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(Redirected from Warpath Marching)



The following is a list of tournaments and their scoring system. Normal tournaments may be available throughout the year, while event tournaments are only available during the appropriate event.

Normal Tournaments

Baker's Dozen

Help keep the Windmill in good repair. Capture Captain Croissant and her cronies for Tournament Points!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Grey 1
Longtail 1
Pugilist 1
Scruffy 1
Spud 1
White 1
Farmhand 5
Flying 5
Silvertail 5
Speedy 5
Tiny 5
Diamond 6
Gold 6
Mole 10
Captain Croissant 13

Bazaar Burglary

The Bazaar is infamous for being overrun with Burglar mice. Hunt down Burglars and score big in this Tournament!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Bazaar to get points.

Mouse Points
Bionic 1
Dwarf 1
Granite 1
Mutated Grey 1
Mutated White 1
Steel 1
Black Widow 15
Crown Collector 15
Nibbler 15
Burglar 25
Master Burglar 50

Bristle Woods Rift: Portal Plunders

Put your portal hopping abilities to the test to wrack up the most points in this tournament.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Bristle Woods Rift to get points.

Mouse Points
Portal Pursuer 1
Skeletal Champion 3
Record Keeper's Assistant 5
Sentient Slime 5
Record Keeper 7
Chamber Cleaver 10
Dread Knight 10
Portal Plunderer 12
Clockwork Timespinner 12
Epoch Golem 20
Harbinger of Death 25
Vigilant Ward 30
Timelost Thaumaturge 30
Shackled Servant 30
Portal Paladin 30
Timeslither Pythoness 30
Carrion Medium 40
Timeless Lich 40
Chronomaster 45
Absolute Acolyte 75

Burroughs Rift: Dirty

Get down and dirty with the Rift dirt dwellers! Terre Ricotta cheese will take you to victory in this Tournament!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Itty Bitty Rifty Burroughs 3
Pneumatic Dirt Displacement 3
Rifterranian 3
Clump 5
Cyber Miner 5
Portable Generator 5
Boulder Biter 8
Lambent 8
Master Exploder 8
Monstrous Abomination 15
Big Bad Behemoth Burroughs 20

Burroughs Rift: Polluted

Those repulsive, polluted mice need to be cleaned up! Polluted Parmesan is your key to victory in this Tournament!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Mecha Tail 3
Portable Generator 5
Radioactive Ooze 5
Toxikinetic 5
Rancid Bog Beast 8
Super Mega Mecha Ultra RoboGold 8
Toxic Avenger 8
Monstrous Abomination 10
Assassin Beast 15
Plutonium Tentacle 15
Menace of the Rift 20

Burroughs Rift: Stay in the green

Keep those mist levels stable in the green to win this Burroughs Rift tournament!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Amplified Brown 1
Amplified Grey 1
Amplified White 1
Automated Sentry 1
Cybernetic Specialist 1
Doktor 1
Evil Scientist 1
Rift Bio Engineer 1
Surgeon Bot 1
Assassin Beast 2
Big Bad Behemoth Burroughs 2
Monstrous Abomination 2
Plutonium Tentacle 2
Clump 3
Count Vampire 3
Cyber Miner 3
Itty Bitty Rifty Burroughs 3
Mecha Tail 3
Phase Zombie 3
Pneumatic Dirt Displacement 3
Prototype 3
Radioactive Ooze 3
Rifterranian 3
Robat 3
Tech Ravenous Zombie 3
Toxikinetic 3
Menace of the Rift 5
Boulder Biter 10
Lambent 10
Lycanoid 10
Master Exploder 10
Rancid Bog Beast 10
Revenant 10
Super Mega Mecha Ultra RoboGold 10
Toxic Avenger 10
Zombot Unipire the Third 10

Burroughs Riftwalking

Mist your way through the Burroughs Rift in this competition. A Mastery of the mist levels with adequate supplies are required to rule this tournament!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Amplified Brown 3
Amplified White 3
Count Vampire 3
Cybernetic Specialist 3
Lycanoid 3
Phase Zombie 3
Revenant 3
Rift Bio Engineer 3
Tech Ravenous Zombie 3
Zombot Unipire the Third 3
Boulder Biter 4
Master Exploder 4
Mecha Tail 4
Radioactive Ooze 4
Robat 4
Toxikinetic 4
Amplified Grey 5
Clump 5
Cyber Miner 5
Itty Bitty Rifty Burroughs 5
Lambent 5
Prototype 5
Rancid Bog Beast 5
Rifterranian 5
Toxic Avenger 5
Pneumatic Dirt Displacement 6
Super Mega Mecha Ultra RoboGold 6
Automated Sentry 8
Doktor 8
Evil Scientist 8
Surgeon Bot 8
Assassin Beast 10
Plutonium Tentacle 10
Portable Generator 15
Big Bad Behemoth Burroughs 20
Monstrous Abomination 20
Menace of the Rift 50

Catacombs Competitors

Test your bravery by exploring the depths of the Catacombs.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Catacombs to get points.

Mouse Points
Bat 1
Ghost 1
Giant Snail 1
Mummy 1
Zombie 1
Keeper 5
Keeper's Assistant 5
Ooze 5
Spider 5
Scavenger 10
Terror Knight 10
Golem 30
Vampire 30

Crushed Ice

It's time to bring the fight to the mice directly on the iceberg! The King is offering tournament points and rewards for mice located on Icewing's Iceberg and wants YOU to go out and claim them!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Iceberg or Slushy Shoreline to get points.

Mouse Points
Incompetent Ice Climber 1
Living Salt 1
Polar Bear 1
Snow Slinger 1
Snow Soldier 1
Frostlance Guard 3
Chipper 5
Heavy Blaster 5
Iceblade 5
Icebreaker 5
Saboteur 5
Snowblind 5
Stickybomber 5
Water Wielder 5
Iceblock 10
Lady Coldsnap 10
Lord Splodington 10
Princess Fist 10
Snow Sniper 10
Wolfskie 10
Frostwing Commander 20
General Drheller 20
Icewing 20
Snow Bowler 20
Yeti 20
Mammoth 30

Derr Tribal Hunting

Capture mice from the Derr Tribe and score big!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Derr Dunes or Cape Clawed to get points.

Mouse Points
Healer 1
Trailblazer 1
Wordsmith 1
Grunt 10
Spellbinder 10
Mintaka 15
Renegade 15
Seer 15
Derr Chieftain 20
Gladiator 20
Guardian 20
Aged 30
Black Widow 50

Desert Market Mice

Search the Muridae Market!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Muridae Market to get points.

Mouse Points
Pie Thief 1
Snake Charmer 1
Desert Architect 5
Falling Carpet 8
Spice Merchant 8
Glass Blower 10
Limestone Miner 10
Lumberjack 10
Market Guard 12
Market Thief 12
Blacksmith 15
Mage Weaver 15
Desert Nomad 30

District Dangers

The districts within Zokor have unique dangers all their own. Which district will take you to victory?
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Zokor to get points.

Mouse Points
Ash Golem 5
Drudge 5
Masked Pikeman 5
Reanimated Carver 5
RR-8 5
Sanguinarian 5
Shadow Stalker 5
Summoning Scholar 5
Automated Stone Sentry 10
Mind Tearer 10
Mystic Guardian 10
Mystic Herald 10
Solemn Soldier 10
Tech Golem 10
Dark Templar 20
Fungal Technomorph 20
Hired Eidolon 20
Mimic 20
Mystic Scholar 20
Battle Cleric 25
Ethereal Guardian 25
Exo-Tech 25
Mush Monster 25
Mushroom Harvester 25
Matron of Wealth 30
Ancient Scribe 35
Matron of Machinery 35
Nightshade Fungalmancer 35
Nightshade Nanny 35
Sir Fleekio 35
Treasure Brawler 35
Decrepit Tentacle Terror 40
Molten Midas 100
Manaforge Smith 250
Paladin Weapon Master 250
Soul Binder 250
Retired Minotaur 500

Dragon Slaying

Head to Dracano and earn big points for slaying Dragon Mice!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Dracano to get points.

Mouse Points
Whelpling 30
Draconic Warden 60
Dragon 100

Elub Tribal Hunting

Capture mice from the Elub Tribe and score big!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Elub Shore or Cape Clawed to get points.

Mouse Points
Alchemist 1
Scout 1
Taleweaver 1
Mystic 10
Pack 10
Alnitak 15
Soothsayer 15
Vanquisher 15
Champion 20
Elub Chieftain 20
Protector 20
Elder 30
Black Widow 50

Forgotten Tournament

Hunt The Forgotten mice and explore the evil plans of the Acolyte...
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Giant Snail 1
Ooze 1
Spider 1
Keeper 5
Keeper's Assistant 5
Scavenger 5
Golem 10
Gorgon 10
Spectre 10
Gargoyle 15
Sorcerer 15
Terror Knight 15
Lich 25
Realm Ripper 25
Wight 25
Acolyte 100
Chrono 100
Reaper 100

Fort Rox Fortitude

Test your fort against the best in this Fort Rox Tournament.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Fort Rox to get points.

Mouse Points
Battering Ram 6
Meteorite Miner 7
Mischievous Meteorite Miner 7
Meteorite Snacker 8
Hardworking Hauler 9
Werehauler 9
Mischievous Wereminer 9
Nightfire 9
Meteorite Mover 10
Reveling Lycanthrope 10
Wereminer 10
Hypnotized Gunslinger 11
Mining Materials Manager 12
Nightmancer 12
Alpha Weremouse 12
Night Shift Materials Manager 12
Wealthy Werewarrior 12
Meteorite Mystic 15
Arcane Summoner 15
Meteorite Golem 15
Cursed Taskmaster 15
Night Watcher 15
Dawn Guardian 15
Monster of the Meteor 30

Full Moon

Equip your Moon cheese to score points in this Full Moon Tournament!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Bat 4
Ghost 4
Mummy 4
Ravenous Zombie 4
Zombie 4
Scavenger 7
Sorcerer 7
Vampire 7
Lycan 47

Fungal Cavern: Spelunking

Explore the depths of the Fungal Cavern and catch the mice in the cave! The deeper you go, the more the mice are worth!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Fungal Cavern to get points.

Mouse Points
Mouldy Mole 5
Spore Muncher 5
Sporeticus 5
Bitter Root 10
Floating Spore 10
Lumahead 10
Spiked Burrower 10
Cavern Crumbler 15
Crag Elder 15
Dirt Thing 15
Funglore 15
Mush 15
Mushroom Sprite 15
Quillback 15
Stone Maiden 15
Crystal Cave Worm 20
Crystal Golem 20
Crystal Lurker 20
Crystal Queen 20
Crystalline Slasher 20
Gemorpher 20
Stalagmite 20
Nightshade Masquerade 25
Crystal Controller 30
Crystal Observer 30
Crystalback 30
Gemstone Worshipper 30
Shattered Obsidian 30
Splintered Stone Sentry 30
Huntereater 50
Diamondhide 75
Crystal Behemoth 100

Furoma Master Hunt

Hunt your way through the Dojo, Meditation Room and Pinnacle Chamber!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Diamond 1
Gold 1
Kung Fu 15
Ninja 15
Samurai 15
Dojo Sensei 20
Master of the Dojo 20
Student of the Cheese Belt 20
Student of the Cheese Claw 20
Student of the Cheese Fang 20
Master of the Cheese Belt 25
Master of the Cheese Claw 25
Master of the Cheese Fang 25
Dumpling Chef 50
Worker 50
Assassin 100

Furoma Rift: Enter the Pagoda

Prove yourself within the Grand Pagoda!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Furoma Rift to get points.

Mouse Points
Raw Diamond 1
Wealth 1
Militant Samurai 15
Shaolin Kung Fu 15
Shinobi 15
Student of the Chi Belt 20
Student of the Chi Claw 20
Student of the Chi Fang 20
Master of the Chi Belt 25
Master of the Chi Claw 25
Master of the Chi Fang 25
Enlightened Labourer 50
Grand Master of the Dojo 50
Supreme Sensei 75
Dancing Assassin 100

Gauntlet Gladiators

Catch mice in the first four floors of the King's Gauntlet for points and prizes!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in King's Gauntlet to get points.

Mouse Points
Wound Up White 11
Hapless Marionette 13
Impersonator 13
Berserker 17
Escape Artist 17
Lockpick 17
Page 17
Toy Sylvan 17
Bandit 19
Clockwork Samurai 19
Cowbell 19
Drummer 19
Knight 19
Phalanx 19
Stealth 19
Fiddler 23
Guqin Player 23
Sock Puppet Ghost 23
Dancer 29
Fencer 31
Cavalier 37
Rogue 83
Puppet Master 167

Geyser Looting

Loot the powerful eruptions of Queso Geyser to claim dominance of the queso!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Queso Geyser to get points.

Mouse Points
Fuzzy Drake 1
Cork Defender 1
Mild Spicekin 1
Sizzle Pup 2
Smoldersnap 2
Bearded Elder 2
Burly Bruiser 5
Steam Sailor 5
Warming Wyvern 5
Horned Cork Hoarder 7
Vaporior 7
Ignatia 12
Cinderstorm 12
Rambunctious Rain Rumbler 32
Pyrehyde 32
Corky, the Collector 60
Bruticus, the Blazing 60
Stormsurge, the Vile Tempest 170
Corkataur 300
Kalor'ignis of the Geyser 500
Emberstone Scaled 1,250

Gnawnia Riftwalking

Walking the Rift can be difficult no matter your setup. With lots of winning options, how will you approach this hunting competition?
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Gnawnia Rift to get points.

Mouse Points
Brawny 7
Greyrun 7
Riftweaver 7
Agitated Gentle Giant 10
Excitable Electric 10
Rift Guardian 10
Supernatural 10
Cyborg 15
Shard Centurion 15
Spiritual Steel 15
Dream Drifter 20
Micro 20
Raw Diamond 33
Wealth 33
Mighty Mole 35
Goliath Field 65

Goliath Rift Showdown

Prepare for an epic showdown with the Goliath Field Mouse. This tournament will have the entire Kingdom shaking with resonation!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Gnawnia Rift to get points.

