Crafted cheese

From MHWiki
(Redirected from Crafted Cheese)



Many cheeses can be crafted using ingredients found throughout the Kingdom. The recipes on this page are organized by Cheese Groups. More information on each cheese can be found on the individual cheese pages.

Basic Bait

Standard Cheese

SUPER|brie+ - 1 Piece Recipe

Formula: SUPER|brie+
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a mouse using SUPER|brie+
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 1 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Curds and Whey 1 12
Salt 1 6
Total 18 gold Cost Per Piece: 18 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

White Cheddar Cheese - 1 Piece Recipe

Failure to catch a mouse when White Cheddar Cheese is armed in the Fiery Warpath or Iceberg can result in the mouse stealing extra pieces of White Cheddar, unlike most other crafted cheeses. However, White Cheddar cannot be stolen in most other locations.

Formula: White Cheddar (1 piece)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture ALL of the following:
White Mouse
Grey Mouse
Brown Mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Curds and Whey 1 12
Salt 1 6
Total 18 gold Cost Per Piece: 18 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

String Cheese

Magical String Cheese - 1 Piece Recipe

Formula: Magical String Cheese (1 piece)
Item Item
Item Source
Aleth Essence 1 N/A
Magic Essence 1 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Rift Curd 1 830
Total 830 gold Cost Per Piece: 830 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Fungal Cavern

Diamond Cheese - 1 Piece Recipe

Formula: Diamond Cheese (1 piece)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Crystal Queen mice
Item Item
Item Source
Diamond 10 N/A
  • Dropped by:
  • Other:
Mineral 100 N/A
Curds and Whey 3 12
(36 total)
Ionized Salt 12 450
(5,400 total)
Total 5,436 gold Cost Per Piece: 5,436 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Gemstone Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Gemstone Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Stalagmite mice
Item Item
Item Source
Gemstone 3 N/A
  • Other:
Mineral 28 N/A
Curds and Whey 6 12
(72 total)
Ionized Salt 6 450
(1,800 total)
Total 1,872 gold Cost Per Piece: 624 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Glowing Gruyere Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Glowing Gruyere Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Floating Spore mice
Item Item
Item Source
Cavern Fungus 3 N/A
Living Shard 3 1,200
(3,600 total)
Nightshade 1 N/A
Curds and Whey 30 12
(360 total)
Ionized Salt 6 450
(2,700 total)
Total 6,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 2,220 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Glowing Gruyere Cheese - 5 Piece Recipe

Formula: Glowing Gruyere Cheese (5 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Floating Spore mice
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 2 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Cavern Fungus 3 N/A
Living Shard 3 1,200
(3,600 total)
Nightshade 1 N/A
Curds and Whey 30 12
(360 total)
Ionized Salt 6 450
(2,700 total)
Total 6,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,332 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Mineral Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Mineral Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Crystalline Slasher mice
Item Item
Item Source
Mineral 12 N/A
Curds and Whey 18 12
(216 total)
Ionized Salt 6 450
(2,700 total)
Total 2,916 gold Cost Per Piece: 972 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Mineral Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Mineral Cheese (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Crystalline Slasher mice
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 6 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Mineral 12 N/A
Curds and Whey 18 12
(216 total)
Ionized Salt 6 450
(2,700 total)
Total 2,916 gold Cost Per Piece: 486 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.



Maki Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Maki Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture 3 Archer mice
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Curds and Whey 3 12
(36 total)
Nori 1 5
Total 41 gold Cost Per Piece: 13.67 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Meditation Room

Combat Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Combat Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture 3 Student of the Cheese Fang mice
Item Item
Item Source
Token of the Cheese Fang 3 N/A
Curds and Whey 5 12
(60 total)
Paint-brand Paint 1 120
Splintered Wood 1 150
Total 330 gold Cost Per Piece: 110 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Glutter Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Glutter Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture 3 Student of the Cheese Belt mice
Item Item
Item Source
Token of the Cheese Belt 3 N/A
Cheesy Fluffs 1 80
Curds and Whey 7 12
(84 total)
Invisi-glu 1 50
Total 214 gold Cost Per Piece: 71.33 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Susheese Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Susheese Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture 3 Student of the Cheese Claw mice
Item Item
Item Source
Token of the Cheese Claw 3 N/A
Burroughs Salmon 1 150
Curds and Whey 3 12
(36 total)
Nori 1 5
Total 191 gold Cost Per Piece: 63.67 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Pinnacle Chamber

