Recipe Tasks
Recipe Tasks
The table below shows all possible recipes to be crafted. Note that this table only tracks which ranks have the sufficient crafting slots and access to ingredients to complete a given recipe. However, some recipes also have minimum point requirements; as an example, it is often the case that a hunter will have achieved the rank of Hero before having enough points to craft the RhinoBot, even though it is listed in this table under Legendary.
Many recipes can be learned by performing a particular task, although all recipes can be learned by crafting with the correct ingredients.
By switching to the Recipe Book sub-tab, a hunter can find a particular recipe that they have previously constructed, and select how many multiples of that recipe to craft at once.
Recipes with the words (reconstruction) or (reconstitution) imply that players are able to craft the item only if they had previously owned and smashed the item in question. Recipes marked LE imply that players are able to craft the item only if they obtained limited edition components during the right event. Recipes marked E imply that players are able to craft the item only if they obtained event specific components during the right event.
This table does not list event crafting done via special pages, such as the initial construction of the Nannybot during MouseHunt Birthday II, or toys built during the Toy Drive of the Great Winter Hunt 2011, since those constructions do not affect the hunter's Recipe Book.
Twenty of these recipes are also tracked via the Book of Living Recipes in the Heads-up Display of the areas within the Living Garden Complex.
Recipe | Category | Slots Used |
Minimum Rank |
Minimum Gold |
Minimum Points |
Task | Other Notes |
Abominable Asiago (3 pieces) | Cheese | 2 | Journeyman | 0 | 0 | Capture ALL of the following: | |
Abominable Asiago (5 pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Journeyman | 0 | 0 | Capture ALL of the following: | |
Airship Journal Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Recruit | 90,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Ambush Trap | Weapon | 5 | Grandmaster | 62,660 | 950,000 | Capture ALL of the following: | |
Ancient Box Trap | Weapon | 7 | Hero | 158,175 | 17,000,000 | Capture any of the following: | |
Ancient Box Trap Blueprints | Crafting Item | 4 | Legendary | 158,175 | 0 | Capture any of the following: | |
Ancient Cheese (3 pieces) | Cheese | 2 | Grandmaster | 0 | 0 | Capture a Keeper's Assistant Mouse | |
Ancient Cheese (6 pieces) | Cheese | 2 | Grandmaster | 0 | 0 | Capture a Keeper's Assistant Mouse | |
Ancient Spear Gun | Weapon | 3 | Legendary | 824,000 | 12,000,000 | Capture an Elder Mouse | |
Antiskele Charm | Charms | 3 | Master | 900 | 0 | Capture 10 Skeleton Mice | possible as Journeyman via Gifting |
Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery | Weapon | 5 | Legendary | 949,050 | 3,393,600 | Capture a Master of the Dojo Mouse | |
Ascended Cheese | Cheese | 12 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 124,150 | 0 | Capture 5 Supreme Sensei | |
Balack's Lantern | Maps | 2 | Knight | 94,000 | 0 | Capture a Dragon Mouse | |
Ber Essence | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 500 | 0 | Enter Living Garden
Capture ANY of the following: |
Blackstone Pass Trap | Weapon | 3 | Lord/Lady | 1,100,000 | 58,000,000 | Capture a Mystic King Mouse | |
Brain Charm | Charms | 3 | Journeyman | 1,000 | 0 | Capture 1 Mousataur Priestess mouse | |
Bristle Woods Rift Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Cackle Lantern Trap LE | Weapon | 6 | Knight | 2,224,000 | 29,000,000 | Can not be unlocked | |
Checkmate Cheese (3 Pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Lord/Lady | 0 | 0 | Capture a Mystic King Mouse and a Technic King Mouse | |
Checkmate Cheese (9 Pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Lord/Lady | 0 | 0 | Capture a Mystic King Mouse and a Technic King Mouse | |
Cherry Charm | Charms | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 1,125 | 0 | Obtaining Rift Cherries as loot | |
Christened Ship | Maps | 2 | Grandmaster | 0 | 0 | Capture a Hydra Mouse | |