Mouse Points
Brawny 3
Greyrun 3
Riftweaver 3
Agitated Gentle Giant 10
Excitable Electric 10
Supernatural 10
Dream Drifter 15
Micro 15
Mighty Mole 17
Rift Guardian 25
Cyborg 50
Shard Centurion 50
Spiritual Steel 50
Raw Diamond 70
Wealth 70
Goliath Field 400

High Altitude Rush!

It's a race to reach above the clouds! Navigate the Floating Islands to get back to a High Altitude island as quickly as possible and score big points! Watch out for the Daydreamer and Kite Flyer while en route!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Floating Islands to get points.

Mouse Points
Daydreamer -11
Kite Flyer -11
Skydiver 5
Sky Greaser 5
Launchpad Labourer 17
Cloud Miner 17
Warden of Rain 29
Warden of Fog 29
Warden of Frost 29
Warden of Wind 29
Sky Squire 199
Shadow Sage 199
Captain Cloudkicker 199
Sky Highborne 199
Spheric Diviner 199
Mist Maker 199
Regal Spearman 199
Agent M 199
Paragon of Strength 349
Paragon of Shadow 349
Paragon of Tactics 349
Paragon of Arcane 349
Paragon of Forgotten 349
Paragon of Water 349
Paragon of Dragons 349
Paragon of the Lawless 349

High Seas Hunting

Enjoy the scent of sea salt and fresh air while hunting mice aboard the S.S. Huntington II!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in S.S. Huntington IV to get points.

Mouse Points
Briegull 1
Pinchy 1
Swabbie 1
Buccaneer 5
Shipwrecked 5
Siren 5
Bottled 15
Captain 15
Cook 15
Leviathan 25
Mermouse 25
Squeaken 25
Shelder 300

His Royal Majesty's Tournament Hall Competition

A special Tournament taking place in Valour occasionally arranged by the King himself! Have your trap compete against the Great Gnawnian Games mice at the Tournament Hall to prove yourself a champion! Earn Torch Charms and DOUBLE the usual Tournament Tokens to celebrate your victory!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Tournament Hall to get points.

Mouse Points
Lightning Rod 2
Flying 2
Dwarf 2
Speedy 5
Pugilist 5
Burglar 5
Gold 23
Diamond 23
Silvertail 80
Nibbler 80
Winter Games 100
Trampoline 140
Hurdle 175
Wave Racer 190
Extreme Everysports 250

Indigenous Mouse Hunting

A handful of Indigenous Mice are worth Tournament Points, can you find which ones and come out on top?
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Grey 1
Lightning Rod 1
Scruffy 1
Spotted 1
White 1
Bionic 5
Fog 5
Granite 5
Pugilist 5
Spud 5
Steel 5
Mutated Grey 8
Mutated White 8
Zombie 8
Diamond 10
Flying 10
Frozen 10
Gold 10
Magic 10
Silvertail 10
Farmhand 15
Pebble 15
Tiny 15
Crown Collector 30
Nibbler 30
Pirate 30
Black Widow 50
Mole 50
Monster 50

King's Challenge

Catch mice in the last four floors of the King's Gauntet for a real challenge!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in King's Gauntlet to get points.

Mouse Points
Aquos 17
Ignis 17
Terra 17
Zephyr 17
Sacred Shrine 19
White Mage 19
Fiend 23
Eclipse 29
Necromancer 41
Paladin 43
Black Mage 67

Laboratory Potion Hunting

Looking for a little competition while collecting Radioactive Blue Potions? Steel, Granite and Bionic in the Laboratory are worth a bundle of points in this tournament! Remember hunter: as an aspiring scientist all your hunting must take place in the Burroughs Laboratory.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Laboratory to get points.

Mouse Points
Mutated White 1
Mutated Grey 1
Mutated Brown 1
Burglar 5
Monster 5
Black Widow 5
Sludge Scientist 20
Squeaker Bot 20
Bionic 20
Clumsy Chemist 30

Library Brawl

Compete in the Crystal Library and help defend it from the invading mice!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Crystal Library to get points.

Mouse Points
Explorator 1
Pocketwatch 1
Bookborn 5
Flutterby 5
Tome Sprite 5
Effervescent 10
Infiltrator 10
Walker 10
Scribe 15
Steam Grip 15
Zurreal the Eternal 25
Aether 100

Lich Look Out

Can your team capture the Liches and come out on the top of this tournament's scoreboard?
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Balack's Cove to get points.

Mouse Points
Brimstone 1
Davy Jones 1
Twisted Fiend 1
Enslaved Spirit 5
Riptide 5
Tidal Fisher 5
Derr Lich 25
Elub Lich 25
Nerg Lich 25
Balack the Banished 100

Lost in the Labyrinth

Get lost within the Labyrinth and find yourself some tournament points on the way out!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Labyrinth to get points.

Mouse Points
Corridor Bruiser 1
Lost 1
Lost Legionnaire 1
Reanimated Carver 1
Drudge 3
RR-8 3
Summoning Scholar 3
Ash Golem 5
Masked Pikeman 5
Mystic Guardian 5
Sanguinarian 5
Solemn Soldier 5
Tech Golem 5
Mush Monster 7
Mushroom Harvester 7
Automated Stone Sentry 10
Mind Tearer 10
Mystic Herald 10
Shadow Stalker 10
Nightshade Nanny 12
Hired Eidolon 15
Mimic 15
Dark Templar 20
Fungal Technomorph 20
Mystic Scholar 20
Treasure Brawler 25

Mousoleum Mastery

Stock up on Radioactive Blue Cheese and hunt the spooky mice that lurk in the Mousoleum.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Mousoleum to get points.

Mouse Points
Gluttonous Zombie 5
Zombie 5
Ravenous Zombie 7
Coffin Zombie 10
Mummy 25
Ghost 25
Bat 30
Giant Snail 30
Vampire 30
Lycan 40
Mousevina von Vermin 50
Monster 70
Black Widow 100

Nerg Tribal Hunting

Capture mice from the Nerg Tribe and score big!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Nerg Plains or Cape Clawed to get points.

Mouse Points
Caretaker 1
Narrator 1
Pathfinder 1
Beast Tamer 10
Finder 10
Alnilam 15
Conjurer 15
Conqueror 15
Defender 20
Nerg Chieftain 20
Slayer 20
Grandfather 30
Black Widow 50

Oxygen Collecting

Travel to the Sunken City to refill your supply of Oxygen Canisters! Will you track down the powerful Oxygen Baron to score big?
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Sunken City to get points.

Mouse Points
City Noble 10
Sunken Citizen 30
City Worker 50
Hydrologist 80
Enginseer 100
Elite Guardian 120
Clumsy Carrier 150
Oxygen Baron 250

Plateau Perils

The Moussu Picchu Plateau is ripe with danger and dragons! Brave the storm and earn the big points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Moussu Picchu to get points.

Mouse Points
Spore Salesman 2
Nightshade Flower Girl 2
Windy Farmer 4
Breeze Borrower 4
Cloud Collector 4
Rainwater Purifier 4
Wind Watcher 4
Charming Chimer 4
Rain Wallower 4
Rain Collector 4
Homeopathic Apothecary 5
Nightshade Maiden 5
Thunder Strike 5
Violet Stormchild 5
Fluttering Flutist 6
Rain Summoner 6
Cycloness 9
Monsoon Maker 9
Wind Warrior 10
Rainmancer 10
⚡Thunderlord⚡ 10
Thundering Watcher 10
Dragoon 15
Ful'Mina, The Mountain Queen 20

Queso Canyoneering

Traverse the treacherous canyon! Conquer the Quarry, Pick the plains and Ride the river to win!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Queso River, Prickly Plains or Cantera Quarry to get points.

Mouse Points
Pump Raider Mouse 5
Tiny Saboteur Mouse 5
Croquet Crusher Mouse 7
Queso Extractor Mouse 7
Spice Seer Mouse 10
Old Spice Collector Mouse 10
Chip Chiseler Mouse 10
Tiny Toppler Mouse 4
Rain Wallower 10
Spice Farmer 20
Granny Spice Mouse 20
Ore Chipper Mouse 20
Rubble Rummager Mouse 20
Sleepy Merchant Mouse 25
Spice Sovereign Mouse 30
Spice Finder Mouse 30
Nachore Golem Mouse 30
Rubble Rouser Mouse 30
Spice Raider Mouse 40
Spice Reaper Mouse 40
Grampa Golem Mouse 40
Fiery Crusher Mouse 40
Inferna, The Engulfed 75
Nachous, The Molten 75
Queen Quesada 200

Rift Resonation

Gather Resonator ingredients and battle your way to the top of the scoreboard!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Gnawnia Rift to get points.

Mouse Points
Brawny 3
Greyrun 3
Riftweaver 3
Agitated Gentle Giant 10
Excitable Electric 10
Supernatural 10
Dream Drifter 15
Micro 15
Goliath Field 17
Mighty Mole 17
Rift Guardian 25
Cyborg 50
Shard Centurion 52
Spiritual Steel 53
Wealth 68
Raw Diamond 70

Rift Undead Rising

Hunt down zombies both in this world and on the Rift Plane!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Ghost 3
Mummy 3
Terror Knight 5
Vampire 5
Golem 7
Keeper 7
Zombie 12
Ravenous Zombie 18
Zombot Unipire 20
Phase Zombie 30
Tech Ravenous Zombie 30
Zombot Unipire the Third 45
Gluttonous Zombie 75
Grave Robber 100

Riftiago Foraging

Are you a master of gathering Riftiago Potions? Prove your mastery in this otherworldly hunting competition!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Gnawnia Rift to get points.

Mouse Points
Brawny 3
Riftweaver 7
Greyrun 9
Rift Guardian 10
Cyborg 15
Shard Centurion 15
Spiritual Steel 15
Raw Diamond 17
Wealth 17
Agitated Gentle Giant 20
Excitable Electric 20
Supernatural 20
Goliath Field 40
Mighty Mole 40
Dream Drifter 75
Micro 75

Sky Palace Thieving Competition

Lock in coordinates and blast off to raid the Empyrean Sky Palace!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Floating Islands to get points.

Mouse Points
Skydiver 2
Sky Greaser 2
Launchpad Labourer 2
Cloud Miner 3
Ground Gavaleer 3
Astrological Astronomer 3
Worried Wayfinder 3
Sky Glass Sorcerer 3
Spry Sky Explorer 3
Nimbomancer 3
Tiny Dragonfly 3
Devious Gentleman 3
Sky Swordsman 5
Overcaster 5
Gyrologer 5
Sky Glass Glazier 5
Spry Sky Seer 5
Sky Surfer 5
Lancer Guard 5
Stack of Thieves 5
Spry Sky Explorer 5
Herc 7
Stratocaster 7
Seasoned Islandographer 7
Sky Dancer 7
Cumulost 7
Cute Cloud Conjurer 7
Dragonbreather 7
Lawbender 7
Warden of Rain 10
Warden of Fog 10
Warden of Frost 10
Warden of Wind 10
Sky Squire 11
Shadow Sage 11
Captain Cloudkicker 11
Sky Highborne 11
Spheric Diviner 11
Mist Maker 11
Regal Spearman 11
Agent M 11
Scarlet Revenger 13
Mairitime Pirate 13
Admiral Cloudbeard 13
Richard the Rich 19
Paragon of Strength 19
Paragon of Shadow 19
Paragon of Tactics 19
Paragon of Arcane 19
Paragon of Forgotten 19
Paragon of Water 19
Paragon of Dragons 19
Paragon of the Lawless 19
Glamorous Gladiator 23
Zealous Academic 23
Rocketeer 23
Sky Glider 23
Forgotten Elder 23
Cloud Strider 23
Empyrean Javelineer 23
Aristo-Cat Burglar 23
Consumed Charm Tinkerer 29
Empyrean Appraiser 29
Empyrean Geologist 37
Peggy the Plunderer 37
Fortuitous Fool 37
Empyrean Empress 61

Slushy Showdown

There's more icy mice than ever before, which means we need more hunters than ever before!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Slushy Shoreline to get points.

Mouse Points
Incompetent Ice Climber 3
Polar Bear 5
Snow Slinger 5
Snow Soldier 5
Snow Sniper 10
Chipper 15
Icebreaker 15
Living Ice 20
Saboteur 20
Snow Bowler 20
Yeti 20

Slushy Struggle

It's cold, it's wet, and it's full of angry mice, but the Slushy Shoreline is the perfect place to hold a tournament to encourage the defense of Gnawnia!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Slushy Shoreline to get points.

Mouse Points
Incompetent Ice Climber 3
Snow Soldier 5
Polar Bear 7
Snow Slinger 50
Chipper 75
Snow Bowler 100

This tournament was available from 9 May to 13 May 2012 with the release of the Slushy Shoreline location, during the second phase of the Iceberg Invasion release.

Subterranean Showdown

Visit the Town of Digby and compete to prove yourself as the best research team! Limelight Cheese is sure to come in handy when seeking high point value mice!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Town of Digby to get points.

Mouse Points
Bionic 1
Granite 1
Steel 1
Core Sample 3
Industrious Digger 3
Rock Muncher 3
Demolitions 5
Miner 5
Stone Cutter 5
Itty-Bitty Burroughs 10
Lambent Crystal 10
Subterranean 10
Big Bad Burroughs 75
Mole 75
Nugget 75

Sunken City Deep Diving

Test just how long you can hold your breath by diving past 10,000 metres to seek out big catches!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Sunken City to get points.

Mouse Points
City Noble 1
Cuttle 1
Manatee 1
Puffer 1
Sunken Citizen 2
Barnacle Beautician 3
Bottom Feeder 3
City Worker 3
Coral 3
Coral Cuddler 3
Crabolia 3
Guppy 3
School of Mish 3
Seadragon 3
Tadpole 3
Hydrologist 5
Mlounder Flounder 5
Enginseer 7
Sand Dollar Diver 7
Barracuda 8
Clownfish 8
Elite Guardian 8
Saltwater Axolotl 8
Clumsy Carrier 9
Derpshark 9
Sand Dollar Queen 9
Spear Fisher 9
Jellyfish 10
Koimaid 10
Stingray 10
Coral Harvester 12
Dread Pirate Mousert 12
Mermousette 12
Coral Gardener 15
Octomermaid 15
Pirate Anchor 15
Coral Dragon 17
Deep Sea Diver 17
Mershark 17
Oxygen Baron 20
Pearl 22
Pearl Diver 22
Carnivore 30
Serpent Monster 30
Angelfish 50
Betta 50
Eel 50
Angler 200
Coral Guard 200
Swashblade 200
Old One 240
Sunken Banshee 240
Turret Guard 240
Coral Queen 270
Deranged Deckhand 270
Urchin King 270
Treasure Hoarder 500
Treasure Keeper 720
Ancient of the Deep 900
Tritus 2,000

Sunken Danger

Brave the most dangerous areas under the Rodentia Ocean to capture the most powerful of the Deep Sea Dwellers!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Sunken City to get points.