Onyx Gorgonzola - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Onyx Gorgonzola (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Master of the Dojo mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Onyx Stone 1 N/A
Curds and Whey 60 12
(720 total)
Ionized Salt 6 450
(2,700 total)
Total 3,420 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,140 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rumble Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe Using Master's Seal

Formula: Rumble Cheese - Master's Seal (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture ALL of the following:
Master of the Cheese Belt
Master of the Cheese Claw
Master of the Cheese Fang
Item Item
Item Source
Master's Seal 1 N/A
Curds and Whey 20 12
(240 total)
Ionized Salt 1 450
Total 690 gold Cost Per Piece: 230 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rumble Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe Using Shards

Formula: Rumble Cheese - Shards (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture ALL of the following:
Master of the Cheese Belt
Master of the Cheese Claw
Master of the Cheese Fang
Item Item
Item Source
Master Belt Shard 1 N/A
Master Claw Shard 1 N/A
Master Fang Shard 1 N/A
Curds and Whey 20 12
(240 total)
Ionized Salt 1 450
Total 690 gold Cost Per Piece: 230 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Furoma Rift

Ascended Cheese - 5 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (5 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 5 Supreme Sensei
Item Item
Item Source
Rift Circuit Chips 30 N/A
Rift Blossom Branch 5 N/A
Null Onyx Stone 5 N/A
Chi Claw Heirloom 5 N/A
Chi Fang Heirloom 5 N/A
Chi Belt Heirloom 5 N/A
Chi Claw Token 5 N/A
Chi Fang Token 5 N/A
Chi Belt Token 5 N/A
Calcified Rift Mist 15 N/A
Rift Curd 5 830
(4,150 total)
Tiny Platinum Bar 2 60,000
(120,000 total)
Total 124,150 gold Cost Per Piece: 24,830 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Maki String Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Maki String Cheese (3 Pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Dumpling Delivery Mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Aleth Essence 6 N/A
Ber Essence 1 N/A
Rift Curd 9 830
(Total 7,470)
Nori 1 5
Total 7,475 gold Cost Per Piece: 2,492 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Master Fusion Cheese - 2 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (2 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Complete ANY of the following:

Catch 5 Student of the Chi Fang Mouse
Catch 5 Student of the Chi Claw Mouse
Catch 5 Student of the Chi Belt Mouse

Item Item
Item Source
Chi Claw Token 1 N/A
Chi Fang Token 1 N/A
Chi Belt Token 1 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Total 1,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 830 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Master Fusion Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Complete ANY of the following:

Catch 5 Student of the Chi Fang Mouse
Catch 5 Student of the Chi Claw Mouse
Catch 5 Student of the Chi Belt Mouse

Item Item
Item Source
Chi Claw Token 1 N/A
Chi Fang Token 1 N/A
Chi Belt Token 1 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Magic Essence 2 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 1,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 553 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Null Onyx Gorgonzola - 2 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (2 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Grand Master of the Dojo
Item Item
Item Source
Null Onyx Stone 3 N/A
Ionized Salt 12 450
(5,400 total)
Rift Curd 30 830
(24,900 total)
Total 30,300 gold Cost Per Piece: 15,150 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Null Onyx Gorgonzola - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Grand Master of the Dojo
Item Item
Item Source
Null Onyx Stone 3 N/A
Ionized Salt 12 450
(5,400 total)
Rift Curd 30 830
(24,900 total)
Magic Essence 2 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 30,300 gold Cost Per Piece: 10,100 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rift Combat Cheese - 2 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (2 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Student of the Chi Fang Mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Chi Fang Token 3 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Total 1,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 830 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rift Combat Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Student of the Chi Fang Mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Chi Fang Token 3 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Magic Essence 2 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 1,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 553 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rift Glutter Cheese - 2 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (2 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Student of the Chi Belt Mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Chi Belt Token 3 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Total 1,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 830 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rift Glutter Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Student of the Chi Belt Mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Chi Belt Token 3 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Magic Essence 2 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 1,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 553 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rift Rumble Cheese - 2 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (2 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Complete ALL of the following:

