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The following list contains some of the more commonly used abbreviations and acronyms found on MouseHunt Discussion Boards.
The following list contains some of the more commonly used abbreviations and other jargon found on MouseHunt Discussion Boards.
<center>'''Contents''': [[#A|A]] [[#B|B]] [[#C|C]] [[#D|D]] [[#E|E]] [[#F|F]] [[#G|G]] [[#H|H]] [[#I|I]] [[#J|J]] [[#K|K]] [[#L|L]] [[#M|M]] [[#N|N]] [[#O|O]] [[#P|P]] [[#Q|Q]] [[#R|R]] [[#S|S]] [[#T|T]] [[#U|U]] [[#V|V]] [[#W|W]] [[#X|X]] [[#Y|Y]] [[#Z|Z]]
<center>'''Contents''': [[#A|A]] [[#B|B]] [[#C|C]] [[#D|D]] [[#E|E]] [[#F|F]] [[#G|G]] [[#H|H]] [[#I|I]] [[#J|J]] [[#K|K]] [[#L|L]] [[#M|M]] [[#N|N]] [[#O|O]] [[#P|P]] [[#Q|Q]] [[#R|R]] [[#S|S]] [[#T|T]] [[#U|U]] [[#V|V]] [[#W|W]] [[#X|X]] [[#Y|Y]] [[#Z|Z]]
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*Acro, ACRONYM or A.C.R.O.N.Y.M – [[Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery]]
*A – [[Aleth Essence]]
*A1 – [[Circlet of Seeking Trap]] (Arcane 1 Trap Floating Islands)
*A2 – [[Circlet of Pursuing Trap]] (Arcane 2 Trap Floating Islands)
*AA – [[Absolute Acolyte]]
*AABT  – [[Anniversary Ancient Box Trap]]
*AACRO  – [[Anniversary Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery]]
*AACRONYM  – [[Anniversary Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery]]
*ABC – [[Assassin]],[[Black Widow]] and [[Chrono]] (mapping term)
*ABT – [[Ancient Box Trap]] or [[Arcane Blast Trap]] (ambiguous)
*Acro or ACRONYM – [[Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery]]
*AD – [[Archduke]] hunter's title
*AE  – [[Ascended Elder]]
*AEIB  – [[Attuned Enerchi Induction Base]]
*AEJ – [[Adorned Empyrean Jewel]]
*AERB – [[Adorned Empyrean Refractor Base]]
*AG – [[Ancient Gauntlet]]
*Amb – [[Ambrosial Portal]] or [[Ambush]] trap
*Amb – [[Ambrosial Portal]] or [[Ambush]] trap
*AOTD  – [[Ancient of the Deep]]
*AR – [[Acolyte Realm]] location or [[Attraction Rate]]
*Arby – [[Arcane Blast Trap]]
*ARP  – [[Anniversary Reaper's Perch]]
*ASC  – [[Ancient String Cheese]]
*ASG – [[Ancient Spear Gun]]
*ASM – [[Abominable Snow Mouse]]
*ASM – [[Abominable Snow Mouse]]
*AR – [[Acolyte Realm]] location
*BC – [[Birthday Cake Base]]
*B – [[Ber Essence]]
*B–Rift or Brift – [[Burroughs Rift]]
*BB – [[Bountiful Beanstalk]]
*BBB – [[Big Bad Burroughs Mouse]]
*BBBB – [[Big Bad Behemoth Burroughs Mouse]]
*BBT – [[2012 Big Boom Trap]]
*BC – [[Birthday Cake Base]] or [[Balack's Cove]] location
*BCK – [[Birthday Candle Kaboom]]
*BDC  – [[Birthday Dragée Cake Base]]
*BEST  – [[Blazing Ember Spear Trap]]
*BG – [[Bottomless Grave]]
*BG – [[Bottomless Grave]]
*Blueprints – [[Ambush Trap Blueprints]], [[Dehydration Base Blueprints]], [[Obelisk of Incineration Blueprints]], or [[Mysterious Blueprints]]
*BIS – Best in Slot Refers to the best possible item for an equipment slot
*Bush – [[Ambush]] trap
*BK – [[Baitkeep Charm]]
*Blingbot – [[Chrome DeathBot]]
*Blueprints or BP – Various [[blueprints]]