Mouse Points
Cuttle 1
Manatee 1
Puffer 1
Jellyfish 2
Koimaid 2
Stingray 2
Bottom Feeder 3
Coral Cuddler 3
Coral Harvester 3
Dread Pirate Mousert 3
Mermousette 3
School of Mish 3
Barnacle Beautician 5
Coral Gardener 5
Guppy 5
Octomermaid 5
Pirate Anchor 5
Seadragon 5
Coral 8
Coral Dragon 8
Crabolia 8
Deep Sea Diver 8
Mershark 8
Tadpole 8
Mlounder Flounder 10
Sand Dollar Diver 10
Saltwater Axolotl 25
Sand Dollar Queen 25
Pearl 30
Pearl Diver 30
Angelfish 40
Betta 40
Eel 40
Angler 44
Coral Guard 44
Swashblade 44
Old One 45
Sunken Banshee 45
Turret Guard 45
Coral Queen 48
Deranged Deckhand 48
Urchin King 48
Treasure Hoarder 90
Treasure Keeper 100
Clownfish 150
Barracuda 160
Spear Fisher 165
Derpshark 225
Carnivore 300
Serpent Monster 450
Ancient of the Deep 750
Tritus 1,500

Sunken Treasure Hunting

Seek out treasure deep under the Rodentia Ocean! Which team will plunder the most treasure and take first place?
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Sunken City to get points.

Mouse Points
Cuttle 1
Manatee 1
Puffer 1
Jellyfish 2
Koimaid 2
Stingray 2
Bottom Feeder 3
Coral Cuddler 3
Coral Harvester 3
Dread Pirate Mousert 3
Mermousette 3
School of Mish 3
Barnacle Beautician 5
Coral Gardener 5
Guppy 5
Octomermaid 5
Pirate Anchor 5
Seadragon 5
Coral 8
Coral Dragon 8
Crabolia 8
Deep Sea Diver 8
Mershark 8
Tadpole 8
Barracuda 10
Clownfish 10
Derpshark 25
Spear Fisher 25
Carnivore 30
Serpent Monster 30
Angelfish 40
Betta 40
Eel 40
Angler 44
Coral Guard 44
Swashblade 44
Old One 45
Sunken Banshee 45
Turret Guard 45
Coral Queen 48
Deranged Deckhand 48
Urchin King 48
Ancient of the Deep 90
Mlounder Flounder 100
Tritus 100
Sand Dollar Diver 105
Saltwater Axolotl 110
Sand Dollar Queen 150
Pearl Diver 200
Pearl 300
Treasure Hoarder 500
Treasure Keeper 900

Tails from the Crypt

Dig through the Sandtail Desert and find mice both in the Sand Dunes and Sand Crypt to score points for this tournament! Ahahahaha!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Grubling Herder 7
Sand Colossus 7
Sand Pilgrim 7
Sarcophamouse 7
Spiky Devil 7
Dunehopper 11
Quesodillo 11
Grubling 14
Scarab 17
Serpentine 17
King Grub 77
King Scarab 107

The Lost, the Cursed, and the Ugly

Hunt down mice in the Lost and Cursed City in order to score points. What a horrible night to have a curse!'
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Ethereal Enchanter 5
Ethereal Engineer 5
Cursed 8
Cursed Enchanter 8
Corrupt 11
Cursed Engineer 12
Ethereal Librarian 12
Ethereal Thief 12
Essence Guardian 13
Cursed Thief 15
Essence Collector 15
Cursed Librarian 17
Dark Magi 41

The Shrubberies

Cut through the underbrush and hunt the mice in the Living and Twisted Garden to score points. Then you must find... a shrubbery!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Bark 3
Thistle 3
Barkshell 5
Calalilly 5
Carmine the Apothecary 5
Dehydrated 5
Strawberry Hotcakes 5
Thorn 5
Camoflower 7
Camofusion 7
Fungal Spore 7
Shroom 7
Twisted Hotcakes 7
Twisted Lilly 7
Thirsty 8
Twisted Carmine 11
Shattered Carmine 25

Treasure Hunter

Hunt down the Relic Hunter or the tough mice who carry Ancient Relics to show off your treasure hunting skills!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Acolyte 7
Cook 7
Dojo Sensei 7
Dragon 7
Eclipse 7
Fall Familiar 7
Necromancer 7
Winter Mage 7
Aether Mouse 17
Assassin 17
Balack the Banished 17
Big Bad Burroughs 17
Chrono 17
Crown Collector 17
Nibbler 17
Nugget 17
Reaper 17
Silth 17
Zurreal the Eternal 17
Black Widow 37
Chess Master 37
Dark Magi 37
Deep 37
Gargantuamouse 37
General Drheller 37
Icewing 37
King Scarab 37
Mole 37
Realm Ripper 37
Shattered Carmine 37
Shelder 37
Warmonger 37
Ancient of the Deep 57
Tritus 57
Relic Hunter 107

Tribal Isle Grand Tournament

Push the limits of your tribal hunting knowledge by competing in this grand tournament! Hunt mice from the safe shores of Cape Clawed all the way up to the summit of Dracano to earn Tournament Points!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Davy Jones 1
Pathfinder 1
Scout 1
Twisted Fiend 1
Whelpling 1
Wordsmith 1
Brimstone 5
Draconic Warden 5
Tidal Fisher 5
Derr Lich 10
Elub Lich 10
Finder 10
Grunt 10
Nerg Lich 10
Pack 10
Conqueror 15
Renegade 15
Vanquisher 15
Derr Chieftain 20
Elub Chieftain 20
Nerg Chieftain 20
Chitinous 30
Fetid Swamp 30
Jurassic 30
Magma Carrier 30
Primal 30
Stonework Warrior 30
Dragon 50
Balack the Banished 100

Tribal Isles 2: Jungle Adventures

To the Jungle and beyond! Push the limits of your tribal hunting knowledge by competing in this grand tournament! Hunt mice from the safe shores of Cape Clawed all the way up to the summit of Dracano to earn Tournament Points!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Davy Jones 1
Pathfinder 1
Scout 1
Twisted Fiend 1
Whelpling 1
Wordsmith 1
Enslaved Spirit 10
Finder 10
Grunt 10
Pack 10
Champion 15
Conqueror 15
Defender 15
Elub Chieftain 15
Guardian 15
Nerg Chieftain 15
Protector 15
Renegade 15
Slayer 15
Vanquisher 15
Derr Chieftain 20
Draconic Warden 20
Gladiator 20
Derr Lich 30
Elub Lich 30
Nerg Lich 30
Primal 30
Riptide 30
Tidal Fisher 30
Fetid Swamp 31
Stonework Warrior 32
Jurassic 33
Chitinous 34
Magma Carrier 35
Dragon 150
Balack the Banished 300

Undead Rising

Hunt down zombies and be rewarded with that which they love most -- Undead Emmental!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

This tournament offers Undead Emmental as a reward in addition to usual tournament rewards.

Mouse Points
Bat 1
Mutated Brown 2
Mutated Grey 2
Mutated White 2
Skeleton 5
Vampire 5
Gargoyle 7
Giant Snail 7
Keeper's Assistant 7
Scavenger 7
Spider 7
Ooze 8
Spirit Light 8
Terror Knight 8
Ghost 9
Golem 9
Mummy 9
Gorgon 10
Keeper 10
Lycan 10
Reaper 10
Spectre 10
Monster 12
Grave Robber 15
Gluttonous Zombie 70
Zombot Unipire 75
Zombie 80
Ravenous Zombie 100

Valour Rift Timewarp

Navigate the Valour Rift's warped and twisted tower and outlast the competition!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Valour Rift to get points.

Mouse Points
Timid Explorer 2
Unwavering Adventurer 2
Berzerker 5
Elixir Maker 5
Cursed Crusader 11
Cutpurse 11
Lumi-lancer 11
Martial 11
Mouse of Elements 11
One-Mouse Band 11
Puppetto 11
Withered Remains 11
Terrified Adventurer 25
Arch Champion Necromancer 30
Champion Danseuse 30
Champion Thief 30
Fallen Champion Footman 30
Magic Champion 30
Possessed Armaments 30
Praetorian Champion 30
Puppet Champion 30
Prestigious Adventurer 50
Soldier of the Shade 80
Bulwark of Ascent 80
Shade of the Eclipse 150
The Total Eclipse 300

Varmint Valley Bounty Hunt

The Old West is a wild place, and the Wild Bunch mice like it just fine. But these lawless mice need to be brought to justice, for the good of the people, and for tournament points!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Tumbleweed 1
Shopkeeper 3
Lasso Cowgirl 5
Ruffian 5
Saloon Gal 5
Bounty Hunter 7
Prospector 7
Pyrite 7
Bartender 11
Coal Shoveller 11
Farrier 11
Parlour Player 11
Stuffy Banker 11
Tonic Salesman 11
Upper Class Lady 11
Cardshark 17
Circuit Judge 17
Desperado 17
Outlaw 17
Stagecoach Driver 17
Undertaker 17

Warpath Marching

March your team through the dangerous Sandtail Desert Warpath!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Fiery Warpath to get points.

Mouse Points
Crimson Ranger 1
Crimson Titan 1
Crimson Watch 1
Desert Archer 1
Desert Soldier 1
Flame Archer 1
Flame Warrior 1
Sentinel 1
Vanguard 1
Sand Cavalry 2
Sandwing Cavalry 2
Inferno Mage 3
Magmarage 3
Flame Ordnance 4
Theurgy Warden 5
Warmonger 5
Gargantuamouse 10

Warfare on the Warpath

March your team through the dangerous Sandtail Desert Warpath!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Fiery Warpath to get points.

Mouse Points
Desert Archer 1
Desert Soldier 1
Vanguard 1
Flame Archer 2
Flame Warrior 2
Sentinel 2
Crimson Ranger 3
Crimson Titan 3
Crimson Watch 3
Sand Cavalry 6
Sandwing Cavalry 6
Inferno Mage 7
Magmarage 7
Flame Ordnance 9
Theurgy Warden 10
Artillery Commander 10
Warmonger 15
Gargantuamouse 20

Whisking through the Woods

The ancient growth and deep magic of Whisker Woods beckon to many a hunter, but which will prove its master?
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Calm Clearing, Great Gnarled Tree or Lagoon to get points.

Mouse Points
Water Nymph 1
Bear 2
Chameleon 2
Eagle Owl 2
Elven Princess 2
Shaman 2
Treant 2
Cyclops 5
Goblin 5
Centaur 8
Curious Chemist 8
Fairy 8
Nomad 8
Tiger 8
Troll 8
Foxy 15
Hydra 15
Wicked Witch of Whisker Woods 15
Goldleaf 17
Harpy 20
Silth 20
Cherry 25
Black Widow 50

Zugzwang's Tournament

Hunt in the Seasonal Garden and Zugzwang's tower searching for mice!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Seasonal Garden or Zugzwang's Tower to get points.

Mouse Points
Derpicorn 1
Firefly 1
Hot Head 1
Hydrophobe 1
Monarch 1
Over-Prepared 1
Penguin 1
Pumpkin Head 1
Scarecrow 1
Tanglefoot 1
Whirleygig 1
Mystic Knight 3
Technic Knight 3
Harvest Harrier 10
Icicle 10
Puddlemancer 10
Stinger 10
Mystic Bishop 15
Technic Bishop 15
Bruticle 20
Firebreather 20
Frostbite 20
Fall Familiar 25
Spring Familiar 25
Harvester 30
Summer Mage 30
Vinetail 30
Winter Mage 30
Mystic Rook 50
Technic Rook 50
Mystic Queen 60
Technic Queen 60
Mystic King 70
Technic King 70
Chess Master 100

MEGA Tournaments

MEGA Fiery Warpath: Through the Fires and Flames, Advanced Warfare on the Warpath

March your team through the dangerous Sandtail Desert Warpath!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Fiery Warpath to get points.

Mouse Points
Desert Soldier Mouse 1
Vanguard Mouse 1
Desert Archer Mouse 1
Flame Warrior Mouse 2
Sentinel Mouse 2
Flame Archer Mouse 2
Crimson Titan Mouse 3
Crimson Watch Mouse 3
Crimson Ranger Mouse 3
Sand Cavalry Mouse 6
Sandwing Cavalry Mouse 6
Inferno Mage Mouse 7
Magmarage Mouse 7
Flame Ordnance Mouse 9
Theurgy Warden Mouse 10
Artillery Commander Mouse 10
Warmonger Mouse 15
Gargantuamouse 20

MEGA Halloween Tournament

Visit the Haunted Terrortories and catch costumed and spooky mice to get tournament points and win!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Haunted Terrortories to get points.

Mouse Points
Bat 2
Pumpkin Hoarder 5
Wild Chainsaw 5
Bionic 10
Brown 10
Burglar 10
Giant Snail 10
Grey 10
Hollowed 10
Hollowhead 10
Lightning Rod 10
Mutated Grey 10
Mutated White 10
White 10
Brawny 15
Candy Cat 15
Cobweb 15
Excitable Electric 15
Golem 15
Granite 15
Grave Robber 15
Greyrun 15
Lycan 15
Mummy 15
Ooze 15
Riftweaver 15
Scavenger 15
Skeleton 15
Spectre 15
Spider 15
Spirit Light 15
Steel 15
Supernatural 15
Terror Knight 15
Treat 15
Trick 15
Tricky Witch 15
Candy Goblin 20
Gargoyle 20
Ghost 20
Gorgon 20
Monster 20
Shortcut 20
Vampire 20
Dream Drifter 25
Gluttonous Zombie 25
Grey Recluse 25
Micro 25
Mighty Mole 25
Ravenous Zombie 25
Raw Diamond 25
Wealth 25
Zombie 25
Gourdborg 35
Zombot Unipire 35
Reaper 50
Mousataur Priestess 100
Mousevina von Vermin 100
Swamp Thang 100
Titanic Brain-Taker 100

MEGA New Years Snow Golem Celebration Tournament 2017

Visit the New Years Comet and send out golems for these amazing prizes!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Comet: New Year's Celebration to get points.

