From MHWiki
December 2010
- 30: The New Years mouse is re-released into the Festive Comet and is found to drop Satchel of Gold, worth 2,011 gold, as loot.
- 23: Hunters are able to purchase the Explosive Toboggan Ride trap and upgrade it to the Double Diamond Adventure trap.
- 23: The Squeaker Claws mouse is released in the Festive Comet and is found to drop 2010 Winter Star and 2010 Ronza Voucher as loot.
- 23: The Slay Ride mouse is released in the Festive Comet and is found to drop Sled as loot.
- 22: The Mouse of Winter Future is released in the Festive Comet and is found to drop Misplaced Missile Cone as loot.
- 22: The Snow Fort mouse is released in the Festive Comet and is found to drop Packed Snow as loot.
- 21: Winter Star Sunglasses become available at the Festive Gift Shoppe.
- 20: The Mouse of Winter Present is released in the Festive Comet and is found to drop Festive Mines as loot.
- 20: The Wreath Thief mouse is released in the Festive Comet and is found to drop Icicles as loot.
- 17: The Mouse of Winter Past is released in the Festive Comet and is found to drop Lava Bucket as loot.
- 17: The Missile Toe Mouse is released in the Festive Comet and is found to drop Holiday Explosives as loot.
- 15: Diamond, Gold, Zombie, Stealth, Centaur, Harpy, Monster, Lambent Crystal, Vinetail and Gladiator mice are released in the Festive Comet, along with new loot items Seasoned Gouda Potion, Climbing Pitons and Ski Sign.
- 15: Scrooge mice are re-released in the Festive Comet and are found to drop Heart of Ice as loot.
- 14: Larry's Mustache Cookies become available at the Festive Gift Shoppe.
- 13: Stocking mice are re-released in the Festive Comet and are found to drop Festive Fuse as loot.
- 10: Nutcracker mice are re-released in the Festive Comet.
- 08: Ornament mice are re-released in the Festive Comet.
- 07: The Sylvan Plushie becomes available at the Festive Gift Shoppe.
- 06: Christmas Tree mice are re-released in the Festive Comet.
- 05: MouseHunt iPhone app is released.
- 03: Present mice are re-released in the Festive Comet.
- 01: Candy Cane mice are re-released in the Festive Comet.
November 2010
- 30: The Pair of Tickets becomes available at the Festive Gift Shoppe.
- 29: Toy mice are re-released in the Festive Comet and are found to drop Frozen Fromage as loot.
- 24: The Festive Gift Shoppe reopens selling Snow Globe along with other items that were previously available.
- 24: Elf mice are re-released in the Festive Comet and are found to drop Blue Winter Hunt Gift Box, Green Winter Hunt Gift Box and Red Winter Hunt Gift Box as loot.
- 24: The Great Winter Hunt 2010 starts, introducing new event Donation options, which include Festive Gift Baskets, Jumbo Festive Gift Baskets, Clockapult of Winter Past Skin, and Icy RhinoBot Skin.
- 17: The King's Giveaway event closes.
- 12: Trap Checks are spread out over various minutes rather than on the hour to reduce load.
- 11: Trap Skins are introduced into the game for the first time, which change the appearance, but not the stats, of a weapon. The first three weapons with skins applied are the Fluffy DeathBot, the Grungy DeathBot and the Ninja Ambush Trap.
- 11: The King's Cart (then Prize Shoppe) opens for the first time.
- 11: Three new Event Mice are released, namely the Treasurer, Snooty and High Roller mice.
- 11: The King's Giveaway event is launched.
- 02: The Halloween Trick AND Treat event ends.
October 2010
- 22: First hunter achieves Duke rank on the Scoreboard.
- 22: The limits to Gifting changed due to the feedback from players.
- 22: Pumpkin Pummeler and Cackle Lantern Trap recipes are discovered.
- 21: Gifting re-released.
- 20: Gifting released, but later withdrawn due to server difficulties.
- 20: 2 new traps, the Pumpkin Pummeler and the Cackle Lantern Trap, are released, but the recipes remain unknown.
- 20: Zombot Unipire, Trick, Treat and Gourdborg mice are released in the Haunted Terrortories.
