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Revision as of 02:17, 3 April 2024 by KD (talk | contribs) (Update some links)
Region: Hollow Heights
Rank requirement: Duke/Duchess
Map piece: Labyrinth Key
Required Power Type: Forgotten
Required Cheese: Standard Cheese
Glowing Gruyere
Number of Mice: 38
Shops: Cheese Shoppe
Charm Shoppe
General Store
Release Date: 9 September 2015
Built upon the ancient ruins of Mousu Picchu, this technologically-advanced superstructure of a city lies behind the endless, twisting corridors of the Labyrinth. Hunters must brave the mind-bending maze before entering this city in order to discover the secrets behind its multi-faceted society.


Zokor is a hunting location in Hollow Heights region.

Zokor and Labyrinth are 2 connected hunting locations.
They requires the rank of Duke/Duchess and the Labyrinth Key to access.

The Hunter can enter this location from Labyrinth when certain conditions are met.

Ending a run in this location transferred the Hunter back to Labyrinth. This can be done by either:

Gameplay Mechanics


There are 14 Districts in Zokor.

  • The Hunter choose the District they want by picking a Door in the end of the Labyrinth.
  • The District type determines the mouse attraction pool and district loot.
  • The Alert level determines the Stealth drainage upon failing to catch a mouse.
District District type Alert level District loot
Outer Fealty Shrine Fealty 1 Plate of Fealty
Inner Fealty Temple Fealty 2 Plate of Fealty
Templar's Sanctum Fealty 3 Plate of Fealty
Tech Foundry Outskirts Tech 1 Tech Power Core
Tech Research Centre Tech 2 Tech Power Core
Manaforge Tech 3 Tech Power Core
Neophyte Scholar Study Scholar 1 Scholar Scroll
Master Scholar Auditorium Scholar 2 Scholar Scroll
Dark Library Scholar 3 Scholar Scroll
Farming Garden Farming 1 Cavern Fungus
Overgrown Farmhouse Farming 2 Cavern Fungus
Treasure Room Treasury 1 Plate of Fealty
Scholar Scroll
Tech Power Core
Treasure Vault Treasury 2 Plate of Fealty
Scholar Scroll
Tech Power Core
Lair of the Minotaur Hidden N/A N/A


In 13 Districts (except Lair of the Minotaur), a Stealth mechanic is in effect.

  • Upon entering Zokor from Labyrinth, the number of clue of the corresponding District type that the Hunter accumulated becomes Stealth.
    • If the Hunter chooses Farming Garden with less than 10 Farming clues, then they are given 10 Stealth.
  • Hunting in Zokor consumes Stealth.
    • Catching a mouse drains 1 Stealth.
    • Failing to attract a mouse drains 1 Stealth.
    • Failing to catch a mouse drains a number of Stealth equal to the Alert level.
  • When the Stealth reaches 0, the Hunter is transferred to Labyrinth.


In 3 Districts with Alert level 3, which are Templar's Sanctum, Manaforge, and Dark Library, there are 3 phases:

  • Guard
    • This is the starting phase.
    • The Hunter is moved to the next phase when 20 mice are caught.
  • Leader threat
    • This phase begins when 20 mice are caught.
    • During this phase, a District Leader can be attracted.
    • This phase ends when the District leader is caught.
  • Leader beaten
    • This phase begins when District leader is caught.
    • During this phase, a District loot is generated every time a mouse is caught.

Minotaur states

In Lair of the Minotaur:

  • A strength meter is used.
    • The strength is measured in %. It is between 0% and 100%.
    • When the Hunter enter the Lair, the strength is at 100%.
    • Each catch decreases the strength by 10%.
    • Retired Minotaur is easier to catch at lower strength. At 0%, its catch is guaranteed (but its attraction is not).
  • There are 4 states corresponding to the strength levels.
    • The lower the strength, the higher the state, the higher Retired Minotaur attraction rate.
    • The states are:
      • Napping: 100% strength
      • Awake: 80% - 90% strength
      • Enraged: 40% - 70% strength
      • Reckless: 0% - 30% strength

Catching Retired Minotaur ends the run and transfers the Hunter to the beginning of Labyrinth.