Mouse Points
Hoarder 5
Snowball Hoarder 5
Snow Scavenger 5
Triple Lutz 6
Ribbon 7
Toy Tinkerer 7
Destructoy 7
Missile Toe 8
Wreath Thief 8
Joy 8
Nutcracker 10
Stocking 10
Toboggan Technician 10
Builder 13
Snow Fort 13
Snowblower 13
Snowglobe 13
Present 15
Candy Cane 17
Christmas Tree 17
Gingerbread 17
Snow Boulder 17
Toy 17
Reinbo 17
Elf 20
Snow Golem Architect 20
Stuck Snowball 20
Young Prodigy Racer 25
Ridiculous Sweater 25
Sporty Ski Instructor 25
Confused Courier 25
Black Diamond Racer 25
Double Black Diamond Racer 25
Nitro Racer 25
Snow Golem Jockey 25
Nice Knitting 25
Slay Ride 25
S.N.O.W. Golem 33
Great Winter Hunt Impostor 33
Mouse of Winter Future 38
Mouse of Winter Past 38
Mouse of Winter Present 38
Miser 50
Snow Sorceress 50
Tundra Huntress 50
Greedy Al 75
Mad Elf 75
Ornament 75
Scrooge 75
Squeaker Claws 75
Rainbow Racer 75
Snowflake 80
Free Skiing 100
Frigid Foreman 100
Glacia Ice Fist 100
Borean Commander 100
Party Head 118
New Year's 118
Frightened Flying Fireworks 118
Naughty Nougat 150

MEGA New Years Snow Golem Celebration Tournament 2019

'Visit the Festive Comet and send out golems for these amazing prizes!
Tournament Locations:' You must catch these mice in Festive Comet to get points.

Mouse Points
Ridiculous Sweater 10
Naughty Nougat 10
Snowblower 10
Borean Commander 10
Snow Scavenger 10
Glacia Ice Fist 10
Builder 10
Snow Golem Jockey 10
Great Winter Hunt Impostor 10
Frigid Foreman 10
Nice Knitting 10
Iceberg Sculptor 10
Christmas Tree 25
Stocking 25
Candy Cane 25
Ornament 25
Missile Toe 25
Wreath Thief 25
Ribbon 25
Snowglobe 25
Nutcracker 25
Toy 25
Slay Ride 25
Squeaker Claws 25
Destructoy 25
Toy Tinkerer 25
Mad Elf 25
Elf 25
Sporty Ski Instructor 25
Young Prodigy Racer 25
Toboggan Technician 25
Free Skiing 25
Nitro Racer 25
Rainbow Racer 25
Double Black Diamond Racer 25
Black Diamond Racer 25
Snow Fort 25
Snowball Hoarder 25
S.N.O.W. Golem 25
Snow Sorceress 25
Reinbo 25
Tundra Huntress 25
Stuck Snowball 25
Snow Boulder 25
Party Head 40
New Year's 40
Frightened Flying Fireworks 40
Snow Golem Architect 50
Glazy 60
Joy 60
Snowflake 80
Shorts-All-Year 150

MEGA Tournament: Baker's Dozen

Help keep the Windmill in good repair. Capture Captain Croissant and her cronies for Tournament Points! Now with MEGA REWARDS!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Grey 1
Longtail 1
Pugilist 1
Scruffy 1
Spud 1
White 1
Farmhand 5
Flying 5
Silvertail 5
Speedy 5
Tiny 5
Diamond 6
Gold 6
Mole 10
Captain Croissant 26

MEGA Tournament: Bonus Luck

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Terrible Twos -2
Birthday 3
Dance Party 3
Dinosuit 3
Bookborn 5
City Noble 5
Itty-Bitty Burroughs 5
Keeper's Assistant 5
Ruffian 5
Strawberry Hotcakes 5
Whelpling 5
Cowbell 7
Diamond 7
Flutterby 7
Force Fighter Blue 7
Force Fighter Green 7
Force Fighter Pink 7
Force Fighter Red 7
Force Fighter Yellow 7
Gold 7
Ninja 7
Sludge Soaker 7
Snow Slinger 7
Stowaway 7
Chipper 10
Hydra 10
Market Guard 10
Over-Prepared 10
Rift Guardian 10
Shopkeeper 10
Cupcake Cutie 20
Cupcake Runner 20
Lucky 77

MEGA Tournament: Builder Battling

The fearsome Tundra Huntress has arrived from over the snowy hilltops, bringing reinforcements and materials to begin the second phase of construction! Escorting the Winter Builder as added protection. Do your best to keep them at bay! Big contribution equals big points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Ice Fortress to get points.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 1
Missile Toe 1
Ornament 1
Present 1
Ribbon 1
Toy 1
Candy Cane 2
Nutcracker 2
Triple Lutz 2
Frigid Foreman 3
Confused Courier 5
Destructoy 5
Ridiculous Sweater 5
Snow Scavenger 5
Snowblower 5
Toy Tinkerer 5
Hydra 6
Mouse of Winter Future 7
Mouse of Winter Past 7
Mouse of Winter Present 7
Gingerbread 8
Elf 10
Greedy Al 10
Mad Elf 10
Reinbo 10
S.N.O.W. Golem 10
Scrooge 10
Slay Ride 10
Snow Boulder 10
Snow Fort 10
Snow Sorceress 10
Snowflake 10
Squeaker Claws 10
Stocking 10
Wreath Thief 10
Glacia Ice Fist 15
Hoarder 15
Stuck Snowball 20
Tundra Huntress 25
Builder 30

MEGA Tournament: Burroughs Rift Risky Redline

Do you mist to the top and risk it for the big points? Or hold fast in the safety of the Mist free zone? Risk it to win BIG!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Menace of the Rift -50
Amplified Brown 2
Amplified White 2
Boulder Biter 2
Cyber Miner 2
Cybernetic Specialist 2
Lambent 2
Lycanoid 2
Master Exploder 2
Revenant 2
Tech Ravenous Zombie 2
Zombot Unipire the Third 2
Amplified Grey 3
Clump 3
Count Vampire 3
Itty Bitty Rifty Burroughs 3
Mecha Tail 3
Phase Zombie 3
Radioactive Ooze 3
Rift Bio Engineer 3
Rifterranian 3
Toxic Avenger 3
Toxikinetic 3
Automated Sentry 4
Doktor 4
Evil Scientist 4
Pneumatic Dirt Displacement 4
Prototype 4
Rancid Bog Beast 4
Robat 4
Surgeon Bot 4
Portable Generator 5
Super Mega Mecha Ultra RoboGold 5
Big Bad Behemoth Burroughs 10
Monstrous Abomination 10
Assassin Beast 50
Plutonium Tentacle 50

MEGA Tournament: Festive SUPER|hunt+

Celebrate the Great Winter Hunt and New Year by competing in this years massive Festive SUPER|hunt+ tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+ and other festive prizes!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Ice Fortress to get points.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 10
Frigid Foreman 10
Missile Toe 10
Nutcracker 10
Wreath Thief 10
Candy Cane 12
Destructoy 12
Ribbon 12
Triple Lutz 12
Present 13
Snowblower 13
Snowglobe 13
Toy Tinkerer 13
Mouse of Winter Future 15
Mouse of Winter Past 15
Mouse of Winter Present 15
Scrooge 15
Greedy Al 17
Mad Elf 17
Ornament 17
Slay Ride 17
Squeaker Claws 17
Toy 17
S.N.O.W. Golem 18
Snowball Hoarder 19
Worker 19
Builder 20
Elf 20
Hoarder 20
Reinbo 20
Snow Boulder 20
Snow Sorceress 20
Confused Courier 21
Miser 21
Snow Fort 21
Snow Scavenger 21
Stocking 21
Ridiculous Sweater 23
Borean Commander 30
Glacia Ice Fist 30
Stuck Snowball 30
Tundra Huntress 30
Party Head 49
New Year's 51

MEGA Tournament: Furoma Fury

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Archer 4
Kung Fu 4
Master of the Cheese Belt 10
Master of the Cheese Claw 10
Master of the Cheese Fang 10
Monk 13
Ninja 13
Master of the Dojo 15
Samurai 15
Student of the Cheese Belt 23
Student of the Cheese Claw 23
Student of the Cheese Fang 23
Dojo Sensei 37
Dumpling Chef 70
Worker 70
Nibbler 122
Assassin 190
Black Widow 190

MEGA Tournament: Gnawnia Riftwalking

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win Magical String Cheese, Riftiago Potions, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Brawny 10
Greyrun 10
Rift Guardian 10
Riftweaver 10
Excitable Electric 12
Supernatural 12
Agitated Gentle Giant 15
Micro 15
Cyborg 17
Shard Centurion 18
Spiritual Steel 19
Wealth 35
Dream Drifter 40
Raw Diamond 45
Mighty Mole 50
Goliath Field 99

MEGA Tournament: Grand Queso Tour

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Desert Soldier Mouse 1
Tiny Saboteur Mouse 1
Pump Raider Mouse 1
Fuzzy Drake Mouse 1
Cork Defender Mouse 1
Mild Spicekin Mouse 2
Chip Chiseler Mouse 2
Tiny Toppler Mouse 2
Spice Seer Mouse 2
Old Spice Collector Mouse 2
Sizzle Pup Mouse 2
Smoldersnap Mouse 2
Bearded Elder Mouse 2
Ore Chipper Mouse 3
Rubble Rummager Mouse 3
Spice Farmer 3
Granny Spice Mouse 3
Croquet Crusher Mouse 5
Nachore Golem Mouse 5
Rubble Rouser Mouse 5
Spice Sovereign Mouse 5
Spice Finder Mouse 5
Burly Bruiser Mouse 5
Steam Sailor Mouse 5
Warming Wyvern Mouse 5
Grampa Golem Mouse 7
Fiery Crusher Mouse 7
Spice Raider Mouse 7
Spice Reaper Mouse 7
Horned Cork Hoarder Mouse 7
Vaporior Mouse 7
Ignatia Mouse 12
Cinderstorm Mouse 12
Rambunctious Rain Rumbler Mouse 32
Pyrehyde Mouse 32
Sleepy Merchant Mouse 50
Corky, the Collector Mouse 50
Nachous, The Molten 60
Inferna, The Engulfed 60
Bruticus, the Blazing 60
Stormsurge, the Vile Tempest 170
Queen Quesada 300
Corkataur Mouse 300
Kalor'ignis of the Geyser 350
Emberstone Scaled Mouse 500

MEGA Tournament: High Risk Meadows

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Brown 4
Grey 4
White 4
Cowardly 6
Field 6
Lightning Rod 6
Spotted 6
Bionic 10
Dwarf 10
Flying 10
Granite 10
Steel 10
Tiny 10
Gold 11
Diamond 13
Mole 20

MEGA Tournament: Hoarder Hunting

Glacia Ice Fist is leading the first wave of invaders into the Ice Fortress for construction preparation! The Winter Hoarder mouse will be providing direct support and supplies! Wipe them out for big points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Ice Fortress to get points.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 1
Missile Toe 1
Ornament 1
Present 1
Ribbon 1
Toy 1
Candy Cane 2
Nutcracker 2
Triple Lutz 2
Frigid Foreman 3
Confused Courier 5
Destructoy 5
Ridiculous Sweater 5
Snow Scavenger 5
Snowblower 5
Toy Tinkerer 5
Hydra 6
Mouse of Winter Future 7
Mouse of Winter Past 7
Mouse of Winter Present 7
Gingerbread 8
Elf 10
Greedy Al 10
Mad Elf 10
Reinbo 10
S.N.O.W. Golem 10
Scrooge 10
Slay Ride 10
Snow Boulder 10
Snow Fort 10
Snow Sorceress 10
Snowflake 10
Squeaker Claws 10
Stocking 10
Wreath Thief 10
Stuck Snowball 20
Glacia Ice Fist 25
Hoarder 30

MEGA Tournament: Mega Boss Battle

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Acolyte 10
Big Bad Burroughs 25
Derr Lich 25
Dragon 25
Elub Lich 25
Nerg Lich 25
Silth 25
Gargantuamouse 30
Mystic King 30
Realm Ripper 30
Shattered Carmine 30
Technic King 30
Dojo Sensei 50
General Drheller 50
King Grub 50
Balack the Banished 100
Eclipse 100
Icewing 100
Mutated Behemoth 100
Tritus 100
Zurreal the Eternal 100
Chess Master 200
Deep 200
King Scarab 200
Warmonger 200

MEGA Tournament: Mega Masters

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Master of the Cheese Belt 5
Master of the Cheese Claw 5
Master of the Cheese Fang 5
Master Burglar 10
Master of the Dojo 10
Puppet Master 60
Chess Master 100

MEGA Tournament: Mega Mutiny

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Pirate -11
Buccaneer -10
Briegull 5
Salt Water Snapper 5
Siren 5
Bottled 10
Captain 10
Leviathan 10
Squeaken 10
Cook 20
Mermouse 25
Swabbie 25
Shelder 50

MEGA Tournament: Mega Sensei Stockpile Smackdown

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Master of the Dojo -100
Dojo Sensei 1

MEGA Tournament: Mega World Tour

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Buccaneer 10
Camoflower 10
Cavalier 10
Clownfish 10
Cursed 10
Cyclops 10
Derr Chieftain 10
Draconic Warden 10
Dream Drifter 10
Elub Chieftain 10
Elub Lich 10
Elven Princess 10
Explorator 10
Gate Guardian 10
Giant Snail 10
Grubling Herder 10
Harvester 10
Itty-Bitty Burroughs 10
Lightning Rod 10
Mammoth 10
Master Burglar 10
Nerg Chieftain 10
Prospector 10
Pygmy Wrangler 10
Realm Ripper 10
Samurai 10
Scruffy 10
Shipwrecked 10
Snake Charmer 10
Snow Bowler 10
Summer Mage 10
Theurgy Warden 10
Travelling Barber 10
Vinetail 10
Winter Mage 10
Zombot Unipire 10
Black Widow 40