- 20: The Haunted Terrortories opens for the event.
- 20: The Halloween Trick AND Treat event starts.
- 16: MouseHunt is now available to play on Hi5.
- 11: First hunter achieves Duchess rank on the Scoreboard.
- 08: An experiment has caused a major eruption in the disposal unit of the Laboratory. The cleaning efforts are expected to last all weekend, with the more common breeds of mice in the Laboratory dropping Radioactive Sludge as a loot item.
- 01: October 2010 declared "Newcomer Appreciation Month".
September 2010
- 29: The Meadow Trapsmith discontinued selling a few traps.
- 29: The Golem Mouse is once again attracted to Radioactive Blue Cheese in the Catacombs.
- 27: Hunters can now give up to 20 friends a free daily raffle ticket.
- 21: Daily Raffle feature is released.
- 21: Tidal Fisher and Realm Ripper mice are released along with changes to the timed locations Balack's Cove and Forbidden Grove.
- 17: The second ever sale on SUPER|brie+ takes place all weekend, with prices reduced by 15% under the motto "Back to School".
- 03: Spellbook Base is crafted for the first time.
August 2010
- 29: Checkmate cheese is discovered.
- 29: Blackstone Pass Trap and Obvious Ambush Trap are crafted for the first time.
- 26: Zugzwang's Left Sock first appears in the Marketplace.
- 26: The Seasonal Garden General Store starts selling Ionized Salt, Spellbook Base Blueprints, Obvious Ambush Trap Blueprints and the Blackstone Pass Trap Blueprints.
- 26: Mystic Pawn Pincher and Technic Pawn Pincher are available for sale at the Seasonal Garden Trapsmith.
- 26: Zugzwang's Tower, a new location is released in Rodentia. The following mice are made available: Technic Pawn, Mystic Pawn, Technic Knight, Mystic Knight, Technic Bishop, Mystic Bishop, Technic Rook, Mystic Rook, Technic Queen, Mystic Queen, Technic King, Mystic King, Chess Master
- 25: The third seasonal change in the Seasonal Garden occurs, changing the season to Fall. The following mice are made available: Whirleygig, Pumpkin Head, Scarecrow, Harvest Harrier, Fall Familiar and Harvester.
- 22: The second season change in the Seasonal Garden occurs, changing the season to Summer. The following mice are made available: Hot Head, Monarch, Firefly, Stinger, Firebreather, Summer Mage.
- 18: First season change in Seasonal Garden occurs, changing the season to Spring, and the following mice are made available: Derpicorn, Hydrophobe, Puddlemancer, Spring Familiar, Tanglefoot, Vinetail.
- 17: Zugzwang's First Move, a new Tactical weapon, and Heat Bath, a new Hydro weapon, can now be crafted.
- 17: The Dragon's Chest may now be opened, and may contain any combination of the following: Zugzwang's Scarf, Magic Feather, Heat Bath Blueprints, Seashells, Delicious Stones, Savoury Vegetables, Pinch of Annoyance, Bottled-Up Rage, Raisins of Wrath, Inferno Peppers, Fire Salt, Coconut Milk and Vanilla Beans.
- 17: The Seasonal Garden location is released in Rodentia. At the time of the release, the Seasonal Garden was in Winter. 24 new mice are released with only 6 initially available: Bruticle, Frostbite, Icicle, Over-Prepared, Penguin, Winter Mage.
- 17: The effectiveness-rating for the current setup appears on the Camp Page of every hunter.
- 10: King's Crowns for catching 10, 100, 500 of a breed are released.
- 10: Steel mice now may drop Scrap Metal when captured using the Digby DrillBot or the Chrome DrillBot.
- 09: Balack's Cove riptides that periodically wash hunters back to the Jungle of Dread are disabled for the week.
July 2010
- 15: Cherry Cheese is released via a potion.
- 15: The Cherry Mouse is released in Calm Clearing.
- 13: The SB+ Gift Basket becomes available through the donate page, allowing hunters to donate for their friends.
- 13: Gorgon Trap is released.
- 13: The Spotted Mouse is released in Gnawnia region.
- 13: Glitchpaws reappear in all locations for a limited time.