Catch 3 Master of the Chi Fang Mouse
Catch 3 Master of the Chi Claw Mouse
Catch 3 Master of the Chi Belt Mouse

Item Item
Item Source
Chi Claw Heirloom 1 N/A
Chi Fang Heirloom 1 N/A
Chi Belt Heirloom 1 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Ionized Salt 3 450
(1,350 total)
Total 3,010 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,505 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rift Rumble Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Complete ALL of the following:

Catch 3 Master of the Chi Fang Mouse
Catch 3 Master of the Chi Claw Mouse
Catch 3 Master of the Chi Belt Mouse

Item Item
Item Source
Chi Claw Heirloom 1 N/A
Chi Fang Heirloom 1 N/A
Chi Belt Heirloom 1 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Ionized Salt 3 450
(1,350 total)
Magic Essence 2 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 3,010 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,003 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rift Susheese Cheese - 2 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crafted cheese (2 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Student of the Chi Claw Mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Chi Claw Token 3 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Total 1,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 830 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Rift Susheese Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe=

Formula: Crafted cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch 3 Student of the Chi Claw Mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Chi Claw Token 3 N/A
Rift Curd 2 830
(1,660 total)
Magic Essence 2 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 1,660 gold Cost Per Piece: 553 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Gnawnia Rift

Resonator Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Resonator Cheese (3 pieces)
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Seed 3 N/A
Rift Dust 3 N/A
Riftgrass 3 N/A
Rift Curd 1 830
Ionized Salt 1 450
Total 1,280 gold Cost Per Piece: 426.67 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Resonator Cheese - 4 Piece Recipe

Formula: Resonator Cheese (4 pieces)
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 1 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Magic Seed 3 N/A
Rift Dust 3 N/A
Riftgrass 3 N/A
Rift Curd 1 830
Ionized Salt 1 450
Total 1,280 gold Cost Per Piece: 320 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.


Burroughs and Bristle Woods

Ancient Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Ancient Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Keeper's Assistant mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Stale Cheese 3 N/A
Ionized Salt 6 450
(2,700 total)
Total 2,700 gold Cost Per Piece: 900 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Ancient Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Ancient Cheese (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Keeper's Assistant mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Stale Cheese 3 N/A
Ionized Salt 6 450
(2,700 total)
Total 2,700 gold Cost Per Piece: 450 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Limelight Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Limelight Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Monster mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Curds and Whey 30 12
(360 total)
Living Shard 3 1,200
(3,600 total)
Radioactive Sludge 3 N/A
Total 3,960 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,320 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Limelight Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Limelight Cheese (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Monster mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 6 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Curds and Whey 30 12
(360 total)
Living Shard 3 1,200
(3,600 total)
Radioactive Sludge 3 N/A
Total 3,960 gold Cost Per Piece: 660 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Moon Cheese - 1 Piece Recipe

Hunters should note that failure to catch a mouse when Moon Cheese is armed can result in the mouse stealing extra pieces of Moon Cheese, unlike most other crafted cheeses.

Formula: Moon Cheese (1 piece)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Lycan mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Curds and Whey 3 12
(36 total)
Magic Essence 2 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Meteorite Piece 1 N/A
Total 36 gold Cost Per Piece: 36 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Radioactive Blue Cheese - 1 Piece Recipe

Formula: Radioactive Blue Cheese
Item Item
Item Source
Radioactive Curd 1 N/A
Salt 1 6
Total 6 gold Cost Per Piece: 6 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Runic Cheese - 1 Piece Recipe

Formula: Runic Cheese (1 piece)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Realm Ripper mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Rune 1 N/A
Stale Cheese 1 N/A
Ionized Salt 3 450
(1,350 total)
Total 1,350 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,350 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Runic Cheese - 2 Piece Recipe

Formula: Runic Cheese (2 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Realm Ripper mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 1 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Rune 1 N/A
Stale Cheese 1 N/A
Ionized Salt 3 450
(1,350 total)
Total 1,350 gold Cost Per Piece: 675 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.