Upon capturing the Retired Minotaur Mouse, his grotesque and horrifying minions, the Decrepit Tentacle Terror mice, let out a terrible, piercing cry in unison.
They began to spill and slither into the lair, oozing in from every possible doorway, window and porthole. I was completely overwhelmed and outnumbered, and their sheer numbers grew so large that I was shoved violently backwards, rolling and tumbling out of the city doors in a wave of sludge.
I stood before the now locked doors of Zokor, wiped slime from my clothes, and examined my surroundings. I would need to find another way back in through the Labyrinth and craft another Minotaur Key, but for now, I was victorious!
I plundered the Lair of the Minotaur and lived to tell the tale!
While in the city, I earned [X] gold.
I also found some loot:
[List of loot found]
Additionally, I found this rare loot:
[Rare loot item]

Heads-Up Display

District HUD

The HUD shows:

Lair of the Minotaur HUD

The HUD shows:

  • The district name
  • The Minotaur strength
  • The Minotaur State


All mice found in this location are part of Citizens of Zokor mouse group.
Forgotten power type is recommended against these mice.

Standard Cheese and Glowing Gruyere can be used here.
The latter removes Shadow Stalker from mouse attraction pool.

Fealty District Mice

Fealty Sworn Soldier can drop varied quantity of Plate of Fealty.
All of mice here are guaranteed to drop Labyrinth Theme Scrap III if Stealth is at least 100.

Mouse Points Gold Sub-group Outer Fealty Shrine Inner Fealty Temple Templar's Sanctum Loot
Reanimated Carver 90,000 9,000 Hallway Wanderer X X X 2 - 8 Lantern Oil
Divine Orb
Shadow Stalker
Avoids Glowing Gruyere and Glowing Gourd Charm
70,000 700 Hallway Wanderer X X X
Drudge 32,500 4,988 Fealty Sworn Soldier X X X 1 Plate of Fealty
Masked Pikeman 45,950 5,000 Fealty Sworn Soldier X X X 1 Plate of Fealty
Solemn Soldier 40,000 7,700 Fealty Sworn Soldier X X 1 Plate of Fealty
Mind Tearer 60,000 10,000 Fealty Sworn Soldier X X 2 - 6 Plate of Fealty
Dark Templar 80,800 12,750 Fealty Sworn Soldier X 2 - 4 Plate of Fealty
Battle Cleric 50,000 8,760 Fealty Sworn Soldier X X X 2 - 3 Plate of Fealty
Sir Fleekio 90,000 27,000 Fealty Sworn Soldier X X 7 - 9 Plate of Fealty
Divine Orb
Flawed Orb
Flawless Orb
Simple Orb
Paladin Weapon Master
Requires Leader threat
350,000 100,000 Fealty Sworn Soldier X 1 Climbing Boots of Fealty
1 Infused Plate
10 - 20 Plate of Fealty
Ancient Relic

Tech District Mice

Tech Engineer can drop varied quantity of Tech Power Core.
All of mice here are guaranteed to drop Labyrinth Theme Scrap I if Stealth is at least 100.

Mouse Points Gold Sub-group Tech Foundry Outskirts Tech Research Center Manaforge Loot
Reanimated Carver 90,000 9,000 Hallway Wanderer X X X 2 - 8 Lantern Oil
Divine Orb
Shadow Stalker
Avoids Glowing Gruyere and Glowing Gourd Charm
70,000 700 Hallway Wanderer X X X
RR-8 32,500 4,988 Tech Engineer X X X 1 Tech Power Core
Ash Golem 45,950 5,000 Tech Engineer X X X 1 Tech Power Core
Tech Golem 40,000 7,700 Tech Engineer X X 1 Tech Power Core
Automated Stone Sentry 60,000 10,000 Tech Engineer X X 2 - 6 Tech Power Core
Fungal Technomorph 80,800 12,750 Tech Engineer X 2 - 3 Tech Power Core
Exo-Tech 50,000 8,760 Tech Engineer X X X 2 - 3 Tech Power Core
Matron of Machinery 90,000 27,000 Tech Engineer X X 7 - 9 Tech Power Core
Divine Orb
Flawed Orb
Flawless Orb
Simple Orb
Manaforge Smith
Requires Leader threat
350,000 100,000 Tech Engineer X 1 Climbing Grapnel of Tech
1 Powercore Hammer
10 - 20 Tech Power Core
Ancient Relic

Scholar District Mice

Lost Scholar can drop varied quantity of Scholar Scroll.
All of mice here are guaranteed to drop Labyrinth Theme Scrap II if Stealth is at least 100.

