   • Gnawnian Express Station   • Fort Rox
Queso Canyon:  • Queso River   • Prickly Plains   • Cantera Quarry   • Queso Geyser
Rodentia:  • S.S. Huntington IV   • Seasonal Garden   • Zugzwang's Tower   • Crystal Library
 • Slushy Shoreline   • Iceberg   • Sunken City
Sandtail Desert:  • Fiery Warpath   • Muridae Market   • Living Garden   • Twisted Garden
 • Lost City   • Cursed City   • Sand Dunes   • Sand Crypts
Hollow Heights:  • Fungal Cavern   • Labyrinth   • Zokor   • Moussu Picchu   • Floating Islands
Folklore Forest:  • Foreword Farm   • Prologue Pond   • Table of Contents   • Bountiful Beanstalk
 • School of Sorcery   • Draconic Depths
Rift Plane:  • Gnawnia Rift   • Burroughs Rift   • Whisker Woods Rift   • Furoma Rift
 • Bristle Woods Rift • Valour Rift
Events:  • Great Winter Hunt: Great Winter Taiga
 • Cinnamon Hill   • Golem Workshop   • Ice Fortress
 • Halloween: Gloomy Greenwood
 • MouseHunt Birthday: The SUPER|brie+ Factory
 • Ronza: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe
 • Historic uses: King's Party Zone   • Festive Comet
Others:  • King's Stockade   • Vacant Lot