Fusion Fondue - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Fusion Fondue (3 pieces)
Item Item
Item Source
Aged Grape Juice 2 N/A
Cheddar Powder 3 N/A
Gooey Gruyere Curd 3 N/A
Microchip Curd 3 N/A
Nuclear Garlic 1 N/A
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Fusion Fondue - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Fusion Fondue (6 pieces)
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Aged Grape Juice 2 N/A
Cheddar Powder 3 N/A
Gooey Gruyere Curd 3 N/A
Microchip Curd 3 N/A
Nuclear Garlic 1 N/A
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Zugzwang's Tower

Checkmate Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Checkmate Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Mystic King mouse and a Technic King mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Mystic Curd 1 N/A
Technic Cheese Mould 1 N/A
Ionized Salt 12 450
(5,400 total)
Total 5,400 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,800 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Checkmate Cheese - 9 Piece Recipe

Formula: Checkmate Cheese (9 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Mystic King mouse and a Technic King mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Mystic Curd 1 N/A
Technic Cheese Mould 1 N/A
Magic Essence 6 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Ionized Salt 12 450
(5,400 total)
Total 5,400 gold Cost Per Piece: 600 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Queso Canyon

Flamin' Queso - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Flamin' Queso (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Collect Flamin' Spice Leaf
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 10,000 N/A Queso River
Flamin' Spice Leaf 10 N/A
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Flamin' Queso - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Flamin' Queso (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Collect Flamin' Spice Leaf
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 10,000 N/A Queso River
Flamin' Spice Leaf 10 N/A
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Hot Queso - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Hot Queso (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Collect Hot Spice Leaf
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 1,000 N/A Queso River
Hot Spice Leaf 10 N/A
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Hot Queso - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Hot Queso (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Collect Hot Spice Leaf
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 1,000 N/A Queso River
Hot Spice Leaf 10 N/A
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Medium Queso - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Medium Queso (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Collect Medium Spice Leaf
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 100 N/A Queso River
Medium Spice Leaf 10 N/A
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Medium Queso - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Medium Queso (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Collect Medium Spice Leaf
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 100 N/A Queso River
Medium Spice Leaf 10 N/A
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Mild Queso - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Mild Queso (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Collect Mild Spice Leaf
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 10 N/A Queso River
Mild Spice Leaf 10 N/A
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Mild Queso - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Mild Queso (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Collect Mild Spice Leaf
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 10 N/A Queso River
Mild Spice Leaf 10 N/A
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Wildfire Queso - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Wildfire Queso (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: 0/10 Catch: Inferna, The Engulfed
0/10 Catch: Nachous, The Molten
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 25,000 N/A Queso River
Ember Root 10 N/A
Ember Stone 10 N/A
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Wildfire Queso - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Wildfire Queso (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: 0/10 Catch: Inferna, The Engulfed
0/10 Catch: Nachous, The Molten
Item Item
Item Source
Bland Queso 25,000 N/A Queso River
Ember Root 10 N/A
Ember Stone 10 N/A
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Total 0 gold Cost Per Piece: 0 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Sunken City

Fishy Fromage - 2 Piece Recipe

Formula: Fishy Fromage (2 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Mlounder Flounder mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Barnacle 3 N/A
Brined Curd 4 500
(2,000 total)
Damaged Coral Fragment 3 N/A
Mouse Scale 3 N/A
Total 2,000 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,000 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Fishy Fromage - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Fishy Fromage (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Mlounder Flounder mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 1 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Barnacle 3 N/A
Brined Curd 4 500
(2,000 total)
Damaged Coral Fragment 3 N/A
Mouse Scale 3 N/A
Total 2,000 gold Cost Per Piece: 666.67 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Toxic Spill

Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese - 1 Piece Recipe

Formula: Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese
Item Item
Item Source
Radioactive Curd 2 N/A
Radioactive Sludge 1 N/A
Ionized Salt 1 450
Total 450 gold Cost Per Piece: 450 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Tribal Isles

Balack's Cove

Vanilla Stilton Cheese - 15 Piece Recipe

Formula: Vanilla Stilton (15 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture 10 Swarm of Pygmy Mice
Item Item
Item Source
Vanilla Bean 15 N/A
Coconut Milk 15 800
(12,000 total)
Curds and Whey 15 12
(180 total)
Salt 15 6
(90 total)
Total 12,270 gold Cost Per Piece: 818 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Vanilla Stilton Cheese - 15 Piece Recipe (Magic Essence)

Formula: Vanilla Stilton (Magic Essence) (15 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture 10 Swarm of Pygmy Mice
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 15 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Vanilla Bean 5 N/A
Coconut Milk 15 800
(12,000 total)
Curds and Whey 15 12
(180 total)
Salt 15 6
(90 total)
Total 12,270 gold Cost Per Piece: 818 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Vengeful Vanilla Stilton Cheese - 1 Piece Recipe

Formula: Vengeful Vanilla Stilton (1 piece)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture ANY of the following:
Derr Lich
Elub Lich
Nerg Lich
Item Item
Item Source
Bottled-Up Rage 1 N/A
Pinch of Annoyance 1 N/A
Raisins of Wrath 1 N/A
Vanilla Bean 1 N/A
Coconut Milk 1 800
Curds and Whey 1 12
Ionized Salt 1 450
Total 1,262 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,262 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Vengeful Vanilla Stilton Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Vengeful Vanilla Stilton (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture ANY of the following:
Derr Lich
Elub Lich
Nerg Lich
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 3 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Bottled-Up Rage 1 N/A
Pinch of Annoyance 1 N/A
Raisins of Wrath 1 N/A
Vanilla Bean 1 N/A
Coconut Milk 1 800
Curds and Whey 1 12
Ionized Salt 1 450
Total 1,262 gold Cost Per Piece: 420.67 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Derr Dunes - Elub Shore - Nerg Plains

Crunchy Cheese - 15 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crunchy Cheese (15 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Grunt mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Delicious Stone 30 N/A
Coconut Milk 20 800
(16,000 total)
Curds and Whey 10 12
(120 total)
Salt 30 6
(180 total)
Total 16,300 gold Cost Per Piece: 1086.67 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Crunchy Cheese - 20 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crunchy Cheese (20 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Grunt mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Delicious Stone 30 N/A
Magic Essence 5 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Coconut Milk 20 800
(16,000 total)
Curds and Whey 10 12
(120 total)
Salt 30 6
(180 total)
Total 16,300 gold Cost Per Piece: 815 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Gumbo Cheese - 15 Piece Recipe

Formula: Gumbo Cheese (15 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Finder mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Savoury Vegetables 30 N/A
Coconut Milk 15 800
(12,000 total)
Curds and Whey 90 12
(1,080 total)
Salt 1 6
Total 13,086 gold Cost Per Piece: 872.4 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Gumbo Cheese - 20 Piece Recipe

Formula: Gumbo Cheese (20 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Finder mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Savoury Vegetables 30 N/A
Magic Essence 5 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Coconut Milk 15 800
(12,000 total)
Curds and Whey 90 12
(1,080 total)
Salt 1 6
Total 13,086 gold Cost Per Piece: 654.3 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Shell Cheese - 15 Piece Recipe

Formula: Shell Cheese (15 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Pack mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Seashell 30 N/A
Coconut Milk 10 800
(8,000 total)
Curds and Whey 60 12
(720 total)
Salt 40 6
(240 total)
Total 8,960 gold Cost Per Piece: 597.33 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Shell Cheese - 20 Piece Recipe

Formula: Shell Cheese (20 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Pack mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Seashell 30 N/A
Magic Essence 5 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Coconut Milk 10 800
(8,000 total)
Curds and Whey 60 12
(720 total)
Salt 40 6
(240 total)
Total 8,960 gold Cost Per Piece: 448 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.