Mouse Points Gold Sub-group Neophyte Scholar Study Master Scholar Auditorium Dark Library Loot
Reanimated Carver 90,000 9,000 Hallway Wanderer X X X 2 - 8 Lantern Oil
Divine Orb
Shadow Stalker
Avoids Glowing Gruyere and Glowing Gourd Charm
70,000 700 Hallway Wanderer X X X
Summoning Scholar 32,500 4,988 Lost Scholar X X X 1 Scholar Scroll
Sanguinarian 45,950 5,000 Lost Scholar X X X 1 Scholar Scroll
Mystic Guardian 40,000 7,700 Lost Scholar X X 1 Scholar Scroll
Mystic Herald 60,000 10,000 Lost Scholar X X 2 - 6 Scholar Scroll
Mystic Scholar 80,800 12,750 Lost Scholar X 2 - 4 Scholar Scroll
Ethereal Guardian 50,000 8,760 Lost Scholar X X X 2 - 3 Scholar Scroll
Ancient Scribe 90,000 27,000 Lost Scholar X X 7 - 9 Scholar Scroll
Divine Orb
Flawed Orb
Flawless Orb
Simple Orb
Soul Binder
Requires Leader threat
350,000 100,000 Lost Scholar X 1 Climbing Vine of Scholars
1 Sacred Script
10 - 20 Scholar Scroll
Ancient Relic

Farming District Mice

Fungal Farmer can drop varied quantity of Cavern Fungus and Nightshade.
All of mice here are guaranteed to drop Labyrinth Theme Scrap V if Stealth is at least 100.

Mouse Points Gold Sub-group Farming Garden Overgrown Farmhouse Loot
Reanimated Carver 90,000 9,000 Hallway Wanderer X X 2 - 8 Lantern Oil
Divine Orb
Shadow Stalker
Avoids Glowing Gruyere and Glowing Gourd Charm
70,000 700 Hallway Wanderer X X
Mushroom Harvester 38,640 4,160 Fungal Farmer X X 2 - 4 Cavern Fungus
Mush Monster 44,620 5,645 Fungal Farmer X X 6 - 8 Cavern Fungus
Nightshade Nanny 56,800 7,200 Fungal Farmer X X 2 - 3 Cavern Fungus
3 - 4 Nightshade
Nightshade Fungalmancer 80,000 9,000 Fungal Farmer X 5 - 6 Cavern Fungus
3 - 4 Nightshade

Treasury District Mice

Treasure Miser can drop varied quantity of Plate of Fealty, Scholar Scroll, and Tech Power Core.
All of mice here are guaranteed to drop Labyrinth Theme Scrap IV if Stealth is at least 100.

Mouse Points Gold Sub-group Treasure Room Treasure Vault Loot
Reanimated Carver 90,000 9,000 Hallway Wanderer X X 2 - 8 Lantern Oil
Divine Orb
Shadow Stalker
Avoids Glowing Gruyere and Glowing Gourd Charm
70,000 700 Hallway Wanderer X X
Hired Eidolon 44,220 10,000 Treasure Miser X X 2 Plate of Fealty
2 Scholar Scroll
2 Tech Power Core
Mimic 57,325 12,890 Treasure Miser X X 2 - 3 Plate of Fealty
2 - 3 Scholar Scroll
2 - 3 Tech Power Core
Treasure Brawler 72,000 37,250 Treasure Miser X 2 Plate of Fealty
2 Scholar Scroll
2 Tech Power Core
Matron of Wealth 82,000 20,000 Treasure Miser X X 3 - 5 Plate of Fealty
3 - 5 Scholar Scroll
3 - 5 Tech Power Core
Molten Midas 99,000 100,000 Treasure Miser X 1 Unstable Crystal