Chrome Journal Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Recruit | 100,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Chrome MonstroBot | Weapon | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 14,695,400 | 100,000,000 | Capture 10 Warmonger Mice | |
Chrome Nannybot LE | Weapon | 4 | Master | 0 | 0 | Capture a Terrible Twos Mouse | |
Chrome Oasis Water Node Trap | Weapon | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 13,250,800 | 76,000,000 | Unknown | |
Chrome Phantasmic Oasis Trap | Waepon | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 17,050,800 | 150,000,000 | Unknown | |
Chrome Sphynx Wrath Trap | Weapon | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 13,628,000 | 78,000,000 | Unknown | |
Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista Trap | Weapon | 2 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 13,700,000 | 300,000,000 | Unknown | |
Clockapult of Winter Past E | Weapon | 2 | Legendary | 2,700,000 | 20,000,000 | Capture a mouse using the Clockapult of Time | |
Clockwork Portal | Weapon | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 6,702,000 | 150,000,000 | Capture 10 Grubling Mice | |
Clockwork Portal Blueprints | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 2,000 | 0 | Capture 10 Grubling Mice | |
Combat Cheese | Cheese | 4 | Grandmaster | 183 | 0 | Capture three Student of the Cheese Fang mice | |
Compass Magnet Charm | Charms | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 10,880 | 0 | Obtain a Magnetic Charm Chunk or Craft a Compass Magnet Charm | |
Creamy Havarti (6 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 252 | 0 | Capture a Guardian Mouse and a Defender Mouse | |
Creamy Orange Pepper Plant | Special | 3 | Legendary | 900 | 0 | Capture a Guardian Mouse and a Defender Mouse | |
Crescent Cheese | Cheese | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 36 | 0 | Unknown | |
Crimson Cheese | Cheese | 1 | Master | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Crimson Cheese (6 Pieces) | Cheese | 2 | Master | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Crunchy Cheese (15 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 300 | 0 | Capture a Grunt Mouse | |
Crunchy Cheese (20 pieces) | Cheese | 5 | Legendary | 300 | 0 | Capture a Grunt Mouse | |
Crunchy Green Pepper Plant | Special | 3 | Legendary | 900 | 0 | Capture a Protector Mouse and a Defender Mouse | |
Crunchy Havarti (6 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 252 | 0 | Capture a Protector Mouse and a Defender Mouse | |
Cynd Essence | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 500 | 0 | Capture ANY of the following: | |
Deep Freeze Base | Base | 9 | Lord/Lady | 362,000 | 25,500,000 | Capture an Icewing Mouse | |
Dehydration Base | Base | 3 | Journeyman | 23,608 | 0 | Capture 10 Treant Mice | |
Diamond Boost Charm | Charms | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 50,000 | 0 | Unknown | |
Diamond Cheese | Cheese | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 5,436 | 0 | Capture 3 Crystal Queen mice | |
Dol Essence | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 500 | 0 | Capture ANY of the following: | |
Double Diamond Adventure LE | Weapon | 7 | Hero | 1,090,000 | 6,400,000 | Can not be unlocked | |
Double Sponge Charm | Charms | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 2,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Dragonbane Charm | Charms | 3 | Legendary | 3,000 | 0 | Capture 5 Acolyte Mice | |
Dragonvine Cheese (3 Pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 4,800 | 0 | Capture 1 Rainmancer and 1 Wind Warrior Mouse | |
Dragonvine Cheese (5 pieces) | Cheese | 5 | Duke/Duchess | 4,800 | 0 | Capture 1 Rainmancer and 1 Wind Warrior Mouse | |
Empowered Anchor Charm | Charms | 3 | Master | 1,000 | 0 | Capture a Riptide Mouse | possible as Journeyman via King's Cart |
Empowered Brie Cheese | Cheese | 3 | Hero | 642 | 0 | Capture 5 Sludge mice | |
Empowered Super|Brie Cheese | Cheese | 4 | Hero | 642 | 0 | Capture 5 Sludge mice | |
Endless Labyrinth Trap | Weapon | 7 | Duke/Duchess | 6,980,000 | 350,000,000 | Capture 50 Corridor Bruiser Mice | |
Enerchi Charm | Charms | 4 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,000 | 0 | Capture 3 Shinobi Mice | |
