MHWiki:Image Links
The purpose of the article is out of date: the developers have since allowed to link directly to images on MH servers. Please use {{MHdomain}} template in such links. The article is kept here for historical purposes, and to provide backup to special image versions (i.e. mice costumed for an event) or higher-res image versions that are no longer available in the game.
The Image Links article is meant as a central holding area for all important image links that are used in the various other articles all over the MH Wiki. It is split into sections as laid out below. In general, 2 image links should be maintained for each item. The first image link will be the MouseHunt server links, and the second image link will be of the same image stored on an external site. In cases whereby no server images exist (ie mice, traps), 2 images should be stored on an external site, and they should not belong to the same account.
This article serves the following purposes: The Developers have requested that all image links on the MH Wiki to not link back to the game servers. Because of this, editors need to maintain external links to the images. However, this is not an entirely reliable method due to sites going down or editors moving on to other things, hence the need to maintain double links in order to ensure continuity in case one of the links go down.
Main points to note:
- MH server images are not to be included in any other article page.
- Images should be of the highest resolution available. Make sure that external sites do not downsize the image.
- Image naming convention will be laid out in the individual sections.
- Where to place the image links will be mentioned for each section. In general, any image link should never be included in anything other than the sole main article.
- Some image groups might have a standardized format, please follow accordingly.
- Items that are available at a vendor will have higher resolution images available as compared to loot items found only in the inventory.
Image naming is primarily for housekeeping purposes, to make it easier for other editors to go through the images. However, as there is obviously no difference visually regardless of filenames, previously uploaded links do not need to be brought in line unless editors have the time. However, all future image uploads are encouraged to follow the naming convention.
Images of all cheese found in-game, split into standard and special cheese, as per the Cheese article.
- Naming convention: Filenames should follow server names, typically 'wedge_xxxxx.png'.
- Image resolution: Higher image resolutions can be found in the Cheese Shoppe link of any location in a region, even if there isn't one in that location.
Cheese#Cheese (Standard)
Includes all basic cheese and SUPER|brie+.
- Image location: Links should be located in the Image subsection of the Standard Cheese section here.
Item Name | MH Server link | External link 1 | External link 2 |
Cheddar | [1] | [2] | [3] |
Marble | [4] | [5] | [6] |
Swiss | [7] | [8] | [9] |
Brie | [10] | [11] | [12] |
Gouda | [13] | [14] | [15] |
SUPER|brie+ | [16] | [17] | [18] |
Cheese#Cheese (Special)
Covers all other cheese not listed as standard cheese.
- Image location: Links should be located in the Image section of the special cheese section here.
Trap images are only available as a complete image through player profiles, thus no server image links are available. Dual external links are needed for these images. Further discussion is needed to determine which file extension to use.
Includes all Bases. At the moment, the images have been standardized without any weapons on top, but it is uncertain if that is the original resolution available from the game due to the weapon having been cropped away. Further standardization will be discussed when the full article is introduced.
- Naming convention: Full name of the base should be used, ie Wooden_Base_with_Target.
- Image resolution: Full resolution image can be retrieved by using the 'Enlarge Trap Image' link on the top left corner of the Camp page here.
- Image location: Links should be located in the individual Base article as listed under the Item Name column.
Includes all weapons. There is currently no standardized format for the images. Standardization will be discussed when the full article is introduced.
- Naming convention: Full weapon name (except for ACRONYM), including the base used, ie Ambrosial_Portal+Stone_Base.
- Image resolution: Full resolution image can be retrieved by using the 'Enlarge Trap Image' link on the top left corner of the Camp page here. Image size is 750px x 750px, in .png format. (.PNG as identified by Firefox)
- Image location: Links should be located in the individual Weapon article as listed under the Item Name column.
Trap Skins
The links to trap skin images are placed here as there are no direct links to them on the MouseHunt servers.