Lair of the Minotaur Mice

Mouse Points Gold Sub-group Loot
Reanimated Carver 90,000 9,000 Hallway Wanderer 2 - 8 Lantern Oil
Divine Orb
Corridor Bruiser 50,000 8,000 Hallway Wanderer Flawless Orb
Shadow Stalker
Avoids Glowing Gruyere and Glowing Gourd Charm
70,000 700 Hallway Wanderer
Decrepit Tentacle Terror 100,000 31,300 Hidden Remnant
Retired Minotaur 1,000,000 1,000,000 Hidden Remnant Ancient Relic
Baitkeep Charm
Cavern Fungus
Diamond Boost Charm
Divine Orb
Enigmatic Core
Essence of Destruction
Flawless Orb
Gemstone Boost Charm
Lantern Oil
Nightshade Farming Charm
Plate of Fealty
Really, Really Shiny Precious Gold
Scholar Scroll
Scrap Metal
Shuffler's Cube
Simple Orb
Tech Power Core
Temporal Shadow Plate
Ultimate Attraction Charm
Ultimate Charm
Ultimate Luck Charm
Ultimate Lucky Power Charm
Ultimate Power Charm
Ultimate Spore Charm
Unstable Charm

Hunting Strategy

Hunting Tips by Larry

Long lost behind the Labyrinth lies the city of Zokor.

Technological advances beyond modern mouseology, mystics and magics that mystify the mind, faculties of oath-sworn fealty, troves of treasure, and a fungal farm more fruitful than the Fungal Cavern! This layered and clustered multiplex metropolis holds many treasures, wonders, secrets and dangers.

Your journey through the Labyrinth has led you into this glorious city. Once the Labyrinth hallways have shifted, the city is put on high alert, as your entrance has now been made known.

The more clues you find while in the maze, the deeper into the districts you can travel, and the longer you can stay there. However, the deeper you go, the more alerted the mice are, and you must remain discrete to avoid capture. These clues give your compass information on the best hiding spots for your district, which is measured in Stealth. The more Stealth you have, the longer you can hunt in the city before being caught by the guards and forced out.

As you hunt within these districts of Zokor, your accumulated Stealth will drop as the guards become more aware of your presence. Every hunt will make your presence more known, and failing to catch a mouse can cause more Stealth to be lost as the mouse reports back to the city guard. Once you run completely out of Stealth, the guards will boot you back out to the beginning of the Labyrinth.

You made it this far, don't let them stop you now!

Adventure Book

The Hunter can complete some steps of the Track Down the Retired Minotaur adventure in Zokor.

Location-Specific Effects




These are the shops found in Zokor.

Cheese Shoppe

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Swiss Cheese 100 gold None 100 gold
Brie Cheese 200 gold None 200 gold
Gouda Cheese 600 gold None 600 gold


Item Cost Requirement Refund
Labyrinth Base 599,000 gold
25 Scholar Scroll
25 Plate of Fealty
25 Tech Power Core
None 107,000 gold
Minotaur Base 16,000,000 gold
6 Really, Really Shiny Precious Gold
700 Scholar Scroll
700 Plate of Fealty
700 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Item Power Type Cost Requirement Refund
Endless Labyrinth Trap Forgotten 6,980,000 gold
1 Powercore Hammer
1 Infused Plate
1 Sacred Script
150 Scholar Scroll
150 Plate of Fealty
150 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Infinite Labyrinth Trap Forgotten 1,800,000 gold
1 Enigmatic Core
1 Endless Labyrinth Trap
1 Powercore Hammer
225 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Event Horizon Trap Arcane 7,300,000 gold
1 Essence of Destruction
1 Sacred Script
30 Scrap Metal
225 Scholar Scroll
None N/A
Temporal Turbine Shadow 10,500,000 gold
2 Temporal Shadow Plate
1 Infused Plate
225 Plate of Fealty
None N/A