*BLW – [[Bonus Luck Weekend]]
*BPT or BSP – [[Blackstone Pass Trap]]
*BQ – [[Bland Queso]]
*BRAT  – [[Biomolecular Re-atomizer Trap]]
*BRift  – [[Burroughs Rift]]
*BSC  – [[Brie String Cheese]]
*BW – [[Black Widow Mouse]] or [[Bristle Woods]] region
*BW – [[Black Widow Mouse]] or [[Bristle Woods]] region
*BWR  – [[Bristle Woods Rift]]
*BWRift  – [[Bristle Woods Rift]]
*C&W – [[Curds and Whey]]
*C – [[Cynd Essence]]
*C&W – Cheese and Whine, a section of the MouseHunt forums
*Cat or Cats – [[Catacombs]] location
*Cat or Cats – [[Catacombs]] location
*CC – [[Calm Clearing]] location
*CB  – [[Crystal Behemoth]]
*CDB or ChromeBot – [[DeathBot (Chrome Edition)]]
*CBC – [[Chocolate Birthday Cake Base]] or [[Crushed Birthday Cake Base]]
*CC – [[Condensed Creativity]], [[Calm Clearing]] location, [[Cape Clawed]] location, [[Curious Chemist]] or [[Crimson Commander]] or [[Croquet Crusher]] mouse (mapping term)
*CCB – [[Candy Cane Base]]
*CCC - [[Cloud Cheesecake]]
*CCDT – [[Chrome Celestial Dissonance Trap]]
*CCT – [[Christmas Cracker Trap]], [[Christmas Crystalabra Trap]] or [[Crystal Crucible Trap]]
*CDB or ChromeBot – [[Chrome DeathBot]]
*CDB or CDDB or ChillBot – [[Chrome DrillBot]]
*CDT  – [[Celestial Dissonance Trap]]
*CF  – [[Champion's Fire]]
*CF2 – [[Chrome Thought Obliterator Trap]] (Chrome Forgotten 2 Trap Floating Islands)
*CGAT  – [[Chrome Grand Arcanum Trap]]
*Champ – [[Champion Charm]]
*Chromo or Chronstro – [[Chrome MonstroBot]]
*Clock or CoT – [[Clockapult of Time]]
*CLT – [[Cackle Lantern Trap]]
*CM – [[Coconut Milk]] or [[Chess Master]]
*CMB – [[Chrome MonstroBot]]
*CMC – [[Checkmate]] Cheese or [[Compass Magnet Charm]]
*CMCT – [[Crystal Mineral Crusher Trap]]
*COWN or COWNT – [[Chrome Oasis Water Node Trap]]
*CPO or CPOT – [[Chrome Phantasmic Oasis Trap]]
*CPT – [[Clockwork Portal Trap]]
*CQ – [[Cantera Quarry]]
*CR  – Catch Rate
*CRE – Catch Rate Estimate, used to estimate the Catch Rate percentage of a particular trap setup
*CRM – [[Calcified Rift Mist]]
*CrOWN or CrOWNT – [[Chrome Oasis Water Node Trap]]
*CSC  – [[Claw Shot City]]
*CSW  – [[Chrome Sphynx Wrath]]
*CSWB or CSWBT  – [[Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista Trap]]
*CT – [[Crystal Tower]]
*CTOT - [[Chrome Thought Obliterator Trap]]
*CTT or CTTT  – [[Chrome Temporal Turbine|Chrome Temporal Turbine Trap]]
*CTGT – [[Chrome Tacky Glue Trap]]
*DB – [[Mouse DeathBot]]
*D – [[Dol Essence]]
*DAT  – [[Droid Archmagus Trap]]
*DB – [[Mouse DeathBot]], [[Dehydration Base]]
*DB or DBC – [[Dragonbane Charm]]
*DBT – [[Dragonvine Ballista Trap]]
*DCT – [[Dimensional Chest Trap]]
*DDA – [[Double Diamond Adventure]]
*DDB – [[Digby Drillbot]]
*DDB – [[Digby Drillbot]]
*DE(C)  – Dead End (Clue)
*Dehy – [[Dehydration Base]]
*Dehy – [[Dehydration Base]]
*Dev time or Dev's time zone – Time zone of Developers from HitGrab which is EST (GMT –5) or EDT (GMT –4) (see [http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time –zone/north –america/canada/ontario/index.htm here] for current time).