- 12: The first Molten Shrapnel Base is crafted.
- 09: Mice that normally drop Scrap Metal are twice as likely to drop it and drop twice as much through 11 July 2010.
- 09: The King granted hunters permission to use the Gauntlet Potion Tier 8, allowing them to advance to Tier 8 of the King's Gauntlet.
- 09: The Eclipse mouse is made available.
- 07: The King granted hunters permission to use the Gauntlet Potion Tier 7, allowing them to advance to Tier 7 of the King's Gauntlet.
- 07: Fiend and Necromancer mice are made available.
- 05: The King granted hunters permission to use the Gauntlet Potion Tier 6, allowing them to advance to Tier 6 of the King's Gauntlet.
- 05: Paladin, Sacred Shrine, and White Mage mice are made available.
- 02: The existence of the Molten Shrapnel Base is revealed.
- 02: The King granted hunters permission to use the Gauntlet Potion Tier 5, allowing them to advance to Tier 5 of the King's Gauntlet.
- 02: Aquos, Black Mage, Ignis, Terra, and Zephyr mice are made available.
June 2010
- 30: The Windmill location is introduced along with 13 new mice scattered throughout the Gnawnia region: Magic, Spud, Tiny, Fog, Cowardly, Scruffy, Pebble, Silvertail, Field, Speedy, Pugilist, Lightning Rod,and Farmhand.
- 30: New ranks Recruit and Initiate are introduced.
- 29: The King granted hunters permission to use the Gauntlet Potion Tier 4, allowing them to advance to Tier 4 of the King's Gauntlet.
- 29: Cowbell, Dancer, Drummer, Fiddler, and Guqin Player mice are made available.
- 22: The King granted hunters permission to use the Gauntlet Potion Tier 3, allowing them to advance to Tier 3 of the King's Gauntlet.
- 22: Berserker, Cavalier, Fencer, Knight, Page, and Phalanx mice are made available.
- 21: The Marketplace reopens, allowing hunters to buy and sell SUPER|brie+, Maki, and Moon cheeses.
- 19: The first ever sale on SUPER|brie+ takes place all weekend, with prices reduced by 15% in recognition of Father's Day.
- 15: The King granted hunters permission to use the Gauntlet Potion Tier 2, allowing them to advance to Tier 2 of the King's Gauntlet.
- 15: Bandit, Escape Artist, Impersonator, Lockpick, Rogue and Stealth mice are made available.
- 11: Master Burglar mice begin to appear in the Bazaar.
- 08: The King's Gauntlet location is released along with 34 mice. Only 6 of the mice were initially available (Clockwork Samurai, Hapless Marionette, Puppet Master, Sock Puppet Ghost, Toy Sylvan, Wound Up White).
- 08: Gilded cheese introduced as loot dropped by Burglar mice.
- 08: Longtail, Flying and Master Burglar mice are released in the Town of Gnawnia.
- 08: The Bamboozler Base becomes available for purchase at the Training Grounds Trapsmith.
- 08: MouseHunt major update to version 3.0 (Longtail) occured on this day. All of the current data was transferred with the exception of the Hunter's Journal and Corkboards. MouseHunt was down from 8:00 to 22:00 EST (13:00 to 03:00 GMT). The SUPER|brie+ Trade request system, as well as Facebook Credits, Cherry Credits, Rixty, and offers were disabled temporarily. Journals and cork boards were erased, but functioned normally. Tournaments and tournament teams were disabled. Many pages were completely reworked. Mouse Power types were removed. The functionality of the Give To Friends page was expanded. Many other major and minor changes occurred.
May 2010
- 25: The number of Vanilla Beans needed to craft Vanilla Stilton when using Magic Essence is increased from one to five.
- 17: Balack the Banished, Brimstone, Davy Jones, Derr Lich, Elub Lich, Enslaved Spirit, Nerg Lich, Pigmy Swarm, Riptide and Twisted Fiend mice are released.
- 17: Vanilla Stilton and Vengeful Vanilla Stilton cheese are introduced.
- 17: The Balack's Cove location is released in the Tribal Isles.