Enraged RhinoBot | Weapon | 4 | Legendary | 1,300,000 | 17,000,000 | Capture an Aged Mouse | |
Est Essence | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 500 | 0 | Capture ANY of the following: | |
Event Horizon Trap | Weapon | 6 | Duke/Duchess | 7,300,000 | 300,000,000 | Capture 15 Soul Binder mice | |
Extreme Polluted Charm | Charms | 4 | Hero | 675 | 0 | Capture 500 Swamp Runner Mice | |
Fel Essence | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 500 | 0 | Capture a King Grub Mouse | |
Fishy Fromage Cheese (2 Pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Count/Countess | 2,000 | 0 | Capture a Mlounder Flounder mouse | |
Fishy Fromage Cheese (3 Pieces) | Cheese | 5 | Count/Countess | 2,000 | 0 | Capture a Mlounder Flounder mouse | |
Flamin' Queso (3 pieces) | Cheese | 2 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Collect Flamin' Spice Leaf | |
Flamin' Queso (6 pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Collect Flamin' Spice Leaf | |
Fluffy DeathBot | Weapon | 2 | Initiate | 256,400 | 91,000 | Capture a mouse using the Mouse DeathBot | |
Football Journal Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Recruit | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Fusion Fondue Cheese (3 Pieces) | Cheese | 5 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Fusion Fondue Cheese (6 Pieces) | Cheese | 6 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Gemstone Cheese | Cheese | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 1,872 | 0 | Capture 3 Stalagmite mice | |
Gingerbread Base E | Base | 4 | Master | 0 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Gingerbread House Surprise E | Weapon | 4 | Master | 0 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Glacier Gatler LE | Weapon | 4 | Initiate | 189,000 | 30,000,000 | Can not be unlocked | |
Glowing Gruyere Cheese (3 Pieces) | Cheese | 5 | Duke/Duchess | 6,660 | 0 | Capture 3 Floating Spore mice | |
Glowing Gruyere Cheese (5 Pieces) | Cheese | 6 | Duke/Duchess | 6,660 | 0 | Capture 3 Floating Spore mice | |
Glutter Cheese | Cheese | 4 | Grandmaster | 214 | 0 | Capture three Student of the Cheese Belt mice | |
Gnarled Charm | Charms | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 1,125 | 0 | Obtaining Rift-torn Roots as loot | |
Gnawnian Games Journal Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Recruit | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Golden Anchor Charm | Charms | 4 | Journeyman | 11,000 | 0 | Unknown | |
Goldfrost Crossbow Trap | Weapon | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 5,510,000 | 100,000,000 | Unknown | |
Grand Arcanum Blueprints | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 2,000 | 0 | Capture 10 Essence Collector Mice | |
Grand Arcanum Trap | Weapon | 4 | Baron/Baroness | 5,851,050 | 150,000,000 | Capture 10 Essence Collector Mice | |
Growth Charm | Charms | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 25,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Grungy DeathBot | Weapon | 2 | Initiate | 256,400 | 91,000 | Capture a mouse using the Mouse DeathBot | |
Gumbo Cheese (15 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 1,086 | 0 | Capture a Finder Mouse | |
Gumbo Cheese (20 pieces) | Cheese | 5 | Legendary | 1,086 | 0 | Capture a Finder Mouse | |
Gur Essence | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 500 | 0 | Capture a King Grub Mouse | |
Halloween Theme E | Collectibles | 3 | Journeyman | 0 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Hearthstone Base | Base | 5 | Lord/Lady | 147,500 | 25,000,000 | Capture ANY of the following: | |
Heat Bath | Weapon | 4 | Knight | 1,328,000 | 24,800,000 | Capture a Dragon Mouse | |
HitGrab Horsey LE | Weapon | 1 | Initiate | 15,850 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | reconstruction |
HitGrab Rainbow Rockin' Horse LE | Weapon | 3 | Grandmaster | 60,050 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Hix Essence | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 500 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Horrific Venus Mouse Trap | Weapon | 2 | Legendary | 849,650 | 8,000,000 | Capture 50 mice using the Thorned Venus Mouse Trap | |