*DHB  – [[Desert Heater Base]]
*DHU – "Devs Hate You", a running joke that explains why things occasionally seem to go wrong for some hunters (see also [[Teddy Bear]])
*DJB – [[Dragon Jade Base]]
*DLU – "Devs Love You", a running joke that explains why some hunters experience extremely lucky streaks (see also [[DLU+]])
*DMMT - [[Dark Magic Mirrors Trap]]
*DSC – [[Dragon Slayer Cannon]]
*DV or DVC  – [[Dragonvine Cheese]]
*DVB or DVBT – [[Dragonvine Ballista Trap]]
*E – [[Est Essence]]
*EAC  – [[Empowered Anchor Charm]]
*EC  – [[Enigmatic Core]]
*EDBC – [[Extreme Dragonbane Charm]]
*EHT  – [[Event Horizon Trap]]
*EIB  – [[Enerchi Induction Base]]
*ELC  – [[Extreme Luck Charm]]
*ELT  – [[Endless Labyrinth Trap]]
*EOD – [[Essence of Destruction]]
*EPC  – [[Extreme Power Charm]]
*EPCT  – [[Ember Prison Core Trap]]
*ERB or Ernie – [[Enraged RhinoBot]]
*ERCC - [[Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake]]
*ESB  – [[Empowered SUPER brie+]]
*ESP – [[Empyrean Sky Palace Treasure Map|Empyrean Sky Palace]] Treasure Map
*ESCC – [[Extra Sweet Cupcake Charm]]
*ETR – [[Explosive Toboggan Ride]]
*ETT - [[Empyrean Treasure Trove]]
*Exp – [[Explosive Base]]
*Exp – [[Explosive Base]]
*FF – [[NVMRC Forcefield Trap]]
*F – [[Fel Essence]]
*F1 – [[Thought Manipulator Trap]] (Forgotten 1 Trap Floating Islands)
*F2 – [[Thought Obliterator Trap]] (Forgotten 2 Trap Floating Islands)
*FBF – [https://www.youtube.com/c/MouseHuntTheGame/live Feedback Friday] or [[Fire Bowl Fuel]]
*FC  – [[Fungal Cavern]]
*FCL – [[Focused Crystal Laser]]
*FF – [[Fishy Fromage]] or [[Festive Feta]]
*FG – [[Forbidden Grove]] location
*FG – [[Forbidden Grove]] location
*F/R – Friend Request
*FGCT – [[Festive Gauntlet Crusher]]
*FI – [[Floating Islands]]
*Fluffy – [[Gargantuamouse]]
*FR – Friend Request or [[Fort Rox]]
*FRC – [[Factory Repair Charm]]
*FROX – [[Fort Rox]]
*FS – [[Fire Salt]] or [[Flameshard]]
*FTA – Failure to attract
*FTA – Failure to attract
*FTC – Failure to catch
*FULC – [[Festive Ultimate Luck Charm]]
*FULPC – [[Festive Ultimate Lucky Power Charm]]
*FUPC – [[Festive Ultimate Power Charm]]
*FW – [[Fiery Warpath]]
*G – [[Gur Essence]]
*GAC  – [[Golden Anchor Charm]]
*Garga or Gaga – [[Gargantuamouse]]
*GAT – [[Grand Arcanum Trap]]
*GB  – [[Bristle_Woods_Rift#Guard_Barracks|Guard Barracks]] (Bristle Woods Rift Sub –location)
*GBB – [[Gingerbread Base]]
*GBH or GHS – [[Gingerbread House Surprise]]
*GCT  – [[Goldfrost Crossbow Trap]]
*GD – [[Grand Duke]] hunter's title
*GES  – [[Gnawnian Express Station]]
*GFM – [[Goliath Field Mouse]]
*GG  – [[Galleon Gouda]]
*GGC  – [[Glowing Gruyere Cheese]] or [[Golem Guardian Charm]]
*GGT – [[Great Gnarled Tree]] location
*GGT – [[Great Gnarled Tree]] location
*GLHH – Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
*GM – [[Hunter's Title|Grandmaster]] hunter's title
*GM – [[Hunter's Title|Grandmaster]] hunter's title
*GRBCCP – [[Greater Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potion]]
*GMOJO  – [[Grand Master of the Dojo Mouse]]
*GS – [[General Store]]
*GOTD  – [[Gifting#Gifts_of_the_Day|Gift of the Day]]
*GRB pot – [[Greater Radioactive Blue Potion]]
*GRift – [[Gnawnia Rift]]
*GS – [[General Store]] or [[Giant Speaker]] trap
*GSC – [[Gauntlet String Cheese]]
*GTB – [[Golden Tournament Base]]
*GWH – [[Great Winter Hunt]]
*H – [[Hix Essence]]
*HATT – [[High Altitude Treasure Trove]]
*HG – [[Harpoon Gun]] or [[HitGrab]]
*HH  – [[Hollow Heights]]
*HJB  – [[Horse Jade Base]]
*HotM  – [[Heart of the Meteor|Heart of the Meteor Mouse]]
*HoTP  – [[Heart of the Tiger Party]] event location.