- 17: Whelpling, Draconic Warden and Dragon mice begin dropping Dragon Embers in the Dracano.
- 17: The Cape Clawed General Store begins selling Antique Lanterns.
- 14: The Cape Clawed General Store begins selling Ionized Salt.
- 07: Messages relating to Balack the Betrayed begin to appear in the news ticker.
- 07: Mice in the Jungle of Dread drop up to two Fire Salt all day.
April 2010
- 30: The Student Mice of the Dojo are extra attracted to Maki cheese all weekend.
- 23: The Keeper's Candle begins to burn unusually brightly, causing the Forbidden Grove to remain open for extended periods of time over the weekend.
- 15: The drop rate of Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potions in the Laboratory is increased for one day.
March 2010
- 31: The Harbour General Store sells Time Out Upgrade, Chrome Nanite Coating and Superstar Nanny Glasses for a limited time.
- 31: The MouseHunt Birthday II event ends.
- 24: Nannybot becomes smashable, yielding Nannybot Parts that can be used to craft the Chrome Nannybot.
- 24: Limelight cheese is introduced.
- 24: Big Bad Burroughs mice drop the Monolith Base and Superstar Nanny Glasses.
- 24: Nugget, Core Sample, Rock Muncher, Industrious Digger, Stone Cutter, Demolitions, Miner, Lambent Crystal, Itty-Bitty Burroughs, Subterranean, and Big Bad Burroughs mice are released in the Town of Digby.
- 21: Present mice appear in Great Gnarled Tree.
- 16: Silth mice are released, dropping Chrome Nanite Coating.
- 16: Curious Chemist mice are released, dropping Wicked Gnarly Cheese Curd Potion.
- 09: Dojo Sensei mice are released, dropping the Time Out Upgrade and blueprints to craft the Onyx Mallet.
- 07: Present, Birthday and Rockstar begin to drop Stolen Birthday Gifts. Birthday mice also drop Plush Terrible Twos Mouse.
- 07: Rockstar mice have now been spotted in Digby, the Training Grounds and around Cape Clawed.
- 05: Terrible Twos mice are released in the Training Grounds.
- 05: Terrible Twos begin to drop Chocolate Birthday Cake Base in the Meadow.
- 02: Terrible Twos mice are released in the Meadow.
- 02: Birthday, Present and Rockstar mice appear in Town of Gnawnia carrying loot for building Nannybot.
- 02: The MouseHunt Birthday II event starts.
February 2010
- 25: First hunter achieves Count rank on the Scoreboard.
- 22: Dumpling Chef mice are released in the Training Grounds.
- 22: Tiger Heart Chest can now be opened.
- 22: Heart of the Tiger event ends, and Gift Shoppe closes.
- 19: Glitchpaw mice were re-released in few locations.
- 16: First hunter achieves Countess rank on the Scoreboard.
- 14: Cupid mice begin to drop Heart Keys in Heart of the Tiger Party
- 14: Tiger mice are released in Heart of the Tiger Party and begin to drop Tiger Keys.
- 12: Chinese Knot, Cinnahearts, Not So Secret Admirer Bunny, Plush Tiger, Soggy Fireworks, and Valentine Restraining Order are now for sale in Gift Shoppe.
- 12: Red Envelope mice are released and begin to drop Tiger Heart Chests and Satchels of Gold
- 09: Gift Shoppe reopens, selling Bow and Arrow, Candygram, Crush, Dumplings, Gold Tiger Statue, and Paper Dragon Mask.
- 09: The Heart of the Tiger Valentine's Day/Lunar New Years 2010 event started.
- 09: Costumed Tiger, Dumpling Chef, Romeno, and Romeo mice are released.
- 09: Heart of the Tiger Party is available as a travel location.
January 2010
- 14: Hope mice are released.
- 05: Frosty Snow and Frozen mice are released in the Mountain.
- 04: Ronza departs.
- 02: Christmas Tree mice in the Harbour begin to drop Gingerbread Base Blueprints and Gingerbread House Plans
- 02: Festive Comet melts and the Festive Gift Shoppe closes. But hunters will still be able to claim their reward for the 12 Days 'til Christmas event.
- 02: The Great Winter Hunt '09 ends.