Inferno Havarti Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Hunters must reach the rank of Legendary before they can use this recipe.

Formula: Inferno Havarti (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Catch ALL of the following:
Derr Chieftain
Elub Chieftain
Nerg Chieftain
Item Item
Item Source
Inferno Pepper 6 N/A
Fire Salt 6 N/A
Coconut Milk 16 800
(12,800 total)
Curds and Whey 18 12
(216 total)
Total 13,016 gold Cost Per Piece: 2,169.33 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Jungle of Dread

Creamy Havarti Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Hunters must reach the rank of Legendary before they can use this recipe.

Formula: Creamy Havarti (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Guardian mouse and a Defender mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Creamy Orange Pepper 6 N/A
Coconut Milk 10 800
(8,000 total)
Curds and Whey 18 12
(216 total)
Salt 6 6
(36 total)
Total 8,252 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,375.33 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Crunchy Havarti Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Crunchy Havarti (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Protector mouse and a Defender mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Crunchy Green Pepper 6 N/A
Coconut Milk 4 800
(3,200 total)
Curds and Whey 18 12
(216 total)
Salt 6 6
(36 total)
Total 3,452 gold Cost Per Piece: 575.33 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Magical Havarti Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Magical Havarti (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Protector mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Magical Blue Pepper 6 N/A
Coconut Milk 2 800
(1,600 total)
Curds and Whey 18 12
(216 total)
Salt 6 6
(36 total)
Total 1,852 gold Cost Per Piece: 308.67 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Pungent Havarti Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Pungent Havarti (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Guardian mouse and a Protector mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Pungent Purple Pepper 6 N/A
Coconut Milk 8 800
(6,400 total)
Curds and Whey 18 12
(216 total)
Salt 6 6
(36 total)
Total 6,652 gold Cost Per Piece: 1108.67 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Spicy Havarti Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Formula: Spicy Havarti (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Guardian mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Spicy Red Pepper 6 N/A
Coconut Milk 12 800
(9,600 total)
Curds and Whey 18 12
(216 total)
Salt 6 6
(36 total)
Total 9,852 gold Cost Per Piece: 1,642 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Sweet Havarti Cheese - 6 Piece Recipe

Hunters must reach the rank of Legendary before they can use this recipe.

Formula: Sweet Havarti (6 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture a Defender mouse
Item Item
Item Source
Sweet Yellow Pepper 6 N/A
Coconut Milk 6 800
(4,800 total)
Curds and Whey 18 12
(216 total)
Salt 6 6
(36 total)
Total 5,052 gold Cost Per Piece: 842 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Whisker Woods Rift

Lactrodectus Lancashire Cheese - 3 Piece Recipe

Formula: Lactrodectus Lancashire Cheese (3 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture ALL of the following:
Cyclops Barbarian
Centaur Ranger
Item Item
Item Source
Creamy Gnarled Sap 1 N/A
Crumbly Rift Salts 1 N/A
Tasty Spider Mould 1 N/A
Rift Curd 3 830
(2,490 total)
Total 2,490 gold Cost Per Piece: 830 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

Lactrodectus Lancashire Cheese - 4 Piece Recipe

Formula: Lactrodectus Lancashire Cheese (4 pieces)
Recipe can be unlocked by: Capture ALL of the following:
Cyclops Barbarian
Centaur Ranger
Item Item
Item Source
Magic Essence 1 N/A
  • Loot when opened:
  • Loot when used:
Creamy Gnarled Sap 1 N/A
Crumbly Rift Salts 1 N/A
Tasty Spider Mould 1 N/A
Rift Curd 3 830
(2,490 total)
Total 2,490 gold Cost Per Piece: 622.50 gold
Recipe costs represent Shoppe prices only. The cost of items obtained through other sources will affect the total cost of crafting.

See also