*HUD – Heads Up Display, the main navigation and information interface in the game
*HVMT – [[Horrific Venus Mouse Trap]]
*I – [[Icuri Essence]]
*ICT or IDCT – [[Interdimensional Crossbow Trap]]
*IDMMT - [[Infinite Dark Magic Mirrors Trap]]
*IH – [[Inferno Havarti]]
*IHT  – [[Infinite Winter Horizon Trap]]
*ILT  – [[Infinite Labyrinth Trap]]
*IM – [[Ice Maiden]]
*I&FS – Ideas and Feature Suggestions, a section of the MouseHunt forums
*IWHT  – [[Infinite Winter Horizon Trap]]
JM - Journeyman hunter's title
*JDT  – [[Judge Droid Trap]]
*JM – [[Hunter's Title|Journeyman]] hunter's title
*JoD – [[Jungle of Dread]] location
*Key – [[Key to the Town of Digby]]
*Key – [[Key to the Town of Digby]] or [[Zugzwang's Tower Key]]
*KC – [[Kraken Chaos]] or [[King's Credits]]
*KG – [[King's Gauntlet]] location
*Kings Gambit – capturing both [[Mystic King]] and [[Technic King]] in one run in the [[Zugzwang's Tower]]
*Kitty – [[Sphynx Wrath]] trap
*KR – [[King's Reward]]
*KSS  – [[Kalor'ignis of the Geyser|Kalor]] + [[Stormsurge, the Vile Tempest|Stormsurge]] (mapping term)
*L1 – [[S.T.I.N.G. Trap]] (Law 1 Trap Floating Islands)
*L2 – [[S.T.I.N.G.E.R. Trap]] (Law 2 Trap Floating Islands)
*Lab – [[Laboratory]] location
*Lab – [[Laboratory]] location
*Laboleum  – [[Laboratory]]/[[Mousoleum]]
*LATT – [[Low Altitude Treasure Trove]]
*LB  – [[Living Base]]
*LE  – [[Limited Edition]], an item only available for a short period and only once.
*Leg or Legend – [[Hunter's Title|Legendary]] hunter's title
*Leg or Legend – [[Hunter's Title|Legendary]] hunter's title
*Lep – [[Leprechaun Mouse]]
*Lep – [[Leprechaun Mouse]]
*LG – [[Living Garden]]
*LGS – [[Lucky Golden Shield]]
*LISC  – [[Let It Snow Charm]]
*LLC  – [[Lactrodectus Lancashire Cheese]]
*LLT  – [[Law Laser Trap]]
*LM – Last Mouse (mapping term)
*LNY  – [[Lunar New Year]]
*LOC  – [[Lantern Oil Charm]]
*LOTA  – [[Lair of the Ancients]] (Sunken City Sub –location)
*M&G – Meet and Greet, a section of the MouseHunt forums
*MA – [[Monstrous Abomination]]
*MBE – [[Maniacal Brain Extractor]]
*MBW – [[Monstrous Black Widow Mouse]]
*MCL – [[Multi-Crystal  Laser]]
*ME – [[Magic Essence]]
*Med or MR – [[Meditation Room]] location
*Med or MR – [[Meditation Room]] location
*MFS – [[Manaforge Smith]] mouse (mapping term)
*MH – [[MouseHunt]]
*MH – [[MouseHunt]]
*ML&HS – Mouse Lore and Hunting Strategies
*MHCC  – [[MouseHunt Century Club]]
*MoD or Mojo – [[Master of the Dojo Mouse]]
*MHCT – [https://mhct.win/ MouseHunt Community Tools] Collection of tools for hunters
*Mos or Moz – [[Mousoleum]] location
*MHTH – [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MH.Treasure.Hunting/ MouseHunt Treasure Huntin'] Group
*MHW – MouseHunt World
*Mina – [[Ful'Mina, The Mountain Queen]]
*Mk3 – [[Steam Laser Mk. III]], Mk2 for [[Steam Laser Mk. II]], etc.