Hot Queso (3 pieces) | Cheese | 2 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Collect Hot Spice Leaf | |
Hot Queso (6 pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Collect Hot Spice Leaf | |
Hydro Charm | Charms | 3 | Hero | 4,000 | 0 | Capture 1 Mutant Ninja Mouse with the Refined Pollutinum Base | |
Ice Maiden | Weapon | 3 | Hero | 600 | 17,000,000 | Capture an Acolyte Mouse | |
Iceball Brawl Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Recruit | 50,000 | 0 | Unknown | |
Icuri Essence | Crafting Item | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 2,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Icy RhinoBot | Weapon | 2 | Legendary | 940,000 | 16,000,000 | Capture a mouse using the RhinoBot | |
Incinerated Garbage Bath Skin | Skin | 3 | Hero | 0 | 0 | Capture a Bog Beast | |
Inferno Havarti (6 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 216 | 0 | Capture ALL of the following: | |
Inferno Pepper Plant | Special | 4 | Legendary | 900 | 0 | Capture ALL of the following: | |
Infinite Labyrinth Trap | Weapon | 5 | Duke/Duchess | 8,780,000 | 370,000,000 | Capture 15 Manaforge Smith mice | |
Infinite Winter Horizon Trap LE | Weapon | 5 | Duke/Duchess | 10,700,000 | 300,170,000 | Unknown | |
Labyrinth Journal Theme | Collectibles | 6 | Duke/Duchess | 900 | 0 | Unknown | |
Lactrodectus Lancashire Cheese (3 Pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 2,490 | 0 | Capture ALL of the following: | |
Lactrodectus Lancashire Cheese (4 Pieces) | Cheese | 5 | Duke/Duchess | 2,490 | 0 | Capture ALL of the following: | |
Lightning Journal Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Legendary | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Limelight Cheese (3 Pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Master | 360 | 0 | Capture a Monster Mouse | |
Limelight Cheese (6 Pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Master | 360 | 0 | Capture a Monster Mouse | |
Living Garden Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 0 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Magical Blue Pepper Plant | Special | 2 | Legendary | 900 | 0 | Capture a Protector Mouse | |
Magical Havarti (6 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 252 | 0 | Capture a Protector Mouse | |
Magical Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese | Cheese | 3 | Master | 450 | 0 | Unknown | |
Magical String Cheese | Cheese | 3 | Count/Countess | 830 | 0 | Complete ANY of the following:
Magnet Base | Base | 5 | Lord/Lady | 48,500 | 25,000,000 | Capture ANY of the following: | |
Maki Cheese | Cheese | 3 | Grandmaster | 41 | 0 | Capture 3 Archer Mice | |
Maki String Cheese | Cheese | 5 | Count/Countess | 7,475 | 0 | Capture 3 Dumpling Delivery Mice | |
Maniacal Brain Extractor LE | Weapon | 6 | Grandmaster | 478,000 | 200,000 | Unknown | |
Master Fusion Cheese | Cheese | 4 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,660 | 0 | Complete ANY of the following:
Master Fusion Cheese (Magic Essence) | Cheese | 5 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,660 | 0 | Complete ANY of the following:
Master's Seal | Crafting Item | 3 | Grandmaster | 0 | 0 | Capture all of the following: | |
Medium Queso (3 pieces) | Cheese | 2 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Collect Medium Spice Leaf | |
Medium Queso (6 pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Collect Medium Spice Leaf | |
Mild Queso (3 pieces) | Cheese | 2 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Collect Mild Spice Leaf | |
Mild Queso (6 pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Collect Mild Spice Leaf | |
Mineral Cheese (3 Pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Duke/Duchess | 2,916 | 0 | Capture 3 Crystalline Slasher mice | |
Mineral Cheese (6 Pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 2,916 | 0 | Capture 3 Crystalline Slasher mice | |
Minotaur Base | Base | 7 | Duke/Duchess | 16,000,000 | 520,000,000 | Capture 15 Decrepit Tentacle Terror Mice | |
Minotaur Key | Special | 3 | Duke/Duchess | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Molten Shrapnel Base | Base | 3 | Knight | 720,000 | 18,000,000 | Can not be unlocked | |