Charm Shoppe

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Charmbit 25 gold None 20 gold
Nightshade Farming Charm 400 gold
5 Cavern Fungus
2 Mineral
None 60 gold
Spore Charm 750 gold
2 Cavern Fungus
None N/A
Super Spore Charm 1,000 gold
2 Spore Charm
None N/A
Extreme Spore Charm 2,000 gold
2 Super Spore Charm
1 Nightshade
None N/A
Ultimate Spore Charm 2,500 gold
2 Extreme Spore Charm
1 Crystal Crucible
None N/A
Flawed Orb 2 Scholar Scroll
2 Plate of Fealty
2 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Lucky Power Charm 900 gold None 270 gold
Super Power Charm 500 gold None 150 gold
Super Luck Charm 750 gold None 225 gold
Super Lucky Power Charm 2,500 gold None 750 gold
Extreme Power Charm 1,500 gold None 450 gold
Extreme Luck Charm 4,500 gold None 1,350 gold
Flawed Orb 2 Scholar Scroll
2 Plate of Fealty
2 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Simple Orb 3 Scholar Scroll
3 Plate of Fealty
3 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Flawless Orb 5 Scholar Scroll
5 Plate of Fealty
5 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Divine Orb 15 Scholar Scroll
15 Plate of Fealty
15 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Epic Orb 125,000 gold None 125,000 gold

General Store

Item Cost Requirement Refund
Lantern Oil 680 gold
1 Scholar Scroll
1 Plate of Fealty
1 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Labyrinth Theme Scrap VI 9,000 gold
1 Scholar Scroll
1 Plate of Fealty
1 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Curds and Whey 12 gold None 3 gold
Ionized Salt 450 gold None 150 gold
Living Shard 1,200 gold None 1,200 gold
Gold Leaf 26,000 gold None 13,000 gold
Tiny Platinum Bar 60,000 gold None 60,000 gold


Item Cost Requirement Refund
Moussu Picchu Climbing Route 50,000 gold 1 Climbing Grapnel of Tech
1 Climbing Boots of Fealty
1 Climbing Vine of Scholars
Labyrinth Scroll Case 8 Ancient Relic None N/A

History and Trivia


Gnawnia:  • Meadow   • Town of Gnawnia   • Windmill   • Harbour   • Mountain
Valour:  • King's Arms   • Tournament Hall   • King's Gauntlet
Whisker Woods:  • Calm Clearing   • Great Gnarled Tree   • Lagoon
Burroughs:  • Laboratory   • Mousoleum   • Town of Digby   • Bazaar   • Toxic Spill
Furoma:  • Training Grounds   • Dojo   • Meditation Room   • Pinnacle Chamber
Bristle Woods:  • Catacombs   • Forbidden Grove   • Acolyte Realm
Tribal Isles:  • Cape Clawed   • Elub Shore   • Nerg Plains   • Derr Dunes
 • Jungle of Dread   • Dracano   • Balack's Cove
Varmint Valley:  • Claw Shot City   • Gnawnian Express Station   • Fort Rox
Queso Canyon:  • Queso River   • Prickly Plains   • Cantera Quarry   • Queso Geyser
Rodentia:  • S.S. Huntington IV   • Seasonal Garden   • Zugzwang's Tower   • Crystal Library
 • Slushy Shoreline   • Iceberg   • Sunken City
Sandtail Desert:  • Fiery Warpath   • Muridae Market   • Living Garden   • Twisted Garden
 • Lost City   • Cursed City   • Sand Dunes   • Sand Crypts
Hollow Heights:  • Fungal Cavern   • Labyrinth   • Zokor   • Moussu Picchu   • Floating Islands
Folklore Forest:  • Foreword Farm   • Prologue Pond   • Table of Contents   • Bountiful Beanstalk
 • School of Sorcery   • Draconic Depths
Rift Plane:  • Gnawnia Rift   • Burroughs Rift   • Whisker Woods Rift   • Furoma Rift
 • Bristle Woods Rift • Valour Rift
Events:  • Great Winter Hunt: Great Winter Taiga
 • Cinnamon Hill   • Golem Workshop   • Ice Fortress
 • Halloween: Gloomy Greenwood
 • MouseHunt Birthday: The SUPER|brie+ Factory
 • Ronza: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe
 • Historic uses: King's Party Zone   • Festive Comet
Others:  • King's Stockade   • Vacant Lot