*ML&HS – Mouse Lore and Hunting Strategy, a section of the MouseHunt forums
*MHIAL – Most Loot in a Log Community contest held each year during the Spring Egg Hunt event.
*MM – [[Muridae Market]] or [[Marshmallow Monterey]] or [https://www.facebook.com/groups/mapmeister/ MapMeister]
*MND – [[Magic Nest Dust]]
*Mojo – [[Master of the Dojo Mouse]]
*MOPI – [[Moussu Picchu]]
*MOTM – [[Monster of the Meteor Mouse]]
*MOTR – [[Menace of the Rift Mouse]]
*Moz – [[Mousoleum]] location
*MP – [[Marketplace]]
*MPCT – [[Meteor Prison Core Trap]]
*MPP – [[Mystic Pawn Pincher]]
*MRRBC – [[Magical Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese]]
*MSB – [[Molten Shrapnel Base]]
*MSC – [[Magical String Cheese]]
*MT – [[Monster Trench]] (Sunken City sub location)
*MVMT – [[Mutated Venus Mouse Trap]]
*NC – [[Net Cannon]]
*NFC – [[Nightshade Farming Charm]]
*NHT – [[New Horizon Trap]]
*NOG – [[Null Onyx Gorgonzola]]
*NS – [[Nightshade]]
*NSFC – [[Nightshade Farming Charm]]
*NVMRC – Non–Violent Mouse Removal Charity, formerly a popular group; see also: [[NVMRC Forcefield Trap]]
*Obe – [[Obelisk]] trap
*OAT – [[Obvious Ambush Trap]]
*OESB – [[Overgrown Ember Stone Base]]
*OMG – [[Onyx Gorgonzola|Onyx (Marbled) Gorgonzola]] cheese
*OoI – [[Obelisk of Incineration]] trap
*OoI – [[Obelisk of Incineration]] trap
*OoS – [[Obelisk of Slumber]] trap
*OoS – [[Obelisk of Slumber]] trap
*OP – Original Poster, or Original Post
*OWN or OWNT – [[Oasis Water Node Trap]]
*PB – [[PartyBot]] or [[Polar Base]]
*Papy – [[Papyrus Base]]
*PB – [[Prestige Base]]
*PC or Pin – [[Pinnacle Chamber]] location
*PC or Pin – [[Pinnacle Chamber]] location
*Plank – [[Wooden Base]] or [[Plank of Gingerbread]]
*Pol – [[Polar Base]]  
*Pol – [[Polar Base]]  
*Portal – [[Ambrosial Portal]] or [[Sinister Portal]]
*Portal – [[Ambrosial Portal]] or [[Sinister Portal]]
*Pot or Ptn – [[Potion]]
*POT – [[Phantasmic Oasis Trap]]
*PP – [[Prickly Plains]] or [[Pumpkin Pummeler]] or [[Predatory Processor]]
*PPC – [[Polluted Parmesan Cheese]]
*PWM – [[Paladin Weapon Master]] Mouse
*QC – [[Queso Canyon]]
*QCGT – [[Queso Canyon Grand Tour Treasure Map|Queso Canyon Grand Tour]] Treasure Map
*QFT – [[Queso Fount Trap]]
*QPC – [[Queso Pump Charm]]
*QQ – [[Quantum Quartz]] or [[Queen Quesada]]
*QR – [[Queso River]]
*RB – [[Radioactive Blue]] cheese
*RageBot – [[Enraged RhinoBot]]
*RBCCP or RB potion – [[Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potion]]