Moon Cheese | Cheese | 3 | Master | 36 | 0 | Capture a Lycan Mouse | |
Mutated Venus Mouse Trap | Weapon | 2 | Master | 299,650 | 827,500 | Capture a Goldleaf Mouse | |
New Horizon Trap | Weapon | 5 | Duke/Duchess | 10,700,000 | 300,000,000 | Capture 15 Soul Binder mice | |
Ninja Ambush Trap | Weapon | 2 | Grandmaster | 62,660 | 950,000 | Capture a mouse using the Ambush Trap | |
Noxious School of Sharks Skin | Skin | 4 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Capture a Mutant Ninja Mouse, using the Refined Pollutinum Base. | |
Null Onyx Gorgonzola | Cheese | 3 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 30,300 | 0 | Capture 3 Grand Master of the Dojo | |
Null Onyx Gorgonzola (Magic Essence) | Cheese | 4 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 30,300 | 0 | Capture 3 Grand Master of the Dojo | |
Nutcracker Nuisance Trap LE | Weapon | 3 | Journeyman | 0 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Oasis Water Node Trap | Weapon | 5 | Baron/Baroness | 800,000 | 76,000,000 | Capture 5 Warmonger Mice | |
Obelisk of Incineration | Weapon | 5 | Legendary | 361,429 | 1,696,240 | Capture a Scavenger Mouse | |
Obvious Ambush Trap | Weapon | 3 | Lord/Lady | 1,107,750 | 58,000,000 | Capture a Technic King Mouse | |
Ocean Navigation Kit | Maps | 3 | Legendary | 0 | 0 | Capture a Captain Mouse | |
Onyx Gorgonzola (3 Pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Grandmaster | 720 | 0 | Capture a Master of the Dojo Mouse | |
Onyx Mallet Trap | Weapon | 3 | Grandmaster | 600,000 | 0 | Capture a Dojo Sensei Mouse | |
PartyBot LE | Weapon | 2 | Initiate | 243,580 | 91,000 | Can not be unlocked | |
Phantasmic Oasis Blueprints | Crafting Item | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 2,000 | 0 | Capture 10 Thistle Mice | |
Phantasmic Oasis Trap | Weapon | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 3,802,000 | 150,000,000 | Capture 10 Camoflower Mice | |
Pillowcase Journal Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Recruit | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Polluted Base | Base | 5 | Hero | 0 | 0 | Capture 100 Bog Beast Mice | |
Polluted Charm | Charms | 3 | Hero | 200 | 0 | Capture 10 Swamp Runner Mice | |
Polluted Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Hero | 0 | 0 | Capture 200 Gelatinous Octahedron Mice | |
Prospector's Charm | Charms | 3 | Master | 400 | 0 | Capture a Gold Mouse | possible as Journeyman via Gifting and King's Cart |
Pumpkin Pummeler LE | Weapon | 2 | Initiate | 168,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Pungent Havarti (6 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 252 | 0 | Capture a Guardian Mouse and a Protector Mouse | |
Pungent Purple Pepper Plant | Special | 3 | Legendary | 900 | 0 | Capture a Guardian Mouse and a Protector Mouse | |
Queso Canyoneer Journal Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Radioactive Blue Cheese | Cheese | 2 | Master | 6 | 0 | Unknown | |
Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese | Cheese | 3 | Hero | 450 | 0 | Unknown | |
Reaper's Perch | Weapon | 5 | Lord/Lady | 2,767,750 | 38,000,000 | Capture a Zurreal the Eternal | |
Rebuild A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. Trap | Weapon | 1 | Legendary | 949,050 | 3,393,600 | Capture a mouse with A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. armed | reconstruction |
Rebuild Ambush Trap | Weapon | 1 | Grandmaster | 62,660 | 950,000 | Capture any mouse with Ambush armed | reconstruction |
Rebuild Brain Extractor LE | Weapon | 1 | Initiate | 237,000 | 200,000 | Unknown | reconstruction |
Rebuild Clockapult of Time | Weapon | 1 | Legendary | 2,700,000 | 20,000,000 | Capture a mouse using the Clockapult of Time | reconstruction |
Rebuild Crystal Tower Trap | Weapon | 1 | Count/Countess | 4,900,000 | 120,000,000 | Unknown | reconstruction |
Rebuild Digby DrillBot | Weapon | 1 | Master | 0 | 409,500 | Capture a mouse using the Digby DrillBot | reconstruction |
Rebuild Dragonvine Ballista Trap | Weapon | 1 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,700,000 | 300,000,000 | Capture a mouse using the Dragonvine Ballista Trap | reconstruction |