Full color mice images are only available to players once they have caught a mouse, and there are no direct server links for either the shaded or unshaded images. Dual external links are needed for these images. Images must be of full resolution. However, the in-game links do not contain a file extension. Further discussion is needed to decide on the correct file extension to be used.
- Naming convention: Full mice name, ie Wicked_Witch_of_Whisker_Woods_Mouse.png
- Image resolution: Full resolution image can be retrieved by using the 'All Mice' tab and clicking on the respective mini portrait, and again when on the mouse info page. Special images can only be obtained during a particular event, so it is especially important to make sure it is stored. Image size is 700px x 1050px, in .png format for older images, and in .jpg for more recent images (as identified by Firefox). Some older images can also be found in 700px x 875px size.
- Image location: Links should be located in the individual Mice article as listed under the Mouse Name column.
Mice Original Images
Includes standard portrait images for a mouse.
Mice Special Images
Includes all non-standard portrait images for a mouse used for a specific occasion, such as Christmas.
- Naming convention: Full mice name plus event name and year it is first introduced, ie Abominable_Snow_Mouse_Christmas08.jpg, or Troll_Mouse_Initial09.
Item Name | External link 1 | External link 2 | Standardized? |
Abominable Snow Mouse Christmas 2008 | [463] | [] | .png |
Archer Mouse Heart of the Tiger Party | [464] | [] | .jpg |
Bear Mouse Great Winter Hunt of '09 | [465] | [] | .jpg |
Brown Mouse initial version | [466] | [] | .jpg |
Centaur Mouse Great Winter Hunt of '09 | [467] | [] | .jpg |
Dwarf Mouse Halloween 2008 | [468] | [] | .png |
Dwarf Mouse New Year's 2009 | [469] | [] | Wrong extension, .png |
Dwarf Mouse New Year's 2010 | [470] | [] | .jpg |
Dwarf Mouse Great Winter Hunt '09 | [471] | [] | .jpg |
Dwarf Mouse Heart of the Tiger Party | [472] | [] | .jpg |
Dwarf Mouse MouseHunt Birthday II | [473] | [] | .jpg |
Foxy Mouse New Year's 2010 | [474] | [] | .jpg |
Gargoyle Mouse Great Winter Hunt of '09 | [475] | [] | .jpg |
Goblin Mouse initial version | [476] | [] | .jpg |
Granite Mouse New Year's 2009 | [477] | [] | Wrong extension, .png |
Grey Mouse initial version | [478] | [] | .png |
Grey Mouse Halloween 2008 | [479] | [] | .png |
Hydra Mouse Great Winter Hunt of '09 | [480] | [] | .jpg |
Master of the Cheese Claw Mouse Heart of the Tiger Party initial version | [481] | [] | .jpg |
Master of the Cheese Claw Mouse Heart of the Tiger Party final version | [482] | [] | .jpg |
Moosker Mouse New Year's 2010 | [483] | [] | .jpg |
Mummy Mouse Halloween 2008 | [484] | [485] | .png |
Mutated Grey Mouse initial version | [486] | [] | .png |
Rockstar Mouse iTunes Mouse version | [487] | [] | .jpg |
Steel Mouse Great Winter Hunt of '09 | [488] | [] | .jpg |
Steel Mouse Heart of the Tiger Party | [489] | [] | .jpg |
Steel Mouse MouseHunt Birthday II | [490] | [] | .jpg |
Student of the Cheese Belt Mouse Heart of the Tiger Party | [491] | [] | .jpg |
Treant Mouse Great Winter Hunt of '09 | [492] | [] | .jpg |
Troll Mouse initial version | [493] | [] | .jpg |
Troll Mouse Great Winter Hunt of '09 | [494] | [] | .jpg |
Unknown Mouse placeholder image | [495] | [] | .jpg |
Water Nymph Mouse initial version | [496] | [] | .jpg |
White Mouse Halloween 2008 | [497] | [498] | .png |
White Mouse New Year's 2009 | [499] | [500] | .png |
White Mouse New Year's 2010 | [501] | [] | .jpg |
White Mouse Great Winter Hunt of '09 | [502] | [] | .jpg |
White Mouse Heart of the Tiger Party | [503] | [] | .jpg |
White Mouse MouseHunt Birthday II | [504] | [] | .jpg |
Zombie Mouse New Year's 2010 | [505] | [] | .jpg |
Crafting Items
It is not necessary to have double external links for these images if there is a MH server image link.