*RB – [[RhinoBot]] or [[Radioactive Blue]] cheese
*RECS - Rare Elite Chrome Slayer
*RELC – [[Rift Extreme Luck Charm]]
*REPC – [[Rift Extreme Power Charm]]
*RESP - [[Empyrean Sky Palace Treasure Map|Rare Empyrean Sky Palace]] Treasure Map
*RH – [[Relic Hunter]] mouse
*RLC – [[Royal Loot Crate]] or [[Rift Luck Charm]]
*RMD – [[Rare Map Dust]]
*RMM – [[Retired Minotaur Mouse]]
*RNG – [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_number_generation Random Number Generator]
*RP – [[Reaper's Perch]]
*RPC – [[Rift Power Charm]]
*RQCGT - [[Queso Canyon Grand Tour Treasure Map|Rare Queso Canyon Grand Tour]] Treasure Map
*RR – Round Robin (mapping term) or Reactive Reagent
*RRBC – [[Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese]]
*RRSPG – [[Really, Really Shiny Precious Gold]]
*RS – [[Radioactive Sludge]]
*RSC – [[Runic String Cheese]]
*RST – [[Rune Shark Trap]]
*RSLC – [[Rift Super Luck Charm]]
*RSPC – [[Rift Super Power Charm]]
*RSVC – [[Rift Super Vacuum Charm]]
*RTC – Ready to catch
*RTW – Read the Wiki
*RULC – [[Rift Ultimate Luck Charm]]
*RULPC – [[Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charm]]
*RUPC – [[Rift Ultimate Power Charm]]
*RVC – [[Rift Vacuum Charm]]
*SAM, SAMT, Swiss or Swiss Army – [[Swiss Army Mouse Trap]]
*S^4 or SSSS – [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/forum/showthread.php?13569 –Beware –of –a –terrible –Malady –spreading –among –MouseHunters.| Small Sample Size Syndrome]
*SAC  – [[Spiked Anchor Charm]], [[Super Ancient Charm]] or [[Super Attraction Charm]]
*SAM, SAMT, or Swiss Army – [[Swiss Army Mouse Trap]]
*SAQ – [[Solidified Amber Queso]]
*SB or SB+ – [[SUPER brie+|SUPER|brie+]] cheese
*SB or SB+ – [[SUPER brie+|SUPER|brie+]] cheese
*SBB – [[Spellbook Base]]
*SBC  – [[Spellbook Charm]]
*SBM – [[Sandblasted Metal]]
*SC – [[Sunken City]] or [[Sphynx Crystal]]
*SCC – [[Super Cactus Charm]]
*SCG – [[Stale Cupcake Golem]] Trap
*SCK – [[Gift Baskets#Slushy Crafting Kit|Slushy Crafting Kit]]
*SD – [[Sand Dollar]]
*SDBC – [[Super Dragonbane Charm]]
*SeaGou – [[Seasoned Gouda]] cheese
*SEH  – [[Spring Egg Hunt]]
*SERT – [[Scarlet Ember Root Trap]]
*SG – [[Seasonal Garden]] location or [[Seasoned Gouda]] cheese
*Sin – [[Sinister Portal]]
*Sin – [[Sinister Portal]]
*SnoB – [[Snow Barrage]]
*SJB – [[Snake Jade Base]]
*SLC – [[Super Luck Charm]]
*SLM3 or SLMk3 – [[Steam Laser Mk. III]], SLM2 for [[Steam Laser Mk. II]], etc.