Rebuild Endless Labyrinth Trap | Weapon | 1 | Duke/Duchess | 6,980,000 | 350,000,000 | Capture a Corridor Bruiser using the Endless Labyrinth Trap | reconstruction |
Rebuild Explosive Toboggan Ride LE | Weapon | 1 | Initiate | 10,000 | 160,000 | Can not be unlocked | reconstruction |
Rebuild Harpoon Gun | Weapon | 1 | Legendary | 664,000 | 3,384,000 | Capture a mouse using the Harpoon Gun | reconstruction |
Rebuild Ice Blaster LE | Weapon | 1 | Initiate | 189,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | reconstruction |
Rebuild Interdimensional Crossbow Trap | Weapon | 1 | Baron/Baroness | 5,360,000 | 50,000,000 | Unknown | reconstruction |
Rebuild Mouse DeathBot | Weapon | 1 | Initiate | 256,400 | 91,000 | Capture a mouse using the Mouse DeathBot | reconstruction |
Rebuild Nannybot LE | Weapon | 1 | Initiate | 0 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | reconstruction |
Rebuild Net Cannon | Weapon | 2 | Legendary | 664,000 | 3,384,000 | Capture a mouse using the Net Cannon | reconstruction |
Rebuild Oasis Water Node Trap | Weapon | 1 | Baron/Baroness | 800,000 | 76,000,000 | Capture a mouse using the Oasis Water Node Trap | reconstruction |
Rebuild Obelisk of Slumber | Weapon | 2 | Legendary | 318,350 | 1,696,240 | Capture a mouse using the Obelisk of Slumber | reconstruction |
Rebuild Polluted Base | Base | 1 | Hero | 1,434,000 | 18,000,000 | Unknown | reconstruction |
Rebuild Pumpkin Pummeler LE | Weapon | 1 | Initiate | 168,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | reconstruction |
Rebuild RhinoBot | Weapon | 1 | Legendary | 940,000 | 16,000,000 | Capture a mouse using the RhinoBot | reconstruction |
Rebuild Sandstorm MonstroBot | Weapon | 1 | Baron/Baroness | 2,195,400 | 100,000,000 | Capture a mouse using the Sandstorm MonstroBot | reconstruction |
Rebuild Scum Scrubber Trap | Weapon | 1 | Hero | 0 | 8,000,000 | Unknown | reconstruction |
Rebuild Soul Catcher LE | Weapon | 1 | Initiate | 190,000 | 0 | Capture a mouse with the Soul Catcher | reconstruction |
Rebuild Sphynx Wrath Trap | Weapon | 1 | Baron/Baroness | 1,628,000 | 78,000,000 | Capture any mouse using the Sphynx Wrath | reconstruction |
Rebuild Steam Laser Mk. I | Weapon | 1 | Lord/Lady | 345,000 | 25,500,000 | Capture a mouse using the Steam Laser Mk. I | reconstruction |
Rebuild Temporal Turbine Trap Trap | Weapon | 1 | Duke/Duchess | 10,500,000 | 300,000,000 | Unknown | reconstruction |
Rebuild Tribal Base | Base | 1 | Legendary | 499,600 | 14,000,000 | Capture a mouse using the Tribal Base | reconstruction |
Rebuild Zugzwang's Last Move | Weapon | 1 | Grandmaster | 415,000 | 705,000 | Capture a mouse using Zugzwang's Last Move | reconstruction |
Red Double Sponge Charm | Charms | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 5,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Refined Pollutinum Base | Base | 3 | Hero | 2,200,000 | 80,000,000 | Capture a Bog Beast Mouse, using the Polluted Base. | |
Regal Journal Theme Recipe | Collectibles | 2 | Initiate | 15,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Regrow Venus Mouse Trap | Weapon | 1 | Master | 299,650 | 490,500 | Capture a mouse using the Venus Mouse Trap | reconstruction |
Regrown Thorned Venus Mouse Trap | Weapon | 1 | Legendary | 849,650 | 8,000,000 | Capture a mouse using the Thorned Venus Mouse Trap | reconstruction |
Remote Detonator Base | Base | 5 | Lord/Lady | 48,500 | 25,000,000 | Capture ANY of the following: |
Resonator Cheese (3 pieces) | Cheese | 5 | Count/Countess | 1,280 | 0 | Unknown | |
Resonator Cheese (4 pieces) | Cheese | 6 | Count/Countess | 1,280 | 0 | Unknown | |
RhinoBot | Weapon | 4 | Legendary | 940,000 | 16,000,000 | Capture an Aged Mouse | |
Rift Base | Base | 4 | Baron/Baroness | 7,500,000 | 125,000,000 | Capture ANY of the following: |
Rift Combat Cheese | Cheese | 2 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,660 | 0 | Capture 3 Student of the Chi Fang Mouse | |
Rift Combat Cheese (Magic Essence) | Cheese | 3 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,660 | 0 | Capture 3 Student of the Chi Fang Mouse | |
Rift Glutter Cheese | Cheese | 2 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,660 | 0 | Capture 3 Student of the Chi Belt Mouse | |