MEGA Tournament: Miser Madness

The final wave of invasion! The mighty Borean Commander has arrived to oversee the final preparations on completion of the Ice Fortress. Following the y Winter Miser. Cut off the money trail to and Help out with this final stand to earn points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Ice Fortress to get points.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 1
Missile Toe 1
Ornament 1
Present 1
Ribbon 1
Toy 1
Candy Cane 2
Nutcracker 2
Triple Lutz 2
Frigid Foreman 3
Confused Courier 5
Destructoy 5
Ridiculous Sweater 5
Snow Scavenger 5
Snowblower 5
Toy Tinkerer 5
Hydra 6
Mouse of Winter Future 7
Mouse of Winter Past 7
Mouse of Winter Present 7
Gingerbread 8
Elf 10
Greedy Al 10
Mad Elf 10
Reinbo 10
S.N.O.W. Golem 10
Scrooge 10
Slay Ride 10
Snow Boulder 10
Snow Fort 10
Snow Sorceress 10
Snowflake 10
Squeaker Claws 10
Stocking 10
Wreath Thief 10
Builder 15
Glacia Ice Fist 15
Hoarder 15
Tundra Huntress 15
Stuck Snowball 20
Borean Commander 25
Miser 30

MEGA Tournament: Muridae Market

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Snake Charmer Mouse 1
Pie Thief Mouse 1
Falling Carpet Mouse 5
Spice Merchant Mouse 5
Market Guard Mouse 7
Market Thief Mouse 7
Limestone Miner Mouse 12
Lumberjack Mouse 12
Glass Blower Mouse 13
Desert Architect Mouse 19
Blacksmith Mouse 25
Mage Weaver Mouse 25
Desert Nomad Mouse 40

MEGA Tournament: Rare Rodents

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Brown 2
Cowardly 2
Grey 2
Aether 100
Assassin 100
Black Widow 100
Chrono 100
Hope 100
Nugget 100
Swabbie 100
Shelder 300

MEGA Tournament: Rift / Anti-Rift Meadows

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Brown 7
Cowardly 7
Field 7
Flying 7
Grey 7
Lightning Rod 7
Spotted 7
Tiny 7
White 7
Dwarf 10
Steel 10
Bionic 15
Brawny 15
Cyborg 15
Granite 15
Greyrun 15
Riftweaver 15
Shard Centurion 15
Spiritual Steel 15
Agitated Gentle Giant 20
Diamond 20
Excitable Electric 20
Gold 20
Micro 20
Mole 20
Supernatural 20
Dream Drifter 30
Mighty Mole 35
Raw Diamond 36
Rift Guardian 36
Wealth 40
Goliath Field 139

MEGA Tournament: Sunken City

Collect your oxygen and navigate your sub through the endless Rodentia ocean to score big! Compete for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Fishy Fromage, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Sunken City to get points.

Mouse Points
Bottom Feeder 10
City Noble 10
Coral Cuddler 10
Cuttle 10
Manatee 10
Puffer 10
School of Mish 10
Sunken Citizen 11
Barnacle Beautician 12
City Worker 12
Guppy 12
Seadragon 12
Coral 15
Crabolia 15
Tadpole 15
Clownfish 20
Mlounder Flounder 20
Hydrologist 50
Jellyfish 50
Koimaid 50
Stingray 50
Angelfish 70
Betta 70
Eel 70
Enginseer 70
Sand Dollar Diver 70
Saltwater Axolotl 90
Barracuda 100
Coral Harvester 100
Dread Pirate Mousert 100
Elite Guardian 100
Mermousette 100
Clumsy Carrier 110
Coral Gardener 120
Octomermaid 120
Pirate Anchor 120
Angler 150
Coral Dragon 150
Coral Guard 150
Deep Sea Diver 150
Mershark 150
Swashblade 150
Old One 155
Sunken Banshee 155
Turret Guard 155
Pearl Diver 160
Spear Fisher 160
Coral Queen 170
Deranged Deckhand 170
Sand Dollar Queen 170
Urchin King 170
Pearl 175
Carnivore 190
Derpshark 200
Oxygen Baron 200
Treasure Hoarder 200
Serpent Monster 210
Treasure Keeper 220
Ancient of the Deep 400
Tritus 1000

MEGA Tournament: Toxic Cleanup Competition

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win Soap Charms, Pollution Control Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Swamp Runner 12
Biohazard 20
Mutated Siblings 20
Spore 20
Monster Tail 30
Sludge 30
Telekinetic Mutant 36
Mutant Ninja 39
Tentacle 39
Gelatinous Octahedron 42
Sludge Soaker 45
Toxic Warrior 46
Outbreak Assassin 50
Plague Hag 50
Mutant Mongrel 55
Hazmat 60
Lab Technician 60
Bog Beast 88
Scrap Metal Monster 88
Slimefist 90
Sludge Swimmer 95
Mutated Behemoth 99
The Menace 99

MEGA Tournament: Tribal Isles

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Narrator 1
Swarm of Pygmy Mice 1
Taleweaver 1
Trailblazer 1
Draconic Warden 2
Whelpling 2
Champion 3
Defender 3
Gladiator 3
Guardian 3
Protector 3
Slayer 3
Aged 4
Derr Chieftain 4
Elder 4
Elub Chieftain 4
Grandfather 4
Nerg Chieftain 4
Derr Lich 7
Elub Lich 7
Finder 7
Grunt 7
Nerg Lich 7
Pack 7
Chitinous 9
Fetid Swamp 9
Jurassic 9
Magma Carrier 9
Primal 9
Stonework Warrior 9
Conqueror 10
Enslaved Spirit 10
Renegade 10
Vanquisher 10
Pygmy Wrangler 11
Riptide 11
Dragon 12
Balack the Banished 50
Black Widow 99

MEGA Tournament: Winter Hunt

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Snow Fort to get points.

Mouse Points
Toy Tinkerer 1
Confused Courier 2
Stocking 3
Mad Elf 4
Slay Ride 4
Toy 5
Ornament 6
Squeaker Claws 7
Gingerbread 8
Snowball Hoarder 9
Christmas Tree 10
Missile Toe 10
Nutcracker 10
Wreath Thief 10
Candy Cane 13
Destructoy 13
Ribbon 13
Triple Lutz 13
Snow Fort 15
Snow Scavenger 15
Snowblower 15
Snowglobe 15
Elf 20
Greedy Al 20
Mouse of Winter Future 20
Mouse of Winter Past 20
Mouse of Winter Present 20
Scrooge 20
Abominable Snow 99

MEGA Tournament: Zugzwang's Tower

Compete in this MEGA Tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+,Champion Kits, extra Tournament Tokens, and more!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Mystic Pawn Mouse 1
Technic Pawn Mouse 1
Puddlemancer Mouse 2
Tanglefoot Mouse 2
Stinger Mouse 2
Firefly Mouse 2
Harvest Harrier Mouse 2
Scarecrow Mouse 2
Icicle Mouse 2
Bruticle Mouse 2
Hydrophobe Mouse 3
Firebreather Mouse 3
Hot Head Mouse 3
Pumpkin Head Mouse 3
Frostbite Mouse 3
Mystic Knight Mouse 3
Technic Knight Mouse 3
Vinetail Mouse 7
Derpicorn Mouse 7
Monarch Mouse 7
Summer Mage Mouse 7
Harvester Mouse 7
Whirleygig Mouse 7
Over-Prepared Mouse 7
Winter Mage Mouse 7
Mystic Bishop Mouse 7
Technic Bishop Mouse 7
Spring Familiar Mouse 19
Fall Familiar Mouse 19
Mystic King Mouse 30
Technic King Mouse 30
Mystic Rook Mouse 40
Technic Rook Mouse 40
Mystic Queen Mouse 50
Technic Queen Mouse 50
Chess Master 59

Event Tournaments

10th Year Birthday Bash!

Track down mice across time and space throughout Gnawnia's history and stitch together a victory for your team!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Mysterious Anomaly to get points.

Mouse Points
Force Fighter Blue 3
Force Fighter Yellow 3
Force Fighter Red 3
Force Fighter Pink 3
Force Fighter Green 3
Sleepwalker 8
Buckethead 8
Cupcake Cutie 9
Cupcake Runner 9
Present 10
Super FighterBot MegaSupreme 10
Cupcake Candle Thief 10
Cupcake Camo 10
Sprinkly Sweet Cupcake Cook 10
Terrible Twos 12
Dinosuit 14
Birthday 15
El Flamenco 15
Time Punk 20
Time Tailor 20
Time Thief 30

Bad Moon Rising

Inside the Haunted Terrortories, there's a bad moon on the rise! Don't go out tonight: Lycans are sure to take a bite, of your bait that is! Lycans are the key to winning this competition
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Haunted Terrortories to get points.

Mouse Points
Bat 1
Pumpkin Hoarder 1
Spirit Light 1
Wild Chainsaw 1
Zombie 1
Bionic 2
Brown 2
Burglar 2
Giant Snail 2
Grey 2
Hollowhead 2
Lightning Rod 2
Mutated Brown 2
Mutated Grey 2
Mutated White 2
White 2
Cobweb 4
Granite 4
Grave Robber 4
Ravenous Zombie 4
Skeleton 4
Spider 4
Steel 4
Treat 4
Trick 4
Golem 6
Mummy 6
Ooze 6
Scavenger 6
Spectre 6
Sugar Rush 6
Terror Knight 6
Gargoyle 8
Ghost 8
Gorgon 8
Reaper 8
Vampire 8
Gourdborg 10
Monster 10
Mousevina von Vermin 10
Swamp Thang 10
Zombot Unipire 10
Titanic Brain-Taker 20
Lycan 50

Birthday Bash

What's a birthday without a tournament? Catch all the birthday mice and score the most points!

Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Birthday Party Celebration to get points.

Mouse Points
Buckethead 10
Pintail 10
Sleepwalker 10
Terrible Twos 10
Birthday 20
Dinosuit 25

Birthday Party: Cupcake Year 1

Be the best at the first year of MouseHunt to win this tournament! Don't let that cupcake runner take off with your points!!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Birthday Party Zone to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupcake Runner -10
Archer 4
Pirate 4
Bat 5
Burglar 5
Monk 5
Diamond 9
Gold 9
Ninja 9

Birthday Party: Cupcake Year 2

Be the best at the second year of MouseHunt to win this tournament! Don't let that cupcake runner take off with your points!!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Birthday Party Zone to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupcake Runner -10
Captain 5
Centaur 5
Pack 5
Treant 6
Finder 7
Grunt 7
Hydra 8
Keeper's Assistant 9
Reaper 9
Whelpling 9

Birthday Party: Cupcake Year 3

Be the best at the third year of MouseHunt to win this tournament! Don't let that cupcake runner take off with your points!!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Birthday Party Zone to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupcake Runner -10
Brimstone 5
Cowbell 5
Davy Jones 5
Derpicorn 5
Firefly 5
Ignis 5
Itty-Bitty Burroughs 5
Lockpick 5
Over-Prepared 5
Phalanx 5
Pumpkin Head 5
Subterranean 5

Birthday Party: Cupcake Year 4

Be the best at the fourth year of MouseHunt to win this tournament! Don't let that cupcake runner take off with your points!!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Birthday Party Zone to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupcake Runner -10
Explorator 5
Limestone Miner 6
Lumberjack 6
Snake Charmer 6
Spice Merchant 6
Pie Thief 8
Pocketwatch 8
Bookborn 9
Falling Carpet 9
Flutterby 9
Glass Blower 9
Market Guard 9

Birthday Party: Cupcake Year 5

Be the best at the fifth year of MouseHunt to win this tournament! Don't let that cupcake runner take off with your points!!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Birthday Party Zone to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupcake Runner -10
Polar Bear 3
Snow Slinger 6
Snow Soldier 6
Thirsty 6
Thistle 6
Calalilly 7
Bark 8
Icebreaker 8
Incompetent Ice Climber 8
Strawberry Hotcakes 8
Chipper 9
Snow Bowler 9

Birthday Party: Cupcake Year 6

Be the best at the sixth year of MouseHunt to win this tournament! Don't let that cupcake runner take off with your points!!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Birthday Party Zone to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupcake Runner -10
Lasso Cowgirl 4
Prospector 4
Ruffian 4
Saloon Gal 7
Passenger 8
Stowaway 8
Tumbleweed 8
Angry Train Staff 9
Shopkeeper 9
Train Conductor 9

Birthday Party: Cupcake Year 7

Be the best at the seventh year of MouseHunt to win this tournament! Don't let that cupcake runner take off with your points!!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Birthday Party Zone to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupcake Runner -10
Bog Beast 5
Brawny 5
City Noble 5
City Worker 5
Clumsy Carrier 5
Greyrun 5
Hydrologist 5
Monster Tail 5
Rift Guardian 5
Riftweaver 5
Sludge 5
Sludge Soaker 5
Sunken Citizen 5
Swamp Runner 5

Bocconcini Battle

Arm your Snowball Bocconcini and start hunting to score big in this snow-filled tournament!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Snow Fort to get points.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 1
Elf 1
Triple Lutz 1
Ridiculous Sweater 2
Toy 2
Candy Cane 3
Nutcracker 3
Present 3
Ribbon 3
Destructoy 4
Greedy Al 5
Snowball Hoarder 5
Confused Courier 6
Toy Tinkerer 6
Gingerbread 7
Ornament 7
Stocking 7
Mouse of Winter Future 8
Mouse of Winter Past 8
Mouse of Winter Present 8
Mad Elf 9
Scrooge 9
Slay Ride 9
Squeaker Claws 9
Snowblower 10
Snowglobe 12
Missile Toe 13
Reinbo 15
S.N.O.W. Golem 15
Snow Boulder 15
Snow Sorceress 15
Wreath Thief 17
Snow Scavenger 29
Snowflake 40
Snow Fort 50

Calamity Carl's Cozy Competition

With Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise travelling around Gnawnia, what better opportunity to compete in a world tour of hunting!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise to get points.