*SLOC – [[Super Lantern Oil Charm]]
*SM – [[Sleepy Merchant]] mouse (mapping term)
*SMB – [[Sandstorm Monstrobot]]
*SNSFC or SNFC – [[Super Nightshade Farming Charm]]
*SoBi – [[Soul Binder]] (mapping term)
*Sojo – [[Dojo Sensei]]
*SoS – [[School of Sharks]]
*SPC – [[Super Power Charm]]
*SPS – [[Sky Pirate Swiss Cheese]]
*SQPC – [[Super Queso Pump Charm]]
*SS – [[Sandtail Sentinel]] or [[Supreme Sensei]] or [[Stormsurge, the Vile Tempest]] or [[Seashell]]
*SSD – [[Spooky Shuffle Dust]] or [[Snowball Showdown Dust]]
*SSDB – [[Signature Series Denture Base]]
*SSH or Ship – [[S.S. Huntington IV]] location
*SSST - [[Smoldering Stone Sentinel Trap]]
*SW or SWAT– [[Sphynx Wrath]]
*SWB or SWBT – [[Storm Wrought Ballista Trap]]
*SWJC – [[Smart Water Jet Charm]]
*Tar, Tgt or Target – [[Wooden Base with Target]]
*T1 – [[Sleeping Stone Trap]] (Tactical 1 Trap Floating Islands)
*TG – [[Training Grounds]] location
*T2 – [[Slumbering Boulder Trap]] (Tactical 2 Trap Floating Islands)
*Ticket – [[Ticket to the Burroughs Bazaar]]
*TA – [[Terrified Adventurer]]
*Treb – [[Mouse Trebuchet]]
*TC – [[Twisted Carmine]] or Trap Check
*TDT – [[Timesplit Dissonance Trap]]
*TDW – [[Timesplit Dissonance Weapon]]
*TE – [[The Total Eclipse]]
*TEM – Trap [[Effectiveness]] Meter (seen on the Trap Setup after clicking Effectiveness)
*TG – [[Training Grounds]] or [[Town of Gnawnia]] or [[Twisted Garden]] locations
*TGT – [[Tacky Glue Trap]]
*TI – [[Tribal Isles]] region
*ToD – [[Town of Digby]]
*ToG – [[Town of Gnawnia]]
*TOS – [https://hitgrab.helpshift.com/a/mousehunt/?s=rules&p=web Terms of Service, the rules]
*Tourney – [[Tournament]]
*TPP – [[Technic Pawn Pincher]]
*Triple Crown – catching both Kings and the [[Chess Master]] during a single run in [[Zugzwang's Tower]]
*TR or TRC – [[Terre Ricotta Cheese]]
*TS – [[Toxic Spill]]
*TSP – [[Temporal Shadow Plate]]
*TSR – [[Timesplit Rune]]
*TST – [[Terrifying Spider Trap]]
*TT or TTT – [[Temporal Turbine]] Trap
*TVMT – [[Thorned Venus Mouse Trap]]
*UAC – [[Ultimate Anchor Charm]] or [[Ultimate Attraction Charm]]
*UC – [[Ultimate Charm]]
*UE – [[Undead Emmental]]
*UIB – [[Ultimate Iceberg Base]]
*ULC – [[Ultimate Luck Charm]]
*ULPC – [[Ultimate Lucky Power Charm]]
*UPC – [[Ultimate Power Charm]]
*USC – [[Ultimate Spore Charm]] or [[Ultimate Snowball Charm]]
*USE – [[Undead String Emmental]]
*UU – [[Valour Rift#Augmentations|Ultimate Umbra]]
*UWC – [[Ultimate Wealth Charm]]
*VMT – [[Venus Mouse Trap]]
*VMT or Venus – [[Venus Mouse Trap]]
*VRift – [[Valour Rift]]
*VS – [[Vanilla Stilton]] cheese
*VV – [[Varmint Valley]]
*VVS – [[Vengeful Vanilla Stilton]] cheese
*WC – [[White Cheddar]] cheese  
*Walter – [[Dojo Sensei]]
*WBT or WBWT – [[Wooden Base with Target]]
*WC – [[White Cheddar]] cheese
*WGC – [[Wicked Gnarly]] cheese
*WM – [[Warmonger]] mouse
*WST – [[Warden Slayer Trap]]
*WT – [[Wild Tonic]]
*WW – [[Whisker Woods]] location
*WW – [[Whisker Woods]] location
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*YMMV – Your Mileage May Vary  – see DHU/DLU
*ZF – [[Zurreal's Folly]]
*ZFM – [[Zugzwang's First Move]]
*ZLM – [[Zugzwang's Last Move]]
*ZLM – [[Zugzwang's Last Move]]
*ZT or ZZT – [[Zugzwang's Tower]]
*ZUM – [[Zugzwang's Ultimate Move]]

Revision as of 02:39, 22 May 2024

The following list contains some of the more commonly used abbreviations and other jargon found on MouseHunt Discussion Boards.

Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


























  • YMMV – Your Mileage May Vary – see DHU/DLU