Rift Glutter Cheese (Magic Essence) | Cheese | 3 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,660 | 0 | Capture 3 Student of the Chi Belt Mouse | |
Rift Halloween Journal Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Initiate | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Rift Power Charm | Charms | 4 | Count/Countess | 2,625 | 0 | Capture 1 Menace of the Rift mouse | |
Rift Rumble Cheese | Cheese | 5 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 3,010 | 0 | Complete ALL of the following: Capture 3 Master of the Chi Fang Mouse |
Rift Rumble Cheese (Magic Essence) | Cheese | 6 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 3,010 | 0 | Complete ALL of the following: Capture 3 Master of the Chi Fang Mouse |
Rift Susheese | Cheese | 2 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,660 | 0 | Capture 3 Student of the Chi Claw Mouse | |
Rift Susheese (Magic Essence) | Cheese | 3 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,660 | 0 | Capture 3 Student of the Chi Claw Mouse | |
Rotten Charm | Charms | 3 | Journeyman | 300 | 0 | Have a piece of bait turn stale | |
Rumble Cheese (Seal) | Cheese | 3 | Grandmaster | 240 | 0 | Capture all of the following: |
Rumble Cheese (Shards) | Cheese | 5 | Grandmaster | 240 | 0 | Capture all of the following: |
Runic Cheese (1 piece) | Cheese | 3 | Legendary | 0 | 0 | Capture a Realm Ripper Mouse | |
Runic Cheese (2 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 0 | 0 | Capture a Realm Ripper Mouse | |
S.S. Huntington III | Maps | 6 | Grandmaster | 0 | 0 | Capture a Hydra Mouse | |
Sandstorm MonstroBot | Weapon | 6 | Baron/Baroness | 2,195,400 | 100,000,000 | Capture 10 Warmonger Mice | |
Scientist's Charm | Charms | 3 | Master | 100 | 0 | Capture a Monster Mouse | |
Scum Scrubber | Weapon | 5 | Hero | 1,000 | 0 | Capture a Bog Beast | |
Shattering Charm | Charms | 4 | Baron/Baroness | 1,152,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Shell Cheese (15 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 960 | 0 | Capture a Pack Mouse | |
Shell Cheese (20 pieces) | Cheese | 5 | Legendary | 960 | 0 | Capture a Pack Mouse | |
Smart Water Jet Charm | Charms | 6 | Count/Countess | 23,000 | 0 | Unknown | |
Snow Golem Journal Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Initiate | 10,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Soap Charm | Charms | 3 | Hero | 250 | 0 | Capture:
Soapy Oasis Trap Skin | Skin | 3 | Hero | 0 | 0 | Capture:
Soapy Phantasmic Oasis Trap Skin | Skin | 3 | Hero | 0 | 0 | Capture:
Soiled Base | Base | 6 | Baron/Baroness | 500 | 0 | Capture a Twisted Carmine | |
Soiled Base Blueprints | Crafting Item | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 500 | 0 | Capture a Twisted Carmine | |
Soul Harvester LE | Weapon | 5 | Lord/Lady | 1,830,000 | 29,000,000 | Can not be unlocked | |
Spellbook Base | Base | 5 | Lord/Lady | 1,296,000 | 67,750,000 | Capture a Chess Master Mouse | |
Sphynx Wrath | Weapon | 4 | Baron/Baroness | 1,628,000 | 78,000,000 | Capture 5 Warmonger Mice | |
Spicy Havarti (6 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 252 | 0 | Capture a Guardian Mouse | |
Spicy Red Pepper Plant | Special | 2 | Legendary | 900 | 0 | Capture a Guardian Mouse | |
Spiked Anchor Charm | Charms | 4 | Count/Countess | 6,000 | 0 | Unknown | |
Spiked Base | Base | 6 | Lord/Lady | 97,500 | 25,000,000 | Capture ANY of the following: | |
Spooky Halloween Theme | Collectibles | 3 | Initiate | 0 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Spore Charm | Charms | 3 | Duke/Duchess | 2,000 | 0 | Unknown | |
Stagnant Charm | Charms | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 1,125 | 0 | Obtaining Sap-filled Thorns as loot | |
Steam Laser Mk. II | Weapon | 6 | Lord/Lady | 345,000 | 25,500,000 | Capture a mouse using the Steam Laser Mk. I | |
Steam Laser Mk. III | Weapon | 2 | Lord/Lady | 345,000 | 25,500,000 | Capture an Icewing Mouse | |
Storm Wrought Ballista Trap | Weapon | 2 | Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | 1,700,000 | 300,000,000 | Capture 10 Ful'Mina, The Mountain Queen | |
Super Brain Charm | Charms | 3 | Initiate | 1,250 | 0 | Capture 1 Mousataur Priestess mouse | |