Mouse Points
Forever Alone 1
Abominable Snow 2
Cowardly 2
Diamond 2
Dwarf 2
Frosty Snow 2
Gold 2
Zombie 2
Briegull 3
Chipper 3
Gorgon 3
New Year's 3
Party Head 3
Pinchy 3
Polar Bear 3
Red Envelope 3
Sorcerer 3
Bionic 5
Juliyes 5
Student of the Cheese Belt 5
Student of the Cheese Claw 5
Student of the Cheese Fang 5
Hot Head 6
Monarch 6
Swarm of Pygmy Mice 6
Dumpling Chef 12
Lightning 12
Romeno 12
Calligraphy 15
Extreme Everysports 15
Hurdle 15
Lovely Sports 15
Trampoline 15
Winter Games 15
Saloon Gal 20
Shopkeeper 20

Calling all Calligraphers

Catch the crafty Calligrapher for big tournament prizes. Be sure to use the right bait, though, as he's only attracted to the delicate scent of SUPER|brie+!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Year of the Dragon Festival to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Diamond 1
Dumpling Chef 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Gold 1
Grey 1
Student of the Cheese Belt 1
Student of the Cheese Claw 1
Student of the Cheese Fang 1
White 1
New Year's 5
Party Head 5
Present 5
Red Envelope 5
Costumed Dragon 10
Costumed Rabbit 10
Costumed Tiger 10
Calligraphy 100

Costume Competition

Catch the mice dressed in costumes for this Year of the Dragon Festival, and score big points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Year of the Dragon Festival to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Diamond 1
Dumpling Chef 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Gold 1
Grey 1
Student of the Cheese Belt 1
Student of the Cheese Claw 1
Student of the Cheese Fang 1
White 1
Calligraphy 10
Party Head 10
Red Envelope 10
New Year's 15
Present 15
Costumed Dragon 25
Costumed Rabbit 25
Costumed Tiger 25

Costumed Cruising


It's a costumed cruise! Put on your best costume to compete and party!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Calamity Carl's Cruise to get points.

Mouse Points
Dwarf 1
Frosty Snow 1
Gold 1
Abominable Snow 4
Diamond 4
Pirate 4
Pugilist 4
Cowardly 7
Field 7
Longtail 13
Spotted 13
Bionic 17
Lightning Rod 17
Zombie 19
Dumpling Chef 20
Student of the Cheese Belt 20
Student of the Cheese Claw 20
Student of the Cheese Fang 20
Chipper 21
Polar Bear 21
Briegull 22
Gorgon 22
Pinchy 22
Sorcerer 22
Hot Head 23
Monarch 23
Calligraphy 25
City Noble 25
Saloon Gal 25
Shopkeeper 25
Swarm of Pygmy Mice 25
New Year's 30
Party Head 30
Present 30
Red Envelope 30
Costumed Dragon 40
Costumed Horse 40
Costumed Rabbit 40
Costumed Snake 40
Costumed Tiger 40
Costumed Sheep 50


It's a costumed cruise! Put on your best costume to compete and party!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise (2016) to get points.

Mouse Points
Dwarf 1
Frosty Snow 1
Gold 1
Abominable Snow 4
Diamond 4
Pirate 4
Pugilist 4
Cowardly 7
Field 7
Longtail 13
Spotted 13
Bionic 17
Lightning Rod 17
Zombie 19
Dumpling Chef 20
Student of the Cheese Belt 20
Student of the Cheese Claw 20
Student of the Cheese Fang 20
Chipper 21
Polar Bear 21
Briegull 22
Gorgon 22
Pinchy 22
Sorcerer 22
Hot Head 23
Monarch 23
Calligraphy 25
City Noble 25
Saloon Gal 25
Shopkeeper 25
Swarm of Pygmy Mice 25
Lost 30
Lost Legionnaire 30
New Year's 30
Party Head 30
Present 30
Red Envelope 30
Costumed Dragon 40
Costumed Horse 40
Costumed Rabbit 40
Costumed Snake 40
Costumed Tiger 40
Costumed Sheep 40
Costumed Monkey 50

Cozy Costumed Cruising

It's a cozy cruise! Put on your best costume to compete and party!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise to get points.

Mouse Points
Dwarf 1
Frosty Snow 1
Gold 1
Abominable Snow 4
Diamond 4
Pirate 4
Pugilist 4
Cowardly 7
Field 7
Longtail 13
Spotted 13
Bionic 17
Lightning Rod 17
Cupid 19
Zombie 19
Dumpling Chef 20
Student of the Cheese Belt 20
Student of the Cheese Claw 20
Student of the Cheese Fang 20
Chipper 21
Polar Bear 21
Briegull 22
Gorgon 22
Pinchy 22
Sorcerer 22
Hot Head 23
Monarch 23
Saloon Gal 25
Shopkeeper 25
Swarm of Pygmy Mice 25
Totally Not Bitter 25
Calligraphy 30
Extreme Everysports 30
Hurdle 30
Lovely Sports 30
New Year's 30
Party Head 30
Present 30
Red Envelope 30
Trampoline 30
Winter Games 30
Forever Alone 32
Juliyes 32
Romeno 32
Romeo 32
Costumed Dragon 40
Costumed Rabbit 40
Costumed Tiger 40
Costumed Horse 45
Costumed Snake 45

Dance Floor Dance Off

Evacuate the dance floor, its time for a Dance Off! Catch the mice that dazzle the dance floor for the most points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Dance Hall to get points.

Mouse Points
Bionic 10
Black Widow 10
Diamond 10
Dumpling Chef 10
Dwarf 10
Fairy 10
Farmhand 10
Gold 10
Goldleaf 10
Granite 10
Harpy 10
Longtail 10
Mole 10
Nibbler 10
Party Head 10
Pugilist 10
Samurai 10
Scruffy 10
Silvertail 10
Speedy 10
Steel 10
White 10
Worker 10
Zombie 10
Buckethead 20
Birthday 30
Magic 30
Present 30
Sleepwalker 30
Terrible Twos 30
Dinosuit 35
Force Fighter Blue 40
Force Fighter Pink 40
Force Fighter Red 40
Force Fighter Yellow 40
Force Fighter Green 50
Pintail 50
Dance Party 90
Breakdancer 100
Para Para Dancer 100
Super FighterBot MegaSupreme 120
El Flamenco 150


Time for a Dance-A-Thon! Catch any of the mice at the Dance Hall to collect tournament points! Those hard to find wallflower mice are worth the most!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Dance Hall to get points.

Mouse Points
Farmhand 2
Nibbler 2
Dumpling Chef 5
Silvertail 5
Worker 5
Diamond 6
Gold 6
White 6
Bionic 7
Fairy 7
Goldleaf 7
Pugilist 7
Speedy 7
Dwarf 8
Granite 8
Scruffy 8
Steel 8
Breakdancer 10
Dance Party 10
Dinosuit 10
Magic 10
Para Para Dancer 10
Party Head 10
Sleepwalker 10
Terrible Twos 10
Force Fighter Blue 15
Force Fighter Yellow 15
Harpy 15
Samurai 15
Zombie 15
Birthday 20
Buckethead 20
Force Fighter Pink 20
Force Fighter Red 20
Present 20
Force Fighter Green 25
Pintail 30
Longtail 40
Mole 40
Super FighterBot MegaSupreme 40
El Flamenco 75
Black Widow 100

Dark Chocolate Spring Hunt Spectacular

Hunt down the spring mice in the Chocolate Factory using Dark Chocolate Charms to earn big points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Chocolate Factory to get points.

Mouse Points
Bat 2
Ghost 2
Giant Snail 2
Mummy 2
Ravenous Zombie 2
Zombie 2
Gargoyle 3
Skeleton 3
Vampire 3
Ooze 4
Scavenger 4
Spectre 4
Spider 4
Lycan 6
Monster 6
Chocolate Overload 10
Coco Commander 10
Eggsplosive Scientist 10
Hardboiled 10

Dragon Deception

Be sure to come prepared! You'll require valuable and volatile Dragon Breath Charms to take home the prize in this tournament!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Year of the Dragon Festival to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Diamond 1
Dumpling Chef 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Gold 1
Grey 1
Student of the Cheese Belt 1
Student of the Cheese Claw 1
Student of the Cheese Fang 1
White 1
New Year's 2
Party Head 2
Present 2
Red Envelope 2
Calligraphy 5
Costumed Tiger 5
Costumed Rabbit 10
Costumed Dragon 100

Elf Encounters

Elf Mice are some one of the most elusive festive breeds! Working as a team, hunt down these hard to find rodents to score tournament points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Snow Fort to get points.

Mouse Points
Gingerbread 1
Present 1
Candy Cane 3
Christmas Tree 3
Ribbon 3
Snowball Hoarder 3
Confused Courier 5
Nutcracker 5
Stocking 5
Toy Tinkerer 5
Mouse of Winter Future 7
Mouse of Winter Past 7
Mouse of Winter Present 7
Squeaker Claws 7
Ornament 9
Scrooge 9
Missile Toe 11
Triple Lutz 11
Wreath Thief 15
Snowblower 19
Snowglobe 19
Reinbo 20
S.N.O.W. Golem 20
Snow Boulder 20
Snow Sorceress 20
Snow Fort 22
Snow Scavenger 22
Abominable Snow 33
Greedy Al 33
Mad Elf 50
Snowflake 50
Elf 99

Elf Extravaganza

Elf Mice are some one of the most elusive festive breeds! Working as a team, hunt down these hard to find rodents to score tournament points!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Bear 1
Christmas Tree 1
Dwarf 1
Gladiator 1
Present 1
Toy 1
Candy Cane 2
Nutcracker 2
Stocking 2
Destructoy 10
Snowflake 10
Toy Tinkerer 10
Elf 100

Extra, Extra! Scare All About It!

Visit the Haunted Terrortories and catch costumed and spooky mice to get tournament points and win!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Haunted Terrortories to get points.

Mouse Points
Hollowed 7
Candy Cat 10
Hollowhead 10
Tricky Witch 10
Brawny 13
Greyrun 13
Pumpkin Hoarder 13
Riftweaver 13
Sugar Rush 13
Supernatural 13
Wild Chainsaw 13
Cobweb 15
Excitable Electric 15
Micro 15
Mutated Brown 15
Mutated Grey 15
Mutated White 15
Dream Drifter 20
Mighty Mole 20
Raw Diamond 20
Wealth 20
Zombie 20
Gourdborg 25
Spirit Light 25
Grey Recluse 30
Mousevina von Vermin 40
Swamp Thang 45
Titanic Brain-Taker 50
Zombot Unipire 50
Mousataur Priestess 60

Festive Dress-up

A few mice from across the Kingdom are dressed in custome this Great Winter Hunt. Can you spot which ones are playing dress up? Catch these festively dressed mice to score tournament points!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Bear 1
Dwarf 1
White 1
Gargoyle 2
Gladiator 2
Hydra 2
Stealth 3
Steel 3
Treant 3
Lambent Crystal 4
Vinetail 4
Zombie 4
Centaur 5
Diamond 5
Gold 5
Harpy 6
Monster 6
Troll 6
Abominable Snow 8
Worker 8

Festive Fiasco

The Mad Elf Mouse has sent his force of Festive Mice across the entire Kingdom! Track down these festive rodents and prove to the entire Kingdom that your team is the best!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 1
Missile Toe 1
Ornament 1
Present 1
Toy 1
Wreath Thief 1
Candy Cane 2
Mouse of Winter Future 2
Mouse of Winter Past 2
Mouse of Winter Present 2
Nutcracker 2
Stocking 2
Slay Ride 3
Snow Fort 3
Squeaker Claws 3
Destructoy 5
Snow Scavenger 5
Toy Tinkerer 5
Elf 10
Scrooge 10
Snowflake 10

Festive Fodder

These mice may be easy to catch, but they're worth big points in this tournament!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Snow Fort to get points.

Mouse Points
Ornament 2
Stocking 2
Mouse of Winter Future 3
Mouse of Winter Past 3
Mouse of Winter Present 3
Gingerbread 4
Mad Elf 5
Slay Ride 5
Toy Tinkerer 5
Nutcracker 6
Snowball Hoarder 7
Greedy Al 8
Elf 9
Scrooge 9
Squeaker Claws 9
Toy 10
Candy Cane 15
Present 23
Triple Lutz 25
Ribbon 33
Destructoy 40
Confused Courier 42
Ridiculous Sweater 45
Christmas Tree 50

Festive Lich Look Out

The Grumpy Lich Mice in Balack's Cove are so used to a dark and wet atmosphere that they never hesitate to dampen the holiday spirits around them. Can your team capture the bah-humbug Liches and come out on the top of this tournament's scoreboard?

See: Lich Look Out

Festive SUPER|hunt+

Compete in the massive tournament for a chance to win SUPER|brie+ and other festive prizes!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Snow Fort to get points.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 10
Missile Toe 10
Nutcracker 10
Wreath Thief 10
Candy Cane 12
Destructoy 12
Ribbon 12
Triple Lutz 12
Present 13
Snowblower 13
Snowglobe 13
Toy Tinkerer 13
Mouse of Winter Future 15
Mouse of Winter Past 15
Mouse of Winter Present 15
Scrooge 15
Squeaker Claws 16
Mad Elf 17
Ornament 17
Slay Ride 17
Toy 17
Snowball Hoarder 19
Worker 19
Confused Courier 21
Snow Fort 21
Snow Scavenger 21
Stocking 21
Greedy Al 23
Ridiculous Sweater 23
Abominable Snow 49
Elf 49

Fifth Birthday Bash

Hunt in Ronza's Traveling Shoppe for this special event tournament!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Ronza's Traveling Shoppe to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Dwarf 1
Grey 1
Magic 1
Present 1
White 1
Bear 2
Derpicorn 2
Swabbie 2
Worker 2
Birthday 5
Buckethead 5
Dinosuit 5
Pintail 5
Sleepwalker 5
Terrible Twos 5
Cook 10
Pie Thief 10
Rockstar 10
Super FighterBot MegaSupreme 20

Fixin' the Glitchpaw

Glitchpaws love to wreck havoc on hunter's traps. Have your team exact revenge by hunting them into oblivion!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Cowardly 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Lightning Rod 1
Scruffy 1
Spotted 1
Bionic 3
Granite 3
Steel 3
Flying 5
Frozen 5
Magic 5
Crown Collector 10
Nibbler 10
Pirate 10
Black Widow 25
Mole 25
Monster 25
Glitchpaw 75

Halloween 2017 Low Level Haunting

Hunt halloween event mice to get tournament points and win!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Town of Gnawnia, Mountain, Dojo or Slushy Shoreline to get points.