- Naming convention: Filenames should follow server names.
- Image resolution: Items that are available for purchase from vendors should have a higher resolution (not confirmed), and should be used as much as possible. Images of items only available as loot can be viewed through the inventory.
- Image location: Links should be located in the Crafting Items article.
It is not necessary to have double external links for these images if there is a MH server image link.
Banner images for each location, which can be found behind the hunter's horn.
- Naming convention: Filenames should follow server names.
- Image resolution: Specific image is only available when a player is at a particular location. Players are not able to view the banners of hunters in other locations. Image size is 760px x 127px, in .jpg format.
- Image location: Links should be located in the Locations article. (yet to be added in)
Item Name | MH Server link | External link 1 | External link 2 |
Meadow | [657] | ||
Town of Gnawnia Town of Digby Ronza's Traveling Shoppe Bazaar Training Grounds |
[658] | [659] | |
Harbour | [660] | [661] | |
Mountain | [662] | [663] | |
Calm Clearing Great Gnarled Tree Lagoon |
[664] | [665] | |
Laboratory | [666] | [667] | |
Mousoleum | [668] | [669] | |
Dojo Meditation Room Pinnacle Chamber |
[670] | [671] | |
Catacombs | [672] | [673] | |
Forbidden Grove (open) | [674] | [675] | |
Forbidden Grove (closed) | [676] | ||
Acolyte Realm | [677] | [678] | |
S.S. Huntington II | [679] | [680] | |
Cape Clawed Derr Dunes Elub Shore Nerg Plains Jungle of Dread Dracano |
[681] | [682] | |
Festive Comet | [Update Needed] | [683] | |
Heart of the Tiger Party | [Update Needed] | [684] | |
King's Gauntlet | [685] | [686] | [687] |
Chocolate Factory | [688] | [689] |
Torn Pages of Plankrun's Journal
- Naming convention: Filenames should follow server names.
- Image resolution: Image of items can be viewed through the pages tab under inventory. Image size is 425px x 626px, in .jpg format.
- Image location: Links should be located in the Torn Pages of Plankrun's Journal article.
Item Name | MH Server link | External link 1 | External link 2 |
Journal Cover Front | [690] | [691] | |
Journal Cover Back | [692] | [693] | |
Gnawnia Notes Front | [694] | [695] | |
Gnawnia Notes Back | [696] | [697] | |
Dojo Notes Front | [698] | [699] | |
Dojo Notes Back | [700] | [701] | |
Back Cover Front | [702] | [703] | |
Back Cover Back | [704] | [705] |
King's Crowns
- Naming convention: Filenames should follow server names.
- Image resolution: Image of items can be viewed through the [706] tab under profile. Image size is 30px x 30px, in .png format.
- Image location: Links should be located in the King's Crowns article.
Item Name | MH Server link | External link 1 | External link 2 |
Bronze Crown | [707] | [708] | |
Silver Crown | [709] | [710] | |
Gold Crown | [711] | [712] | |
Placeholder | [713] | [714] |
Editor's Corner | |
Attention Articles: | Pending Tasks • Completed Tasks • Images Needed Missing Image (auto) • Missing ID (auto) |
Manual of Style: | Mice • Location • Weapon • Base • Charm • Skin • General |
Data Links: | New Mice • New Loot • New Locations • New Cheese |
How-To: | Editing • Categorization • Tables • Tag Reference |