Super Nightshade Farming Charm | Charms | 5 | Duke/Duchess | 6,760 | 0 | Obtain Enriched Cavern Soil | |
Super Polluted Charm | Charms | 3 | Hero | 625 | 0 | Capture 100 Swamp Runner Mice | |
Super Rotten Charm | Charms | 3 | Journeyman | 300 | 0 | Have a piece of bait turn stale | |
Super Salt Charm | Charms | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 10,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Super Scum Scrubber Trap | Weapon | 5 | Hero | 0 | 8,000,000 | Capture: Bog Beast Mouse, using the Scum Scrubber. | |
Super Soap Charm | Charms | 4 | Hero | 1,525 | 0 | Unknown | |
Super Spore Charm | Charms | 3 | Duke/Duchess | 4,000 | 0 | Unknown | |
Super Warpath Cavalry Charm | Charms | 4 | Baron/Baroness | 50 | 0 | Capture 5 Sand Cavalry Mice | possible as Master via Marketplace |
Super Warpath Mage Charm | Charms | 4 | Baron/Baroness | 50 | 0 | Capture 5 Inferno Mage Mice | possible as Master via Marketplace |
SUPER|brie+ | Cheese | 3 | Journeyman | 18 | 0 | Capture a mouse using SUPER|brie+ | reconstitution |
Susheese | Cheese | 4 | Grandmaster | 191 | 0 | Capture 3 Student of the Cheese Claw mice | |
Sweet Havarti (6 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Legendary | 252 | 0 | Capture a Defender Mouse | |
Sweet Yellow Pepper Plant | Special | 2 | Legendary | 900 | 0 | Capture a Defender Mouse | |
Taunting Charm | Charms | 4 | Duke/Duchess | 12,500 | 0 | Capture 4 Monstrous Black Widow | |
Temporal Turbine Trap | Weapon | 5 | Duke/Duchess | 10,500,000 | 300,000,000 | Capture 15 Paladin Weapon Master mice | |
Thorned Venus Mouse Trap | Weapon | 3 | Legendary | 849,650 | 8,000,000 | Capture a Grandfather Mouse | |
Tiki Base E | Base | 2 | Legendary | 669,600 | 14,000,000 | Can not be unlocked | |
Ultimate Anchor Charm | Charms | 7 | Count/Countess | 25,000 | 0 | Unknown | |
Ultimate Charm | Charms | 5 | Baron/Baroness | 187,500 | 0 | Capture ANY of the following: |
Ultimate Luck Charm | Charms | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 150,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Ultimate Polluted Charm | Charms | 4 | Hero | 3,500 | 0 | Capture 100 Bog Beast Mice | |
Ultimate Power Charm | Charms | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 25,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Ultimate Spore Charm | Charms | 5 | Duke/Duchess | 20,000 | 0 | Unknown | |
Unchristened Ship | Crafting Item | 5 | Grandmaster | 0 | 0 | Capture a Hydra Mouse | |
Undead Halloween Theme E | Collectibles | 3 | Journeyman | 0 | 0 | Unknown | |
Unstable Curd | Special | 3 | Grandmaster | 12 | 0 | Capture a Dojo Sensei Mouse | |
Unstable Gourd | Special | 2 | Baron/Baroness | 0 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Vanilla Stilton | Cheese | 4 | Hero | 270 | 0 | Capture 10 Swarm of Pygmy Mice | |
Vanilla Stilton (Magic Essence) | Cheese | 5 | Hero | 270 | 0 | Capture 10 Swarm of Pygmy Mice | |
Vengeful Vanilla Stilton (1 piece) | Cheese | 7 | Knight | 12 | 0 | Capture ANY of the following: |
Vengeful Vanilla Stilton (3 pieces) | Cheese | 8 | Knight | 12 | 0 | Capture ANY of the following: |
Warpath Cavalry Charm | Charms | 4 | Baron/Baroness | 50 | 0 | Capture 5 Sand Cavalry Mice | possible as Grandmaster via Marketplace |
Warpath Mage Charm | Charms | 4 | Baron/Baroness | 50 | 0 | Capture 5 Inferno Mage Mice | possible as Grandmaster via Marketplace |
Washboard Base | Base | 3 | Hero | 0 | 0 | Capture:
White Cheddar | Cheese | 2 | Initiate | 18 | 0 | Capture ALL of the following: |
Wild Growth Charm | Charms | 4 | Baron/Baroness | 150,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Wildfire Queso (3 pieces) | Cheese | 3 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Capture OR |
Wildfire Queso (6 pieces) | Cheese | 4 | Count/Countess | 0 | 0 | Capture OR |
Yellow Double Sponge Charm | Charms | 3 | Baron/Baroness | 5,000 | 0 | Can not be unlocked | |
Zugzwang's First Move | Weapon | 3 | Lord/Lady | 1,030,000 | 38,000,000 | Capture a Dragon Mouse | |
Zugzwang's Tower Key | Maps | 4 | Lord/Lady | 0 | 0 | Capture a Harvester Mouse | |
Zurreal's Folly | Weapon | 9 | Lord/Lady | 0 | 30,000,000 | Can not be unlocked | |
Recipe | Category | Slots Used |
Minimum Rank |
Minimum Gold |
Minimum Points |
Task | Other Notes |