Mouse Points
Dire Lycan 3
Hollowhead 3
Maize Harvester 3
Pumpkin Hoarder 3
Spectral Butler 3
Spirit Light 3
Teenage Vampire 3
Zombot Unipire 3
Candy Goblin 5
Cobweb 5
Shortcut 5
Sugar Rush 5
Hollowed 6
Hollowed Minion 6
Gourd Ghoul 7
Grey Recluse 7
Wild Chainsaw 7
Candy Cat 10
Treat 10
Trick 10
Tricky Witch 10
Scorned Pirate 12
Spectral Swashbuckler 12
Gourdborg 15
Mousevina von Vermin 15
Swamp Thang 20
Titanic Brain-Taker 20
Bonbon Gummy Globlin 25
Grave Robber 30
Captain Cannonball 50

Halloween 2017 High Level Haunting

Hunt Halloween event mice to get tournament points and win!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Fiery Warpath, Muridae Market, Sunken City, Fungal Cavern, Moussu Picchu or Gnawnia Rift to get points.

Mouse Points
Cobweb 1
Dire Lycan 3
Hollowhead 3
Maize Harvester 3
Pumpkin Hoarder 3
Spectral Butler 3
Spirit Light 3
Teenage Vampire 3
Zombot Unipire 3
Candy Goblin 5
Shortcut 5
Sugar Rush 5
Hollowed 6
Hollowed Minion 6
Gourd Ghoul 7
Grey Recluse 7
Wild Chainsaw 7
Candy Cat 10
Treat 10
Trick 10
Tricky Witch 10
Scorned Pirate 12
Spectral Swashbuckler 12
Ghost Pirate Queen 12
Gourdborg 15
Mousevina von Vermin 15
Swamp Thang 20
Titanic Brain-Taker 20
Bonbon Gummy Globlin 25
Sandmouse 25
Grave Robber 30
Tomb Exhumer 30
Captain Cannonball 50

Halloween Haunting

Visit the Haunted Terrortories and catch costumed and spooky mice to get tournament points and win!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Haunted Terrortories to get points.

Mouse Points
Zombie 1
Bat 2
Pumpkin Hoarder 5
Spirit Light 5
Wild Chainsaw 5
Bionic 10
Brown 10
Burglar 10
Giant Snail 10
Grey 10
Hollowhead 10
Lightning Rod 10
Mutated Grey 10
Mutated White 10
White 10
Cobweb 15
Golem 15
Granite 15
Grave Robber 15
Lycan 15
Mummy 15
Ooze 15
Ravenous Zombie 15
Scavenger 15
Skeleton 15
Spectre 15
Spider 15
Steel 15
Terror Knight 15
Treat 15
Trick 15
Zombot Unipire 15
Gargoyle 20
Ghost 20
Gorgon 20
Monster 20
Vampire 20
Reaper 25
Gourdborg 35
Mousevina von Vermin 35
Swamp Thang 50

Happy New Year Tournament

What better way to celebrate the new year than with a hunting competition! Gather your team and sound your Tourney Horn and party while you hunt down New Year's Mice!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Snow Fort to get points.

Mouse Points
Christmas Tree 1
Triple Lutz 1
Ridiculous Sweater 2
Toy 2
Candy Cane 3
Nutcracker 3
Present 3
Ribbon 3
Destructoy 4
Greedy Al 5
Snowball Hoarder 5
Confused Courier 8
Toy Tinkerer 8
Gingerbread 12
Ornament 12
Stocking 12
Mouse of Winter Future 15
Mouse of Winter Past 15
Mouse of Winter Present 15
Mad Elf 18
Scrooge 18
Slay Ride 18
Squeaker Claws 18
Elf 20
Snowblower 30
Snowglobe 32
Missile Toe 33
Wreath Thief 35
Snow Scavenger 37
Snow Fort 38
Reinbo 39
S.N.O.W. Golem 39
Snow Boulder 39
Snow Sorceress 39
Abominable Snow 40
Snowflake 40
Party Head 99
New Year's 114

High Stakes Hunting

The Haunted Terrortories have become a breeding ground for vampires! One too many a mouse is falling for their charms and being turned at an alarming rate! Vampire mice are the most valuable catches in this tournament.
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Haunted Terrortories to get points.

Mouse Points
Bat 1
Pumpkin Hoarder 1
Spirit Light 1
Wild Chainsaw 1
Zombie 1
Bionic 2
Brown 2
Burglar 2
Giant Snail 2
Grey 2
Hollowhead 2
Lightning Rod 2
Mutated Grey 2
Mutated White 2
White 2
Cobweb 4
Granite 4
Grave Robber 4
Ravenous Zombie 4
Skeleton 4
Spider 4
Steel 4
Treat 4
Trick 4
Golem 6
Lycan 6
Mummy 6
Ooze 6
Scavenger 6
Spectre 6
Terror Knight 6
Gargoyle 8
Ghost 8
Gorgon 8
Reaper 8
Gourdborg 10
Monster 10
Swamp Thang 10
Zombot Unipire 10
Vampire 20
Mousevina von Vermin 30

Love is in the Air!

Ahhhh! It's that time of year again. The hustle and bustle of those newly in love! Most likely due to the work of the Cupid Mouse. That love meddling mouse might be getting a little too out of hand. Catch Cupid mice for the most points in this tournament!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Forever Alone 5
Romeno 5
Totally Not Bitter 5
Lovely Sports 10
Gentleman Caller 14
Juliyes 20
Romeo 20
Cupid 40

MegaBuy Mart Mega-Tournament

The MegaBuy Mart is sponsoring this series of Mega-Tournaments in hopes of attracting hunters to its store this season. Come for the tournament, stay for the outrageous purchases!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Candy Cane 1
Destructoy 1
Missile Toe 1
Nutcracker 1
Ornament 1
Slay Ride 1
Snow Fort 1
Snow Scavenger 1
Stocking 1
Toy 1
Toy Tinkerer 1
Wreath Thief 1
Christmas Tree 5
Elf 5
Present 5
Snowflake 10
Confused Courier 15
Gingerbread 15
Ribbon 15
Ridiculous Sweater 15
Snowblower 15
Snowglobe 15
Triple Lutz 15
Mad Elf 25
Mouse of Winter Future 25
Mouse of Winter Past 25
Mouse of Winter Present 25
New Year's 25
Scrooge 25
Squeaker Claws 25
Greedy Al 50

Mousey Marathon

This is no quick dash. Sign up for the long haul and catch GGG mice for big points and prizes!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Great Gnawnian Games to get points.

Mouse Points
Bat 1
Centaur 1
Cyclops 1
Diamond 1
Granite 1
Kung Fu 1
Longtail 1
Monster 1
Salt Water Snapper 1
Water Nymph 1
Archer 6
Fencer 6
Speedy 6
Gold 8
Lightning Rod 8
Pugilist 8
Extreme Everysports 10
Trampoline 10
Hurdle 15

New Ghouls on the Block

Visit the Haunted Terrortories and catch the newest, most recent haunting residences
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Haunted Terrortories to get points.

Mouse Points
Dire Lycan 15
Teenage Vampire 15
Gourd Ghoul 25
Maize Harvester 25
Spectral Butler 25
Hollowed Minion 40
Bonbon Gummy Globlin 50

Red Envelope Roundup

Red Envelopes contain lucky amounts of gold, and Red Envelope Mice are worth a lucky number of points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Year of the Dragon Festival to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Diamond 1
Dumpling Chef 1
Dwarf 1
Field 1
Gold 1
Grey 1
Student of the Cheese Belt 1
Student of the Cheese Claw 1
Student of the Cheese Fang 1
White 1
Calligraphy 10
Costumed Dragon 10
Costumed Rabbit 10
Costumed Tiger 10
New Year's 10
Party Head 10
Present 10
Red Envelope 22

Scary Shortcuts Tournament

Visit the Haunted Terrortories and catch costumed and spooky mice to get tournament points and win!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Haunted Terrortories to get points.

Mouse Points
Grey Recluse -100
Candy Cat 35
Tricky Witch 35
Candy Goblin 50
Shortcut 75
Mousataur Priestess 100

Snakey Struggle

Love is in the air and snakes are in the water! Hop aboard Calamity Carl's cruise ship and catch mice to earn points and prizes!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise to get points.

Mouse Points
Brown 1
Cowardly 1
Field 1
Grey 1
Lightning Rod 1
White 1
Diamond 2
Dwarf 2
Frosty Snow 2
Gold 2
Granite 2
Steel 2
Abominable Snow 5
Cupid 5
Forever Alone 5
Juliyes 5
New Year's 5
Party Head 5
Present 5
Red Envelope 5
Romeno 5
Romeo 5
Student of the Cheese Belt 5
Student of the Cheese Claw 5
Student of the Cheese Fang 5
Bionic 10
Briegull 10
Calligraphy 10
Chipper 10
Costumed Rabbit 10
Costumed Tiger 10
Dumpling Chef 10
Gorgon 10
Hot Head 10
Longtail 10
Monarch 10
Pinchy 10
Pirate 10
Polar Bear 10
Pugilist 10
Sorcerer 10
Spotted 10
Swarm of Pygmy Mice 10
Totally Not Bitter 10
Zombie 10
Costumed Dragon 20
Costumed Snake 35

Snow Fortress Showdown

Only the bravest and most capable of Toy Makers dare to enter the Snow Fortress of the Mad Elf Mouse! Prove your team is the most courageous by hunting mice within the fortress to score tournament points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Snow Fortress to get points.

Mouse Points
Dwarf 1
White 1
Hydra 2
Troll 2
Candy Cane 3
Christmas Tree 3
Present 3
Missile Toe 5
Ornament 5
Slay Ride 5
Snow Fort 5
Toy 5
Wreath Thief 5
Nutcracker 6
Stocking 6
Mouse of Winter Future 8
Mouse of Winter Past 8
Mouse of Winter Present 8
Destructoy 10
Elf 10
Scrooge 10
Snow Scavenger 10
Snowflake 10
Toy Tinkerer 10
Mad Elf 12

Snow Golem Builders Tournament 2017

Visit the Festive Comet and send out some golems!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Comet to get points.

Mouse Points
Hoarder 5
Snowball Hoarder 5
Snow Scavenger 5
Triple Lutz 6
Ribbon 7
Toy Tinkerer 7
Destructoy 7
Missile Toe 8
Wreath Thief 8
Joy 8
Nutcracker 10
Stocking 10
Toboggan Technician 10
Builder 13
Snow Fort 13
Snowblower 13
Snowglobe 13
Present 15
Candy Cane 17
Christmas Tree 17
Gingerbread 17
Snow Boulder 17
Toy 17
Reinbo 17
Elf 20
Stuck Snowball 20
Young Prodigy Racer 25
Ridiculous Sweater 25
Sporty Ski Instructor 25
Confused Courier 25
Black Diamond Racer 25
Double Black Diamond Racer 25
Nitro Racer 25
Snow Golem Jockey 25
Nice Knitting 25
Slay Ride 25
S.N.O.W. Golem 33
Great Winter Hunt Impostor 33
Mouse of Winter Future 38
Mouse of Winter Past 38
Mouse of Winter Present 38
Miser 50
Snow Sorceress 50
Tundra Huntress 50
Greedy Al 75
Mad Elf 75
Ornament 75
Scrooge 75
Squeaker Claws 75
Rainbow Racer 75
Snowflake 80
Snow Golem Architect 82
Free Skiing 100
Frigid Foreman 100
Glacia Ice Fist 100
Borean Commander 100
Naughty Nougat 150

Snow Golem Celebration Tournament 2019

'Visit the Festive Comet and send out golems for these amazing prizes!
Tournament Locations:' You must catch these mice in Festive Comet to get points.

Mouse Points
Ridiculous Sweater 10
Naughty Nougat 10
Snowblower 10
Borean Commander 10
Snow Scavenger 10
Glacia Ice Fist 10
Builder 10
Snow Golem Jockey 10
Great Winter Hunt Impostor 10
Frigid Foreman 10
Nice Knitting 10
Iceberg Sculptor 10
Christmas Tree 25
Stocking 25
Candy Cane 25
Ornament 25
Missile Toe 25
Wreath Thief 25
Ribbon 25
Snowglobe 25
Nutcracker 25
Toy 25
Slay Ride 25
Squeaker Claws 25
Destructoy 25
Toy Tinkerer 25
Mad Elf 25
Elf 25
Sporty Ski Instructor 25
Young Prodigy Racer 25
Toboggan Technician 25
Free Skiing 25
Nitro Racer 25
Rainbow Racer 25
Double Black Diamond Racer 25
Black Diamond Racer 25
Snow Fort 25
Snowball Hoarder 25
S.N.O.W. Golem 25
Snow Sorceress 25
Reinbo 25
Tundra Huntress 25
Stuck Snowball 25
Snow Boulder 25
Snow Golem Architect 50
Glazy 60
Joy 60
Snowflake 80
Shorts-All-Year 150

Snow Golem Celebration Tournament 2020

'Visit the Festive Comet and send out golems for these amazing prizes!
Tournament Locations:' You must catch these mice in Festive Comet to get points.

Mouse Points
Ridiculous Sweater 1
Frigid Foreman 1
Snow Scavenger 2
Glacia Ice Fist 2
Builder 3
Snow Golem Jockey 3
Stuck Snowball 4
Nice Knitting 4
Borean Commander 5
Great Winter Hunt Impostor 5
Naughty Nougat 6
Iceberg Sculptor 6
Shorts-All-Year 8
Christmas Tree 15
Stocking 15
Nutcracker 15
Toy 15
Sporty Ski Instructor 15
Young Prodigy Racer 15
Snow Fort 15
Snowball Hoarder 15
Party Head
Available from 29 December
Candy Cane 17
Ornament 17
Slay Ride 17
Squeaker Claws 17
Toboggan Technician 17
Free Skiing 17
S.N.O.W. Golem 17
Snow Sorceress 17
Missile Toe 20
Wreath Thief 20
Destructoy 20
Toy Tinkerer 20
Nitro Racer 20
Rainbow Racer 20
Reinbo 20
Tundra Huntress 20
Frightened Flying Fireworks
Available from 29 December
Ribbon 22
Mad Elf 22
Double Black Diamond Racer 22
Snowblower 22
Snowglobe 25
Elf 25
Black Diamond Racer 25
Snow Boulder 25
New Year's
Available from 29 December
Snow Golem Architect 30
Glazy 35
Joy 35
Snowflake 50
Great Giftnapper 100

Snowflake Flurries

Winter Charms attract the rare and beautiful Snowflake Mouse. Although no two snowflakes are the same, each capture of one has something in common: lots of tournament points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Snow Fort to get points.

Mouse Points
Destructoy 1
Triple Lutz 1
Ridiculous Sweater 2
Greedy Al 3
Toy 3
Candy Cane 4
Present 4
Christmas Tree 5
Nutcracker 5
Ribbon 5
Confused Courier 6
Squeaker Claws 6
Toy Tinkerer 6
Wreath Thief 6
Gingerbread 7
Ornament 7
Scrooge 8
Slay Ride 8
Stocking 8
Mad Elf 9
Missile Toe 9
Mouse of Winter Future 20
Mouse of Winter Past 20
Mouse of Winter Present 20
Snowball Hoarder 21
Snowblower 32
Snowglobe 33
Snow Scavenger 37
Snow Fort 39
Elf 50
Snowflake 99

Snowflight Stockpiling

Hunt down mice that drop Snowball Bocconcini to ready yourself for the S.N.O.W. Golem Mouse while also competing against fellow MouseHunters! How much Snowball Bocconcini will you collect?
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Festive Snow Fort to get points.

Mouse Points
Candy Cane 1
Nutcracker 1
Present 3
Gingerbread 5
Christmas Tree 5
Ribbon 12
Toy Tinkerer 12
Stocking 14
Confused Courier 14
Slay Ride 17
Mad Elf 17
Snowflake 20
Toy 25
Ornament 25
Elf 30
Snowball Hoarder 30
Mouse of Winter Past 42
Mouse of Winter Present 42
Mouse of Winter Future 42
Squeaker Claws 43
Scrooge 49
Abominable Snow 200

Spring Hunt Spectacular 2012

Hunt down the spring mice in the Chocolate Factory to earn big points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Chocolate Factory to get points.

Mouse Points
Bionic 1
Diamond 1
Gold 1
Granite 1
Pirate 1
Zombie 1
Bat 2
Ghost 2
Giant Snail 2
Mummy 2
Ravenous Zombie 2
Coco Commander 10
Egg Painter 10
Eggsplosive Scientist 10
Sinister Egg Painter 10
Eggscavator 25
Hare Razer 25

Spring Hunt Spectacular 2015

Hunt down the spring mice in the Spring Egg Hunt Event Location to earn big points!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Chocolate Factory to get points.

Mouse Points
Burglar 2
Diamond 2
Eagle Owl 2
Foxy 2
Gold 2
Pirate 2
Speedy 2
Bat 5
Ghost 5
Gluttonous Zombie 5
Keeper's Assistant 5
Ooze 5
Scavenger 5
Terror Knight 5
Carefree Cook 6
Chocolate Overload 6
Coco Commander 6
Egg Scrambler 6
Eggsplosive Scientist 6
Hardboiled 6
Onion Chopper 6
Davy Jones 7
Lich 7
Cavalier 10
Derr Lich 10
Egg Painter 10
Elub Lich 10
Flying 10
Lockpick 10
Nerg Lich 10
Sinister Egg Painter 10
Eggscavator 15
Hare Razer 15
Pan Slammer 20
Chocolate Gold Foil 30

Spring Hunt: All Rifts Riftwalk

Walking the Rift can be difficult no matter your setup. With lots of winning options, how will you approach this hunting competition? Special Spring Hunt Edition with Spring Hunt Prizes!
Tournament Locations: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Amplified Brown 10
Amplified Grey 10
Amplified White 10
Brawny 10
Clump 10
Count Vampire 10
Cranky Caterpillar 10
Cyborg 10
Greyrun 10
Karmachameleon 10
Mecha Tail 10
Phase Zombie 10
Pneumatic Dirt Displacement 10
Rancid Bog Beast 10
Rift Guardian 10
Riftweaver 10
Shard Centurion 10
Water Sprite 10
Portable Generator 15
Big Bad Behemoth Burroughs 20
Dream Drifter 20
Goliath Field 20
Medicine 20
Micro 20
Monstrous Abomination 20
Nomadic Warrior 20
Spirit Fox 20
Menace of the Rift 25
Centaur Ranger 50
Cyclops Barbarian 50
Tri-dra 50
Monstrous Black Widow 200

SUPER|brie+ Factory Fix Up

Track down those troublesome mice that have been tearing apart and tormenting the SUPER|brie+ Factory!
Tournament Locations:: You must catch these mice in SUPER|brie+ Factory to get points.

Mouse Points
Sleepwalker 5
Present 5
Terrible Twos 5
Dinosuit 5
Force Fighter Yellow 5
Force Fighter Green 5
Breakdancer 5
Cupcake Cutie 5
Cupcake Camo 5
Time Punk 5
Time Thief 5
Birthday 6
Buckethead 6
Force Fighter Blue 6
Dance Party 6
Cupcake Runner 6
Force Fighter Red 8
Force Fighter Pink 8
Fete Fromager 8
Para Para Dancer 8
Cupcake Candle Thief 8
Reality Restitch 8
Super FighterBot MegaSupreme 15
El Flamenco 15
Sprinkly Sweet Cupcake Cook 15
Time Tailor 15
Cheesy Party 15
Factory Technician 20

Toboggan Novice Tournament

Get your feet wet with this introductory novice tournament. Contains mice from the early courses with those just lounging around on the courses.
Tournament Locations:: You must catch these mice in Extreme Toboggan Challenge to get points.

Mouse Points
Toy 1
Candy Cane 1
Ribbon 1
Toy Tinkerer 1
Triple Lutz 1
Destructoy 2
Ridiculous Sweater 2
Nutcracker 2
Snowball Hoarder 2
Snowblower 2
Snow Scavenger 2
Missile Toe 3
Wreath Thief 3
Stocking 3
Snow Fort 5
Christmas Tree 5
Snowglobe 6
Frigid Foreman 6
Builder 7
Hoarder 8
Snowflake 10
Glacia Ice Fist 10
Tundra Huntress 10
Elf 20

Toboggan Intermediate Tournament

Got your toboggan shined up? Then head out head first into this tougher tournament for toboggan veterans!
Tournament Locations:: You must catch these mice in Extreme Toboggan Challenge to get points.

Mouse Points
Toy 1
Candy Cane 1
Ribbon 1
Toy Tinkerer 1
Triple Lutz 1
Destructoy 2
Ridiculous Sweater 2
Nutcracker 2
Snowball Hoarder 2
Snowblower 2
Snow Scavenger 2
Missile Toe 3
Wreath Thief 3
Stocking 3
Snow Fort 5
Christmas Tree 5
Snowglobe 6
Frigid Foreman 6
Builder 7
Hoarder 8
Snowflake 10
Glacia Ice Fist 10
Tundra Huntress 10
Elf 20
Gingerbread 20
Confused Courier 20
Greedy Al 20
S.N.O.W. Golem 25

Toboggan Expert Tournament

Got your toboggan shined up? Then head out head first into this tougher tournament for toboggan veterans!
Tournament Locations:: You must catch these mice in Extreme Toboggan Challenge to get points.

Mouse Points
Nutcracker 1
Snowball Hoarder 3
Missile Toe 4
Snowblower 5
Christmas Tree 5
Snowglobe 5
Frigid Foreman 5
Builder 8
Hoarder 8
Glacia Ice Fist 10
Tundra Huntress 10
Snowflake 10
Elf 20
Snow Boulder 25
Snow Scavenger 25
Wreath Thief 25
Stocking 25
Snow Fort 25
Reinbo 25
Snow Sorceress 25
Mouse of Winter Future 25
Mouse of Winter Past 25
Mouse of Winter Present 25
Slay Ride 25
Miser 30
Ornament 30
Borean Commander 35
Scrooge 50
Mad Elf 50
Squeaker Claws 75

Valentine's Couples

Two hearts beat as one. Two teammates, working together. Two mice, worth more than any others combined!
Tournament Locations: 2013: You must catch these mice in Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise to get points.
2012: You must catch these mice in Town of Gnawnia, Laboratory, Calm Clearing, S.S. Huntington IV or Muridae Market to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupid 5
Forever Alone 5
Romeno 5
Totally Not Bitter 5
Juliyes 25
Romeo 25

Two hearts beat as one. Two teammates, working together. Two mice, worth more than any others combined!
Tournament Locations: 2020: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Cupid 5
Romeno 5
Forever Alone 5
Totally Not Bitter 5
Lovely Sports 10
Gentleman Caller 10
Romeo 25
Juliyes 25

Valentine's Solo

Sometimes you just want to be alone. So be alone together in this tournament and catch the Forever Alone Mouse for big points! There will be 5 of the same tournaments running simultaneously, so you do not have to leave your current team, just join one that your other team mates are not in!
Tournament Locations: 2013: You must catch these mice in Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise to get points.
2012: You must catch these mice in Town of Gnawnia, Laboratory, Calm Clearing, S.S. Huntington IV or Muridae Market to get points.

Mouse Points
Cupid 10
Juliyes 10
Romeno 10
Romeo 10
Totally Not Bitter 20
Forever Alone 50

Sometimes you just want to be alone. So be alone together in this tournament and catch the Forever Alone Mouse for big points!
Tournament Locations: 2020: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Cupid 10
Romeno 10
Juliyes 10
Gentleman Caller 10
Lovely Sports 13
Totally Not Bitter 20
Romeo 25
Forever Alone 50

Valentine's Third Wheel

Sure, Romeo and Juliyes are a happy couple. But imagine how much fun would they have with Romeno tagging along! Grab Romeno as many times as you can!
Tournament Locations: 2013: You must catch these mice in Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise to get points.
2012: You must catch these mice in Town of Gnawnia, Laboratory, Calm Clearing, S.S. Huntington IV or Muridae Market to get points.

Mouse Points
Juliyes 5
Romeo 5
Cupid 10
Forever Alone 10
Totally Not Bitter 20
Romeno 30

Sure, Romeo and Juliyes are a happy couple. But imagine how much fun would they have with Romeno tagging along! Grab , and his wingman the Totally Not Bitter Mouse, as many times as you can!
Tournament Locations: 2020: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Romeo 5
Juliyes 5
Cupid 10
Forever Alone 10
Lovely Sports 13
Gentleman Caller 15
Totally Not Bitter 20
Romeno 30

Valentines: Love is in the Air!

Ahhhh! It\'s that time of year again. The hustle and bustle of those newly in love! Most likely due to the work of the Cupid Mouse. That love meddling mouse might be getting a little too out of hand. Catch Cupid mice for the most points in this tournament!
Tournament Locations: 2020: You can catch these mice in any location.

Mouse Points
Romeno 5
Forever Alone 5
Totally Not Bitter 5
Lovely Sports 10
Gentleman Caller 14
Romeo 20
Juliyes 20
Cupid 40

Year of the Monkey Tournament

What better way to celebrate the Lunar New Year than with a hunting competition? Gather your team and sound your Tourney Horn during the Year of the Monkey Festival!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise (2016) to get points..

Mouse Points
Romeno 0
Field 1
Dwarf 1
Diamond 1
Gold 1
Cupid 2
Juliyes 2
Romeo 2
Spotted 3
Frosty Snow 3
Abominable Snow 3
Present 3
Forever Alone 5
Totally Not Bitter 5
Polar Bear 5
Gorgon 5
Pinchy 5
Monarch 5
Gentleman Caller 6
Lovely Sports 6
Cowardly 7
Bionic 7
Briegull 7
Sorcerer 7
Chipper 7
Longtail 7
Pugilist 7
Lightning Rod 8
Zombie 8
Swarm of Pygmy Mice 8
Hot Head 10
City Noble 10
Lost 10
Lost Legionnaire 10
Costumed Horse 11
Costumed Snake 11
Costumed Tiger 11
Costumed Dragon 11
Costumed Rabbit 11
Costumed Sheep 11
Shopkeeper 12
Saloon Gal 12
Pirate 12
Calligraphy 12
Costumed Monkey 13

Zombie SUPER|hunt+

Zombies are one of the greatest threats to the Kingdom! Prove your courage and skill for a special reward from the King!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Haunted Terrortories to get points.

Mouse Points
Bat 1
Pumpkin Hoarder 1
Sugar Rush 1
Treat 1
Trick 1
Wild Chainsaw 1
Mutated Brown 2
Mutated Grey 2
Mutated White 2
Bionic 3
Granite 3
Steel 3
Skeleton 5
Spirit Light 5
Vampire 5
Gargoyle 7
Giant Snail 7
Hollowhead 7
Scavenger 7
Spider 7
Swamp Thang 7
Ooze 8
Terror Knight 8
Ghost 9
Golem 9
Mummy 9
Gorgon 10
Reaper 10
Spectre 10
Gourdborg 12
Monster 12
Mousevina von Vermin 12
Grave Robber 13
Cobweb 15
Titanic Brain-Taker 30
Gluttonous Zombie 70
Zombot Unipire 75
Zombie 80
Ravenous Zombie 100

Zombies, Zombies, Zombies!

Brain.... Brain.... Brain charms! These mice just can't get enough! Arm yourself with Brain Charms to give yourself the edge in this tournament!
Tournament Locations: You must catch these mice in Haunted Terrortories to get points.

Mouse Points
Bat 1
Pumpkin Hoarder 1
Spirit Light 1
Wild Chainsaw 1
Bionic 2
Brown 2
Burglar 2
Giant Snail 2
Grey 2
Hollowhead 2
Lightning Rod 2
Mutated Grey 2
Mutated White 2
White 2
Cobweb 4
Granite 4
Grave Robber 4
Mutated Brown 4
Skeleton 4
Spider 4
Steel 4
Treat 4
Trick 4
Vampire 4
Golem 6
Lycan 6
Mummy 6
Ooze 6
Scavenger 6
Spectre 6
Sugar Rush 6
Terror Knight 6
Gargoyle 8
Ghost 8
Gorgon 8
Reaper 8
Gourdborg 10
Monster 10
Mousevina von Vermin 10
Swamp Thang 10
Zombot Unipire 10
Zombie 15
Gluttonous Zombie 20
Titanic Brain-Taker 30
Ravenous Zombie 50